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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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i am with the researchers, there are the needs of omid jolodarians of sed and sima news agency. in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful , you will accompany us to the news section at 17:00. 76 palestinians were martyred and 12 people were injured in shaban yesterday in gaza, most of them women and children. in total, the number of martyrs of the aggression of the zionist regime and the gaza strip has increased to 32,490. the ministry of war of the zionist regime has announced that at least 600 soldiers of this regime have been killed and 600 other soldiers
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have been injured since the beginning of the gaza war. on the sidelines of the government board meeting, the government spokesperson announced the update of traffic offenses according to the inflation rate. to suggest the police force, the commander of the police force, and let me tell you that some of the related agencies that had previously submitted a proposal for updating the offenses of the driver's manual were discussed in detail in the legal and judicial commission of the government, considering that we are also in the days of travel. it would have been a lot of follow-up from the activists in the field of travel for a more effective monitoring of compliance with the rules and regulations of the driving manual. in order to protect the lives
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and health of the dear passengers who had nowruz, the issue was placed in an order from the ministers, the regulation of these crimes is proportional to the inflation rate, as the law states. he had done his homework and it was updated, and god willing , this will be announced soon. the oil minister said that gasoline is currently being sold at 4,400 fuel supply stations in the country. mr. oji asked the citizens to help manage fuel consumption according to optimal consumption strategies. one day before the end of the year, we saw a record consumption of gasoline, nearly 152 million liters, and these days , almost 119 million liters are consumed , because most of the days are holidays, and our dear compatriots who are on nowruz trips, well, thank god, nothing. the problem is in fact.
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referring to the beginning of the second round of nowruz trips, he said this year, nowruz trips in the first round were 3-5% more than last year. it is the beginning of the new year and the nowruz travel market. we are coming from tehran . we are coming from abash . we are coming from west azarbaijan. public road transport fleet is one of the most used ways of travel for nowruz travelers these days. now, in the middle of the holidays , we visited one of the passenger terminals to inquire about the quality of services provided to passengers. did you take it online or in person? we got it online, did you get it easily? yes, did you take it online or in person? we came in person. one of
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the most important complaints of the passengers was the delay in the departure of the buses. it was broken . it was scheduled for two and a half. remember, four and a half buses broke down. yes, we had a ticket at 1:30 p.m. now, what time is it at 14:12 ? if you don't answer well, you will die. although this complaint was dealt with on a case-by-case basis, sometimes it happens because now the road has to be cut because of a technical defect, but definitely now the company manager says to express your presence and apologize for your delay , but the deputy minister of roads also asked the passengers to report if they see this such cases are definitely violations they should report that a bar code has actually been placed on the ticket itself, so that if a passenger
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has a complaint , he can raise an objection with his phone. in fact , he can actually scan the code now. from the condition of the driver, from the condition of his driving along the route , the police also have their own controls, from the same system, 110, 120, in the first round of nowruz trips in 1403, 6,500,000 passengers were transferred by the public fleet across the country, reza shafiei, sada and sima news agency, selling tickets. passenger trains for 18 to 30 april 1st in all routes from thursday morning. on the 9th of farvardin, according to the announcement of the railway , online ticket sales will start at 9:00 a.m. on thursday through the authorized online ticket sales platforms and face-to-face ticket sales
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will be done from 1:00 p.m. on thursday at the authorized centers and according to the remaining tickets. akhtar chah to the display of old carriages and carriages in the museum of historical cars of iran. the carriage porch was opened in this museum on the occasion of nowruz. chariot wheel in the museum of ancient iran, related to 5 thousand years ago. the wheel is one of the most important human lottery. voting that route it has paved the way for progress and other human creations. the wheel, as one of the most important choices of mankind , was an option that led mankind to actually produce different vehicles. chariots, carts, carts, carriages, and helpers, the first cars and motorcycles appeared in this way in the museum of historical vehicles, a gallery was dedicated to this topic, named after ivan kaleske, in the period when the museum of historical vehicles of iran was launched
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at the same time as restoration. some of the cars in this collection of garages that you are looking at and in the shops next to this garage. our front they have been placed, well, as a rule, all of them have been restored so that we can show the durability and consistency of the display of these works to those who are interested. 3 carriages and two ceremonial carriages are displayed in the carriage porch. the carriages are qajar and the carriages belong to the qajar and pahlavi period. one of them is the carriage of naseruddin shah qajara, which is the story of the assassination of naseruddin shah. it is used in the second pahlavi period. the important thing about the ceremonial pahlavi carriage is that with the huge cost of this carriage, only once
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they used this carriage in their ceremonies . also, in parts of the carriage porches, with the help of historical photos, information about the first carriage and carriage houses. it is presented as old public vehicles and also in a section of artwork related to carriages and carts . the museum of historical places of iran consists of different sections in the 11th kilometer of the karaj special road . elham goran of sed and sima news agency. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day , god.
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i would like to say hello again to you, my dear compatriots, then i would like to tell you that i am currently witnessing barshah we are parts of mazandan and golestan provinces . we expect to see rain tonight in the northwestern parts of our country, in the provinces of west azarbaijan, east azarbaijan, ordville province , as well as the southern parts of the caspian sea , gilan provinces, mazandaran, golestan, in the northeastern part of the country in khorasan province. north of the alborz highlands and in the western parts of kurdistan province and zanjan province. the rains are in the form of rain in the high altitude areas and these rains are expected to be in the form of snow on thursday. the rains are expected to continue in the sectors
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the west of the central coast of the caspian sea should continue. these rains reach the northeastern and eastern parts of the country. on this day, there are still heavy rains in the highlands and areas. it will be in the form of snow, and during friday, these rains will end in the eastern parts of our country, for the provinces of khorasan, razavi, south khorasan, and also in the central areas of the province . we will see rainfall in parts of the northwest of our country as well as in fars province on sunday due to waves passing through the region. in the northwest of the western areas of the central slopes of the zagros, we are again witnessing rains in this area , but another phenomenon that is visible until saturday is bata sports. it is severe that in the north -eastern and eastern parts of the country , it will increase in the form of wind in some hours, the strong winds in
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the restive areas will cause a decrease in air quality and visibility until tomorrow due to the wind in parts of the southwest. our country and the southern slopes of alborz are witnessing strong winds in some hours , our dear compatriots, in addition, during today, the wind from the persian gulf is gusty, and during thursdays and also. on friday , i would like to say thanks to the persian gulf winds and the rough sea of ​​oman.
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the existence of housing is considered one of the most important indicators of society's well-being, and the lack of housing is one of the biggest problems that the government and we can even say that different countries are dealing with. in the second four years of the twelfth government, housing prices rose dramatically
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and buying a house became a dream for many people. the absence or lack of monitoring the price and amount of housing construction to meet the needs of the iranian society is considered a double problem for the housing issue, and another newer problem that existed was that with rising housing prices, bank facilities. either it didn't go up as it should have, or many people couldn't afford to repay this facility, and in one word, i must say that chaos had reigned in the country's housing market. after the 13th government came to power , the national housing fund was set up in order to first consider the cost of housing construction in the country , and the financial support of the national housing fund was also done in this way. on the other hand, the high housing council
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was formed and this council seriously entered the housing debate. the chairman of the council is appointed by the president and the vice chairman of the council is appointed by the first vice president and on the other hand, by using the financial leverage of the banks , the facilities related to the purchase of housing were updated so that the answer is the aid for the purchase of a residential unit and does not simply have the name of the housing purchase facility. the investment of the 13th government on the issue of housing has encouraged the production in various active sectors and the people to participate more in this issue in order to achieve a big leap in production with people's participation. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello , you are very welcome to this episode. land and houses have become so expensive that i don't think it will be in the next 10-20 years
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to be able to buy a house, even if the house rent has gone up so much, to buy a house and to be able to pay the rent without worry, we should thank god . these dialogues are usually between people who want to start their life together or in doro, it may be these conversations that sir , it is very difficult to get a house. for years , we have to struggle to be able to have a high roof over our heads. now, if we say that we saw an abandonment in the housing sector , we are not talking nonsense. the former was proud of the neglect of housing construction and this abandonment while according to article 31 of the constitution , it is the right of every iranian individual and family to have housing according to their needs, but unfortunately, economic officials and officials who worked in the field of housing in the previous government said that we
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do not intend to interfere in the housing market. unfortunately, the construction of housing in the previous government was average. this reduced 300,000 residential units per year, and while the 11th government itself approved a plan called the housing community plan in the first two years, what did it say? according to the marriage statistics in the country , about one million residential units to be built now, let's go to a rural city and renovate the dilapidated structure , which unfortunately this plan was not implemented . what happened to the roof above the house or any other interpretation you heard about the house , it means when you own the house and get rid of the renter . one of the important things that the 13th government did to make people own houses was to launch the national housing movement so that all
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the families who don't have houses can own houses . on the other hand , he allocated a large budget for the renovation of worn-out fabrics to help renovation of old houses that need renovation. housing in cities and villages. even in the support projects, by giving land and housing to the families who have a third child , they have sought to make people homeless. the issue of housing is so much for the boss. the 13th government has been important that until today 14 meetings of the supreme housing council have been held with the presence of the president himself and the personal follow-up of the head of government for the housing issue shows the importance of this issue for the government .
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the cost of housing is one of the basic costs of every person's life, according to the estimates of the central bank of the national statistics center of iran, one-third of the cost per year iranian households spend on housing. welfare indicators tell us that the basic needs of every human being are food, clothing and shelter. after these basic human needs are met. during these two and a half years, the 13th government has tried its best to give a proper answer to the housing concerns of the people with its plans and programs, such as the national housing movement plan, which during these two and a half years , the government has invested a lot in this plan.
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hello sir, hello, happy eid. i am mehrdad roshan it became the term in real estate, well, the words under the tree, the file behind my company, i am currently a tenant, i am renting a house that i can live in for myself now , i don't have 1,000 and 500 meters, young man. i am not 20 years old, but i am 30 years old with this inflation and can buy a house. i think it is very difficult for a 20-year-old in big cities. it will take many long years , maybe 30 years, for example 20 years, with these incomes and these, give us a house. well
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, how and with what kind of movement do i get out of the society sooner than later. the solution to the problem is that, well, i think that the government can play a role in this field the government can start a movement and bring the construction issue that is needed much cheaper to the stage of implementation and production . each unit should bring these, first divide them among the workers of jamaat , build houses for jamaat workers, then the housing problem will be solved, so definitely start building 2 million houses. it is not ineffective as long as this continues , i.e. if it is 2 million a year , if it is 1 million a year, this
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will definitely affect part of the demand. the housing price will definitely have an impact. yes, look, 2 million housing units have an impact, but what you say is that if we build 2 million housing units , good professional housing with good materials and plans. well, what we saw was the construction of housing for the poor, well, it had been abandoned for several years, so restarting this was a good move. i think that in the last year, housing has not grown much in cities like tehran, and that building my house is good, we need more houses. well, i wish for good health . now i hope that everyone who doesn't have a house, even myself , can own a house, that's all.
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while the need for housing in iran is increasing day by day it is increasing and the society is facing housing supply problems. the housing production jump law is one of the main tools to face the problem. and it is very important to achieve the goals of providing housing for the society, especially the poor and low-income groups. in the year 1400, the legislator assigned an important and heavy task to the government, which is at least one million houses per year for the first four years after the promulgation of the law. trust and supply, in other words, the government is obliged
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to provide and supply four million housing units for the poor and low-income groups and qualified applicants for the first four years. the ministry of roads and urban development and its subordinate agencies are trying to fulfill legal goals and legal tasks with a convergent and synergistic approach and actions , and the fruit of these efforts has led to the start of the implementation of two and a half million housing units, which, of course , includes various sectors, including from providing land and preparing it, providing and paying bank facilities, providing infrastructure, starting executive operations and finally handing over to qualified applicants, god willing, we will be able to witness the delivery
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of more of these units to applicants in the near future. these organization efforts the program and budget of the country has taken measures to finance an important part of these needs in 1401 and 100 five of the main achievements of the 13th government in the field of housing. a location of 27 new coastal settlements in four southern provinces of the country with a productivity approach. collecting and allocating financial resources needed by the housing sector through. the national housing fund for the facilities of the housing sector, including the housing allowance, also according to the law on the jump in housing production , the central bank of the islamic republic of iran has been obliged
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to allocate at least 20% of the total facilities of the banking system to the housing sector. free rental contracts between lessors and lessees in the real estate registration system 5 organizing real estate consultants is another basic measure of the government in controlling the rental market and buying and selling real estate. in addition to the above measures, other effective measures have been implemented by the country's program and budget organization, as an indicator, we can mention the guarantee of subsidy for rural housing facilities for 350,000 units and 350 million tomans per unit. explanation that this figure
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increased to 100 million tomans in 1400 and to 200 million tomans in 1402 and to 350 million tomans in the same year 1402. it is to compensate part of the rural housing needs , which in the past years included 20 thousand housing units . in 1402, this figure has increased to 350 thousand rural housing units. by planning and using the capacity of the private sector and public participation , we can take a bigger step towards the production of four million housing for qualified applicants , god willing.
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thank you for being with me so far. in this episode , with the various items that we shared with you, we said that the importance of housing is very important for different governments too much we talked with you about the actions of the 13th government in the field of housing in these two and a half years , and don't doubt that the 13th government is fully committed to providing housing for every individual and every iranian family. until the next program , i entrust you all to the great god and may god protect you.
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this time, on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from the city of home appliances and the city of farsh. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances.
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to mr. farsh, the grand iranian house opened a well-equipped and specialized digital house in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in the irani house of qom. types of phones along with pc, tablet, gaming devices and other digital accessories with incredible prices and
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discounts. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. specialists of a daneshbunian company managed to produce a new generation of processor cards. this product is used as the brain of advanced equipment in information analysis and is used in petroleum equipment and meteorological systems. this
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