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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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without guarantor , i am your host in iran's large palace until 2:00 in the morning in tehran. o sitting on the first page, o sitting on the first page, the line of sacrifice is there, look at the other side of the fence, the joy of meeting is there. on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr are on you.
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in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i greet you, dear viewers, and have a good night. may your prayers and prayers be accepted. happy new year , god willing. we are happy that we will be able to be your guests tonight. please, tonight we are honored to be in the service of mr. dr. zulfi gol , honorable minister of science, research and technology let's ask the ministry of science about the performance of the past year in 1402 and the significant measures that have taken place in the past year and the programs that, god willing , are underway for the current year of 1403 to improve the quality of higher education in the country and make the conditions of education more suitable. in the field of higher education , mr. dr. hello, i would like to say that you are very welcome. good evening. greetings, politeness and
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respect, to your excellency and dear viewers of the program, i also congratulate you on the new year, to our dear countrymen and to your excellency , thank you very much for accepting our invitation from shahr danesh. let's start on the shores of makron, mr. doctor, in the eyes of the situation. and if you agree with this , tell me where you got to and what is this city of knowledge on the shores of makran, i would like to tell you that according to the emphasis of the supreme leader regarding the development of makran issues, well, it is related to the university , research institute and scientific discussion. and technology, which is fortunately a research assistant and a student assistant. the ministry of science, research
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and technology has visited there and is planning to prepare the implementation and operational preparations for the development of the science and technology sector in that area . what will happen now, it really means a knowledge city, what are the dimensions and features of this city, what are the plans to create more infrastructure in that area. it is possible that according to the connection with the neighboring countries through the coasts , the knowledge-based companies of the technological cores can be established there. for this, an investment is needed, both the private and public sectors should provide infrastructure for that area.
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it should be a suitable place for the establishment of technological cores, basic knowledge companies and knowledge-based companies that can attract elites and university students and can produce products that those productions should be worth exporting, create jobs in that area and be part of the needs. if we agree to talk about the dormitories, the introduction should be a report that we can see together and come back . i will talk to mr. doctor about the dormitories. there is no flight that will take us to the train of 2000 and to another century, except for motivation and love, but for the thought and science of stories, interest in education and the desire for a common life, like having a shelter.
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it can change everything for a student. the problem here is that many married students, not only in this university. rather, they are still struggling with these problems in the universities of the whole country. the story of the effect of a law in supporting married students, which includes a part of the elite society . purchase and completion of dormitories , especially in less developed areas, under article 103 of the sixth plan law, should be done from their own source of income. we really don't want to continue anymore and this is a life discussion at all. let's leave a student. we thought about this a lot . if we had this space even earlier, maybe i would have graduated and studied, and i am now a phd student. i was the family and youth law of the population, which was approved with 73 articles. for four months, we
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were in fact a dormitory, and one of its articles is to deal with the situation of the dormitories, which forced the ministry of science and universities to move after 10 years , the most productive part of the society. this is also a student course that we have at our disposal in the university. if we can really boost the issue of motahari dormitory , it will be really effective in preventing immigration. an issue that the deputy minister of science also mentioned in the 14th meeting of the supreme housing council. since the beginning of the university in this country it has been established for 87 years, and the number of residential hostels that have been built and put into operation is less than a thousand units. and now with the help of some implementation devices. the majlis government is looking for a jihadi work. i tell jed that if there is no support from the university and the ministry of science, and if this space is not allocated now , the living conditions will be very difficult. it is a great help for them to have an easier and more open mind. by
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building thousands of dormitories, both students can continue their lives as an example and continue the education of elites in post-graduate studies. don't stop. very well , mr. dr. zelfiegel, honorable minister of research sciences technology is our guest, mr. doctor. well , we have seen the report. one of the promises made in 1402 was to facilitate and speed up the construction of student dormitories , especially married dormitories . there were various pickpockets in university campuses . do you think that in 1403 witnessed the completion and operation of how many as for the dormitories, yes, we have about 320 units, which have significant physical improvements from the funds of the youth population and family support act, and funds
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were provided to the ministry of science in 1402, which were sent to universities that can improve. attention was allocated to the construction of a married dormitory, although they did not need it to some extent, but our prediction is that by the end of 1403, about 320 married dormitory units will be opened . it has been single in these two and a half years. in the past, 350 units have been completed and operation has been opened, 300 units are now under construction, and our effort is to put them into operation by the end of 1403. about
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2,600 units have also been raked and the preparations have been made. their construction has begun ok, well, some universities are also taking interesting initiatives to make the properties they have inside the city that have residential commercial value and change. the user can increase its value by doing this and getting the license to sell them from production and use the credits they have from this place to build married dormitories
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. tehran 500 units using generators. it is interesting that the dormitory complex that had 100 units in the city is for sale deliver they build 500 units with the license that they have about 50% of that credit. for this reason, one of the policies of the ministry of science is to talk about productivity . as another example, through productivity, yazd university attracted the necessary credit to build a thousand units and obtained that. our vision is that by the end of 1403
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, out of the thousand units that they want to build through production, 500 units will be put into operation. active and they are also involved. yes, we are charitable this will happen if they pay 40% of the cost. we told the universities that if it is possible for them, the people who enter the field of dormitory construction as charity , even write the cost of one bed for the construction of one bed.
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we will register the name of this charity or a room and even a dormitory unit for married couples, for which percentage they will help, the same dormitory will be registered in the name of that charity, and fortunately, many universities are also using this capacity. that good things have happened, there is another thing that fortunately was discussed with the presence of the honorable president and the minister of road and urban development. residential dormitories are provided through the facilities that exist for the national housing movement, that is, they provide the banks' facilities to universities to build residential dormitories .
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they should use the facilities of the banks, of course , there is a restriction that they can use the banks' education within the limit of their specific income, which we will follow up and will follow up so that they accept the guarantee of the universities and do not limit it to this economic income and from this loan. for renovation at all vacant places will also be used in the university , no, this is only for the construction of allied dormitories for those who are vacant and their improvement and renovation. one and a half 1500 billion tomans have been allocated for this and the banks , mr. i have an active participation for your corrections. are you satisfied with the preparations
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? for example, we had a meeting with tejarat bank and colleagues today. necessary arrangements were made for them to help. we will convince them to do this . very well, mr. doctor, based on the scientific focus of iran in the region, you had announced that the absorption of 250 thousand. you have foreign students on your agenda, and in the seventh program of this assignment , you have mentioned 320,000 foreign student recruitments. as a rule, this should double your efforts to improve the quality and quantity of universities . the seventh plan has arrived. yes, yes, well, until some time ago , we did not have the instructions for granting licenses to foreign student institutions approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution.
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from now on, the institutions that are active in attracting non-iranian students will be given permission and they will help to attract non- iranian students. we also try to provide dormitory facilities. let's provide educational research for them so that they can attend our top universities and educational standards. we should conduct a research in such a way that in terms of the ranking of our universities in the world ranking, it is possible for them to choose iranian universities among the universities of other countries. what is the difference between universities like
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sharif university of tehran university and our top universities, their rankings are better and they have levels, which are different, but fortunately, the number of our universities that are in the world rankings are in different rankings up to 65-70. we also have a university, and it is possible that we will be ahead in terms of scientific authority in the world. well, this has requirements and requirements . in order for us to be ahead in the field of scientific authority, we need to take several steps. if it takes place, one thing is that the production of new science needs new and updated equipment , and we need to be provided with credits it should be available to the universities so that they can update their laboratory and workshop testing equipment. if we do not have modern and up-to-date equipment, it is natural that the information and
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data we get from the laboratory may not be up to the standards accepted by the international community. a discussion now , i think considering that in the 7th plan it has been approved that 5% of the country's general budget be allocated to the ministry of science , it will open your hand a lot for this to happen. 15% of credits each the university should be allocated for research, 5 % for culture, that is, 20% specially for this work. the equivalent of 20% of the annual budget of each university should be allocated for 15% for research and 5% for cultural affairs. if this happens , it can be effective to some extent. in total, apart from the research budget, 5% of the total public budget will also be allocated to
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your home ministry. 3 if it happens. if we want to find our right place in the world rankings, we should also pay attention to the discussion of academics' livelihood. see, until a few years ago , the salary of a university assistant professor was equivalent to at least 5 times. it used to be salary, and now unfortunately it has increased to about one and a half times, and it is normal that in big cities and metropolises, our elites who study after 35 years of age, 32 years old, join the
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faculty, now they want to get married, buy a car. they need a minimum if they are talking about the livelihood of elites and academic members and academic assistants. university staff are also academic assistants because they have an educational role. he has been trained as a driver, guard, service personnel. so the employees that we call scientific assistants in the universities, they also help the members of our scientific life and graduate students in laboratories, workshops, their role is a key role if we want to use the scientific capacity of our university, research center and park.
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we should use our science and technology in such a way that we have the upper hand in global rankings . we should also pay special attention to the issue of the livelihood of academics. another issue, besides laboratory equipment and the issue of livelihood, is that our professors in universities have a research environment. they should also be suitable now, in many of our universities, sometimes there are three or four or more professors in a small mohabbateh or an exhibition belonging to a large number of professors, so if we want to make the most of their capacity, we need spaces. and the research of the universities is up to the standard, which means it all takes money and credit. well, part of it is this, but part of it is not, part of it is a game without
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balls. part of it is that our rules and regulations need to be revised, our evaluation and motivation system. it should be revised so that those who make more effort have a higher position have more income. and if our motivational system is not measured in such a way as to encourage more active people to be more effective, it is natural that there will be a bias in the system, the one who works and the one who doesn't work will be seen as equals, whether in the discussion of livelihood or in the discussion of research. and the number of graduate and doctoral students assigned to him at the time of promotion. and cases like this are natural that there will be no motivation to achieve a superior scientific position, we have to look comprehensively
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, we have to see the pillars of the university in particular. it is learned that the student is the teacher , but this is the reason why advanced countries try to recruit elite and talented forces. attract other countries as immigrants. fortunately, in our country , this capacity and view of civilization, which has long been towards science and knowledge, has become a culture in our society where every family wishes that their children have scientific growth as far as possible. let's make the most of this capacity. now you mentioned the measurement. to be separated from your subset for the presidency i think the republic will reduce your busyness much less . you were satisfied with this event. well, it had its advantages and disadvantages. after all, we
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must obey and help the collective wisdom and superior authorities who decide in our administrative hierarchy. may that happen well. this event can have advantages , it can have disadvantages. i will tell you about its advantages because it is eid, and when should i talk about its advantages with positive glasses ? another occasion, because it has already been decided, when something has been done and a decision has been made. we have to the future we should think that we should try to do the job correctly. what are its merits? the merits are that now , when the current assessment organization wanted to hold an entrance exam, a minister should have sent a letter to the other ministers, the minister of roads and urban development, to transfer, for example
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, the questions of the minister of education. he would provide high schools with the opportunity to conduct the exam, and azad university, for example , would help with the fields. it was necessary because the exam is necessary for an exam to be held, because our people have confidence in the assessment organization and are sure that their rights will be protected there, and really, when an exam is to be held, we are heavily involved for several weeks and now. at all, mr. doctor, with the descriptions you gave for the entrance exam, if it were to be removed and the universities themselves recruited students through the entrance exam , it would not be better at all. there was no more suitable solution
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. see, in the current situation, it is not possible to remove the entrance exam , because all the families are looking for this. there are those 20,000 subjects, 20,000 candidates with top subjects they are accepted and better fields are selected in terms of future work. they should choose for this job. well , you have to come and choose the number of people whose gpa is 20, for example, or 19 and 9, and they want to go to tehran university of medical sciences, for example. or want to leave sharif university's electrical department or tehran university's law department, well , these are because the number of people with the same conditions
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is below average. there are a lot of high schools, more than the number of people who want to be accepted in that field , there is no other way but to hold. what action has science taken to guarantee the career future of students in other fields? if it is guaranteed, it will not reduce the burden on this position. if the career future is guaranteed, this issue will be solved. you think that the ministry of science is the one who teaches. do we teach skills to the students ? is the ministry of industry, mines, trade, and the ministry of petroleum , the minister of science, the ministry of roads and urban development, for example , should we have a memorandum of understanding with the ministry of housing to attract students? we were to attract students, yes, we recently with the room commerce, we had a meeting where the sub-category units of the chamber of commerce in the student exchange will help us. there are a lot of them, but well. the industrial exchange
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that we had last year is not at the level to answer it , if why, if one day the issue of employment in our country is resolved, then there will be a possibility according to the entrance exam , maybe it will exist then, maybe it will exist now. it is not possible , but i did not fully answer your question when you said that this organization is becoming independent. before, as a minister, i had to ask other ministers, now that it is possible to head an organization under the presidency the republic is established, the president is in agreement with all the ministries when he gives orders, everyone is obliged to obey better, cooperate better, the status and power of the evaluation organization will increase compared to the past, although in the statute maker of the education department in
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the ministries that are in charge of education and research and technology are the issue of monitoring and monitoring in terms of quality and guaranteeing the quality of education in the ministry of education , ministry of health, ministry of science, islamic azad university and other departments that have an educational role . according to my experience, its merits it is obvious that a place where a collective decision is made , a place like the supreme council of the cultural revolution comes and takes a decision, and there is a strong possibility that there is a collective reason behind something.
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higher education is 10 years ago, this decree was formed, the rule is based on the logic of my request . for next year, we examined about 10,000 local coders and gave this to the working group for management of the aim and transformation of provincial education , the working group decided. assume that this is
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10,000. let's actually make a decision for 1403 so that it doesn't appear in the exam book. it should be changed, updated, updated to the current standards , which will be more useful in the industry, because when we enter the industry, it is a new environment for us, and in the university, this environment is not said to remove majors, definitely including 11 major engineering majors or majors. social sciences such as psychology and sociology cannot be done from the beginning, our program has guaranteed employment, which means that we have to update our programs with the market, job analysis, the use of news, the use of equipment, summarization and the result of 72 absorption in the job market, this is a matter of reforming the program of the past. map of the country's scientific community with research you know our 60%


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