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tv   [untitled]    March 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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let's actually make a decision for artha for 1403 so that it doesn't appear in the exam book. we industrialists would like the syllabus of the existing courses to be changed and updated to modern standards so that it is more applicable in the industry because when we enter the industry. it is a new environment for us. in the university, this environment has not been told to remove majors, definitely including 11 major engineering majors or majors. social sciences like psychology and sociology cannot be done from the beginning . our program has guaranteed employment. what does that mean? the use of summarizing equipment and the result of 72% market absorption, this issue has been revised , the map of the country's scientific community with our field research is 60% of the average value of all documents, that is, we
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have some clauses of the document, 80% of the answers , those who have not progressed, 20% of the previous ones. the discussion progressed to 80 , the average score reached 60, perhaps the activity of jan and khas systems can be seen as following the demand-oriented policy and greater connection between the labor market and the university . and mr. dr.'s technology is based on the government transformation document and the emphasis that the supreme leader of the revolution had in farvardin 142 universities should be responsive to the needs of the society . in this regard, the actions that happened were the removal of some of the places that may not have had applicants , and how many of them were removed , and what a shame the place was revised and added to the previous ones. which did not exist, yes, please take care that
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with the follow-ups we did, in the 7th development plan , there was a decree regarding making education skill-oriented, and there was also a decree regarding education and higher education, which should be planned in such a way that the fields that discussion is taught in universities. it should be related to the needs of the society the third principle of the constitution says that higher education is free up to the limit of self-sufficiency, which means that where we spend money from the public budget of the government , it should be based on the needs of society .
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we wanted that course code, one student would come or two , well, holding a class with one student means that you have to pay the teacher's salary, the right to teach, and the conditions. well, it would be expensive for the government . well, it's natural that you have to coordinate this centralized course. be it in one, several universities or if in one the province of this field. there were a few places in several universities, one of the universities where more students and volunteers went there and they were accepted for that field, keep those fields where there were no students or a limited number of students were accepted for these parallel fields. let's sum up, fortunately, a significant number of these fields or fields in which the standards
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of higher education were not met, for example , when a doctoral university is established, our law says that it must have a certain number of full professors. a certain number of associate professors yes, with the academic rank of associate professor, the number of assistant professors for the master's degree is different from the doctoral degree, and it is also different for the bachelor's degree. well, when you check in some fields. seeing that these courses exist, doctoral or master's degrees , while the standard of the ratio of professors to students is not met, or there are no facilities and subordinates, these were tried to some extent. this year's course has not been finalized yet, and how many additions have been made. a limited number
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. a limited number. because every new discipline we want is approved by the council for the development of higher education. let's tell the university that is applying, that you should attach my employment, that is, your program should be clear that this field wants to be established , what is the future job of the students of this field, where do they need this expertise, and the members of the council for the development of higher education, who are people who own schools and they have opinions and are among the great scientists of the country. this employment package and my continuous employment take into account the standards of the professor and the physical and laboratory space . you talked about the costs that education in universities can have, and naturally this
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can have a direct effect on the tuition fees of universities where the student actually has to pay a fee. i wanted to ask about azad university, do you agree that a university like azad university should set the tuition rate by the competition council or not . do you believe that the university itself should set the price based on the costs it has, the urban ones? well, you see, the truth is that the university itself should determine this, because if you see elsewhere in the private sector, when one place the private sector is supposed to compete with the public sector the public sector is connected to the general budget of the government. if the private sector also wants to be decided from outside and its needs are not seen and its costs
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are not properly seen, it is natural that the private sector will not be able to continue the life of a part of the government after some time. the director of the competition council is for that monopoly. here, in principle, the problem is that a university does not want to generate income for itself in addition to what it spends . do you not think that this can happen? see if it wants to do this and does not pay attention to the condition of the people and the conditions of the society, it will remove its volunteers from it means he is at a crossroads. finally , they have to go to the government, which he cannot go to . he has to come to the azad university with the tuition fees that he finally specifies
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, that is, they have to pay for the tuition fees of the azad university, for example, especially in the bachelor's and doctorate programs, for example. no, there is no compulsion. now, fortunately , there are non-profit universities that compete with azad university. the number of non-selective universities means that there are not many exclusive universities. can he should choose another university as an alternative , except in fields where the infrastructure does not exist in non-tafai universities , and the city university is not there . yes , definitely, in the fields that exist in non-profit universities, the same field exists , it should be placed there, that is, where there is competition
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, the university itself, but where monopoly is formed, the competition council is very good, now you have also mentioned the main issue . job guarantee and that graduates of universities under the supervision of the ministry of science it means that the governments should work in their suitable job and they have a document obligation where if they cannot choose a job, you will release their documents . this is the correct procedure now. announce somewhere that we are ready if the job is not suitable after a while. regarding the ranking of professors, just like what existed for teachers in education, is there a need for this to happen to professors in the same way, and where did the professors' research plan reach? if
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we want to follow up, what is the latest news? yes, yes. based on the orders of his highness. the leader who said that the promotion regulations should be revised and be in such a way that others. scientific outputs should also be included in the discussion of need-oriented research , problem-oriented research, paying attention to employer research that is demand-oriented and need-oriented . well, the supreme council of the cultural revolution established the principles governing the promotion regulations and communicated them to the ministries of science and the ministry of health. we are in the process of drafting the promotion bylaws based on the ruling principles that have caused us to send the promotion bylaws to the
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supreme council of the cultural revolution, which will approve them after the fact that it was approved will be the criterion for the promotion of the rank of academic members, rather than the regulation for the promotion of the rank of academic members that is now in place , so there is no problem in this part and that. here is the deadline to specify when it will be completed in two months, and it will be sent after two months . we are also doing this, and in our new promotion plan, we are talking about needs-oriented research , employer-oriented, demand-oriented, and applied development research. we took into consideration the technology-oriented and we gave special privileges to this output and the education section, in which we paid attention to the problem because it is one of the the basic functions of universities are education. if we
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don't have good education, we won't have good research. but regarding research, as you said , the regulations are ready, but we wanted to inform you because in the 7th development plan, there is a decree that the guidelines for society's research are submitted to the ministries of science. and write health. and bring it to the honorable board of ministers, we are waiting for if we announce this now, in a few months when the 7th development plan is announced , we will have to take this study order to the science and intelligence commission and then it will go to the government board, it is possible to change the clauses there. then there will be a contradiction for a few months. if we want to send two ordinances , there will be some inconsistency, which is not true. that's why we are waiting for the seventh development
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plan to be announced. and mr. doctor , how much has been followed up on the commercialization of scientific articles and student theses and what has happened so far? please keep in mind that society is governed by law. when our laws and regulations are focused on any subject and that output finds value, it is natural that the society is also our scientific society they also tend to go to the path that has more value. the purpose of producing authoritative science is scientific authority and welfare. production of science creates authority , consumption of science produces prosperity, comfort and peace . we have to see all this. consuming science means that our science is a practical user
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, needs-oriented, problem-oriented, technology - oriented, creates wealth and serves. it is for the technological and practical sectors and i demand special outputs however, in the new promotion regulations and research regulations and the new evaluation and motivation system that we approve in the ministry of science , we have decided to give double points to practical, problem-oriented, need-oriented, and technology-oriented outputs. they are fundamental . let's give double points to outputs whose subject is need-oriented. let's give double points to outputs
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whose subject leads to the creation of a technology of wealth and a new service to the society. it will be tripled and affected by these points, we will allocate the budget. we give and on the other hand in the regulations the improvement of the points we give to these for the promotion of the rank from assistant professor to assistant professor from assistant professor to professor and the prestigious position of distinguished professor , we will take these into account . now, the works that have been done for the first time in the ministry of science and the works that can be mentioned and mentioned are 75, which means that these are all the works that i
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will present to you here, for example , in the measurement and motivation system. . we have incentive bases academic life members in many universities were 5 to 7 or 10. we did this, 60 , which means that an academic member during his service can receive up to 60 incentive grades in addition to his regular promotion if he has enough different departments. the exchange of the top ranks of the national entrance examination was the establishment of the vice president of technology and innovation, and now regarding all this , the number of scientific journals that were displayed before the government of mr. dr. raisi, those affiliated to the ministry of science, was 11 in these two years and half of
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64 new magazines have been displayed, a significant number of which are in persian language. iran's rank in online magazines it has reached the sixth rank in the world. persian language has become ninth in the world, that is, in the number of scientists, 1 % and 2%. in the discussion of scientific authority, i think it is possible to create a beautiful program in the discussion of technology and technology development . in the discussion of cultural destruction, very beautiful things have been done. in the ministry of science, something can be done about the content. in different departments , we can create documentary programs in research, technology, cultural, educational, and student departments, each of these, and actually explain the monkey events that happened in the ministry of science. okay, very much thank you, we have run out of time, mr. doctor. now
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, we would like to ask about the systems, but this system and its explanations are so detailed that it will not fit in this space. god willing, we will have another chance. thank you very much for coming to. i wish you and your colleagues every success in the year 1403 and i wish you a happy new year . i am also very grateful for your special attention to science and technology in the country. i hope that this belief exists in all parts of the country if we want. the development of the country's surrounding society in various political and economic fields. have a social culture we should pay special attention to the ministries in charge of science, education and technology. i wish that one day they would give a blank check to the ministers of the ministries that are in charge of education and research. what number do you write on that blank check
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? no, i am fair. thank you very much , doctor. thank you for coming. we thank you for watching this conversation . may god bless lena nakmal al-faisalistan. al-masri or ahrar shab al-masri or ahrar fatah shab al-masri or ahrar shab al-masri or ahrar shab al-maabar haq al-jar fath al-maabar haq al-jar i gaza
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tala al-qarara man gaza tala al-qarara intifada and intifada intifada and intissar in the battle of baghdad al-narara in the battle of baghdad al-qararah balwa netak ghir al-lwaa fili ezz al-din ezz khal id al-din azza al-aqsa azza o tarq fi damaa kol damaa kol damaa is an art that is thousands of years old and has a worldwide reputation. iranian hand-woven carpet, despite its artistic
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and historical glory , remains blocked today in the world markets and against competitors. in 1374, we had 4 billion non-oil exports, of which 1.800 billion were non-oil exports. millions of dollars have been earned by the export of carpets, including handicrafts. now it has reached 40-50 million dollars per year. but what happened that, despite the great global desire to have iranian carpets, the market was conquered by indian and chinese manufacturers and other competitors. handwoven carpet as an economic phenomenon. today, it can almost be said that it has lost its economic coherence. now this has many factors. some of it depends on the area of ​​the carpet itself. we are the world's leading producers of handwoven carpets and rugs. what
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have we brought up to date, as 85 of them go to the wrong rules? see , we have been giving an export award to the exporter for a while. why why are we coming to describe, we are breaking a law with the minimum cost , which is paid by the private sector, we manage the employment of two million people . the entire burden of this employment is on our shoulders. out of these two million people, the government has insured only 200,000 of them. we have lost the working capital of the carpet. for the benefit of other fields, for example, the field of construction , well, when the trade union capital is in the necessity to
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revive the art of iranian carpet industry, our carpet is a cultural issue, and that cultural issue is stronger than the economic issue, we should always keep this in mind, if not we will really lose these competitive feminism positions it demands that our businessmen , especially the graduates of our universities, our designers, should be present in the international markets, they should express and see closely what is happening in the market, in the market, the color of the world map, the same thing that our competitors are doing now. with their bold presence , they take over the markets because they know what the customer thinks, what should be produced today so that they can sell and, of course, sell and export. the head of the locomotive is this train, which can pull the rest of the production line as well. modernization or the use of innovative methods is a necessity for the development of exports.
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the use of capabilities such as augmented reality , capabilities such as encryption or new methods that can be used in the supply of art products, carpets and handicrafts, will be introduced as measures to prevent abuse in the global documentation markets. the identity and authenticity of the iranian carpet. since 1401, with the cooperation of the ministry of position and the national standards organization, this matter has been put on the agenda. in this way, every carpet produced in the country , whether it is supplied to the consumer, whether it is exported or exported to the target countries, must include a series of special characteristics and standards. coordinate a company we did it on a trial basis for one year. implemented this project , we realized the weaknesses and strengths and challenges of the project. this birth certificate
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is printed both electronically and in paper form, as a booklet and as a single sheet. now we have reached a stage where 19 brokers are active in the country. in 10 provinces such as east azarbaijan, tehran province, qom province , isfahan province, khoras. preventing the production and sale of fake carpets abroad, confirming authenticity and quality, creating transparency and building trust for customers, and confirming ownership and the possibility of transferring it to another, including the benefits of having a handwoven carpet certified. iranian has been declared. sometimes, there have been cases where modern carpets have been imported to the iranian market, especially from india, maybe this is happening right now and it can be one of the most obvious goals of the carpet certificate. to prevent the entry of foreign-made carpets into iran. experts to create an information community bank in the field of handwoven carpets in order to re-grow it in the international arena.
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they say that the first word in any economic matter is statistical data. if you don't have this, you won't have a plan at all, that is, if we don't know that even you, the carpets that we have today we produce, we don't know at all whether this is really economical or not, because most of these carpets have imported raw materials . is this, for example, really a cough or not? this should be measured right there and diagnosed. that reference is definitely necessary, which has not been available until now. according to the published statistics , iran's share of the world carpet market is about 50 million dollars, which is according to the statistics of this art. authentic iranian industry in global markets in the not so distant past it is a long way away
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maxi in gando's guarantee of the service of the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets, this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from the city of household appliances and city of carpets . and it was effective, the movement doesn't stop , it continues, and balance is the secret of continuity and movement , the first ones are flow makers. first of all , happy new year, we made a house for you until you come.
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you see, this is called an installment purchase, it comes as you want, different accessories of every model and name show, don't worry about buying, they have a variety of prices, come to the house, come to the house , come to the house, it has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you like, it has cool things, so what happened to buying in installments, as you want, a large iranian house in the cities of tehran, qom. and isfahan until 2 o'clock in the morning in tehran, i am your host. up to 300 million tomans, he does not want real estate collateral, nor deposit blocking. the guarantor does not want up to 50 million guarantors. i will wait for 5 years to ask rome's salary. excuse me, do you also say the terms of the roof for legal entities? up to 750 million tomans with the same conditions. you can even transfer it to your employees. did you hear? yes, i heard.
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nikan mlam plan, mlam credit institution. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello viewers. good evening , we are at your service with some news at 20:00. the afghan printing gang was disbanded in taybad, khorasan, razavi. public and revolutionary prosecutor of taibbad said that the team that was trying to illegally transfer afghan nationals into iran's territory at the border of two caves was disintegrated. according to mr. sediqi, 40 foreigners were killed in this operation.


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