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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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he did not show you the resolution, netanyahu said that we are canceling the visit of the israeli delegation to america . it is very interesting that today there was a meeting between the ministers of war of the two regimes, in which american minister austin told israeli minister gallant that israel is still america's closest friend and this will not change. now, despite such a meeting and... commenting in this situation , how can we have a realistic view of the differences between the us and the zionist regime? see, as the us defense minister said and you rightly said, the foreign minister also said in fact. he is in charge of the council american national security also said that the strategic relationship between america and israel is not something that will destroy these relationships with this person and that person and this group and that group and this war and that war.
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it is more fundamental and basic in the political structure of america , the problem that exists, for example, the israeli defense minister who went to america is his second trip, in recent times, one of them was also with mr. netanyahu's official permission. mr. netanyahu said that the israeli embassy in america don't serve their defense minister in washington dc. this is very interesting. the reason is that the americans are looking for war. whenever it ends or in the meantime, especially the biden administration. and the democrats, if mr. netanyahu leaves and one of the people who can replace the prime minister is mr. gallant, of course, this does not mean that mr. gallant is a good person in israel, do you mean mr. galante or benny gans as a replacement for netanyahu? gans can actually be one of these , the minister of foreign affairs or the minister of defense, it depends on the political structure inside israel that they want to choose in the end, but mr. netanya will get rid of them, but what is the reason, that is, the political maneuvers that more political games and in this party.
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there is a very important reason, you see, the americans have a bipartisan view, especially the government of the democratic governments and the government, their view is that the root solution to the palestinian and israeli crisis is to shorten iran's hand from the region, and in fact, this is the justification. that iran is trying to influence its own region, its influence in the hearts of muslim countries and muslim people, if we want to prevent this, a two-state solution must be implemented, that is , the palestinians should have their own government in the western part of the gaza strip, and the israelis should have their own government in those areas. occupation of palestine they have their own government, although even the biden government has failed israel so much in these negotiations that if the palestinian government wants to be formed, it should not have any military forces and its borders should not be under its control, but still mr. netanyahu has announced that
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i will not ask for permission while i am working. i want to have a political life so that the independent state of palestine is formed, so the main point and the main fight that the european union, the united states, biden and the democrats are having with the netanyahu government is that they say, sir, after this war, you can do whatever you want , do whatever crime you want. do it, but after this war there should be at least one palestinian government so that this does not happen again, iran and the axis of resistance are not able to gain strength, get the upper hand , and attract facilities, and that this case and of course that discussion is now the normalization of relations between saudi arabia and israel, which is a reward for the israeli government should consider if it gives permission to the palestinians to form their own government. therefore, these golden fights that exist here are not for the sake of the rights of the palestinians , nor because the americans, for example , are heartbroken for someone, it is only about how america can expand in fact, his influence in protect the region and they know that mr. biden is facing this situation. it will go and
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the right-wing government of israel will move forward . in the end , it will be to the detriment of israel and to the benefit of the resistance axis in mr. uzi's region. all of these conditions that we talked about, do you think that on the eve of the end of six months of this war , none of the goals of the zionists to destroy hamas or release their prisoners will be achieved. american authorities and the regime are now announcing through military operations how do the zionists want to get out of this impasse ? obviously, we have some reports that show that the americans are behind the scenes presenting a plan to the zionists . what do you think the americans and the zionist regime are looking for? it's a very good question, i think the discussion it is very complicated. from here, one goes back to the palestinian prisoners, the palestinian security prisoners who are about to be released.
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it turns out that there are talks between hamas and the palestinian authority. perhaps one of the prominent figures who was sentenced to life imprisonment, if he is released , it will be agreed between the two sides that he will become the prime minister or the official. the responsibility should go to the self-governing organization instead of mr. abbasi, who everyone wants to get rid of, and it seems that the situation in the gaza region may change, but we don't know exactly because the americans and the egyptians and saudi arabia qatar is in contact with different countries. the americans are against the fact that after the end of the war, gaza will be in israel's hands. but it seems that the presence of a part of the arab countries, who neither help nor give practical help to the palestinians during this period , may ask them to take part of the responsibility of the self-governing organizations and mahmoud.
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abbas and saaf are very unpopular and it is unlikely that they will be able to do anything, so we really have to wait and watch the discussion on the ground. what will happen in the war, when will the permanent ceasefire happen, and then he talked about various issues , the fact is that america does not want hamas to have political and social responsibilities in gaza again, but this is a point that has always been acknowledged by american experts. it is that even if hamas will one day achieve their goals, hamas' thinking and thinking. the resistance from the palestinian territories, especially in gaza , will not disappear with this ongoing massacre of course, it will intensify if there is no hamas
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, if there is no islamic jihad, another group of resistance will start and will assert the rights of the palestinians. thank you. let's see what happened during the us president's speech.
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russia accused ukraine of being directly involved in the terrorist attack in moscow. the head of russia's national security
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said that ukraine was directly involved in this attack and carried it out with the support of western countries by extremist groups. international monetary fund 880 million dollar. provided new facilities to ukraine. this is the third stage of payment of 15 billion facilities that will be paid to ukraine in 4 years. the international monetary fund has declared that they are committed to this country. the us coast guard has suspended the search for possible survivors of the bridge collapse in the port of baltimore, saying that six of the missing people are likely to have died so far. on monday evening, a bridge in this port was damaged by a tanker. eastern us ports have been suspended. the problems of boeing planes forced the country's top managers to resign. france 24 tv channel reported that
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a big change is coming in the management of this american aerospace promise. boeing after problems such as the plane tearing off during flight or the wheels falling off after taking off from the airport. he is trying to rebuild his reputation. ceo of openai innovator chatjee says. the use of nuclear fusion is the only way to provide the required electricity. it is in the field of artificial intelligence. nuclear fusion is the source of the sun's light and energy of other stars. but experts have told cnn that it will take at least 30 years for this energy to become public. according to the forecasts of the international agency the energy consumption of digital width and artificial intelligence will increase 10 times in the next two years. forecasts about germany's economic growth this year were reduced from one-tenth of percent to one-tenth of percent. prominent think tanks. this european country will enter the period of fan recession in the next few days, and the resumption of
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its positive growth process will not be significant. according to this report, economic and infrastructure factors have played a role in germany's economic decline. and now some news and reports from other parts of the world. after america, the british government along with the political and media circles of this country wave. new accusations and actions of china starting the conflict, experts see the prospects of relations between the two countries as getting darker. the british government accused china of interfering in british political affairs, hacking and stealing the information of about 40 million voters, and hacking into the computers of 43 members of the british house of lords and commons. china's embargo policy turned. we
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will work with our allies, including the group of 7 and other military alliances, to fight china's challenges. we will build a nuclear submarine with america for australia. we will send an aircraft carrier around china and we will build a new military aircraft with the cooperation of italy and japan. anti-chinese in england with the spice of claiming human rights violation, opposition to democracy and freedom of expression in china. and chinese espionage is increasing in england. the british prime minister says about this. we believe that china is a systematic challenge against our values ​​and interests. in the last week, political officials and media circles in england started a wave of anti-china. what they do is a challenge for our country. before this, political experts warned that america and its allies, especially in the west, are preparing a new front against china. world powers
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are busy now. military alliances in the west it is forming and changing. the dust caused by western wars in the middle east has not settled yet. but the western governments have been building coalitions for a long time. we hate this kind of military violence and we don't want our tax money to be spent on war mongering and military intervention in other countries. the british government this week also. kurd threatened to impose new sanctions against china with the cooperation of its allies . this is despite the fact that the volume of british trade with china was more than 100 billion pounds last year. many experts in england believe that the cold war of the united states, england and their allies against china is hot done this waste claims that china will soon occupy taiwan and like the war front of ukraine. a new front will open in taiwan. mojtaba
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ghasemzadeh, radio news agency, london. daesh's golan heights in turkey. in the last 10 months, nearly 3 thousand terrorists have been identified and arrested in different cities of turkey. terrorist incidents of the last few months, including the armed attack on the santa maria church and the provincial court. evidence of the golan elements affiliated with the isis terrorist group in turkish cities. these days , spying, identifying and arresting isis operatives have been prioritized by the turkish security system. just yesterday 147 isis suspects were identified and arrested in different cities of turkey. turkish interior minister ali yerlikaya says. the activity of arrested daesh elements has covered most of the provinces. the security of daesh elements
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were arrested in a simultaneous strike operation in 30 provinces. these people were related to isis terrorist group and collected financial aid for this group . according to the official statistics of the ministry of interior of turkey , in the last 10 months, nearly 1,400 security operations were conducted to trap isis elements on the surface. according to the same official statistics, in the last 10 months, nearly 3,000 isis elements or factors related to isis terrorist group in türkiye. hamid kameli , the ankara radio and television news agency, the syrian presidential body announced that the president of the country, bashar al-assad , has received an official invitation to participate in the 33rd meeting of the arab league leaders, and the bahraini ambassador in
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damascus has handed over the invitation of the king of his country to bashar al-assad. the 33rd meeting of arab heads of state will be held on may 27 in manama. the president of syria participated in the meeting of the arab league leaders in jeddah, saudi arabia, for the first time after 11 years of breaking off relations between the arab countries and damascus last year . about inviting the president of syria again to participate in the meeting of the heads of the arab league.
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if the capital of bahrain is to be held, i must say that the host country should invite all members of the arab league to this meeting. the arab country of syria is a founding and influential member of this union. during the terrorist war against syria and the attempt to disintegrate this country and overthrow the government of bashar al-assad , it was decided to expel syria and suspend its membership in the arab league. but after these hard years of union. the arabs realized their mistake towards the syrian nation, and after the terrorists came from all over and were defeated, the arab league withdrew from its decision, and syria joined the arab league and the arab league returned to syria. therefore, they have to invite syria to the meeting of arab leaders. the importance of this invitation is clear from here that syria
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has many capabilities in the center of the axis of resistance. the war of etihad maidan and the war that is going on now with the zionist regime and all those who are behind it , including the arab regimes that have normalized relations and the united states, are all disgraced. now the world and america are trying to maintain their honor and dignity in this war. therefore, they cannot stop bahrain from inviting syria to this meeting . in addition, bahrain to mesaba. backyard riyadh is considered that when riyadh reopened its embassy in syria and invited bashar al-assad to visit saudi arabia and welcomed him well , bahrain can no longer escape from this issue and not invite syria to the arab league meeting in the shadow the current conflicts
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are in favor of the resistance axis and this issue shows the importance and strength of this axis in which syria is present. iran's gas export to iraq has exceeded 15 billion dollars since the beginning of the contract, and the gas export contract to iraq has been extended for another 5 years. iran's gas export contract to iraq. it was extended for another 5 years. this contract was signed during the visit of the deputy minister of oil, the ceo of the national gas company of the islamic republic of iran, to dade and at the place of the iraqi ministry of electricity. five years old. according to this contract , we will buy gas from iran in five years. our power plants urgently need iranian gas to produce electricity. and the experience of the previous years
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has shown that iran is a good economic partner and in the most difficult conditions of urgent need. we had two contracts, the baghdad contract that started in july 2017 and the basra contract that started in june 2018 and continued. with the end finding these contracts, contract renewal negotiations began. we had several rounds of negotiations in tehran and in baghdad, and alhamdulillah it was finalized today. we have been in baghdad since the beginning of our contract until now. as well as the basra contract , we exported a total of about 52 billion cubic meters of gas to iraq worth about 15 billion dollars. iraq needs at least 35 thousand megawatts of electricity, but in the current situation and due to the lack of power plants, the electricity production of this country is 20 thousand megawatts per day. one third of this electricity
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is supplied with gas imported from iran. according to the official statistics of the iraqi government to supply electricity the whole country of iraq needs 50 million cubic meters of gas daily. jalal khalidi of radio and television news agency. iraqi ministry of electricity, baghdad. now we see the package of the world according to the narration of the picture.
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studying the opinions of experts on this issue , i come to the conclusion that a basic key to solving
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the country's economic problems is the issue of domestic production and national production, that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. they pour 300 quotas. finally, we will be able to deliver the rest, we will have to come to the gas pump for free. there is no effort at all. our effort is really low, which means
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we will not be able to work. reduce our share i mean, really, if we want to work , we can't get gas, the quota is very low, we see somewhere, we can't find gas at all , we sleep, we sleep at all for a day until we get our car to get gas, come , they need more gas than the quota , they buy it from some drivers who get quota but they don't move loads , and they don't move passengers, their cars are lying down, they bring their cards , they sell us the parking space, we go, we borrow from our friends , we go, we get it. from bahman 2013, it was decided to launch a system to allocate gas oil based on mileage, which means gasoil against yeh's performance complete system now. the control of cash
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transportation, let's say it is based on gps , it is predicted that it will be ready at the beginning of 2015, according to the announcement of the fuel consumption optimization company, this plan was not implemented with all its margins, but finally in may 1402, with the support of the budget law of the optimization company. making the fuel consumption of the road organization of the national oil products distribution company. and the police signed a memorandum of understanding so that the intelligent tracking system of fleet traffic or sepahten will be launched. by the end of the year, we will be able to see that according to the law of the islamic council, which is included in the budget, we will be able to move 50% of the fleet to this equip the system. in addition to helping to improve fleet management and road traffic and their safety to consumption management.
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with the end of the deadline for the implementation of the budget law 1402 , the reports of the road organization indicate that the remaining work on the ground was done to discuss the bus fleet before reaching the police station. the way of all the information of my fleet is the working hours of the driver's vehicle, the speed of the vehicle and all the things related to the safety of the vehicle are exchanged to the police station, and the fuel allocation is provided to the fleet in an intelligent way through the storage and navigation system. clip with paying attention to the fact that now
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we are a little behind the time considered in 1402, but immediately after the selection of the agent. the investor will enter the implementation phase of installing the system on the country's cargo fleet. this law has been left on the ground, but it is also included in this year's budget law. it is hoped that in 1403, we will be able to equip the cargo ships with the sabtan system. the mileage basis is entering its tenth year of operation. ruqiyeh hoyda , radio and television news agency. it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, it didn't make a difference.
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it didn't make a difference, it didn't make a difference, and it made a difference with consumption let's provide light to our countrymen with optimal energy. at 3 o'clock, thousands of jordanian citizens, in response to the call of the commander of the qassam battalions for the liberation of the al-aqsa mosque from the occupation of the zionists, for the third night in a row , started a sit-in and protested around the embassy of the zionist regime and chanted takbir allah.


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