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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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according to our field research, the average of all documents is 60% , that is, some clauses of the document are 80, the answers are not advanced, 20% are advanced, some are 80 advanced, the average of the document is 60 advanced. he knew more about the labor market and the university. very well, we are at the service of mr. zulfi gol, honorable minister of science, research and technology, mr. dr. based on the government transformation document and the emphasis of the supreme leader of the revolution in farvardin 1402, that universities should be the answer to the needs of the society, in this regard , the actions that took place remove some blurs it was that maybe the applicant did not have how many and that we were removed for what was removed.
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please note that with the follow-ups we have done , in the 7th development plan, a decree has been issued regarding making education skill-oriented, and a decree has been issued regarding the purpose of higher education to be planned in such a way that the subjects taught in the university are discussed. it should be related to the needs of the society because the third principle of the constitution says that higher education is free up to the limit of self-sufficiency, which means that where we spend money from the public budget of the government should be based on the needs of the society, so we checked that we did. some fields are voluntary.
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for example , we wanted 10 senior students for that field code, one student would come or two would come, so holding a class with one student means that you have to pay the professor's salary, the right to teach, and the conditions, so it would be expensive for the government. well, it is natural that you have to coordinate. this field should be concentrated in one or several universities, or if there are several places for this field in a province, one of the universities where more students and volunteers go there and are accepted for that field, keep the fields that there were no students or a limited number of students were accepted . paying attention to these disciplines or
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disciplines in which the standards of higher education were not met, for example, when a doctoral university is established, our law says that it must have a certain number of full professors and a certain number of associate professors . the academic rank of an assistant professor is the number of assistant professors for the master's degree, which is different from the doctoral degree. it is also different for the undergraduate degree. well, when you check some fields, you will see that these fields exist he has a doctorate or master's degree, while the standard of the professor-student ratio is not met, or there are no facilities and subordinates. these were tried to eliminate a total of about a few last year.
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we tell the university that is applying that you must attach my employment attachment, which means that your program is clear. it is good that this field wants to be established, what is the future job of the students of this field , where do they need this expertise, and the members of the council for the development of higher education, who are among the people who own schools and have opinions, and are among the scientific leaders of the country , will consider this employment package and my continuous employment. they take into account the teacher's standards and the physical and laboratory space. i
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have a field license, very well. now, since you are referring to the discussion of the costs that education in universities can have, and naturally, this can affect the tuition fees of universities that the student has to pay for. it is direct, i wanted to ask about azad university, do you agree that a university like azad university should determine the tuition rate by the competition council, or do you believe that the university itself should set a price for tuition based on the costs it has? this it is up to the university itself to determine this, because if you see it somewhere else in the private sector, when there is a private sector somewhere and it is supposed to compete with the public sector , the
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public sector is connected to the general budget of the government. if its needs are not seen and its costs are not properly seen, it is decided that the private sector is basically a branch after this, lest a university wants to generate income for itself in addition to what it spends. is this happening ? you don't think it's possible. see if he wants to do this and pay attention to the situation of people and conditions if the society doesn't do this, it will lose its volunteers, which means that it is in a dilemma . finally, they will have to apply for the government
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, which they can't go. they will have to come to azad university with the tuition fees that they will finally determine, which means that many people have to pay tuition fees with difficulty, for example, azad university in particular. for example, they have a bachelor's degree. they provide , no, there is no compulsion. now, fortunately , there are non-profit universities that compete with azad university. the number of non-profit universities means that there is not much of that monopoly. it is a diverse portfolio that if the azad university increases its city, it can choose another university instead, except in the fields that have infrastructure in the university. in non-profit universities, there is the same
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field, it should be placed there, that is, where there is competition, the university itself, but where monopoly is formed, the competition council. job guarantee and that the graduates of the universities under the supervision of the ministry of science, i.e. the government ones, should work in their suitable job and have a certificate obligation where if they cannot choose a job in principle, you will release their certificates in this way. it's true yes, if a pardon is such that they have to make an announcement that we are ready, if the job is not suitable after a while, yes, there is this law, very well, regarding the ranking of professors, like what existed for teachers in education, is it
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necessary ? it is possible that this happened to the professors in the same way and where did the research project of the professors go. if we want to follow up, what is the latest news? yes. based on the orders of the supreme leader, who said that the promotion regulations should be revised and should be in such a way that other scientific outputs are included in it, the discussion is based on needs. research being a problem-oriented research, paying attention to research. the supreme council of the cultural revolution established the principles governing the promotion bylaws and informed the ministry of science and the ministry of health. we
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are in the process of drafting the promotion bylaws. after it is approved, it will be the criterion for promotion of the rank of members, and before that, the regulation of promotion of the rank of members that is now the criterion of action. so , there is no problem in this part, and there is a deadline that they specify when they give it, they say it is about two months after two months, it should be completed and sent. we are also doing this, and in our new promotion plan, we discuss needs-oriented research, employer-oriented problem -oriented, and demand-oriented applied development research. we have taken into consideration the over axis and we have given special privileges to this output and the education section
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. it is important to pay attention to the issue because one of the basic functions of universities is education. if we do not have good education, we will not have good research. his letter is ready , but we wanted to inform him because in the 7th development plan, there is a ruling that has instructions the community researchers should write to the ministries of science and health and present it to the honorable board of ministers . we are waiting for if we announce this now, in a few months when the 7th development plan is announced , we will have to take this instruction of the researchers to the science and intelligence commission and then it will go. in the government board, it is possible to change the clauses there. after a contradiction for a few months, we want to send two ordinances
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, there will be some inconsistency, which is not right, that's why we are waiting for the 7th development plan to be announced. let's make the government responsible and make it operational, and mr. doctor , how much has been followed up on the commercialization of scientific articles and student theses, and what has happened so far, keep in mind that the society will be managed by law, when our laws and regulations are focused on any issue and that if the output finds value, it is natural that society and our scientific community tend to go to a path that has more value. the goal of producing scientific authority is scientific authority and prosperity. consuming science produces well-being, comfort and peace. we must see all this. consuming science means that
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we want our science to be practical user , need-oriented, problem-oriented, technology-oriented, create wealth and serve. technology and application and demand. their own specific outputs , however, in the new promotion regulations and research regulations and the new evaluation and motivation system that we approve in the ministry of science , we have decided to give double and triple points to practical, problem-oriented, need-oriented, and technology-oriented outputs. which are only fundamental , let's give double points to outputs whose topic
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is need-oriented and problem-oriented, let's give double points to outputs whose topic leads to the creation of a technology of wealth and a new service to the society . we allocate and on the other hand in the promotion regulations. the points we give to these for promotion from assistant professor to assistant professor, from assistant professor to professor and the prestigious position of distinguished professor , we will consider these, many of the total activities of the ministry of science in the last two years. if a television program do you want to make a documentary or a tv series that focuses on that activity ? which topic do you want to be covered more? well, here are the things that have been done for the first time. in the ministry of science , there are 75 things that can be said and mentioned, which means that these are all the things
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that i will give you a few examples of here . there were 5 to 7 universities or 10. we did this, 60, which means that a member of the academic staff can add more during his service. for example, it can be made in scientific authority, in the development of technology, it can be, for example , scientific authority. the number of scientific journals that were displayed before the government of mr. dr. raisi
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, those affiliated to the ministry of science, was 11 in these two and a half years. 64 new journals have been indexed, a significant number of which are in persian. iran 's ranking in online journals has become sixth in the world in persian language , and ninth in the world. it created a beauty . it is a great program in terms of technology and technology development he created a good thing in the discussion of technology. culturally, the very beautiful work done in the ministry of science becomes a work in the discussion of the content. it becomes a program in different departments . we can create documents in each of these programs in the research department of cultural and educational technology.
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let me explain what actually happened. okay, thank you very much. we have run out of time, mr. doctor. now, let's ask about saman. this system and its explanations are so detailed that it will not fit in this space, god willing, another opportunity . thank you very much for coming to the first page program in the year. 1403 i wish you, your colleague, daily success and a happy new year . i am also very grateful for your special attention to science and technology in the country. i hope that there is a belief in all parts of the country that if we want to develop the society around the country in various political, economic, cultural and social fields , we must pay special attention to the ministries in charge of science, education and technology. i wish that one day they give a blank check to the ministers
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of the ministries that are in charge of education and research . how many of you are there? you write a blank check. the largest island in the persian gulf, a beautiful island in the midst of blue waters, but the life of a person is no longer water, when there is no more water for life, our trees dried up, we had a garden, we were all lost, and we were trapped. in the past, one of the ways to provide water for the people here
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was a pond ponds were one of the main sources of water supply in the past. in the surrounding villages of qeshm , even the city of qeshm. how did these ponds work? rainwater was collected and when the first pond was filled with water, it overflowed and went to the next ponds through these channels. this is one of the traditional methods of supplying water around qeshmeh. people are just waiting for rain during the year, now one or two rains will come. they store water here in these ponds. after managing their consumption , they are confident in this village that they use the best and most beautiful things. the abshinnikana, which has come to be numbered on
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the island level, thank god , does not need these plants anymore, but be careful. due to the decrease in rainfall in recent years, the methods of providing water supply have changed. all of them are reserve tankers. we used to have wells , we had deep wells, and there are these trambies, the old ones who say that with these the water will rise and come to the city itself. now the jihad of water supply to the villages of the country is one of the heads the ministry of energy started in 1401. accordingly, access to sustainable water became one of the most important axes of travel. in february of last year, the president went to hormozgan province and now the result is out.
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it was bamani's department that solved the problem of drinking water . of course, there is still little water, and other measures such as the construction of a desalination plant are being carried out in order to reach sustainable water to the villages around qeshm. we are between kobei village and darghan. we are almost at a crossroads. central desalination pipeline will be provided to darghan section of darghan city in order to strengthen the water shortage in darghan city and its center. it can be executed.
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with the implementation of jihad water supply plan, within the next two years , the problem of water supply for 200 days in this province will be solved. nahid khodadadi, sed and broadcasting news agency.
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our children are drowning in the sea. we want the help to reach everyone in a dignified manner . we are insulted. we want aid to pass through the crossings and everyone get their right and eat their water and food, but it is not right for thousands of people to be killed and drowned. by god , this is a disgrace and an insult. we want to live easily without this. many people died and were killed and insulted because of this problem, o arabs , have mercy on us, have mercy on us. give us food , where are the arab and islamic countries and the honorable people of the world, sisi, where are you
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, bring us food from the crossing, where are saudi arabia and qatar, we have no food, no water.
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one and a half million hotels and accommodations around the world with fly toda, the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets, this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr, with every purchase from the city
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and the balance of the secret of continuity and movement . washlet prize draw congratulations on your new house. the first prize is a two-bedroom apartment, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of monthly salary. bashland is a land
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full of prizes. we built sarad for you so that you can come and see, this is called installment purchase. come as you want . they show different accessories of every model and name. don't worry about buying . their prices are different . come to sarad. come to sarad. it has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you like. it has cool things. what happened to the purchase of a large house in installments as you wanted? iranians in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan, until 2:00 am in the city of tehran, i am your host.
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welcome today the number of casualties in nowruz accidents has increased to 585 people. the latest death of 9 people in an accident on damghan jandaq road. chief of the traffic police, the human factor is the most important cause of accidents, the fine for accidents causing violations will be five times.


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