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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , you are accompanying us with the news section at 5:00 p.m. the capacity of thermal power plants in the country exceeded 75,000 megawatts. the deputy managing director of iran thermal power company said that since the beginning of 2014, 2000 megawatts have been added to the capacity of the country's thermal power plants , of which 965 megawatts are from the implementation of plans to upgrade combined cycle gas units and remove power plant limitations.
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it is steam from the country's big power plants to remove their limitations, while repairs are being done , while these plants are being prepared , a limitation that will be created during the life of this plant. we are looking for their solution, and our prediction is that from this place, nearly 500 megawatts will be added to the power plant capacity, from the place of removing the restrictions that were in the power plants. the ceo of iran's urban regeneration company said that the renovation of worn-out structures will gain more momentum this year, focusing on the people. mr. ayeni also announced the registration of a new quorum in the issuance of construction permits until the end of last year in worn-out structures. until the end of last year, we have the statistics of issuing permits in dilapidated areas, which
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is considered as the beginning of renovation in residential units in dilapidated areas. alhamdulillah from the border we crossed 250 thousand units and this is a record both in general in the last 12 years and also in the same period it is a record among all the governments that work in the field of worn tissue and on the other hand during this period more than 82 thousand the unit has actually been put into operation and god willing, this process will continue this year. doctors and dentists of al-kafil jihadi groups and those waiting for the advent from all over the country are serving in the nazr jihadi camp in the nazr shifa jihadi camp. the head of the jihadi al-kefil camp said that in this jihadi camp , services are provided to 500 patients and those in need daily. starting with
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in the holy month of ramadan, nazr shafa jihadi camps are being held in mashhad al-reza. two jihadi camps are being held with the participation of al-kafil jihadi group and montazeran zahoor jihadi group. 130 dental units with the presence of more than 300 specialist dentists and assistants provide daily services to the people . within six days of four. in the afternoon until around dawn , we can provide services to our loved ones in several departments. the doctors of al-kafil jihad camp, each of them come from the same country. i am firm in my opinion , i came from kolestan, iraq. i studied at kermasha college , i studied at university, and i am working here as a sponsor. consultative my wife and i came to the conclusion that nowruz is the time of the university as well. the holiday is an opportunity
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to come and help as much as we can , they have left it on the ikhlas floor, the best materials and equipment are available here, and we tried to use our knowledge and skills to provide the best services to the dear people of mashhad. talking about fixing his teeth, now we were doing endo restorations and talking about children's dentistry. we have been talking to you for a few days . do you have an office in your city? yes, what you do in your office , you do here. yes, exactly at the same door. in fact, when i post , i am also a faculty member of the university and i am also the vice president of the university in ardabil . the same work as in my article is the same when i post . our family knows, not to say, that these patients need help, and we are a medical team for this family. al-kafil jihadi camp in
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this jihadi camp provides daily services to more than 500 people who are in need and are introduced by astan quds razavi. the next camp of al-kafil jihadi camp is supposed to be held during eid al-fitr in zanjam province to be held. ali mohammadi moghadam of mashhad tv news agency. about 700 quran gatherings are held in semnan in semnan province, based on the home reading sessions of the holy quran in the holy month of ramadan, in addition to the month of ramadan, in other days of the year. in the symmetry of the spring nature of the qur'an spring. the home reading sessions in semnan province are being held by mrs. mofidi, who is about 30 years old, and during the year and especially during the holy month of ramadan , we host people who are interested in the quranic culture
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, 26-7 years old. ms. mufidi's love for the quran we have the same love we have for imams, when we come here, our work goes better and we have better energy. in this qur'an gathering, a grandmother who can barely walk comes, whatever she is , we have everything we have from the qur'an, until yesna, a lady who has just reached the age of duty, attends and benefits from the blessings of the people . what lesson do you learn from the qur'an that i am always kind i will do good deeds, full faith , everything in this course
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will be more than necessary . qur'an in semnan province, which is developing and expanding quranic culture plays a role. at present, about 70 home quran sessions have been systematically registered in semnan province. nemati of semnan radio and television news agency.
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thank you very much for your company. have a nice day. god bless you. hello again, dear compatriots , i have to tell you that this morning at the beginning of the morning in the coldest hour, the temperature in ardabil reached 6 degrees below zero and it was declared as the coldest center of the province. in terms of rainfall, we expect that today after at noon and tonight, there will be rains in the eastern parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari province, the western half of the province, the northern parts of fars province
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south of yazd province, kerman khorasan province, razavi south khorasan and alborz heights , rains in the form of torrential rain in the southern regions. it is raining with thunder and lightning. we expect that the rains will be in the form of snow in the high altitudes and lowland areas. tomorrow, friday, these rains will occur in the eastern parts of our country, in khorasan province , razavi in ​​south khorasan, as well as in kerman province, in the northern parts of the province. in hormozgan and parts of fars province , we are witnessing that the rains will continue in these areas during tomorrow, and the rains will continue in the form of snow during the day. saturday with the lives in the northwestern parts of our country for the provinces of east azerbaijan. ardabil province in the central slopes of zagros, chaharmahal bakhtiari, which rahmat and fars province witness. in other parts of the country, the sky is clear and sunny. on sunday, rains
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are expected in the northwestern parts, the southern shores of the caspian valley, the heights of alvarez, the central and southern slopes of the zagros, as well as the provinces of isfahan, yazd and kerman. on this day at home. rains are also expected in the form of snow on monday , rains will fall on parts of the northwest of the country , the southern parts of the caspian valley, the heights of alborz and the province. it leads to kerman. that the rains in these areas are in the form of showers and thunderstorms. another phenomenon that will be seen for the next 3 days is strong winds, which we are witnessing in the eastern parts of the country. in some hours , the wind speed increases in these areas. in the areas prone to these strong winds, the quality of the air will be reduced and the visibility will be reduced. due to the wind , the persian gulf of hormuz and the amam sea are expected to be rough today and the same tomorrow. we expect that the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz and
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the sea of ​​oman will continue to be rough due to the wind. thank you for accompanying me.
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self-sufficiency in wheat is considered one of the most important strategic issues in different countries. so that if the import of wheat to many countries is cut off, that country will face famine and the spread of hunger . it was the last year of the 12th government that domestic wheat production decreased from 13 million tons to 8 million tons , which was a big shock for this strategic resource. the country was considered. one of the most important reasons for this is the guaranteed purchase only. 5 million tons of wheat from domestic farmers and forced to import 7 million tons
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of wheat from foreign countries by the twelfth government. in a word, the agricultural situation was not favorable in those years. but with the coming of the 13th government, the guaranteed purchase of domestic farmers' wheat increased to 10 million tons . now they can easily engage in wheat production and the import of wheat decreased to less than one million tons , which caused a double increase in the motivation to produce wheat inside our country. on the other hand, the growth in weight and value of the export of aquatic products happened in the new government compared to the previous government, which indicates the revival of the country's agriculture and news of a serious problem. to jump in agricultural production with your participation farmers and people's forces
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, in the name of the great god, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to this part of the full qadr program, buy rice bread. and every necessity whose preparation and production goes back to land and agriculture, perhaps our most direct and serious encounter with the government's policy-making sphere is the necessity that is part of the basics of every human life and definitely its quality and quantity can affect the quality of our life. let him involve himself in other fields and issues. so if we say that it is one of the most strategic areas of policymaking. governments in the field of agriculture and providing the country's food chain, we did not go astray regarding the importance of this issue
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in this program, we want to talk more and more seriously about agriculture in our country. one of the ways that the colonial countries used to make other countries depend on them was that in the matter of agriculture, they always made other countries dependent on them. to a certain extent , they kept the dissatisfaction of farmers, especially wheat farmers, from the previous government because of many demands. the government had discouraged the farmers. of course, one of the other important reasons for farmers' discomfort was the lack of attention paid to domestic agricultural products and the excessive import of foreign agricultural products, which resulted in a decrease in agricultural exports. outside of foreign countries, this annoyance
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was intensified. on the other hand, the price of agricultural products in the country. there was an increasing trend in which both people and farmers were affected. but with the coming of the 13th government, the farmers' payments were arranged. the import and export of agricultural products were managed in such a way that the domestic agriculture was not damaged and the price of agricultural products increased in proportion to the income of the people. and all these things caused. until today , both farmers and people are satisfied in the agricultural sector.
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we reviewed some achievements and many deficiencies in the field of agriculture one after another we lined up and saw and heard and now we are ready for expert opinions in this field, we want to see where we stand in the field of agriculture and which direction we are moving towards? we want to see how far we are from the desired point, what are the emergency measures and more importantly , what are our long-term measures, how much time is needed to reach that desired point, what should we do so that we don't fall into the loop of the previous government's bad construction again and by using many capacities the agricultural sector in our country is very large, so don't expect to import agricultural products from other countries don't be tired. happy eid. think of the bread. think of the bread. what did that cousin say about the bread when it came? my wife says that whoever gives bread, whoever
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gives teeth, gives bread, it is better to be with bread, that is your blessing. yes, no, in our tradition , it is bread, but it is possible to make it, but we iranians, bread is the main part of our food, and this year i have bought bread out of 50-60 times. usually they buy stone bread. i have a barbarian stone , what should i put in the beginning? well, i had heard that it has an effect in many places. it is very good from the point of view of health. in this card house, i would like to tell you that it is no longer a mistake to draw an amount, for example , to draw 2 tomans more, to add a zero more , it is not like that anymore. look, you can
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say that it was successful to some extent, but it was necessary, but it still did not have the necessary amount. why? because there are still some unclaimed people whose flour and body are out, in fact it will be easier to check, now it is more clear , now the situation is good, stable, non, which i have not heard, change it in our neighborhood, the same side of the plot , the same 2,500, and the berber strait, 1,500 i believe it was 500 tomans. as far as possible i know that the world price of bread is higher than what we are eating. we value bread. our country is rich. sir, whole grain wheat can cost up to one thousand tomans . i already have 1,500 thousand tomans. in my opinion, it has a passing grade, but they can be bought at any price. now, let's make it better and better so that
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the society and the people of the society can compensate for this at least because their lime fish is bread which is the main food here. discussion was prioritized. supporting the agricultural sector and food security of the country. to in this connection, the discussion of the wheat chain was given priority because this chain of stages. cultivation until the delivery of the product to the final consumer , which is the households , was covered either in the form of bread or in the form of food products that use flour
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. about 10 million and 300 thousand tons of wheat were purchased as a guarantee, the financial burden of which amounted to 156 it brought one thousand billion tomans, while in the planting stage, which includes seed discussion and cutting discussion , the government supported the agricultural sector with about 12 thousand billion tomans. after the harvest stage, in the matter of wheat delivery to zat aard factory, the price of delivery is approximately . it is under a thousand tomans, and for the bakers, the bakers who bake the bread, the government
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pays about 1,600 tomans direct and daily subsidy for each kilogram of flour that is consumed, which is approximately 17,17,000 in 1300 and 1402. it brought a billion tomans of financial burden to the government, and if the related costs are included , it was about 24 efforts of the government to support the wheat chain in 1402. the plan of the government, god willing, will be to discuss the guaranteed price the floor price of wheat should be determined and the capacity of the private sector should be used in this regard in a special way, both in terms of industry and household consumption. god willing, the financial burden of the government will be reduced in this direction and the necessary support
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should be given to the agricultural sector in the form of contract farming and discussion of the cultivation model. five of the main achievements of the 13th government in the field of wheat agriculture. 1. increasing the efficiency of water consumption in the agricultural sector by about 30 % and creating the potential of saving water consumption in the agricultural sector. to the extent of about 4400 cubic meters per hectare and increasing irrigation efficiency and preventing erosion soil, curbing flood management, increasing vegetation to feed underground water resources and rehabilitating canals to the extent of 60,000 hectares. 3 increasing the efficiency of water consumption in the agricultural sector and creating the potential of saving water consumption in the agricultural sector by about 100. and increasing irrigation efficiency. four reduction of about two million tons of flour consumption by reforming flour and bread subsidies and controlling consumption smuggling in this field. 5.
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45% reduction in the price of fertilizers and poisons required by farmers through doreti subsidy. in this part of the whole program, we tried to talk to you about the importance of agriculture , which is the biggest and most important aspect of life. our daily life depends on this field and the government's policies and plans can have very important effects on people's daily lives and put the rest of the fields under its control . in the following , we talked with you about the actions of the 13th government in the field of agriculture, and we compared the actions of this government with
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the previous governments in the field of agriculture, and we said that what effect did the policies of this government have on people's lives? i hope you have a very good life and remember that the 13th government is fully committed to providing the country's food chain. until the next program i entrust you all to the great god and god. west azarbaijan province and tuition fee like the last days of the new year host compatriots from different cities, where
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did you come from mako fardensover , god willing. tehran , travelers who are eager to see the beauty of omriya and the lake , how did you see the sea for the first time, the sea, the first time i came in your life , the first time
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to see this beautiful scene 42, west azerbaijan is ready to receive guests these days, lake urmia is a turquoise gem. today , it hosted many compatriots from all over the country. i invite you to come and enjoy these beauties. almighty god, visit closely. ali dastvan of the ormi lake broadcasting news agency. one and a half million hotels and accommodations around the world with flytoda during the great festival.
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home appliances city and carpet city this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from home appliances city and carpet city. a specialized reference for carpets and home appliances. they have been talking about eggs and their properties . nowadays, saffron egg shampoo, all it has these properties, apply shampoo to your hair. safflower chicken , mom, dad, where are you, you are fine, i 'm fine, don't worry, we came to the iranian house to buy a cooler, this cooler this time of the year, with this rush, the special sale of air conditioners in a large iranian mansion has begun with exceptional conditions
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. i am your host until 2:00 am in tehran. maxider with time.
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mr. farsh prices broke in all mr. farsh branches. in the name of god. hello fellow countrymen. i am at your service with some news from the field of science and technology. specialists of the nuclear industry managed to start the industrial production of this strategic product after localizing the technical knowledge of nuclear measuring equipment production . of this advanced equipment for measurement fluids and gas are used in upstream industries using radioactive sources.


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