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tv   [untitled]    March 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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next is the free trade of syria, then asia , and in that order, uzbekistan and venezuela. our effort is that, god willing, if it reaches this parliament , we will be able to pass the bill in the next two or three weeks from the government of both syria and asia, and in the near future. uzbekistan, because it was said that, well, we signed, but we added the list again with the approval of the presidents, it became a better number , and we probably
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put it again in the iran exhibition. if you want to list some of these shortcomings, what are you referring to? yes, look, i just said that there are many capacities we have already mentioned a few points, one of which is about the standards of our export goods , we have a challenge with our packaging, the style of our export interaction, and these challenges cannot be fixed by the standard. for example , you say this like the ceo, i said , i don't necessarily mean the certificate, it is a regular packaging model, for example, you go to the persian gulf countries to buy fruits from different countries with fruits that come from iran with the fruit market here. exactly the same cartoon transferred it is possible right there, that is, you pick up the apple that i tested myself, and you will see that it is all rotten underneath, next to it, the apple came from an african country, for example, from america. their prices are higher, but definitely someone is this apple that you have in such a package and this cartoon, which
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is more accurate than fruit. it's gone, but the quality is not the same, and unfortunately, the quality is here at the beginning, but because of the type of packaging, the type of shipping , the way we sometimes interact with our export market, it actually happens that we lose this market. yes, such a standard may be a rule in terms of standardization ok, well, this is really a challenge. there are two infrastructural obstacles in terms of logistics transportation, which are some horizontal obstacles that exist. well, let's talk about logistics. we are trying, a lot of good things have happened, but the reality is that in the last two or three years, we have made a very significant growth in the field of production. most of them are raw materials and machinery, which is showing growth, a very significant growth, this growth, which is the slogan of this year's beloved position, saying production jump, in fact, production jump, if the end is export. if not, it will be a dead end. it must be exported. made this production flourish, well, one of
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the obstacles is logistics, which we are trying to do by adding regular sea lines, which also has some obstacles, now it will probably be addressed later , there are banking issues, we are using night swift methods, although well, it is a bit slow, but it is happening, and some countries have bilateral systems, but until it is implemented, all of this increases the burden on the exporters and the difficulty of the exporters' work. so hard we don't have any challenges, it's a matter of infrastructure and logistics, and yes , the fact that we are playing and working in such real conditions, and most of them are businessmen, we are also trying to put out the fires as far as possible, which is one of the complaints. the main concerns of merchants are now an important part in the field of transportation, yes, and complaining about the lack of ships that now want to be in the form of a regular line, the problem of countries, especially african and latin america, will happen to those ships. they are complaining in the caspian sea that these
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events will eventually have a negative effect on our foreign trade. yes, they are right. some of these countries now, although it is not possible to take the iranian national killing company. in the past, the discussion of the east african shipping line was started, well, the development organization may have had a good budget at that time, and it had a good east. it was able to start a regular line with the help of the iranian national plant company. another one was going to be launched with the help of the iranian national cultivation company, but we still have challenges for west africa, for latin america, we have to consider, after all , the minimum cost of shipping to america is 23 million euros, and we still might we don't have enough cargo to be able to send a complete ship every month , for example, how many months does this ship have to stay? in fact, if the goods stay for a few months, it means that the market is not necessarily very hot, and it is going to be very difficult, as if
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we want to sell it there ourselves. let's do the market building and it should be from the side of these infrastructures , it should be complementary. there is a budget, of course, but it doesn't belong to much well, why, yes, now maybe the need that we feel here, others don't feel so much , that is, the feeling that we have in the discussion, that is , the export projects that i made in last year's budget were more than a thousand billion tomans. yes, last year it was more than a thousand billion. nothing has been given, nothing, why 40 billion. for the discussion of transportation , events, export terminals, exhibitions, and delegations , sending delegations abroad, well, this cannot actually be called a
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mashur, what does it mean? whether it is the former or the latter, you come and say. i am bringing this ship now, i will pay half of its costs to this country, practically right now taj merchants say, sir , they know that every month there is a ship that leaves half of the cost, your cost is half of the thousand, which is done by many of our competing countries in the region . they are doing it and we are seeing it, and this necessity is felt now that we need to express some of the rest of my devices for export , we feel this necessity that we have here very much and... my businessmen are really getting annoyed and finally there is such an opportunity. a good opportunity is created if the infrastructure should not be created as a supplement, and such works that we legislators have finally come to see in the law, although this number may melt every year at this dollar rate, it is melting like ice
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. but now 30 million dollars may not be more than 30 million dollars, but i want to say that this can still help a lot
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. the work is for us to come and expand our partners, that is let's come, we have a slogan, increasing export destinations and increasing export goods, that
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is, let's finally have more influence in these five countries, and let's add other countries, in fact, increase iran's economic complexity. one of the programs is the same discussion, for example, the iran exhibition , which we are focusing on, for example, neighboring countries like pakistan, which are not in the main countries , although we have good exports, for example, in 1402, we had one of the largest exports to pakistan, in the growth of exports, nearly 600 we had a million dollar increase in exports, these plans are being implemented, but well, these are all infrastructure programs, like the free trade agreement we have with pakistan . we are now exchanging a list of negotiation lists so that we can reach that comprehensive list for free trade with pakistan. it will definitely lead to the fact that we can develop our trade. and become one of our main partners, well, i said, in the traditional way of neighboring and some big countries.
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it started, we doubled our exports to the eurasian union every year, and this shows that these agreements are working, or this system, this policy, and the closeness of the two countries. countries come together, this program does its job. and africa is that we can go from one billion dollars to 10 billion dollars in africa , especially in the fields of technical engineering where we have a very high capacity and in the past there was good experience in some of these countries and east asia , i said, there is a potential. we have good cultural skills and we have a good traction and we did not go to open these markets too much and enter into the interaction of these programs , the series of these programs that i mentioned that the businesses that i said are free to serve you, preferential international agreements, active presence in this meeting. all this will lead to the fact that
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after two years, other countries will slowly be added to our export potential countries, except for example the top 10 countries, although our main plan is that we have a big country like china. we can definitely expand our interaction so that we don't replace that country. we should increase our exports and deepen our export markets, but we should also add other countries and lower the vulnerability of iran. it is one of the most challenging countries that i think we could do much more from its market. it is syria because we stood up for the work of syria, we paid a lot for it and we were proud of the fact that we stood behind the government of syria anyway, but actually in the field of business
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, it was a very difficult task, for example, in one sentence or two sentences. we probably had several meetings for about two or three months to resolve this free trade between us and syria. we didn't have a regular line in the past and we were trying to start a regular line with the same subsidies two or three years ago . now there is a regular line to it has reached a point where there is practically no cargo space, so some changes have happened, otherwise for example, now with the cooperation and efforts of our good ambassador in syria, the discussion of the transit route from iraq is being opened, which can help a lot
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. syria, we agreed to make it easier for iran, it was a very big thing. participation in syrian exhibitions is almost a lot of exhibitions in syria. iran participates in this one for two years. it was less in the past. what percentage of the syrian market do you say? d is iran. in general, this number is small, but it is growing every year. how much? well, our horizon for the current year was 500 billion dollars, 500 million dollars. this year, god willing, we made a drop, but we strongly believe that we can easily reach 500 million dollars. for example, in the field of petrochemicals, some goods, and some pharmaceutical and knowledge-based fields , our presence there in the commercial field should be much more active. now, good things have happened. i mean, now you can understand the percentage of the syrian market in iran. i want to say that
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it exists. we are not working. i said we have work the size of the capacity that we have and the market that we do in syria is the model of some countries, maybe in the form of. support and help are doing this work . well, we, the businessman who is trying to get his money back from the export, said that he had put a difficult system in syria for the withdrawal of foreign currency, which made it very difficult this year.
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in syria, for example, in the last two or three years , very good things have happened, now the line is regular , the discussion of the land line is being launched, which has decreased a bit due to the events in the region, but it will definitely be activated again. from syrians not knowing the iranian market , we invited you to this exhibition to come and get acquainted with the field of petrochemicals and some products and talk about free trade. ok , but i remember the past years, not a lot
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, because of the cross-cutting issues, not the cross-cutting issues, but there are challenges in iraq itself. yes, mr. president, the country's authorities have held several meetings to resolve various issues, but this is still a challenge because the iraqi market is very stretched. yes, for iran and our export number is a significant number , our export is more than 10 billion dollars , and this is good and it is also one-way, iraq says that finally an interaction should be established, that is, we would like to have free trade, but practically now , we are almost 11 zero, and this there should also be a model , but we have a good relationship with iraq in terms of business, but in iraq, there are laws that are enacted every year, especially the 24th, and this has made things a little difficult, although with the robberies that took place , some of these laws the suspension of your trade volume with iraq will be 11 billion dollars later this year
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we set a goal that we are trying our best to increase, but the point is that it is an interaction. and we can strike a balance, and we think that the stability of this business is due to the fact that the child established a balance, such as the creation of markets in common industrial towns in the free areas of iraq, where goods are produced there and exported to iran , or some goods there. produced and exported to the arab countries practically from iraq's own side, to increase the amount of iraqi exports in other goods , this can help the discussion of iran's stable presence in darvaz. iraq or, for example, in russia after after the war in ukraine, we could not take that market in our own hands as we should, in spite of our neighborhood, despite the capacities we had , which means that these are the opportunities that we seem to be losing . but in principle, we agree
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that what happened in april 1401, some commercial models , slow cooking models, are not very quick, but the work that started with russia from april 1401 was a unique event in the field of changing tastes, after all, they are traditional. they work with the west for a lot of goods there they import two so-called iranian brands , it is not a very strong brand in the field of export , let's face it, many countries do not recognize iran as an export country at all, in the field of goods such as dry goods, for example, oil, or for example, vegetables , even the type of vegetables that we, for example, we export to russia, i export to some other countries . it is different. we could have changed this. in many goods, russia's customs announced that it imported 2 billion dollars from iran in 2023. for example , this number
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is significant compared to the previous history. russia is strongly pursuing the signing of free trade yes, and actually he is looking for 10 billion in business. to get the dollar, he is really trying because he sees iran as a stable market for himself to meet his needs and to invest in iran, and we are also importing many goods from russia . there is, and even some of the industrial goods of these two sides can definitely lead to that incident, that is, in the interactions of the russian trade delegations before and after the ukraine war, you actually see a difference. this difference is the result of dozens of exhibitions. the ceremony and program to the media that was held in russia means, first of all, i said this dish , we have the capacity in iran, countries that are in iran. you see, they will be shocked that they are seeing such a potential from a collection of the capacity of an iranian, which cannot be found in many countries. in an advanced country
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, such high-tech products may not be found, but recognizing this capacity and then unifying the standards is our problem. after all, if we want to export a product, we must meet the russian standard . there are also strict people in eurasia , so it must be passed, even the country where you are a company. which has ce it will be difficult for him to pass it. well, it will take time. i said it is a slow process , but russia itself says that this happened very big . in trade relations, a significant number is still satisfied , but it is burned. there is a complaint. this is the 10 billion dollars that russia has set for trade. i think it is a good goal setting and he is trying for it , like the discussion of the events that happened in the discussion of the customs of iran, azerbaijan and russia. a major part of
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this happens through our business consultations in other countries, economic materials and the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. dr. sefri, these are your relationship. it's good with them, i think the number of these advisors has also increased in the government, in practice, if we and the team of mr. dr. safari are not a team, this team is really working now, and other friends , but because we have many working relationships. it is close to each other, these events like iran express and africa will not take place. we had a couple of meetings yesterday and today to coordinate this program, and actually these events are taking place . he found 5 to 3 advisors, we delivered it to 23 to 12 other advisors to be sent. about two months ago , we had a meeting with dr. safari in the so-called dispatch committee. we have increased our capacity to 65 consultants and this has a very effective role in the discussion of cooperation and helping businessmen to develop their business. there are two minutes left
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in rome because you again mentioned the slogan of the year , but only you said that it should be produced with participation . in my opinion, people, if its importance is not higher than the jump in production, it is not less . how much do you consider the role of the private sector in the development of foreign trade? we are the private sector in the government to be their voice and resolve their issues . we play a role like the commercial centers we have abroad . well, we started this work last year , increasing our business centers from 10 to nearly 60 we have made it possible for the private sector to come and help other companies to establish this interaction
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, and the next point is the possibility of the presence of knowledge -based companies and value-added companies in the capital markets. god willing, this development will be seen . god willing, this is
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the big festival of the city of home appliances and city of carpets. this time, on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from city of home appliances and city of carpets. specialized carpet reference. and household appliances
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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good evening, at 20:30 , we are at your service with some news, holding the ounce event with the qur'an in the musa bin jafar mosque, the guest of the muhajiran city of semnan. this gathering of reading the holy quran and the mahdavi iftar feast was held with 800 guests of the program with the aim of promoting the culture of simple iftar. the live performance of tavashi asma al-hassani and the international anthem group mithaq mohajeran astanan is one of the other programs of this ceremony. tolit astana quds rosavi
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of your fast with


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