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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of god. hello fellow countrymen, it's one in the morning. the circular of entry fees for phones above 600 dollars was announced. according to the trade development organization's circular, the entry fee for mobile phones worth more than $600 was set at 15% for commercial import. also, the entry fee for mobile phones with a price of more than 600 dollars for others, including passengers, is doubled, i.e. 30%. according to
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the resolution of bahman last year, the customs revenues from the importation of mobile phones above 600 dollars have been allocated solely to the resolutions of the digital economy working group , which supports the production of upgrading the level of the chip. the industrial designs of micro electronic electronics are assigned. the country's property and documents registration organization announced that all national lands have been demarcated throughout the country. issuing a single-page deed for more than seven million pieces of land of urban and rural residential context is another measure of the registration organization , mr. kehlavi province and boyer rahmat of the kakan village complex, where the deed registration organization has demarcated all agricultural lands and thousands of documents. for me , the owners have been issued, we made a plan that , god willing, all the villages will be certified
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it was the result. law of hadnagar community at the end of 2013 it was approved and did not make much progress until 99. but since 99 until today, many parts of the country's lands have been demarcated. by the end of 1402, within 4 years , 99% of national lands, 42% of agricultural lands, 38% of urban residential areas. and 25% of the pieces of
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rural fabric were demarcated and documented. but the important issue in demarcation is that its database should be available to some other organizations and institutions in order to prevent land encroachment, mountain encroachment, forest encroachment, sea encroachment and encroachment on national lands. the system that is being used for this issue is a system that is related to the decade 80. we can provide this feature to friends. according to the issued orders, the discussion of redesigning the real estate society system as well as the wathed or cadasar system is on the agenda . a document that was updated in 1403 and one of its cases is to end the demarcation of all lands as soon as possible. mohammad reza falahi, sed and broadcasting news agency. managing director of foulad company. isfahan
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announced that the quorum production of takthals in this company was broken in 1402. takthals are steel derivatives that are used in machine building industry steel production as a mother industry, which is considered as a measure of the country's development. after half a century of steel production in our country, today we have achieved self-sufficiency in the steel industry. we relied on the knowledge that has become the driving engine of more than 4,000 factories in upstream and downstream industries . we allocated more than 80% of our products to domestic customers to adjust the imbalance between supply and consumption . we were able to help stabilize our position in the 10th place in the world's steel production, a 33% share of the country's steel, which separates from the value
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in addition, currently we stopped 5 billion dollars of imports into the country. they say that in recent years, a part one of the records in the production of crude steel was due to the activation of small mines and the identification of new capacities of iron ore. we plan to extract nearly 2 million tons of iron ore mineral per year, and we are currently exploring 35 mining areas. crude steel, which now has an important share in strategic industries. for example, in the field of gilding of water pipes, we supplied more than 500,000 tons of sheets. in the field of automobiles, more than 250 thousand tons of sheet metal have been supplied to two domestic automobile manufacturers last year, we ranked second in the country in terms of added value. it could supply iran's strategic industries, including two-phase steels, electrical steels, and the important role
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of knowledge-based companies in passing the hundred sanctions should not be ignored. last year, more than 100 parts and equipment were manufactured inside for the first time. based on the strategic document of the ministry of cement, in the horizon of 1404 , iran is going to reach the seventh place in the world with an annual production of 55 million tons of crude steel. experts in this field say that they can increase the amount of raw steel production if the energy restrictions are taken into consideration this year up to 20% increase in body. mohammad hossein mehmpoosh of isfahan folad mobarakeh broadcasting news agency and specialists of a technological unit. they managed to localize the technology of cold asphalt production. this product is made of waste materials from mines and in a short period of time, cracks and holes in defective asphalt are repaired. according to the statistics of the
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road maintenance management system, 1250 kilometers of suburban roads need to be repaired and improved. the growth rate of accidents has increased in these few years . no one can say that the deterioration of asphalt roads has no effect, it is definitely effective now the technologists of amir kabir university of technology succeeded in making an asphalt that removes the cracks of old asphalts and increases their quality. its scientific name is cold asphalt. a large part of road maintenance is described as spotting spots in aspart pits. well, again, again, again, this is the same method of my car and heat transfer. we should prepare a solution that we can fill these holes, which we could lower the cost with a much lower cost than the usual methods of asphalt staining. this product, which is made with recycled materials , increases the repairability of asphalt. we came
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we introduced a combination of cold asphalt mixture , which actually includes the same waste aggregate from the steel industry as coarse aggregate for medium and fine aggregate. we made up to 10 mm ourselves, which with microwave radiation can reach the temperature of asphalt paving in a very short period of time, about two minutes. this technological product has some disadvantages compared to similar foreign samples. we actually connect compared to the usual way with our deep surface work, we were able to reduce the cost by about 90% and reduce energy consumption and pollution by 70%, which is now a big problem in big cities, especially asphalt plants that have a lot of pollution. asphalt hundred
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is ready for development and commercialization in the domestic market. he needs support, dear mehbobe of the tv news agency , next section
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, the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram , he is playing with the whole country, why in these six months of pricing , your question is an interesting question .
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mr. janjan, an economic expert, agreed . subsidy to the final consumer in another mr. mohammadi hasanlui is present in our studio . he is an economic expert and agrees to pay subsidies to the production chain. it will lead to the prosperity of production and cheaper goods will reach the people, and some honorable people say that these policies do not hit the target or the rich people
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are using this subsidy and they are benefiting . does which rich person uses market-regulated chicken, and which rich person has products like this, lavash bread or stone that the general public has. they use, they use, unfortunately , some of our friends are sitting in the closed thinking environment of their think tanks and research institutes and they are doing debates on paper that are different from the reality of society. i am serving the honorable nation of iran and it is a matter that may be known to us in tehran. don't talk about, for example , frozen subsidized chickens and market regulation that every
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at any point of time in tehran, we want to go to the shops, there are people who are available at the right price, but besides that , some people are violating some trade unions , we have three or four repeated words that we have a subsidy of 400 we will give million instead of 80, or we will say that the chain of these fellows will go out of the way, but this statement is not a reason for us to oppose the grant of subsidy to the beginning of the chain , mr. janjan. what is the subsidy to the final consumer and how much? we agree with the statements of mr. mohammadi, in the name of god. i also say hello to you , dear viewers and mr. mohammadi, see what mr.
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mohammadi is proposing and actually claiming is that we have a number of very, very clean people at the beginning of the chain and if these are billions if the dollar is available to them as a subsidy, they will not betray it. this is an ideal image, god willing, it will be like this. but i want to inform the people that since april 2017, when we witnessed the birth of the preferential rate of 420 tomans, regardless of the fact that it is almost 6.7 billion dollars did not return to the country . the chicken
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was approximately 40,000 tomans. now let's take an average, that is, despite the payment and continuation of payment, allocation and supply of 420, which actually provided the feed for the chicken and these, the price is almost 85. but the chicken multiplied , its size increased 7 times while 4,200 tomans were allocated while there were 4,200 tomans as we are seeing now. since the birth of 2850 tomans, has chicken become cheaper or more expensive since 28500, has meat become cheaper or more expensive? i believe that we had 124,000 prophets , dear mr. mohammadi, and in short, the end of the messenger was the messenger
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of god, peace be upon him, and we no longer have them. that we think that we have those who do not betray trust. you should explain that when we are a head of state, our consumption of chicken is actually 30 kilos per year for each person, which means that we can buy half a kilo of chicken a month. 12 million tomans, well, this is for the final consumer. on what basis do you make such a claim? paid fellows, we have seen that the price of meat, chicken, white meat or red meat has not increased. i think it is a kind of fallacy of the cotton pahlan, and let's talk with each other with numbers and figures based on the document to see that
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what is the state of the chicken in cef now? how do you actually want to receive the subsidy , but we don't see the increase in the price of chicken again ? thank you mr. mohammadi, we are at your service. in addition to those 124,000 prophets and other 14 innocent prophets , i would like to add that your service is primarily about the clean hands of the production agents. or people first of all, let's compare the nation of this era , especially the nation of iran , was in a much better situation than the nation of the prophet's or imams , so let's not take these issues in this way. if it wasn't for these producers, the situation would have been much worse. the problem
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is not from the producer's side, the problem is from side. there are people who interfere inappropriately in this process. we said that we will allocate the width. previously, the government had a problem with the width of 420 and it was not allocated to those people. anyone who came to tell him. the removal of the obligation was not horizontal. because you can't give the offer without fulfilling the land commitment and what are these people doing? these people, their money went to the stock market. at the same time, the dignitaries told us that you two , 2, 4, 9, technical, i don't know, the chart is up , down, horizontal, month, the same year when the stock market was falling , we were in a meeting with mr. janjan, whatever part we brought, the stock market will fall. in this case, don't invite them, they won't accept because their technicalities didn't work, but the current situation of the discussion we are doing is not like the stock market, the
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basic goods are not the problem of other financial markets to joke with. if it wasn't for aghazadeh and the people who received the offer and took it to other places, the situation would be different allocation of 420t width or preferential width or any other rate would be much better, that is , we should blame the executive and the supervisor, not the producer, we should not punish the people because some people come to commit violations, the situation we have now is access to people's basic goods. they have these goods, but if we don't give them the same subsidy , it will be out of reach. why, if you want a number , the numbers came up several times in this program and we did the calculations . for example, if the government wants to give a subsidy of 100 units, if it is the beginning of the chain, give it and the price
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is the beginning. the chain of that product should be 120 units. we if we can give 100 units and 20 units if there are 3 stages, for example bread wheat. the chain of money that people have to pay to buy that product is 34 units, while if we don't subsidize the first 120 units, the beginning of the chain is the same three steps. from 20% of each step, this figure will show something like 175 units. if the government wants to give the same 10 units of subsidy, how much will people have to pay 75 units. people should at least double pay more if they get the same amount of goods in an abstract example that we can talk about in this situation, but what will happen
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in the reality of your society, you say that the price has reached this level, you do not consider the increase in costs, you in some of basic goods and institutions , you don't consider the war between russia and ukraine . if we consider all the goods, we can see that in this situation, our producers are mostly struggling to produce with this situation , although we agree. that there should be more supervision , you can do whatever you want with any intention give a subsidy if there is no supervision and effective supervision is not ineffective or
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do something, hey, supervise , it does not help to supervise in this way, when i, as the final consumer, have the possibility to actually receive the subsidy. myself. they will decide how to use it . you again claim that the war between russia and ukraine, the war between russia and ukraine , was actually a part of the effects of the post-coronavirus, the return of demand to the world markets was a growth, and the prices also returned. he went after his work now despite 2850, see now i am looking at the price, the price is in may 1401 is the average price of 2000 tomans, what are you looking at, the price of chicken, how do you make such a claim, 285 28500 for a kilo of chicken, well
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, it is half a dollar in brazil. we consider 1 and 6, multiply by 28 and 500. now the chicken should be 4560 tomans, not 50. well, you who are the consumer, actually the producer and the beginning of the chain , you are getting your dollar, you are getting your money from erdi behesht 401, why did the chicken double? during the time when people were encouraged to invest in the stock market and those funds that i took away from the people , none of them remember to explain why they invited, why they did not give warnings, and why
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people who did not give warnings were criticized. saying that you did not comment in this area , but in this area of ​​basic goods , you should not make a pop with some incomplete numbers and arguments and media frenzy, because we are on the side of the people . once again, if you want a number, i will give you a number first of all, you said that the price of chicken in brazil is one and a half dollars, we have a fixed price we are doing it, the route is clear, how much has been allocated , the figure numbers are also less than this amount every year, as i heard, something like 15-16 billion dollars has been given for basic goods. from my point of view , it is not except the basic goods, but from the point of view of other experts , i may be except the basic goods, and i have to give an argument and
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explain which product groups are included to the relevant officials, but the input is given in what way it is given to them to produce now. our suppliers say that we have remittance we go to the market and sell because we need inputs today, so we have to supply them at a higher rate today. because he can't tell the chicken to wait, i got the money order , i'm letting you know that he has to give it to him now , he will buy it, and these things will be corrected. well, it should be dealt with , we should ask the regulatory institutions to be accountable. i am not your servant . express your opinion and explain what the relationship is like and what happened but the numbers of the subsidy discussion, we say that people should reject this subsidy, not that more burdens
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will be imposed on them. why do we give subsidies ? what is the reason and philosophy of giving subsidies, other than to help people's livelihoods ? some of you say that they like to take it, no, the bottom line is that some people may want to take it to the stock market. well , it's better to bring the stock market there, people will come, we will introduce a package to you, we will give you a signal, come. the stock market and now him. we will not answer again, no, we want people's livelihood to be better, with basic goods, not all goods , to be given to basic goods and to be more closely monitored. chain, we want to give 100 units of subsidy, there are 3 stages, it must be flour , become bread, reach the people, 100 units , and give the beginning of the chain to the producer to monitor
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the chain, at the bottom of the chain, people must pay 34 units to be able to buy the same, if they don't give 120 units 20 the cost of the first stage and the second stage open 20% there should be more, the method should be 170 units , the government should give 100 units, 70 units, the people should pay two to four specific things, that is, double, in an example , they should pay for the benefit of the people , i will give you 100 units, but the finished product price will be more. you should buy less , you can buy half of that amount from this. why do numbers and figures cause inflation? when there is a need for financing at a lower rate at the beginning of the chain , the producer will need less cost and capital for production in the next stages. if you do not pay this, in the same example, you have to pay more provide financing. one of the damages that inflation causes to producers is that they will need more working capital than they could produce yesterday
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. he received education from the banking and education system, what will happen, the increase in liquidity will happen, it is as if mr. mohammadi , you recorded a tape, you play it from the beginning, while i am talking, you rewind and play it again , what is the use of this? what you just said, you said in the first part, besides , what does it have to do with the stock market? talking about the economy , if you have exactly behaved like a zinef you are like a zinef zinef, 30 billion dollars, half of the entire country's budget, say one word that is acceptable to you, talk with numbers and figures , forgive liquidity, in which textbook do they say that it can actually be guided, where in which book is it written
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, why? he brings up things that no one has any claim about at all , no one has read about in any book, those who guide the credit of liquidity do not guide, so if we are going to talk scientifically, you seem to have come to yourself. in fact, i am saying a series of sentences. you saved it for yourself , you recorded it, you play a bridge, you go, you come back first, you start again . i asked you several questions. i said that if you claim that this is a total subsidy, you know it. mr. mohammadi says that you should show it to us who are the producers. we are very good children. inshallah, we will not be teasers. we are very good. we are good people, so , god willing, nothing will happen to him, then here are the people, that is, we want
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to give the same amount to the people that we give subsidies to, in fact, the beginning of the chain. they should pay for it themselves, why should you pay for it? come and sell part of it in the market. go and sell the rest behind the market, aren't we short? we saw, aren't we children? don't we see these things? it's repeated. it's repeated. let me talk , mr. janjan. the end of the chain is not bad for people. don't be wrong. don't make false claims . by the way, if you see what you say, if it has a structure. ironically, if someone is going to come to the stock market, if someone is going to come to the stock market , he will either go into gold or coins, the one who will get 30 billion dollars, the one who will get the big number will shake the coin market, the nation is very unfortunate, mr. mohammadi , the nation can't take their fajran. you talk like you are in zagun or iran prim do you live where do you live?


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