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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 4:00am-4:30am IRST

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hello dear viewers. i am at your service with news at 4 o'clock. the leader of yemen's ansarullah movement, describing the latest developments in the region, said that what is happening in gaza is a disgrace to humanity and a warning to the whole world about the brutality of israel and america. abdul malik al-houthi stated that so far 86 israeli ships and their supporters have been targeted by yemeni fighters.
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the yemenis have also repeatedly targeted the omrash cruise missiles, the effects of the yemeni attacks in the sea and also towards the zionist regime in occupied palestine are quite clear . the zionist enemy is aware of this issue. saying that the us has attacked yemen more than 13 times this week, ansarullah of yemen addressed the americans and said: they will convey the defeat of britain in their military aggression against yemen. he emphasized that the only solution is to stop the encroachment on gaza and the crime and the siege of the people of this region. the international court of justice in laha required the zionist regime to stop violating the rights of palestinians in gaza. the court on thursday gave a new verdict. he announced that
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the zionist regime is required to take effective measures to cooperate with the united nations to provide aid to gaza. crazy justice between international announced in its statement: the zionist regime must guarantee the provision of basic services and humanitarian aid to the people of gaza without any obstacles. in the new ruling of the international court of justice, it is stated that the zionist regime must submit a report to this court within one month from the issuance of this ruling regarding the measures it has adopted regarding the provision of aid to gaza . the zionist regime confiscated hundreds of hectares of palestinian land in the west bank. with the confiscation of these lands in al-aqwar region, thousands of palestinians will be added to the number of displaced people. farmers and ranchers of al aghwar region.
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in the west bank , they received an authorization to stop their activities. rafi, a palestinian farmer , says that we do not have the right to take water from wells for our livestock. it is possible that at any moment the zionist soldiers will come here and force us out. the fertility of the palestinians and the deep water wells of al-aghwar region. in his 2019 election campaign, the prime minister of the zionist regime pointed to the aragvar region on the map and promised that if he wins the election, all the lands of this area will be confiscated. netanyahu
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wants to take advantage of the current situation in soh and implement the greater quds plan and cut off the territorial connection between palestinians in the west bank. channel 13 of the zionist regime reported: the planning council of this regime has approved the construction of 3,500 residential complexes in the west bank, and the war cabinet has allocated funds for its implementation this year. after several decades, the members of the french parliament finally condemned the massacre of algerian protestors in 1961. in that year, the police broke into a peaceful assembly of 30,000 algerian immigrants that marked the end of french colonialism they attacked their own country. some reports say that 20 to 300 people were killed . french president emmanuel macron confessed on the sixth anniversary of this massacre. about
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12,000 algerians were arrested in this crackdown and the police drowned a number of protesters by throwing them into the sanen river. until now , france has denied this crime. the people of algeria were dependent on france for more than 130 years, and according to some statistics , they sacrificed hundreds of thousands for their independence in 1962. more news nuclear industry experts succeeded after localization of knowledge technical production of nuclear measuring equipment to start the industrial production of this strategic product. this advanced equipment is used to measure fluids and gas using radioactive source in upstream industry. in the upstream industry , advanced nuclear equipment is used to measure the concentration of substances in large tanks or the flow of fluids . for example, if we don't know the percentage of iron ore in
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this iron ore, we can't come to plan and build a company there at all , and also to make iron ore. simultaneous measurement of fluid or gas flow the use of another equipment is called a two-phase measuring device, which has solved the needs of the industry with the efforts of experts in the nuclear industry. a transmitter and a receiver are formed, which is a nuclear spring transmitter and a gamma receiver, which uses the most complex algorithm and programming. flow regime. it is because of a completely local knowledge that our children were able to do this important thing and this locality means that
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we will no longer have problems or problems like in the past for our big industry. reduction of measurement time and high accuracy are among the advantages that with the development of technology a core in the production of advanced equipment, instruments , obtained in cement mines , for example, they do not use neutrons and use x-rays . x-rays are offline. it takes a day to take a sample from it, prepare this sample , and take it to the laboratory. new percentages, not with that accuracy, but online at the same time as recorded on the monitor , for example, the percentage of silica, the percentage of iron, the remaining parameters that are required by different industries, and at a very high speed , with a very high accuracy, in the worst conditions. other devices can respond to you they don't have the conditions to provide those industries , and the support of our children from the industries that are among our customers and receive services from us , until the end of life, we can
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provide them with any service they need , the equipment of the core precision instruments. it is one of the banned goods, which is ready to enter the world markets with the efforts of nuclear industry scientists in the country, and in addition to meeting the needs of the domestic market. mohammad ghasem kiaei, the ceo of iran's urban regeneration company, said that the renovation of the dilapidated fabric will gain more momentum this year, focusing on the people. mr. ayeni also announced the registration of the new installation in the issuance of construction permits until the end of last year in the worn-out fabric. by the end of last year , the number of licenses issued in dilapidated buildings, which is regarded as the start of renovation in a dilapidated building, alhamdulillah
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, exceeded 250,000 units, and this is a record overall in the last 12 years. also, in the same period , it is a record among all governments that worn-out fabrics are working, and on the other hand, during this period, more than 82 thousand units have actually been put into operation , and god willing, this trend will continue this year. the next part of the news is at 5 o'clock.
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in the name of god, greetings, happy eid, i accept your fasting prayers. in today's due date program, we are going to examine the performance of the central bank in line with the development of new banking technologies. the guest of this episode of the due date program is dr. mehran moharmian, vice president of new technologies of the central bank. mr. dr. agh. hello, i have a question. please, let's get into the questions. in the name of hazrat haq , i congratulate you on the new year and i wish you to accept my prayers . i am at your service for all my dear viewers . be healthy, mr. doctor. today, in fact, new technology in the field of finance and banking plays a special role in your life. people in fact, please find out what measures you have taken in the past year to facilitate people's financial and banking activities and possibly what plans you have to complete these measures this year. yes. the year 1402 was a very busy and diverse year for the field of modern technology
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. perhaps one of the important measures that were taken in this year was the discussion of the central bank's supervisory systems in order to achieve the main goal of the bank, which you understand is actually the control of inflation. now the year 1402 was decorated with the same name and naturally, special measures had to be taken in this direction to control inflation. need. it was to control the creation of liquidity in the banks, so the central bank's supervisory systems had to find an upgrade in this area, which in the various systems that we have in this area, which we can't go into the details of now , some upgrades were made. along with the efforts of other areas of bank drawing , focusing on the economic area and the area of ​​respectable authority, led to the creation of control, in fact, the creation of liquidity in 1402, which was finally a very good thing that led to the reduction of inflation, the digital rial project
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started its testing phase we did and thank god for good progress we were talking about the fight against gambling network transactions, and we have made great progress in this area, and we are actually preventing and preventing many cases online . fines were actually applied in this area . there is a related system in fact. i would like to tell you that there is a good monitoring in the open banking network in this area as well. another issue is international connections . we have the connection of our shatab project to the mir of russia, which is for international exchanges and tourists who go back and forth between the two countries. it will actually be useful we actually have the connection of our sepam system to the spfs system, which is a financial messenger exchange system between iran and russia that can be opened. help us in international exchanges . last year, we implemented the syaq system
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, which helped a lot for those who went to court and were defrauded. in the past, this work took about 200 days . it was really a complicated task . you had to write letters and contact 30 banks. a system that takes a few minutes or even a few. the second is actually connected to all banks and identifies and freezes the property of a person who has been convicted in court anyway. this is well done . in fact , you had special respect for him in 142, the issue is actually the implementation of electronic checks, which actually removes the paper. we note that it is also included in the seventh law, which is actually from 1405 onwards. all checks must be electronic. please tell me what stage this project is at now
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is it approaching maturity or not, and in fact, when will we be able to have both the process of collecting and issuing checks completely electronically, and there will be no need for a person to go to bank branches either to actually receive a check or to collect a check ? as we remember, the electronic check project peaked in 1402. now 12 banks are issuing electronic checks to their customers. and all the country's banks are equipped with systems that can accept electronic checks from other banks , so it was a good thing that electronic checks happened. electronically and offline of course, it can be cashed, this is happening right now, but there is a restriction that it can only be cashed in the same bank where the check was issued, in the same bank's electronic devices, naturally, with a short distance, this will also be operational in other banks, god willing. we asked the banks to implement it as soon as possible. most of the banks' focus now is to add those banks
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that did not join this plan, god willing, within the next 3 years, we must gradually move towards the elimination of paper checks, god willing, which is a lot of problems. which exists in the czech field, god willing it will help to remove it. currently , there are about 230,000 paper checks, sorry. electronic ones have been issued by people and have been provided to zineft , of which about 200,000 have gone to the bank and have actually been cashed. do you think there will be a serious change this year? it will happen in my field , i think this year, god willing, all the banks will move in this direction due to the requests of their customers , and god willing, in summary, slowly, slowly, the space will be prepared to eliminate paper in the check, mr. doctor, one of the issues
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that is actually here there were also letters from the central bank and in the world. that many countries actually this the implementation of the issue is the issue of credit assessment, which in fact, people have different assets that they actually have with different asset trustees, and a credit rating is actually given to people. how much progress has been made? please tell me what is your plan for the actual progress of this project in 2014. besides validating the discussion of electronic development of assets , finally, subsidies for people's equity shares, people's sim cards, people's sim cards, every year, in fact, it has been discussed for many years. these as assets for receiving the facility is going to be considered, but it has not been seriously implemented yet. please tell me what is your plan in 1403 to advance these issues. yes, well , look, we have a parameter called financial inclusion, which means how much people
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benefit from financial services. there are, especially now , if we take into consideration with a little complacency , they are using electronic banking services. the fact is that in the field of access to electronic banking services, we are one of the best countries in the world, according to reports from international authorities, including the world bank. it is actually being published. regarding access to facility services, we do not have a good rating in this field. now, of course, it has a series of economic roots , including the fact that the real interest rate is negative, which we will not discuss here, but the fact is that in order to receive education, we have to make the environment comfortable for people, which is naturally emphasized by my honorable government. in the world, in this field , the discussion of accreditation is the most important thing that it does. it needs something like , i don't know, a guarantor, and in this way , it greatly reduces the risk of banks, especially for education. it reduces, and on the other hand, it reduces bank
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defaults, that is, for example, a loan that someone is paid in full because if he does not pay the balance late , his credit score will decrease. time to actually fix and pay back this current model, which we are going to operate now, is designed on the basis of artificial intelligence , it actually gets information from different places, including the tax affairs organization, the ministry of welfare , the judiciary, the police, the traffic guide regarding fines and now there are different places that have really good promotion this model and of course this will actually continue. we will get information from other places. this model is now in the final testing stage . inshallah, the test will be completed. we will put it into operation at the beginning of this new year .
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marriages take 2 to 3 months, which means you say that with this increase, the system can actually facilitate it. why do i say it can because there may still be people who do not have any credit score or, in fact, start their work with the banking network here is the level of facilities that they can receive without delay it is limited, but for many people who already have a history and it is shown that there are people who always pay their debts on time , naturally, this can be affected a lot. the issue of subsidy, because i think that more than 60 million iranians actually have a subsidy account, this is a special issue in your program so that it can be considered as a confirmation and even the subsidy of other people can actually be used for education . the person is actually verified. see how many times this has happened right now, that is, within the past few years, especially during the corona period that started
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this story was used several times for the education that was paid to the general public, and naturally it can continue. now with this electronic approval system, maybe i will be able to study a little bit . we didn't have a plan until now , we can think about it and check it. i will definitely ask my colleagues to check it, and if there is no special case, this can be implemented . the real estate and accommodation system aims to manage the rental market. a more serious face it is being paid and it needs the cooperation of different devices, one of the devices that can really do it. to help this system to be efficient , there are banks that actually make inquiries to verify the residence of people through this system , but in fact this issue
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was not done seriously last year. please tell me what is the plan so that in the new year the verification of the place of residence should actually be done through this system . for the first service , we considered issuing a check for this purpose, and the other one is actually card registration. in for card-to-card services and cases it is similar to online card registration in the shoprak system, which we will only operate as a warning, for example, if someone wants to do a card-to-card transaction, but it is not registered in that system, it will only appear as a warning that you have not registered and leave. register, but the work will be done for the issuance of his hand because it is a process that usually takes several days, here he has time, the person will ask him at the branch, and if he does not register, he will actually do his work. we will start with these two services, and god willing, this will gradually be applied to other banking services. maybe you talked about digital rial.
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many of us have no idea what exactly is going to happen. please give us a little more detail for the people that it can be said that a change will actually occur in people's transactions, and besides this, i remember that time when we discussed.
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there is, but i can't touch it anymore. everything that we consider for a banknote is also there for the digital rial. this is another difference with a banknote . you can't cut it in half. there are a series of problems , the problem of money is not there anymore it's beautiful, it can actually be divided into its parts, and it's exactly the same amount that you have to pay. in kish island, we have an initial pilot show, god willing , we will implement it within a few months. in the future, we will focus on tertij to other areas, we hope that he can help to solve the problem of petty cash in the first stage
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. fortunately, a banking application of this project has also been completed, although we did this work in 2019 on the side of the central bank, it took some time for the network paying in this field should do its own work . the first one is actually a collaboration between paypal and several banks, especially the business. it has been implemented recently, and now some of the credit cards in the country are also working. this is equipped and this transaction can be done, in other words, you can take all the different bank cards that you keep in your pocket, physically, into your mobile phone, that is , you can register the details in your mobile phone in an application, and then it is enough that when you go to the that shop is that mobile phone. you will now become any of them from that card , you can choose one of my cards by default, just take your phone out of lock or lock mode and bring your phone close to
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the card reader. and that transaction will be done, mr. doctor , thank you very much for accepting our invitation . land of mountains, forests and history.
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these days, many of our compatriots chose siahkol as the destination of their nowruz trips. we are guests of the very beautiful city of siahkol from gilan province. we came here from the city of sarab in east azerbaijan. people are very warm it is very spectacular and it is supposed to be us. we visited a lot of places, but nowhere can you find siahkol. it really has a wonderful pristine nature. first of all, i would like to thank the hospitality of the people of siahkol. i came from karaj . i had really heard a lot about the beautiful nature here . the pasoran pool is
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facing us. dear kakui, in front of the router, it is very kind to you. these are the ketun khanan castle, istaqar pashuran, lonk waterfall , sarai titi caravan, siah kollab road , dillman, malfjan waterfall, barfjan tomb, and dozens of other historical and recreational places among siahkele tourist attractions . we came from rozen city, we are travelers. the holy month of ramadan. we try to honor this good month of god as much as we can and the people of siahkol , who are famous for their hospitality. i would like to introduce my city siahkal to the respected travelers so that they can enjoy their trip more. the city of siakal is vast.
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in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light . in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of god, light upon light. in the name of allah, who created
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the light, i am the light, praise be to allah, who created the light akbar allah akbar allah akbar i testify that there is no god but allah i testify that there is no god but allah i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god


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