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tv   [untitled]    March 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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pakistan will definitely lead to the fact that we can develop our business and become one of our main partners. well, i said that traditionally , being a neighbor and some big countries are our partners , we have established a good relationship with oman, for example, in the persian gulf region. this growth in exports is due to russia, we were also able to significantly increase the country of russia and eurasia when you look at eurasia. it shows that these agreements are working or not the system and this policy and the proximity of the two countries are doing their job. the same plan for iran and africa is that we can go from one billion dollars to africa to 10 billion dollars , especially in the technical and engineering fields where we have a very high capacity and in the past , there was a good experience in some countries, and in east asia, i said, we have good cultural potential and we have a good traction, and we did not go to open these markets too much and enter the community. these programs are the series of these
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programs that i mentioned that the businesses that i said are free to serve you preferentially between the agreements internationally, active presence in these meetings, which is an exhibition like iran expo, the discussion of activating joint commissions, for example, with east asian countries, which has been happening for several years after 10 years , will all lead to the fact that after two years, we will slowly move to other countries. they are adding to the countries with our export potential except for 10 countries. it is better to add that although our main plan is that we have a big country like china , we can definitely expand our interaction with china. but if we add other countries , we can reduce the vulnerability of iran, and one of the challenging countries that i think we could have benefited from the market more than this is syria, because we are very close to syria.
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we stood up, we paid a lot of money for it and made me proud because we stood behind the government of syria anyway, but in practice we could not benefit in the field of trade . what is really our challenge in the field of foreign trade with syria ? i want to open it, look at my original ratio yes, it is true that those potentials have not blossomed yet. a very big work has been done, i said, an agreement was signed 13 years ago and we are reviving it in a year . it was a very difficult task, for example, on one sentence or two sentences, we had several meetings for about two or three months to resolve that this trade is free. let it be formed between us and syria. we didn't have a regular line in the past, and we were trying to start a regular line two or three years ago with the same subsidies. now the regular line has reached a point where
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there is practically no cargo space. discussion, for example now, with the cooperation and efforts of our good ambassador in syria, the discussion of the transit route from iraq is opening, which can help a lot . we made it easier for iran, and it was a great job . participation in syrian exhibitions is almost a lot of exhibitions in syria . tell us what percentage of the syrian market is in the hands of iran in general, this number is small, but it is growing every year. how much? well, our horizon for the current year was 500 billion dollars, 500 million dollars , 250 dollars, god willing . we made a drop, but we strongly believe that we can easily reach 500 million dollars. petrochemicals, some goods
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, pharmaceutical and knowledge-based areas. our presence there in the commercial area should be much more active . now good things have happened . i mean, now you can understand the percentage of the syrian market in iran. it's not a percentage, definitely, for example, the same now 10 near the border, but yes, well, i said , now, for example, there is also the issue of rebuilding syria , after all, we have a lot of technical engineering services, we also have a good capacity, and after all, sweden has a very good traction, but it seems that the size of the capacity we have and the market in syria exists, we are not working, i said, we are working, model , well, some countries that maybe have support and help are doing this work, well, we, the businessman who is exporting, will get his money back in syria compared to the last two or three years, for example, very good things have happened. it has fallen, now it is a regular line, there is a question about the ground line it will be launched now because of the events in the region . it has decreased, but it will definitely
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be active again, the discussion of commodity groups and marketing discussion that took place, many syrians do not know the iranian market, we invited them to come and get acquainted with the field of petrochemicals and some products and discuss trade. zadeh, if this is implemented, we will have deviations in some products such as cars or car parts 55, for example, this will be zero, or even with iraq, almost now, maybe it has improved a bit , but i remember that in the past years, our traders were very upset with me. yes, the horizontal topics are good the challenges are in iraq itself, mr. president and the country's officials, having several meetings in iraq, there are laws that are enacted every year, especially in 2024, and this has made things a bit difficult, even though with raiz. if some of these laws are suspended, the volume of my trade with iraq will be 11 billion dollars, after this year, whatever you set this target , we are trying our best to increase it, but the point of iraq is to achieve an interaction and a balance, and this is our opinion. the sustainability of this business depends on
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the establishment of a balance, such as the creation of common industrial town markets in the regions. free iraq to produce goods there and export them to iran or some goods there. produced and exported to the arab countries practically from iraq's own side , that the amount of iraq's exports in other goods can be increased, this can help the discussion of iran's stable presence in the market of iraq or, for example , in russia, after the ukraine war, we were not able to do so. we should be able to take that market in our own hands, despite the neighborhood, despite the capacities we had , that is, these are the opportunities that we seem to be missing . but the work started with russia from april 1401
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it has been a unique event in the field of changing horoscopes , after all, they work traditionally with the west. they import a lot of goods from there , so to speak, iran's brand is not a very strong brand in the field of export. let's face it, many countries do not recognize iran as an export country , for example, in the field of some goods, for example, dry goods , for example, oil, or for example, tarbar fruit, even the type of fruit. the amount that we export to russia, for example , is different from that of some other countries . we could change this. in many goods, russia 's customs announced that it imported 2 billion dollars of goods from iran in 2023. it is important to note that compared to the past , russia is strongly pursuing the signing of free trade, and in fact , it is seeking to reach a trade of 10 billion dollars. it is also really trying because it sees iran as a stable market
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for itself. to meet his own needs and to invest in iran, and we are also importing many goods from russia . you in the interactions of russian business delegations before and after the ukraine war actually, you see a difference. this difference is the result of dozens of exhibitions, events, and sharing programs held in russia , held in iran. i mean, i actually said this . in iran, we have the capacity of the countries that are in between. let's see, they will be shocked to see such a potential from a collection of iran's capacity, which cannot be found in many countries. in an advanced country, such goods may not be found, but we wanted to know this capacity and then unify the standards. that is our problem. we have to export a product
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the russian standard, which is also strict , must be passed by turkey, which may even be difficult for a country like yours, a company that has ce , to pass it. well, it will take time. it was a slow process, but russia itself says that this happened very big in business relations . give a significant amount of support to a person. a person is satisfied, but when he is burned , he complains. the billion dollars that russia has set for trade, i think it is a good goal, and it is. for this, he is trying to discuss the events that happened in the discussion between the customs of iran, azerbaijan and russia , and the one-piece shipment that takes place in three minutes. we have a hint from you in other countries that a major part of this happens through our trade consultations in other countries, economic affairs and the ministry of foreign affairs, mr. defari, your relationship is good, i think the number of such cases
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has also increased in the government. in our country, if we and dr. safari's team are not a team, as this team is working really well and other friends , but because our business relations are very close, these events like iran expo and africa will not happen. clip how much do you involve the private sector in developing foreign trade? you could see that you care about him. actually look at the whole thing. we facilitate the work of the private sector . we represent a kind of private sector in the government, so that we can be their voice and solve their problems. what the government does not do, the private sector does . we have as much role as we can, like the commercial centers we have abroad . face we will remove their obstacles as much as we can. well, we started this work last year
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, we have increased our commercial centers from ten to nearly 60, so that the private sector will come to help other companies to establish this interaction, and the next point is that it is possible. the presence of knowledge-based companies and companies with added value in the export markets , we can depict this and provide that in the exhibition of iran, god willing, we will see this emergence. god willing, their standardization area is one of the challenges that i hope will be resolved so that we can achieve these with a good standard. i am very grateful mr. zaanang for your presence . i wish you success in the new year. thank you for coming to the first line program . thank you very much. happy new year, we also don't forget to pray for you , especially during these days of loyalty.
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fardad 95 set foot in the hyrcanian forests, his destination was the reserve of caspian boxwoods. the larvae of pseudo-boxwood , a pest that destroys the unique habitat of iranian nature in the middle of more than 70,000 hectares. it flew and dried up the caspian boxwoods to the point of extinction. it was a kind of genocide for the boxwoods. out of these 72 thousand hectares of habitat, there are nearly 42 thousand hectares concentrated in these 72 thousand hectares. all of them were infected. these eggs lasted for 3 to 4 days. they will become large mishnat. this is the larval state that harms us. in the same year 2015, more than 40 thousand hectares of boxwood forests
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were destroyed. it was said in the news that shamshad khazari joins the legends. we saw this ladybird for the first time in banafshe chalos park. less than 20 days in astara, that is, with a distance of about 400 km and then this is less than a month in golestan. see how many larvae you can see behind this leaf. so far, these are the lower celine larvae. here, count it . when they grow, they will be bigger. here, for example , there are larvae. they will eat this whole tree, but with the efforts of foresters and forest experts, this is bright. evergreen trees have remained here in the east of the hyrcanian forests . here you can see the nesting place of cheshm bulbul bandez, its area is about 400. of the 50 hectares that we were able to preserve, about 60 hectares were preserved according to the work we did and the monitoring we had with
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the use of pheromone gold and foliar sprays that we had on the surface of these 60 hectares, when it was needed, quickly came into action. the blight fungal disease also hit the caspian forests in the early 90s, 1393, when the fungus that causes the blight disease, like in other provinces, golestanam province and shamshadam reserve , which had come, we came, we did the work of pruning the two-meter-high mother stems, we collected the dead leaves , we removed all the diseased seedlings, we exterminated the boxwoods, they are sprouting again. one-year-old and two-year-old seedlings years old and far away, the seedlings of several years old and three years old. our boxwood mother, which is located here, as you can see, the diameter of this
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tree is about 5 cm, this tree has a very high biological value and it grows slowly in the best conditions, when the environmental conditions are ideal, one millimeter is added to its height every year from different seed habitats. we prepared and transferred all these to the kolode seed center, now we have a complete reserve, you and i are in a very favorable and defensible condition, he said. head of the natural resources and watershed management organization, more than 50% of the area of ​​the country's boxwood forests witnessed the revival of boxwood are. khoratian sada and sime news agency. it was at the end of 1956 that the publication of an article full of insults to imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, and the sacredness of the people, in the newspaper , gathered information about the strong protests of the people of qom and then the people of tabriz. on the 10th of april 1357
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, the people of madar yest province gathered under the guidance of mehrab ayatollah sadouqi in roza mohammadiyeh mosque to turn the 40th martyrs ceremony of tabriz into an uprising against the tyrannical regime. the speaker of this historic event was hojjat al-islam wal-muslimin rashid yazdi. i say thank you, i will go, but thank you , i stopped speech now who answered them with hot bullets . after mr. rashid's pulpit, someone was encouraged to participate in the march
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. pushan has continued throughout history . the history-making uprising of the people of dar al-abada became a turning point in the glorious victory of the islamic revolution.
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toronto to boycott israel, all commercial and business partners. everywhere, or ahrar , everywhere, or ahrar, everywhere, or ahrar, everywhere , anti-americans, anti-americans, anti-americans
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vetoro anti-americans and bringing in americans, or ahrar in all possible, or ahrar in all possible, the martyrs
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, medical citizens hug him to calm down a little. his childish hatred, but the story of this video became. habib ali with the voice of ehsan yassin, which really moved me . it was the fear of that child who really didn't know, that is , i was looking at the world with people in front of his eyes from that child's point of view. he sees all these crimes, people are being torn to pieces, houses are being destroyed, and he doesn't understand at all whether this gentleman who is standing next to him is a safe hug or is he going to hurt him.
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ramadan, in response to the zionist crime , reminded the people of gaza again with the same song , popular muslim singer dawood kim. to identify the bodies, their names must be written on the hands. with these manuscripts , they were happy as children when they became martyrs. the story of this registration and the circle of children's joy with a story of the explosion of devastating bombs is illustrated in this animation. voices of hebrews
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is a story with this theme: palestinian children do not die , but they travel for a short time somewhere in the middle of the clouds. hankani, a palestinian poet, has a poem. in describing the oppression of children, he says, "i wish the war would start." it was possible that these children traveled to the clouds and when the war ended , they returned to their city and when their parents asked them where did they go, they said that we went to play with the clouds . ghassan kompany's poetry is another unfinished story from a baby's milk bottle
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composed by famous egyptian poet mustafa ebrahim . a work of art whose special audience is the zionist occupation regime and its supporters. a song
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with some naked questions from the claimants of freedom. from ineffective condemnations that do not reduce the power of gunpowder to silence and claim human rights in international communities . a song with a reminder, standing and defending against oppression, a fight. all the way to freedom. farzaneh azarfam, sed and sima news agency.
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one and a half million hotels and accommodations around the world with flytoda, the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of carpets, this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr with every purchase from.
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receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian in baran sarai iranian gift until the hour.
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hello, welcome to the half-day news. more than 8 million trips. pilgrim to holy mashhad during nowruz iranians held the biggest shab al-qadr ceremony in the holy shrine of razavi. the martyrdom of more than 30 people in the early morning airstrike of the zionist regime on aleppo , syria. massive attacks by the zionist regime on the gaza strip with 49 martyrs and 100 wounded. localization of industrial fumes dust measuring device.


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