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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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artificial intelligence was also opened to the 31st international exhibition of the holy quran. when people enter our artificial intelligence department, they are first directed to the artificial intelligence academy, where they get acquainted with artificial intelligence tools , tools that can use artificial intelligence in the service of quranic activities. an experience of living in a space. they are present and present their products. we offered the community of four interpretations in three mobile formats, a desktop base, and research capabilities based on artificial intelligence. our technology in terms of producing content for astronomy and quran, we are able. from the ages of children to adults,
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let's achieve and produce new style and now production of holographic augmented reality and virtual reality content. a complete collection of qur'anic literature is provided here , the interpretations of the narrations are processed and the various relationships of these topics and concepts are seen together. families enter this competition field and in 3 minutes 10 questions on their screens it appears, you have to answer, and immediately on the line of names of the chosen ones on the screen behind the presenters, a part that has its own special attraction for the audience will appear . for example, general information
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about the qur'an, qur'anic information, etc. can be uploaded, and when we want to translate the qur'an, we can read it and understand its meaning. for us, the use of superior technologies to convey the meaning of the verse is very good. the 31st international exhibition the qur'an will host those interested until april 14. more than 200 verses of the qur'an will be read with the help of artificial intelligence the 31st international quran exhibition. the picture was drawn. seyed hossein mousavi, sed and sima news agency. today is saturday, the 11th of farvardin, the 19th of ramadan and the 3rd of march. the noon call to prayer in tehran will be at 12.9 minutes and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 18.43 minutes. thank you very much. have a nice day . goodbye.
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iran's honorable coach. the telegram channel is playing with the whole country, why is it that you are pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a footballer's board of directors. we do n't want any kind of treatment. enough
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allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and have a good time . dear viewers , we are proudly at your service with another higher program . well, as you know, after the elections of the islamic council and at the end of the work period of the 11th parliament , there was a discussion about tena proportionality of islamic council elections, what does proportionality mean? some people believed that in cities where people vote for their elected officials and candidates in the form of lists, some of the lists, for example, may win 40% of the people's votes , but the reason is not getting the majority of votes they have no representatives among the elected and these lists . in fact, they are removed, and this
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is not in line with electoral justice, and those 40 people actually do not have a representative in the parliament. so , in order to find a solution to this problem, some countries are raising the issue of proportional elections from the point of view that if, for example, a list of 40 it can attract the percentage of voters' votes to itself, it can send 40% of the representatives from that list to the parliament, actually the supporters or candidates of that political stream, well, this issue has supporters and opponents in it, some of them have disadvantages and problems for they raise this issue and some supporters believe that the only solution for electoral justice in the parliament is proportionality of elections. today
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we will discuss this issue in the presence of two experts. please follow us . well, you are very welcome. first of all, i would like to introduce the guests of the above program to you , mr. mohammad sadegh jokar, a member of the parliament and elected by the people . becoming proportional if you allow us to go to the studio. yazd and let's start today's debate with mr. jokar , mr. jokar, well, the leader of the revolution proposed four characteristics and indicators for the election , the participation of the security and health competition, in your opinion, if
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the elections are proportional, how effective will these four indicators actually be? yes, in the name of god. rahman raheem. i would like to greet you, dear guest of our program, and all the dear viewers of the islamic republic tv, i wish you a happy new year, and i also wish to accept the prayers and prayers of all believers and our dear people in this blessed month. it is a very good discussion that we had four main strategies for the last elections, a health security strategy, a competition strategy, and finally, a
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participation strategy. i believe that the first three strategies should serve the final strategy, that is, a participation strategy. you see , the issue that was brought up is not that they agree with me and oppose this plan, but based on the general election policies that the supreme leader proposed, the first paragraph of these policies is about electoral justice. we currently have a military model in our country. our elections are based on the majority system, that is, in one election, there is a single seat ok, let it have 30 seats where those who get 20% or at least 20% of the votes and those
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who get the highest number of votes and get them enter the parliament as people's elected representatives. well , this is very good in constituencies with one seat and two seats, but in constituencies with three seats and above , electoral justice may not be observed, because in these constituencies, electoral lists are often given by members of groups and political currents. my example is related to tehran, of course. we choose to amend the law. which was approved last year, as we predicted an experimental model of the electoral system should be implemented in tehran, even if the parties, groups
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, and political currents give multiple firsts in the elections based on the weight of the lists in the elections. attracting people's work to themselves and bringing people's luck to themselves, the number of seats in the parliament based on that weight or ratio. the votes of one candidate should be determined by the total votes of the candidates and candidates , and the number of candidates in the parliament should also be determined. i will give you an example here. for example, if we have four lists in one election, three lists will each have 20% of the votes. allocate the body and one allocate 40% of the votes to a list , that list
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has taken 40% of all the seats in the parliament. today's majority system is very stubborn . allow us to discuss the voice of no representative in the parliament. please allow us to discuss our opinion. dear mr. arab sadiq , we will come back and continue the debate with you, please. what is your opinion, if in fact it becomes proportional , is it closer to electoral justice or not? people in the islamic council, it is necessary to congratulate the new year while wishing the acceptance of the theater and worship of all the dear people of our country. in these days , in relation to the discussion of proportional elections, the fact is
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that it seems to me that we acted a little hastily , and of course, proportional elections have advantages and merits. i will serve you and after that we will go to its disadvantages, well, these disadvantages have a solution to overcome the damage it can cause. in this election , they are talking about honest voting in the sense that the amulet on the votes will disappear, mr. jokar pointed out, for example , if there is a list now, now they are. they mentioned that if a list gets 20% of the votes, it will be removed. some
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supporters use the expression 30 zeros, which i do not agree with this expression, 30 zeros. in the recent elections, this is the issue of 30 zeros . there was no discussion. in fact, they propose systematization of parties , reduce the value of geographical boundaries , program-oriented moderation and they bring up public satisfaction. i said that some of the advantages that the proponents of this plan put forward are really true, but most of them, by the way, act against their purpose and against the title. look , if we are talking about proportional elections
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, we should consider the country's political ecosystem, that is , the conditions and the political scene of our country, which is formed by parties, often and sometimes by zinfouz individuals. we have a lot of these parties in the country. in addition , unfortunately, all of our parties have distanced themselves from the party function. therefore, if we are talking about the amendment of the election law, we really owe it to the election debate in the matter of legislation and law reform, but let's not forget that the amendment of the election law with a party-centered or list-centered approach requires
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the amendment of the party law, mr. arabzadeh i want to ask now, because whenever we discuss the appropriateness of the elections, the discussion is about the manner in fact , now governance and these things are happening. sir now our parties indeed formed, if the parties are formed according to what you want in the north, do you still have problems with the proportionality of the elections or not? yes, you see , there are obstacles that now i divide our discussion into two parts, one part is local and political in our own country, and the other part is political function, which in the equations of political equations in general in the country and
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it creates in general in the countries , we will talk. kurd yes, we will be harmed by proportional elections, insisting that some european countries in in fact, at the beginning of the century or the 19th century, starting like belgium and like switzerland, they reached a dead end, that is , in the time periods of 1950 to 2000, for example, if you compare. in one case and in one case, we actually see that the results of these 8 or 9 cases out of 14 cases gave the opposite result and made people incapable of choosing the principle, which, well, thank you, mr. arab sadiq, mr. jokar, in this report, in the last speech that in fact, you yourself said
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, it was discussed that maybe now the infrastructure of the proportionality of elections in our country is not available, because many of the electoral realities are single representatives or at least two representatives, and in fact, now the opponents of proportional elections believe that this plan can only be implemented in cities that have more than 5 representatives or candidates, and for this reason, in the plan that was proposed in yaza majlis, it was discussed that it should be implemented only for tehran. i wanted to ask you , what is the background of this proportionality of elections and in fact , what infrastructure is needed so that its implementation does not face problems, i would like to ask you to see, mr. shayan , the issue of amending the election law that was put on the agenda of the parliament is based on politics. the general announcements of the supreme leader were supposed to be that we tried
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in that framework, let's carry out reforms on the issue of electoral justice and how we can establish this justice. we have reached the conclusion that all the votes cast by the people must be seen and read and have a share in the parliament. we cannot say a section, for example, 40. the percentage of our society who came to the polls today to vote should be ignored, let's say you won't have a representative in the parliament and all of them are 60. after that , look at the european countries after the second world war , from the majority system to the proportional system. a proportional form of service will be offered to you
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is it or they are doing it in a combined way now and we are observing the justice of the election. then all their elections are not based on parties. they say that the infrastructure in our country is not ready. we do not need infrastructure under this framework. see how many lists we had in tehran this year. we had several electoral lists in tehran. well, we say that the firsts who participate in the elected parliament according to their weight are the seats. they should make the parliament their own, not that we should say that those who got the highest votes and the majority of votes are the only ones. they find their way to the parliament and the rest stay in the back of the parliament. this is exactly injustice and there is no need for the infrastructure of forming parties and for us to be tormented
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and this torment is to make decisions or to create gangs, none of that. there is no such thing, we are in the current situation in the constituencies, there are three seats and above, five seats , there are 10 seats, or now 30 seats, as tehran was decided to implement this plan and this model as a test there. let's reach out and later provide for the rest of the constituencies, but the constituencies. the country's politician in the islamic council and candidate and
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to have a representative and that the political parties themselves can do a rehabilitation in the shadow of this, and by the way, it is in the shadow of this model that ahzam. they can monitor their own social base. currently, we may have many members, groups and political organizations, but the social weight and these are not clear, sir, at the time of my election, it is not clear anywhere, but during the 4-year tenure, exactly these members have their own place. they reach out and introduce themselves , and the plans of their candidates are clearly defined , and the man increases enthusiasm in our society.
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people will be more present because their vote can be read in any situation mr. jokar said that in fact the elections of some constituencies that have more than three representatives and three seats should be held proportionally in the rest of the places that are now single there are seats as before, this does not double our electoral system and it does not cause problems. i would like to see the answer in this section . in constituencies with one seat or two seats, we do not provide a list there, that is, a list by members. it is not possible to see different people, one person is being approved by one party another person
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is being confirmed by another party or other political currents. there, we no longer have a proportional system, that is, we have a limited number of seats . all my candidates are individual or those who are listed in the list. impact on the number of seats . because the number of seats in the selection situation of leaving the seat is one. it will not have any effect on the weight of the lists, but therefore, in our constituencies , there are only one and two seats. at the moment, we do not prescribe this military model, thank you very much, sir mr. jokar, mr. arab sadiq, mr. jokar , in your
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speech, you mentioned that many countries are actually moving towards proportionality of elections after the second world war. they will change . answer both your discussion and the conversation you made, mr. jokar. the same question i had from mr. jokar , i want to ask you if they actually fit. my answer is, if you allow me, before i get to my arguments and my analysis of this issue , i will refer to their statements, first of all, that dear mr. jokar, you remember that i said the introduction
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to the amendment of the election law and the amendment of the party law, and if we go the other way, it will be like turning this term and trumpet upside down in order to have strong parties, and there will be no sound, and it will be the same 30 mistakes that we are always paying the price for it. it is forbidden that there are no strong parties in the country today, and in the gangs or in the phrase that some people use now , patriarchy is formed in the elimination of the existence of parties. tell the resetters to come in. remember that in the elections in tehran what in this period. and what about in the previous periods, i mention this period, which by the way dear people are aware of this issue, really, many of these lists that existed were the leading parties
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. or people are the leaders, and naturally , when we enter the field of individuals, the role of the people fades , while our parties are not made by the people and are not the people's will, so we have to examine this in its own place. you mentioned the four strategies that the supreme leader pointed out last year in relation to the elections, because of the constant delay of the parliament and the government. in recent periods with paying attention to the fact that the current parliament and the current government always use this word as a general term, not necessarily the 11th or 10th or the 9th parliament, always the mosque , in fact the current parliament and the government are preventing the amendment of the election law, but let us rush without mr. jokar saying now. the infrastructure is not important . i wonder if the infrastructure does not want it. by the way
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, the human infrastructure and political culture want us to come and put a proportional law. now , in fact, do individual and group and criminal interests come together and the political tribes that operate people-oriented? let's not fill it with color, this is by the way dear mr. jokar, it is contrary to your statement that you say that all votes should be seen. the health of competition and independent participation of the electoral policies that were announced in october 2015, the supervisory board of the council for expediency of the system has objected to this three clauses and declared a contradiction that the parliament did not resolve this, clause one raises a geographical issue , you cannot with this the geographical areas that we have now will become the law of proportionality.
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close the elections, this will actually make the geographical borders pale and create geographical exclusion there are those that will not be seen, people's votes and people's opinions, after all, we have political disagreements, but in contrast to clause 10 of the general election policies , clause 10 actually raises the issue of population and demographic requirements. and according to the announcement of the supervisory board, this is in fact in contradiction with this clause. the competition clause of these four strategies is implemented by me in accordance with clause 15 of the general election policies announced in 2015, which is in accordance with article 110 of the constitution, while there are other contradictions with the constitution. i'm going to ask, but what does paragraph 15 of the policies say about the safety
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of elections and the protection of people's votes and the right to choose? azad is clear, but we are assigning in proportional elections, mr. shayanmehr, what are we assigning , we assign the rights of the people to the lists, now mr. jokar represents yazd , in any case, there are differences compared to tehran , but for sure they themselves know better than me. let's walk around the city of tehran right now , ask the people of tehran, even political informants, and tell them how many members of the list do you know? out of these 30 people , do you know your representative? believe me , the average will be under five people. we do that the members of this list they don't know each other, the people don't know this at
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all, so with what permission should we assign this right of people's choice to the factions that are seasonal , and my last question is now in this section, so that it won't be long , mr. jokar, i will repeat it in tehran, or in general the country is finally in the 1998 elections, or in order to avoid factionalism, our topic is the 94 elections, 94 reformists and 98 fundamentalists. well, you tell me. what happened to the people of the representatives, so we don't have accountability because we don't have a people-oriented party and as long as the parties they did not form a shrine from the bottom of the society and reach the top of the parliament parties.


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