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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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people don't know these things at all, so with what permission should we assign this right of people's choice to factions that are seasonal and my last question is now in this section, so that it won't be long, mr. jokar , i will repeat it in tehran or in the whole country finally 2018 election or, to avoid any crime, our topic is 2014 election, 2014 reformists and 2018 fundamentalists. what about those who are accountable for the performance of their lists that entered the elections, the people have criticism , what happened to the relationship between the people of the representatives, so we do not have accountability because we do not have a people-oriented party and until the parties are formed in the form of a shrine from the bottom of the society and majlis parties reach ras hern.
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made by government parties and seasonal parties and ceremonial parties cannot do justice, that is, they cannot observe justice in the discussion of proportionality law. thank you very much, mr. arab sadiq. please, mr. jokar . we also hear your answer to the issue of proportionality of elections. yes, it is at your service , mr. shayan. mr. arab sadegh presents the sentences well, of course, this does not mean that i agree or disagree with him and he disagrees with the current situation. now there is a protest, see what is the current situation. the current situation is that many lists are being given and they say people. sitting down, closing the list
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, anyway, this is the situation now, this is an injury , how do we want to fix this damage, they say , in a majority system, how do they want to fix this system in any way? in the same list and messengers that are given. the votes of many people are not seen and they themselves point out that in one session of the parliament, for example, with reformists , they claim 30 votes in tehran. period of the fundamentalists, well, then it is clear that this is the same 60 and 40 votes of 40% of the people , it cannot be read anywhere, i told you that as the head of the country's internal affairs commission, we discussed this issue
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, many meetings were held in the party commission over the course of 3 years. it is completely political to comment on the amendment of the election law. of course , i would like to say this. the amendment of the election law has nothing to do with the members and political groups. the members and political groups will only present the electoral list and the rest. the issues of election health security, discussion of maximum participation and competition under the shadow of a law motagd is a firm law that we followed , we did this in relation to the model of the electoral system, whether it is proportional or maximum, or majority. we only came and discussed the method
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. yes, at first, the guardian council did not accept it, but after the reforms were made, the guardian council accepted the supreme board of supervision over the implementation of general policies, and finally, considering that we were getting close to the elections, it was time to amend. it was not there, so we removed this article from the law, we removed it from the proceedings of the parliament, but this does not mean that now we are 45 years after the revolution. in the past, we operated with the same electoral system in all elections, from the presidential election to the parliamentary elections, in the rest of the elections, we should continue with the same method, no, we must have a serious change in this matter. elections where we can
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realize those four strategies, the strategy of health and security, participation and competition, competition in proportional model elections in the constituencies of three representatives and above, three seats and above will definitely be more serious and people will participate more. the people themselves will increase the competition and want the competition to a high level more participation will be done in the shadow of high competition. otherwise, according to mr. arab sadegh's statement, who mentions the current situation , they say that with this situation, some elders close lists that they are against, we say no to lists that are closed based on the weight of the votes
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they get. and according to the total votes that are given in the constituency, from the individual votes , the proportion of the names of the elected representatives of each political movement and individuals in the parliament will be determined, and here the list is not selected from one first , it comes from several firsts, and the parliament is also one. it will not be cloth different ideas in the parliament. we will have it, and this parliament will be an efficient one, otherwise, from a list, we all have the same opinion in the parliament
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, and that is acceptable. beautiful things are good, but what is happening is the opposite of these words, that is, work. i am trying to tell you that you are independent people. first of all, independent people , tell me where the independent people are, the candidates , and how they can be related to parties, groups, and factions. maybe the godfathers will compete with money and media, influence and facilities, they will be removed. well, in the current situation, it is not like this, that is, in a majority of the current elections, because i pointed out , finally, we had a few lists in tehran, and we saw in the whole country that this the elections
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were not like the elections of 1998 and 1994, and finally, 5 of these lists came up on tehran, and 4 of these lists came up , but that is the list that they may be interested in. that list could also get votes, mr. jokar , you must remember that the proportional election model is everywhere in the world, especially in western europe, which is the birthplace of this. in fact, the law removes below 5%, and the list you are referring to got 50,000 votes , and with 50,000 votes , it would have been removed with this law, so it is also an example, but mr. jokar , the internal affairs commission, in fact, the country and councils you are welcome, my question to you is this, if we are writing a law and we are writing a lower law, is this law that we are writing in accordance with paragraph 1, 10 and 15 of the general
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policies ? there is a contradiction in the constitution that i will mention now, and you should explain this contradiction. we want to solve the issue. article 85 of our constitution recognizes the dignity of representation in the person. when you are putting forward the list and the group , you are actually violating the constitution, so leave an interpretation or an amendment to the constitution. article 6 of our country's constitution. pay attention to the words in terms of law. alhamdulillah, you are a lawyer. you rely on the public opinion of the country. he is interpreting the people's votes , we should discuss this general term, principle 56, he is talking about the people's elected officials and the rest of the principles in absolute terms. when we say the people's elected officials, be careful about the election pattern.
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mr. shayan mehr, i shared a part of this right. in fact , we took the right to choose the people and gave it to the administrators of the list to choose these people in your list. let them go and check how these people came to the list. and after this list. now, based on the arrangement of this list, 5 people, 10 people can send a percentage, so this is not based on public votes, a part of it will be based on property votes, and the second issue of article 62 says that with the direct vote of the people, this is not a direct vote. proportionality principle 664 is a prediction of this now actually you see. look at the provisions in the proportional elections law. we are talking about article 53
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of the elections law. it is definitely necessary and it is too late , but if we are talking about the proportional law , what is our provision regarding article 64 regarding religious minorities and article 10, which i said, you cannot the basis of the clauses of the principle of the authority of the leadership for the principle of the head in the general policies of the system, you cannot act on the basis of it and against it, and if you have it now, in fact , i have presented these lists or even our parties in the existential and functional dispossession of gang parties. they don't have financial transparency, they don't have a people-oriented mechanism the people do not have an organizational relationship with the people. they are not present in the current factions of the parliament. see another point related to this issue. we have to point out the current situation of the country, we have a political scene, political arrangement, mr. jokar, the parties
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of the tastes in the country are not only fundamentalist and reformist , there are political tastes that were not reflected in the parties, you are removing these , why not because the parties we don't have any radical people and extremists get a chance to appear with an analysis that i will briefly mention now. have and people who attend individually how can they actually have a representative in the election and participate in the proportional election, mr. shayan. mr. arab sadegh, it is interesting that they
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work and operate in the house of parties, but they do not believe in parties. it is very interesting. darren, only one general secretary in the country gave us an answer. it's very interesting, a general secretary, i don't know what this house of torture does, what is its job , really, if it accepts the house of torment no, it's enough for the members' house. what is the philosophy of its existence? why are we working there anyway ? the second point, mr. arab sadegh, is that he objects to the existing situation and also objects to the model of the proportional system. i mean, now he is saying that he is protesting that, sir
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, they are giving a list, so the people are at your service , they are not voting directly. we disagree with another model , at the same time, we should say that the current model does not work either, so we have to give a new model or composition. let us present two models so that our people can know exactly how to act and how to cast their votes in the ballot boxes. the 64th article of the constitution that he mentioned is related to the number of constituencies. and the number of representatives is that every 10 years , 20 representatives will be added to the number of parliament members according to the constitution, and
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we have this plan on the agenda of the parliament now that 40 representatives should be added based on the reform and constituencies. it has nothing to do with the amendment of the election law, it is related to the amendment of constituencies it is the choice and increase of the number of representatives, which states that the rights of all nations should be taken into account based on the population distribution of the political situation of the region. the number of representatives will be decided upon your submission, and therefore, see, we said that we should come to defend the current situation we have in the constituencies with high seats , but at the same time
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, it is not acceptable to be critical of the same situation. we must defend the situation. available and status. we want to create a new plan and idea that we have in the field of proportionality , but we will reject the current weaknesses, mr. mr. arab sadegh agrees, he says that we have a weakness , we have a problem, people don't get their own votes , their representatives don't choose directly, but they vote for a list, and we say this, sir. the new environment and the new method we have is not acceptable either , but regarding the discussion of the singles, please see the singles at your service that our singles are in the first place in the proportional pattern of the singles' votes and the votes of the lists that
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mr. arab sadegh mentioned now, for example, the list if 15 the percentage of votes that list brought. his list is not acceptable, he can participate individually. there are only a few people in that constituency. divide by all the correct votes of the individual and the lists are multiplied by the number of representatives, the number of seats in that constituency is determined individually and from the beginning. they look at the list until the number of shares that the individuals have in the list will be determined. after that, the list of the individuals in the list will be determined. the first political parties
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will be determined based on their weight up to the 30th person that we have set as a model in tehran. so no. we don't have a discussion about a specific list , we have many lists under the conditions of the fundamentalists, and please let us know that the reformists have a specific priority and we are not looking for a single one. a special vote should be taken, but what we are looking for is that all the people's votes should be counted, and the people should feel that they have their own representative in the islamic council to defend their rights. mr. jokar, we have started and we don't have much time at the end of the program . we leave it to you to conclude the discussion. mr. jokar
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, we have started. end of the conversation with you. giving and mr. jokar saying that there is no opportunity and me i have issues and i need to summarize this law itself, i.e. article 53. this law that you wrote in the parliament contradicts itself, that is, somewhere you say two-stage for tehran, somewhere in article 53 you say proportionality, which is proportional at all and two- stage is a contradiction with article 10 and the general policies of the system are contradictory in paragraphs 1, 10 and 15. i said that paragraphs 6 and actually articles 6 and 56 of the constitution, you did not mention that we have contradictions. yes , but in general and outside the political system of our country, there are unstable coalitions. the political deadlock created by proportional elections means a fragile coalition which are seasonal and seasonal and
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will face problems in the parliament and this fragile coalition. which is actually an example in italy , you can see that this instability will cause problems in the approval of bills, unlike many stable coalitions, which are many stable coalitions , which is a damage that you can check in the political system of germany, a system that has, for example, 38 a vote list and 42 another list, which is now one of the debates that people can no longer leave the ruling party in many situations. in germany , there were 14 cases, 8 cases and the last paragraph is important most of all, you see the small coalitions as bargaining power, and this bargaining power is based on classification and division. the power and approval of the seats are sometimes against the interests, that is, if i ask for an excuse, if a coalition a has 38 votes, a coalition b has 42 votes, a
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20% coalition will be found, and this 20 % coalition can cause damage and other issues , i thank you and mr. mr. mohammad sadegh jokar, elected representative of the people and mr. mehdi arab sadegh. now we had mr. juka from yazd studio and mr. arab sadeq in tehran studio and i thank you for the above program. we followed until the end until we meet again , the god who protects us above all or higher today , wherever we are, you are there for us
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. 32 thousand people were killed, including 14 thousand children. now a large part of gaza has turned into a pile of dirt. did hamas make a mistake? at dawn on october 7, it was the 15th of mehr, when 5,000
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rockets were fired from gaza towards the occupied territories. and after that, about a thousand hamas forces were able to breach the strong security barrier that existed between gaza and the occupied territories from 29 points. break through it and enter the occupied territories. a very simple event. its commando operations and its high tech operations. israel claims these super capacities for surveiling territory, for keeping people under watch, and everything
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that companies that the high-tech commando rates, and on october 7th, israel's reputation as a high-tech commando. to achieve the ethnic cleansing is genocidal, because it is only by using genocidal methods
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that you can. compell coers the gaza population to leave its home for the second time, because most of gaza consists of refugees in 1948, to leave its home for the second time, and effectively to be confined to a concentration camp in the singh, where if it succeeds in six months it will be completely forgotten. "nobody will, there will be those people in gaza confined behind these walls and nobody will talk about them, there will be no unrah, there will be no un organizations, they'll be just left there to die. i would argue though that beginning in october was when israel started to wage all out genocide as well as continue with the crimes of ethnic cleansing, collective punishment and so on.
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became. last year, it was the holy month of ramadan when zionist soldiers attacked al-aqsa mosque. 3 years ago, the story of sheikh jarrah neighborhood. when the supreme court of the zionist regime ordered the forced evacuation of the homes of the palestinians living in the neighborhood of sheikh jara , located in the east of the city of quds. before that, from 2008 to 2021 , we witnessed at least 3 major wars between the people of gaza and the zionist regime. 22-day war,
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52-day war and 11-day war. at least 30,000 palestinians were martyred in the scattered conflicts between the palestinians and the zionist regime from 1948 to 2021.
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on that day, about 900,000 palestinians left their homes they were displaced while they had the documents of their houses and the keys of their houses in their hands, and they hoped that they would return to their homes soon. but let's go back again. it was with the balfour four declaration of 1917 that britain announced that we supported the establishment of a jewish home. 1916 sykespico contract. the agreement between britain and france . to divide a large part of the remaining lands from the ottomans. ottoman that had already collapsed. it was here that palestine came under
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british rule and occupation. settlements and plagued by violence, their economy stifled, their people displaced and their homes demolished. very frustrating is that here in the united states so many people talk about the ongoing conflict in gaza, as if problems between palestinians and israelis began on october 7th, 2023. these people.


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