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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 9:30am-10:00am IRST

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settlements and plagued by violence, their economy stiffened, their people displaced, and their homes demolished. very frustrating is that here in the united states, so many people talk about the ongoing conflict in gaza, as if problems between palestinians and israelis began on october 7th, 2023. these people chose to ignore.
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in this part of the due date program , we are hosting mr. dr. mohammad shirijian, the esteemed vice president of the central bank. mr. doctor, i greet you. may your prayers
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and prayers be accepted. welcome. in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful. to your excellency, respected colleagues, please, mr. doctor, one of the important issues pursued by the central bank last year was to curb inflation. please tell us what measures we had on the agenda . we encountered a series of events in the political and economic fields that led to the fact that the level of expectations of the general public and economic activists decreased and those expectations of the so-called economic activists became somewhat more negative. so what are these reasons actually? well, we have witnessed this during this period of 4 years which is actually a set of macroeconomic variables with a series actually. turbulences and
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instabilities were encountered and caused these macro-economic variables to deviate from their long-term trend, i.e. both in the area of ​​monetary growth rate and in the area of ​​monetary base growth rate and in the area of ​​inflation rate as well. the currency of the economic growth rate . well, we actually have an economic stabilization policy, which was actually the policy of the government's economic system, that is , the government's economic complex came to the conclusion that in order to actually be able to stabilize these economic variables and create economic conditions for the activists make a predictable economy , adopt a set of policies so that these variables are closer to their long-term trends, and on the other hand, the trust of economic activists and the general public in economic policies, especially monetary policies from the policy authority.
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the monetary policy can be improved and on the other hand, the authority and governance of the central bank in the set of monetary and credit policies of the country will be improved and based on this, the policy of economic stabilization during a period of two years, i.e. in one eye it took two years to get married well, we had the first year of the program last year, in 1402 and in 1403 , we will continue this policy. well, one of the main axes of the economic stabilization policy was the control of liquidity management as a variable that has an effect in the medium and long term. it has a significant impact on inflation. the second topic of the discussion was actually organizing, strengthening the governance and regulation of the central bank in the ard market. as a variable that affects people's expectations in the short term and consequently on inflation
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, and the next topic is actually the next axis of the discussion of organizing the banking network and strengthening the supervision of the central bank , and after that, the next axis of discussion is the same issue of regulation. financial relations. between the government and the central bank, and in addition to all of this, strengthening communication policies and improving foreign exchange diplomacy, the central bank has set targets for the year 1402 in the field of various economic variables. for the year 142, we had determined that the growth rate of our liquidity would be 25 in 1402, and regarding inflation , we had set a target of 30% for a point by point inflation rate of 30% for the end of the year 1402. in fact, the field of cash management control is now contrary to the existing perception
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i think that the central bank only came to control liquidity through the policy of controlling some of the balance sheets of the banks, it was not like this, one of the most important policy tools of the central bank, through that policy of controlling some of the balance sheets of the banks , along with other tools like, in fact , the legal deposit rate tool, in fact, the use of tools , in fact, the interest rate vector of deposits, interest on repairs, and that interest rate corridor, which is actually the interest rate of the banking market in that period, should be defined as the policy interest rate that came to be defined by the central bank and in in addition to that discussion, in fact, the use of the treasury unit account that regulation of financial relations. which was between the government and the central bank, and in the following, the use of tools such as special certificates of deposit with the purpose of directing liquidity towards productive economic sectors and other methods of chain financing, which actually turn this liquidity into
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as a result , we could use a set of these policies to target liquidity towards it. let's put it closer, it means that at the beginning of the year , our liquidity growth rate was 33% at the beginning of last year, and at the end of the month, it was almost of course, this statistic that i am presenting will be announced in the final statistics until the 27th of asfan, and it was about 25.6%. of course, we came in the last week of asfan , and we used our new political tools, including the use of deposit bonds. this liquidity growth rate has been targeted at that level of 25%, and god willing , we guided it to be less than the actual 25% and we were able to actually move this liquidity rush rate towards that target of your doctor's direction in
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your order. for the year 1402 , controlling inflation from cash control policy. along with that came new tools the field of financing companies used it under the title of chain financing tools, which is one of the tools, like, in fact, there are gam papers , there are electronic payments, factoring, and other accrual tools, and this year, apart from these chain financing tools, we came from we used the special certificate of deposit tool both to provide working capital for the factories and for
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the actual development and creation projects . project finance and working capital financing equips specific institutes and directs these resources towards the actual the financing of these centers guides, and it is actually effective. well, you can see its effects in the economic growth that happened both in 1401 and 1402, we have positive and significant economic growth in the form of continuous average above four and a half percent. we had in different sectors, both in the field of oil , in the field of industry, in the field of services and agriculture, and god willing, in fact. this funding policy must be continued for the year 14143. yes, my next question is the same entry and entry into the year 1403, and will you follow the same policies of last year for this downward trend that you have in the discussion of inflation control? or not, do you have other plans? yes, we
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have a so-called slow issue for the year 1403. well, the target setting that we did regarding the liquidity growth rate is an average target of 23, which of course includes a positive tolerance of 2% and a negative tolerance of 2%. we realized that according to the requirements of the economic conditions of our country and the amount of demand for cash, this can fluctuate, but our target setting is on average 23%, and the target setting we did for inflation is the point by point inflation rate, god willing . in the year 143, we can watch it on channel 20%, which means last year we watched channel 30 we have seen the inflation rate point by point at the end of the year and this year we have considered setting a target of 20% and we will continue this set of policies because last year we really witnessed the improvement of economic variables, that is, obviously, the inflation index , the consumer price index in last year, at the end
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of the year, i.e., the point-to-point inflation rate of the consumer price index decreased at the end of the year compared to the beginning of 2016 and was at the appropriate levels of channel 30, or in the inflation area of ​​the producer price index , which has its own effect with a time delay. we can see the consumer price index on inflation the fact is that our inflation rate is 4% at the end of the macro-economy, and in the same way, for example, in terms of the monetary base, we will change the policy rate from 45 to 294 for this year. not only the use of policy tools to control a certain amount of bank balances, that means we use both the so-called interest rate tool and the actual tools , the deposit rate tool of the law, so that, god willing, we can guide inflation to those optimal levels, because
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through inflation is a variable that if fluctuations it is undesirable to have an extremely negative effect on the predictability of economic operators and, of course , on their planning for production . the policies that you will use for the skill of inflation, what measures should be taken so that it does not have the effects of recession , in fact, you should pay attention to the fact that our sources of financing, which are our credit and liquidity sources, are directed towards the sector as much as possible. economic generators should be guided , that is, how much with this amount of liquidity that grows and the circulation of liquidity that we actually have should go to on the side of economic productive sectors, this growth of liquidity and the increase in the speed of money circulation, which
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indicates the circulation of liquidity, can have constructive effects on economic growth, which i also mentioned using the same methods of financing, which are obviously zero to 100. that is, from the stage of mobilizing resources to the allocation of resources for a specific project, financing is done, which i mentioned specifically , using the same financing tools. therefore, the central bank's main focus is to maximize the liquidity resources of the banking network in 1403. it should have economically productive sectors. mr. dr. shirian, one of the policies that the central bank followed last year was to deal with non-performing banks in order to control and curb this liquidity . you will follow this policy in 2014. we continue , one of the axes of the economic policy was to strengthen the supervision and organization of the banking network. well
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, we have confirmed the banks last year, we dissolved three of the credit institutions that were actually unsustainable among the unhealthy credit institutions . for 1403 , we will continue this policy of organizing the banking network. we did it, so our banks are either included in the list of healthy banks or unhealthy banks. rehabilitation or unsound banks can be revived. alhamdulillah, a significant part of our banking system, even if they do not have good health conditions, are among the banks that can be revived. we have a revitalization program for these banks. we are continuously monitoring the revitalization program of the banks, both in the form of increasing their capital and in the form of collecting their claims, in the form of actually reducing the ratio of their non -current claims and in the form of the so-called sale of assets. non-banks that will help to provide the liquidity needed by the bonggahs and for sure this program
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will continue to be strong for the year 2014 , god willing. the year 1403 was named by the supreme leader of the revolution as the year of the leap in production with the participation of the people, and the banking system also from the perspective of the task it has in the field of financing and considering that it is a serious burden of financing the country. it is under the responsibility of the banking network, it must play a serious role in this field, well, from our side the year 1403 also witnessed the actual implementation, which means the first year of the actual beginning. it is the first year of implementation of the 7th development plan. from the central bank law , we definitely have serious plans to reform the banking network, considering the good legal capacities that are provided in both the central bank law and the 7th plan law to reform the banking network. in fact, that side must pay serious attention to the issue of financing the production of the banking network, but the point that we must
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definitely consider is that we must determine the country's economic priorities for financing, which include both rial financing and our currency finance is based on those economic priorities that can create the maximum economic added value for the country, and the banking system can finance these economic priorities accordingly. central bank and other banks, i wish you a successful and happy year. also, thank you for your dear people. may you be alive . dear viewers, i sincerely thank you for being with us until the end of this conversation. i sincerely thank god for protecting
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the country's railway industry in 1402 21 units. locomotive he presented 15 passenger wagons and 1349 new cargo wagons to the country's railway fleet. also, 10 locomotives and 33 passenger cars have been renovated. and now , the design and construction of the high-speed train is supposed to start on the structure or platform of the national train in 1403, and we note that the country is moving towards a high-speed train, and usually
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the speed of trams and all kinds of rail vehicles will be worked on, and god willing, this move that in the direction of scientific development , it has started to expand and achieve more results . also, in 1403, at least two trains from the national wagon collection are supposed to enter the subway lines . because his knowledge made him let's make us local. today, when i am at your service , the knowledge of making metro cars and finally the metro train has become completely local, and from that limit of 305 to 30% that was produced in our previous trains , we have reached over 85% in domestic production in the field of
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car production. 6 companies are active in bari and three companies in our passenger car. we have the ability to manufacture more than 500 units per year, both in their current plan and their development plan , the development plan can be more than this. in terms of locomotive production, our current capacity is more than 100 units per year, nearly 150. the device and up to 250 are also available, of course, we had joint cooperation to discuss. the joint production of the transfer of technology, which comes with its capacity , is also added to this. also, the new mapna freight locomotive with a power of 4,000 horsepower will go on the rails this year , more than 80% of which is made in-house with local knowledge. the generator is completely internal, which
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has other uses for generating electricity in small-scale power plants , for example, chp plants. and diesel generators can be used for drilling wells , this engine can be used in the marine industry and i would like to thank you for your presence . the reverse engineering of the ship and large-scale vessels began 3 years ago, and the first prototype has been built for 6 months and has been subjected to final testing. in particular , about 80 of these locomotives have been domesticated, which means they were produced in the country . and its design knowledge is 100% domestic , depending on the production limitations, now a series of 20% of cases were saved, which were made inside from abroad. yes, but in particular, the knowledge of its design is 100 iranians , it covers a large amount of demand for locomotives, and
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there is no need to import this locomotive from abroad, even in terms of price, if i want. i have a comparison between similar foreign locomotives, if you want to import the same locomotive from foreign countries with the same technical specifications, traction power, engine power, at least twice the same price. the locomotive needs to be paid for, a huge saving in width . it will take about 10-12 days for the metal work to be done in the shasti hall. reza safari, sed and sima news agency. the railway industry of the country presented 21 locomotives, 15 passenger cars and 1349 new freight cars in 1402.
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the railway fleet of the kurdish country. also, 10 locomotives and 33 passenger cars have been renovated. and now it is supposed to design and build a high-speed train. on the structure or platform of the national train, it should start in 1403. according to the country , it is moving towards a high-speed train, and it is usually like this in many trains. at the very beginning, according to this technical knowledge, it should come and start with the support of the vice-chancellor of science and technology and the ministry of poison. in fact, the train of this scientist was taken by a train enthusiast and a model train.
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it has started to expand in the direction of scientific development it is also supposed to be more successful in year 1. at least two trains from the national wagon collection will enter the subway lines. it was designed at the time. in addition, it made us localize its knowledge . today, i am at your service . 30% 25 to 30% of the first one that was produced in our previous trains. resin to over 85 in domestic production. there are 6 companies active in the production of cargo wagons, and in passenger wagons, we have three companies , which together
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have the ability to manufacture more than 500 units per year, both in their current plan and in the development plan. the development plan can be more than this . in the matter of locomotive production, our current capacity is more than 100 units per year , close to 150 units and up to 250 can be achieved. it will be added to this as well , the new mapna freight locomotive with a power of 4,000 horsepower will go on the rails this year, and with local knowledge, more than 80% of it is made
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internally. country of production and knowledge its design is 100% domestic, depending on the production restrictions, now 20% of it was saved to be made outside the country, but in particular, its design knowledge is 100% iranian, it covers a large amount of demand for the 600 horse locomotive. and there is no need to import this locomotive from abroad. in terms of price, if i want to make a comparison between similar foreign locomotives, if
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you want the same locomotive with the same technical specifications, traction power, engine power , you need to import it from foreign countries, at least equal to the price of the locomotive. it is that the amount to be paid is a huge savings in the amount of work it will take about 10-12 days to complete the metal work in shasti hall. according to the railway officials , there are currently about 500 active locomotives on the railway lines of the country.
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this to continue, we cannot allow this to happen in the first place, we say enough is enough, and then designers propaganda attempts to make this face as all jews support them, why? because they want to silence people who there to speak up against them, to say that they are anti-semitic, they are misusing my religion, they are misusing the jewish religion to condom all these crimes, why? because they want to silent people that they shouldn't, they shouldn't speak up, and supposedly that if you condemn israel, against god, this is, this is, this is unjust, this is not, this is not supposed to happen in the first place, and we cannot allow this to continue any longer, this is against judaism, all that israel stands for is against the jewish religion, is violation of judaism, the killing and the stealing, and and and the state of israel in no way represents all jews, you have masses of jewish people here in the united states of america and the world over, including an
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occupied palestine who are... who are embarrassed by what is being done in our name? this has to stop today, guess what? this has to stop for the sake of everyone, not only the palestinian people who deserve freedom, but all people deserve freedom. jewish people are in danger because of what israel is committing, supposedly in the name of all jews, this has to stop in its entirety in order to be able to see once again the beautiful peace that did exist in palestine. let's hope we see this in the future.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , you will accompany us to the news section at 10 o'clock. the head of the judiciary said that people's expectations to deal with oppression, corruption and discrimination are right, and all officials to
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provide comfort and peace. people have a duty. mr. dejei said at the shab al-qadr ceremony at imam khomeini's shrine: people rightly expect no corruption and discrimination, and if i failed in any way and failed to give your rights to the people, i will resign and take the rights of the oppressed from the oppressors, i apologize in front of god and the people. . holding the first night of laila qadr in the mosque kufa thousands of people attending the mosque of kufa during the oath.


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