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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world, i am with you today in the first case of tonight's program to analyze the continuation of demonstrations in jordan in protest of the relations between the government of this country and the zionist regime. in the second case
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, we will go to the student strike in canada, which is going on regarding the performance of justin trudeau's government in supporting the israeli genocide. in the third case , we will examine the political climate of turkey on the eve of tomorrow's local elections. at first , we see the developments of the past 24 hours of the war in gaza in the palestine package, according to the picture.
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the theme of my installation is under the roof of the family home suleiman al -majawareh
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, the active diplomacy of the islamic republic of iran plays an important role in supporting the palestinian resistance, the secretary general of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, after meeting with the minister of foreign affairs and discussing the latest developments in the gaza war, said that if it was not for iran's all-round support, the palestinian nation would not have been able to continue the resistance, siyadat nakhale is also the leader of the iranian nation's revolution.
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giving thanks alongside the palestinian people. five of these children are among the 16 martyrs of today's zionist airstrikes on a house in the south of the gaza strip. today, the zionists are also targeting the central and northern areas of the gaza strip with air and artillery attacks put. in gaza city after shooting again at palestinians who were waiting to receive aid. at least 5 people were martyred and several were injured. a palestinian youth was shot dead by the zionists in front of two other youths who tried to save him. with the worsening of the crisis of malnutrition and famine in the besieged region. in the gaza strip
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, bahraini children broke their own piggy banks to help the people of this area. lebanon's hezbollah announced that in response to the zionist attacks on the south of the country , it has targeted several bases where the occupying forces gather with missiles and mortars. channel 12 of the zionist regime reported that two anti-nuclear missiles hit the galilee region. in the gaza strip , the resistance forces also targeted a merkava tank , which resulted in a number of deaths and injuries. ruins, military vehicles and the gathering place of zionist soldiers in khanyounis were also targeted by the resistance's bloody attack. but the gaza information center
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has announced that since the beginning of the military invasion of the gaza strip, the zionist forces have been targeting fishermen's boats and equipment. due to the siege of gaza, fishing is one of the few ways to provide food in this area. gaza coast calmer than ever. nael, a fisherman from ghazali, says that food shortage is rampant. our children are hungry. we have no choice. the only way to provide food for our families is fish seed. before the war against gaza, fishing had no definition, but now the zionists bomb the beach with multi-ton bombs. before the zionist invasion of gaza, this sea provided the livelihood of more than 50 thousand families living in this strip
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. since the beginning of the invasion of gaza, the zionists have bombarded the coast of this area extensively. most of the fishermen's boats were burnt and... destroyed became our presence on the gaza coast is very dangerous, but we have no choice. a large number of our fishermen colleagues were martyred by the direct fire of the zionist soldiers on the same beach. most of them were not even found. these children who are fishing are the children and survivors of the martyred fishermen who came to provide food for their families. ministry of labor and food. he announced that the fishing and aquatic sector was the most important economic sector of this region after agriculture. but the zionists by directly targeting the fishermen and their boats and destroying the infrastructure of the gaza port in addition to the closure this sector
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has caused a renewed hunger crisis in this area. washington by delivering more bombs and warplanes. the zionist regime agreed. this new package contains more than 1,800 bombs, some of which weigh more than 900 kilograms. approval of sending a new military package from america to the zionists. these new weapons packages include more than 1,800 2,000-pound bombs equivalent to more than 900 kilograms and 500 500-pound bombs. 200 bombs. pandi, which has been responsible for the genocide of the people of gaza in previous attacks, is bombs that can raze city blocks to the ground and create 40-foot-wide holes in the ground. create bigger than that. the washington post
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says western armies themselves almost no longer use this bomb in populated areas due to the risk of civilian casualties. the need to save the lives of civilians has been one of washington's demands from tel aviv since the beginning of the war. i want them to focus on how to protect civilian lives . demands that conflict with 2,000 pound bombs. the united states cannot beg netanyahu to stop bombing civilians one day and send him thousands of 2,000-pound bombs the next. this red is a doer we must end our collusion . another contradiction is the need for an immediate ceasefire and the delivery of aid to the people of gaza. a necessity that could be fulfilled by the security council resolution if the us does not call it non-binding. when
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we say that the resolution is non-binding, we mean that it does not impose any new obligations on the parties. the hostages are something that is possible through the negotiations between israel and hamas, not through the un process, and this belief of ours remains strong. the sixth month of the war in gaza is coming to an end , but the israeli war machine is still running on gasoline the american continues on his way. and now let's see a picture of the efforts of the supporters of palestine in america to prevent the movement of the carrier. military weapons.
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according to the american media, a number of supporters of palestine reached the port of san francisco. they protest the transfer of weapons to the occupied territories by the american ship us harvey milk. 14 people were arrested in the clash between police and protesters. earlier, the washington post newspaper wrote that the joe biden administration recently allocated billions of dollars to the zionist regime for new military aid, according to pentagon and ministry officials. outside the united states,
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we used new weapon packages including more than 1,800 900 kg bombs in different weather to protest. we closed the roads around here today. sometimes it's necessary, even if it's hard to attack. and now the first case of tonight's program. for the sixth night in a row, jordan witnessed widespread demonstrations by the people of this country in protest against the zionist regime's genocide in gaza, as well as the jordanian government's relationship with tel aviv. the main place of jordanian protests against the israeli embassy is in aman. death is in the way of god
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, peace be upon you. death is in your movement. hamas is your whole movement the people are on the talent of all the people on the talent of the one who is ruling. the issue is greater. i am a human issue . the issue is connected to the majority of me. 32,000 killed in gaza and our arab governments, especially the jordanian government. al-maa agreement , only wadi araba agreement, cancel the american presence and the complete western presence in jordan and restore our jordanian sovereignty over all our national capabilities , whether political, economic or military, and the national uprising of the jordanian people. mahmoud abad ya allah, until we reach freedom and support our people in palestine
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first of all, mahmoud abad al-shaab min al-bari, shaab min al-kamri al-kasr al-bari, who conquered al-qasr al-bari, or abu al-jasr al-bari, where are you? the zionist organization does not bear the sins of the zionist organization , let us raise our voices. o lord, accept our sins. anna is about 400 kilos al-kathaib al-qassam, in short, in 15 hours of the invasion of the gaza strip and the complete storm. the arab nation can easily be restored, but we are trying not to protect the seats of our rulers, but, o ezzeddin
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, may god bless you, may god be great, not to restore the land of palestine from the sea to the river. god willing , the victory is close, god willing, o people in palestine , o people in jordan, o people in the arab homeland, o muslim people, let them know that palestine is the complete land of our land . god is great, in the name of god, god is great, god is great
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. we are hosting mr. mohammad qadri, an expert on international issues, to talk more about the developments in jordan . mr. qadri, in the past few days, especially after the voice message of mohammad zaif, the commander of the military branch of hamas , in the ezzeddin qassam battalions , we have witnessed unprecedented gatherings in various cities of jordan, which is important the most important is the gatherings that took place every night in front of the zionist embassy in amman, especially after muhammad's message. this crowd has come to the streets and we are witnessing such a situation in jordan. in the name of god. i say hello to hazrat ali and all dear viewers, i offer my condolences on the martyrdom of amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him. well, look at what is happening and what was expected before, that is, finally, that arab zeal of the arab societies is slowly emerging and
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becoming more evident than in the past, now that 6 months have passed since the brutal and criminal attacks by the zionist regime. it is doing against the people of gaza . well, we witnessed this awakening in the islamic world and the arab world, but in countries including jordan , unfortunately, their political authorities are completely in line with the interests of the regime and especially the regime. zionists are moving, well, such developments on the one hand show the depth of tragedies. there is what is happening in gaza, and in fact, that arab zeal has brought them to a boil, and on the other hand , it shows that, anyway, all of this is accepting the centrality of the palestinian resistance, what is it after the whispering message of our mohammad zaif? we can see that this is happening, and this actually shows the growing trend of popular support for
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the resistance movement. before this, the western media tried their best to induce that a limited group inside in fact, lands there are palestinians, including gaza, who do not want peace and tranquility, and they tried to deceive the public opinion of the west , but what we are witnessing now, in addition to the fact that we are witnessing spontaneous demonstrations in the rest of the world. we are a people in support of the palestinian people and the noble cause of quds. the nations that because of the pressure and suffocation that has always existed for them, including the jordanian nation, but this time with a clear accent and with an exemplary courage, they are actually protesting and sitting in front of the embassy of the zionist regime. a message to the world it conveys that the story is different from the past
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and this is also happening on the eve of quds day. if it comes to fruition, it actually shows that space will be a memorable quds day this year and, god willing, it will speed up the process of overthrowing the zionist regime. it is making this promise to the world. let's talk more. last night, the zionist regime carried out an air attack on aleppo in the center of syria, which is almost unprecedented compared to past incidents. we had several reports that regime fighters zionists were able to penetrate into syria from the air of jordan , these reports are confirmed, and in addition to this discussion, there have been a series of other reports since the beginning of this war that the jordanian government is trying
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to provide a land route for the zionists through the crossings that it has. now let's put all these circumstances together , and see how much the jordanian government has put itself at the disposal of the zionists. exactly the information you mentioned you are right, it is completely approved and we have to put this next to the actions that the white house is taking, the issue that the resolution is actually this week. in the past, the united states raised it completely based on the demands of the netanyahu government in the un security council, and then, of course , it faced the veto of china and russia, and of course algeria. he also voted against it. well, this clearly shows that there are mercenaries in the front of the arab world and the islamic world, who are
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playing a role in the puzzle of the west and the zionist regime. one of the most important events that has always happened in the past years and in the past , there were detailed discussions about it. it was that if in fact the arab countries of the region and above all the islamic countries of the region , including, for example, turkey, the republic of azerbaijan, etc. , had the will to join the boycott campaign of the zionist regime, naturally they would. they could not do this amount of violence and crime , let alone help, but we see that they are not only helping, but they are blocking all the paths that they could close, and instead of helping. to the people the oppressed of gaza, as you can see in terms of materials food and medicine are not in good condition, but the same arab authorities, like the kingdom
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of jordan, unfortunately, instead of taking the direction of the people of gaza , they are helping and behaving in the direction of facilitating and helping to strengthen the foundations of the zionist regime. he does it so that he can strengthen them so that they can actually attack more than before. the popular uprising of resistance in gaza is the most important point here, that we must realize that today, many american, european and zionist officials have recently declared that in the last one or two weeks, in fact, the world today and the public opinion of the nations of the world today have come to the conclusion that the arab countries that are playing the role of helping the zionist regime in this game and in this process are now considered as traitors in the eyes of public opinion. no one has any doubts about this, even if these are actually bases and in fact
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diplomatic circles claim to help the palestinian people , but no one believes this anymore, except that there are completely evidences and in fact there are completely documented and clear statements that unfortunately, these are aimed at strengthening the zionist regime and against the palestinian nation who are both arabs and muslims, which means that they are completely aligned with them both from a racial point of view and from a religious point of view, and naturally there is no betrayal more obvious than this, and the people of the world, not only the nations of the region, but the nations of the world, are completely aware of this. thank you for this belief and this understanding. i have finished my questions about jordan. according to the statement you made at the end of your discussion , i would like to ask another question. had done that the arab governments had specifically mentioned saudi arabia as being ready to normalize their relations with the zionist regime.
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recognize today that we have seen these pictures from jordan, these gatherings in a country that had such an experience years ago, how true these words of biden are and how bluff they are. what you said is more of a bluff. my reason is quite clear. look at what happened after the al-aqsa storm. that israeli -american scenario upset the english. which scenario did he want by strengthening the normalization process and opening the feet of countries like saudi arabia completely to the issue of palestine? their own opinion is the decision to move the body and the process in another direction, to the direction where the issue of palestine is basically out of the news, and in fact, its importance. we are now on the eve of the us elections next year, and naturally, the democrats, considering the effective role they played in this game. well,
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they are under a lot of pressure. from the point of view of american public opinion, they are under severe pressure. the latest polls show that more than 70 % of the american people, which the same gallup institute published a few days ago, think more than 70%. the positions of american officials on the subject they are in gaza, so biden is actually expressing these positions under pressure and for domestic consumption , while the positions of the saudi authorities in the past one or two months clearly show that the normalization atmosphere with tel aviv, at least at some point in time currently, there is no place for arabs, and this clearly shows that the media and mental atmosphere of the issue of food is completely working against the zionist regime. thank you , mr. qadri.
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and today, saturday, which was considered a weekend and holiday in many western countries, saw an increase in gatherings it was in the interest of the palestinian people to see the pictures of these gatherings together.
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ze hebben keer op keer expliciet gäsat, indogen zijn er meer dan 75.000 vorunden, de commandant, de strijdkrachten van nederland, om eigenlög, de bez... die de
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bezet in israel, stop this nonsense stop the war. and at the same time as the popular demonstrations in different parts of the world are intensifying to stop the genocide.
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canada's mcgill university students are also on strike for 40 days. canadian believers are seeking to stop the support of the canadian government to the zionist regime. this is mcgill university in canada his students have been on hunger strike for 40 days to support the people of gaza. our demonstrations, letters , emails, calls we received, none. it did not cause this university to stop investing and supporting 20 million dollars of israeli genocidal companies in qestah. for this university, boycotting is both necessary and possible. this university plays a role in military purposes and the use of technology in war. i am giving money to this university for education , but this money is not used for my education, but it is used to destroy other universities, including
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gaza university, and kill people. it will be there. situation it is unprecedented in gaza. we have to act on behalf of them for 20 years.


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