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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 12:30am-1:00am IRST

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the historical result of a nation's vote for their country's system, which they established with the victory of their revolution , was determined. referendum voting ended at 10:00 pm on saturday, april 11, 2018. 98 % yes vote for the establishment of the islamic republic of iran. the islamic republic means a government whose form of government the government is elected by the people and the content of that government is also islamic. the philosophy of this free and fair referendum was that the vote of the nation is what you want it to be, not what those who want to come from europe and abroad. now that 45 years have passed since the victory of the islamic revolution and the holding of a referendum is going on, following
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the ideals of the imam and protecting the people's vote in the referendum has been an inseparable principle for the officials and the people in all eras . the country of scientific and technological progress of the country, the page of influence of the country and the islamic republic. in the vast region of west asia and north africa and many other wishes of the imam will come true, god willing. at the same time, the presence of people's participation in different scenes of the country for progress is also the defense of the islamic system, which is the responsibility of the workers it makes the administrators of the country more burdensome to serve the people. pishbehar, the reporter.
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the minister of roads and urban development, in a meeting to review the performance of gilan's services in the area of ​​nowruz travel , said that 725 accident-prone spots on the country's roads have been resolved, and the problem of other high-risk areas is being resolved. today, the minister of roads and urban affairs , on the sidelines of the meeting to review the performance of gilan's service systems at the avarzi headquarters of imamzadeh hashem rushd , pointing out that 426 million trips have been made this year in the country, adding that during this period, 8 million and 66 thousand people from public transportation services aerial and they have used a road. regarding the development of the public transport fleet, mehddad bezerpash said: fleet development. our public transport in all sectors
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is on the agenda of the government, both our buses and the shortages we have in this sector , our rail network, the problems and wear and tear that have been regular for years, and the provision of airplanes for the lack of fleets, all of them in the agenda of the government, we hope that in nowruz 14024 , we will face a significant development compared to 403 in the public transport fleet network , regarding the elimination of wet accident spots on the country's roads. you also said that a total of 725 points were raised with the police complex it was agreed, but this is not all the work . this year, my colleagues in the ministry of roads and urban development , together with the police, have done all the work of the governors. they have come to work on the capacities of the resources, whether it is the production site or other public resources that we have , the honorable first deputy and the honorable president is trying to equip us so that we can take a big step this year to solve other problems . from the beginning
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of nowruz festivities until now, a person reported on road accidents in the country. sardar seyyed taimur hosseini also referring to the completion of rosh qadbin freeway and preventing the traffic on the exit axis of rudbar said: "during the peak traffic, we must forcefully allocate a new 8-kilometer section to the north-south route, and this change of tactics is for people." have the least delay and conflict at the entrance to rudbar city. since the 24th of esfan , 1,370,000 cars have entered gilan. mahjob of sed and sima news agency , imamzadeh hashem bozor, rasht ghazvin road. registration for the second round of the 1403 national exam of universities and higher education institutions ends today. education assessment organization that has started and up to
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the experts of the knowledge-based company under the title they designed quantum key distribution, which plays a significant role in countering hacking cyber attacks , a system that is used by many organizations and banks. the level of security in conventional encryption networks is based on the limited speed of current computers, but the growth of quantum technology and the emergence of quantum computers is a serious threat to this type of encryption. now, after four years of efforts, danesh banyan
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is looking to increase security in information exchange by designing a quantum key distribution system. an action that has been carried out in 11 countries so far. we could the product of the quantum key explanation system in berser we offer optical fiber in the form of a commercial product that provides you with an acceptable security and unconditional quantum security, which can be resistant to quantum computers and attacks at a distance of 100 kilometers at a rate of one kilo bit full second was actually able to test this and was able to. we could test a command conversation using the secure key that this system gives us in any desired location . this technology can be used in many organizations. many military centers and important places
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like banks that exchange very important information, in fact, they are the primary target where they actually want to use this. in these data centers, banks can exchange vital information in the first step by using this system, in fact, by using the key of this system . the body is supposed to establish this security system between the sender and the receiver of the message and it is an upgradeable system. this system comes in an optical fiber bed, it actually taps the switch, and so on we can form a secure connection between two points. in fact , this system will provide us with unconditional security . the plans in the future are that these two points will become a quantum network with distances more in fact, it can
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bring that communication for us, this technology can also create high-speed internet in telecommunication networks . mehdi naqbi of sed and sima news agency. ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you , welcome to the sports news. iran's national women's hockey team won the asia-pacific cup.
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he celebrated in these competitions. these tournaments were held periodically with the participation of five teams from iran, philippines, uae, kyrgyzstan and india. saud shahdab of yazd to the final match of the premier volleyball league. in the semi -finals of this competition, the teams of shahdab yazd and urmia municipality went to the same distance for the third time in this stage. considering that the two previous confrontations each one won.
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a report from police press football last year , the most successful club by winning the sega championship. they were iranian. presplicia started the year 1402 when they managed to celebrate the championship in the premier league by passing sepahan. yahya golmohammadi with team. it also reached the final of the elimination cup and in that game they won the championship by passing the other contender team and their traditional rival, esteghlal. after winning the premier league and the hasti cup, they will automatically win the iranian football super cup to complete their streak. the reds, who were one of iran's representatives in the asian champions league , were one of the chances to advance to the elimination stage until the final moments of the group stage, but the loss after deheil at the azadi stadium caused them to be eliminated from the group stage. if it was the previous format,
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we would have definitely won. the end of the half season, the beginning of police press days it was without yahya golmohammadi. the head coach of sarkh poshan, who wanted to leave several times, finally fulfilled his promise at the end of the half season and after the match against misr rafsanjan and left press police after four seasons. i leave them all to god and wish success to the new person who comes to this club.
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took into consideration that last year you were able to take the segane and win 3 trophies and now he is on the championship course, the year 1402 ended. now , what was the best memory you had from this year ? it was a memory. iran's men beat the teams of china and singapore, respectively
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defeated and made it to the quarter finals. the women's team also withdrew from the competition after defeating japan and thailand. in the continuation of the four -way futsal competition in vietnam, iran's national team won 5-1 against new zealand in its second game. students of shamsai sunday. in the third and last meeting, they will go to host vietnam. manaf hashemi , secretary general of the national olympic committee , announced the evaluation of athletes with olympic quotas for increasing or decreasing their salaries before the paris olympic games. since the executive board approved the approval of the olympic support packages, the beloved athletes are included will and if it results in a medal , and it has the approval of our monitoring center, some of their rights
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will go back, and from the time the monitoring center announces it, we will pay the difference , even if in our forecast, some of the fields that are predicted by the medal we defined the rights for them that they will get. some of us did not foresee medals , but if they get medals, they will be included in their backlogged rights. by winning against their opponents, bulghar qualified for the final match.
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427 sunrise is at 5.5 minutes from noon at 128 minutes and from maghrib at 184 minutes.
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happy new year, prayers and prayers are accepted god willing, we wish you all a happy new year . god willing, it will be a blessed year for all iranians . god willing, mrs. haj, you have been supporting orphans for many years . how many orphans do you support today? 15 to 105, of course , how many of them are orphans? i think we started with 10 to 20 at the beginning. with 10 to 20 children, an orphan who has become a guardian. yes, when you grow up,
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what do you want to be, doctor? i wish to become a teacher , an artist. how many of you are your direct supporters? about 20 to 200 of them that you have , i myself directly, that is, wherever i see that someone comes and does not want to give, i also take children. now 200 of them are yours, and the rest of them are more than 800. you found sponsors for them. yes, yes, now i have about 12 million. i will leave only for these children , you yourself will pay for those 200 children, and we have other expenses. in total, for the thousand children that you formed this group , we have 53 million, and we will pay them every month. let's say that 3 million belongs to 6 sick mothers and 50 million is given to them
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we pay these children a month, in addition to this , we give them food. this means that this year we are buying rice, oil, or shoes in addition to cash. yes , i will start transferring money from the first of the month to the fifth of the month, because i can't pay more than 10 million a day. no matter if they didn't give you, i will give you. yes, i will try to fill that so-called account. thank god, your help has made us hope in our lives, god willing. if it wasn't for your help , i wouldn't have been able to continue my studies or rent after god
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, our hope is in you. with your efforts, we were able to solve some of the problems in the house. yes, where did you work in the ministry? during these years, for example , i bought a small house and i rent it here. i mean , i'm not a billionaire . you gave me a 50-meter house. and that i want to is true because i want to do this, the effect is that you are aware of this there are children, and anyway , you give them some money from your income. what has happened in your life, but i have never been enrolled, i have never been in need , maybe i have seen people who are much better than me
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. sir my head don't you see that we don't have 50,000 tomans , 50,000 tomans, which you think, 50,000 tomans is not given to someone who has several houses, how many cars, he doesn't give some. there are more of us than our brothers and sisters, my father was careful when he went ramadan mubarak, eid mubarak, thank you for helping us. i wanted to go to school with my dad this year, but i have this deficiency in my life . i got another one, that's fine , yes, i did four operations, i didn't take a single painkiller , so much so that god hears the voice of a beautiful person
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, it answers the prayers of those children, the prayers of the same children , this is how i got an answer . i think that just a few days ago, i happened to sit down and cry. i am grateful to the supporters who know us as their own children. i am very grateful to the supporters. babe i am thankful that they help me to continue my education . it helps us. oh my god, help him . i thank him that he helps us every month . i am very grateful to them. they don't have that much money or, for example, if i come and give them 100 tomans a month , what will it cost a child and a family?
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can he become a student or not? maybe someone will be nice to me and tell me, sir, that i don't have a duty, but by the way, we do have a duty. they say we don't have a duty and we have a duty. aren't we muslims? now, with all this , let's come and do the accounting, should we pay this? i didn't feel much worried about their capital. maybe he will say, for example, your capital . do you think, for example, how did i get the house ? finally, i was able to collect money, take a loan, something to buy a small house, now that i have it for rent. they are of all ages, you guys are all from 24 to 5 years old. yes, we are a science student. we have a student who has a rank of 200 in the entrance exam of sharif university, there is no difference between a girl and a boy
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, there is no difference. what you have given all these years for these loved ones, you have now collected you could go home, no, not by chance, if i collected, i wouldn't do anything, because god blessed him, i wasn't there. and i'm not looking for this. i want to do what i want to do. i don't know what i want. those who are looking for many programs will end up in other jobs. what do they want ? what do they want? what do they want? if we die, there is no compliment. we have to go . shall we go full-handed or empty-handed? what is your wish?
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we say without the most flattering words, these children are blessed if anyone thinks that this is he should bring something, take a child, become a sponsor , something will be lost, no, i think it will be added, it is a fact , now some may say, is it possible ? i did not give medicine to the doctor just now. anyone who wants at least one child can always text number one to 33333 right now. the experts of the relief committee will call you and guide
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you. you can at least sponsor one of these children . may god bless you and give you good health. thank you very much that you are on this path. we are happy. health we are also happy, god willing , all the problems of this country will be solved, our wish is, in the hope of god, the ally known as anrova announced that israel has destroyed the possibility of access to all anrova food convoys to the north of gaza, even though it knows that this area is on the verge of annihilation. philip laz.
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the border crossing can be seen on the other side. the dark shadow of hunger and stubbornness is visible. this situation is more than sad, it is a morally stormy situation. the time has come for the mass of life-saving aid to reach gaza. the next option is clear. either aid increases or extreme hunger is formed let's choose an option that is promising and on your right side.
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now a significant number of children in gaza are dying of hunger and common diseases. these two issues have come together like a vicious circle and are killing the children of gaza. probably thousands of people in gaza have lost their lives because of this. to say that food is on the threshold does not do justice. the situation in gaza is a danger to human survival. since the formulation of criteria for measuring the acute food crisis in
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20 years. we have never seen such a situation before. now the entire population of gaza is in a state of emergency judicial, judicial crisis or prison. simply put, too many people are starving to death. this has never happened before in our lifetime. in december, the united nations gahdi review committee, which is the world's highest court of humanitarian evaluations , clearly stated that the cessation of hostilities, along with the fruitful restoration of humanitarian access to the gaza strip , are essential prerequisites to prevent the occurrence of gahdi in gaza. this matter was raised in december and repeated again last week. without a complete ceasefire , the possibility of transferring humanitarian aid to gaza is nil money cannot prevent this disaster from happening.
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be heartbroken, be closed doors. hello again, dear viewers of iranian fanavar companies at the exhibition of chemical products in moscow, 3 fanavar companies. by offering their science-based products in the field of chemicals , they attracted the attention of many russian companies for long-term cooperation. the 15th international exhibition of chemicals, polymers, equipment and peripheral machines mosm be polyurethane 2024 was held in moscow this year while 3 fanan companies.


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