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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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chara afghanistan called me to thank me. i complained that, for example, you told us to come and open our clinic tomorrow first thing in the morning for no reason, and doing bad things and really opening means that we are saying that health diplomacy is very effective and very influential in you. the same thing happened in turkey . the same thing happened in syria. look, in turkey , mr. erdoğan gave the most excellent medal of selfless service of the turkish government to the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran. among the 100 countries that were in turkey , the world red cross only honored jamiat lal ahmad of the islamic republic of iran, and we did the same in syria. we did the same thing in libya , we did the same thing in the floods in pakistan, even in morocco, when there was an earthquake and more than 2,000 people died there, we announced our readiness to help in many places where it is needed, we don't care if something happens anywhere. and if they are in need and we are able to afford it, we don't care and we don't have money to give. yes, and
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we will start from the beginning of this year. a report of my colleagues is being prepared about the aid delivery, participation in the aid delivery in the framework of nowruz trips, when most of the compatriots go to their own cities and countries to disobey their families. we will see a report from different cities in the framework of nowruz travel, and then we will talk about this issue. at the same time as the beginning of nowruz trips , the relief and treatment teams of the red crescent society were deployed in jeddah and at the entry and exit points of the cities as part of the nowruz relief plan . what are you doing on the roads ? we connect them with this relief work , for example, the state of the air, we give them these tablets . be completely prepared
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. how did you spend your vacation in the holy month of ramadan ? you celebrated nowruz and you are on the roads, only love and service to the people, just because we don't get that much salary, we don't have that much income, nothing but interest and love can keep you here. they serve the passengers on a mobile phone . be careful of your health. we had an accident on the road in tehran . rescue work is not limited to nowruz and ramadan. we are always on the roads . our work is our job. we agreed to be ready at all hours of the day and night to serve the people. there are 8 thousand doctors and medical personnel in the form of volunteers. nejad settled next to the rescuers. we are stationed at the base and his foot is beating. we have
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4,000 operational vehicles and ambulances deployed in jeddah as well as in accident-prone areas. the nowruz project of the red crescent society started on the 24th of march and will continue until the 17th of april. nafiseh sohrabian of radio and television news agency. ok. we have seen the report, doctor, how many aid workers and those who are members of the red crescent have passed their nowruz holidays and are stationed in their own mission areas. now this year, we tried to we have 130,000 volunteers in the whole country every day to double our capacity in terms of human resources and logistics.
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we have reached our branch bases and our posts to more than 4280 centers , something we did this year, of course, god bless mr. dr. mokhbar and dear sardar hosseini , the respected official of rahor faraja , we had a meeting with a dr. mokhbar. it was possible for the devices to be able to leave their capacities for days . let's realize that there is a possible danger here . in addition, the highway administration has been very active, mr. dr. bespash and his colleagues. dear sardar hadianfar
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, who is present there now , we have many good activities, we gathered together , we put our resources together , we tried to be present within 30 km of the city . what is the input and output? we tried to be present there , to have a stronger presence than in previous years , we had almost a 100% growth. people used the services of the red crescent throughout the country, which is a 45% growth compared to last year. we have told our health centers to continue their activities, for example , we have made our pharmacies open 24/7. you know that the pharmacies of the red crescent community have special medicines and people who need special medicines cannot tolerate being closed and without medicine. we
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made our pharmacies open 24/7 so that people have very good access, we even activated our physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers during these days , you know that, for example, during these days. at all such centers and such clinics will be closed . yes, we tried to activate them. about 138 thousand people were able to receive health care services from pharmacies, physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers. during this period, about 25 thousand of our services related to road rescue there have been traffic accidents , although, for example, we want to count the operation of releasing the injured from the accident. there was a decrease of about 24% compared to last year. they are considering that the severity of the accident has decreased. this is a good sign. the operations we conducted regarding traffic accidents were 71 of them related to road assistance, the most in other parts of the province.
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the provinces where we carried out the most relief operations were isfahan, fars, mazandan and semnan. well, the traffic registration that they are announcing now was less than last year until last week, but now it has increased, and this is a sign that the number of people killed in traffic accidents has decreased by 27% compared to last year. this is a good sign. if we are together and expand our services, expand and help , we will definitely reduce the number of casualties , especially the cultural development and human factor. the human factor can be much more effective . we agreed with sardar hosseini rahour that this year we will focus on education and culturalization of this issue, discussing the human factor that can
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control the human factor of the road, vehicle and the environment. we will have some good services in the new year. we have done one proxy plan , proxy plan for our volunteer loved ones, coming to the families of the martyrs , they go to the homes of the old men, the old women, those whose family is the only one with their eyes on the valley, they also visit , and if facilities are needed, they go to them, and we know ourselves as the children of these people. we are with them, we say that our population is all together this proxy plan, which is a very good plan , is a philanthropic plan, and now we are still collecting donations for gaza . they control the blood , they also control the blood sugar, and we put a doctor on one side , he takes care of the health, there is hilal rahmat, who again explains the livelihood packages between the poor and the needy and the loved ones who need it.
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dear ones, and a campaign in the name of improvement, how to drive , how to take care, and most importantly , create a culture and help education. welcome it was done very well. people came, stood and even took the time to watch my training . this was very remarkable. it shows us that the more we emphasize and work on these issues, the more valuable it is because it saves their lives . can others be early. last year, it seemed that due to a series of events that happened one after the other , the stocks of the red crescent had decreased a bit
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. that standard limit and ideal is not really complete, honestly, it is not complete , but we always tried not to fall short, we always tried to do all the services as we should and maybe even better with the same inventory we have . we are trying to reach the standard level. the last session of shura. the crisis management of the country that was held there allocated an amount that , god willing, if the government approves, we will use that amount to complete our warehouses and bring them to the level of our national standards, but with all these conditions, we really did not let anyone go empty handed or help anyone. alhamdulillah, it's better than that the most important equipment was the equipment that we should use to save lives . we have almost updated it, we have progressed very well. after 12 years, the red crescent population
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was able to import 900 vehicles and ambulances, and we got them out of the customs . the honorable head of customs, the central bank, the accounting bureau, and the government also helped us a lot. it's interesting that we have a series of cumbersome rules that were bothering us, that for almost two or three months, our cars were stationed at customs for more than three months , and they helped. we cleared these cars alhamdulillah, now some of them are in the service cycle, some of them are in the process of completing the equipment, for example , we will change the use of the ambulance that we brought and re-equip it inside the country , which will create jobs, and we ourselves will work better . we have a contract with the international red cross we even have to equip their ambulances for them, that is, we have such things , our pharmaceutical factories, our medical equipment factories , production factories. we were able to make our seasonal herbs and herbal medicines much
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more active. places that really help the government , help the people, we have this rome, and alhamdulillah , it had good signs, if you remember , whenever there was a shortage, the hilal ahmad crowd came to the square, do you remember, for example, a shortage of medicine, antibiotics , a shortage, for example, a shortage of vaccines, a shortage of everything that halal crowd appeared. qamar came, you know, and he did it very quickly. alhamdulillah, we have seen a lot of charity prayers that people make for us, and i am satisfied with that. alhamdulillah, thank you. baluchistan it is far away, charmal bakhtiari or kekel barhamad , and these are mountainous. we have 23 aircraft, we really need them. we need a helicopter , especially one that can see at night.
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as soon as the weather gets a bit dark , our hang gliders are grounded and they can no longer fly until daylight. we must and must provide night vision helicopters. we must definitely and definitely add at least 10 helicopters to our total air operations in providing relief. jamiat hilal ahmad's helicopters have a logistic feature and because every it can carry a lot of people, wounded and goods transfer, the helicopters are very, very operational and good, of course we have very good pilots, we have a very good flight crew and the part that performs the flight operations for us are guys with good experience, but they need to be strengthened , they need support, which we are part of this year, god willing. our goals are to complete our country because , thank god, it is very vast
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. for example, in sistan baluchistan , there is a discussion about floods and such , but there are earthquakes in some parts. train in that climatic area and be ready to serve be. in addition to having a territorial plan, we planned and have plans for logistics and human resources. the rapid reaction forces and the special operations team that we trained, they find different trainings and different specializations in this regard to be able to operate. in the whole country, we tried to train our forces in terms of skill enhancement and training in all fields and disciplines
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, we regularly have exercises, maneuvers and planning for them so that they don't forget to increase their skills, because if you look at us, if we don't have the exercises. they are neither ready nor very capable be quick, we do this regularly. if you remember, for example, a month before eid , we had a drill of 10,000 people in tabriz for a possible earthquake in tabriz.
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making the population of lalamer really came to fruition, teaching through mosques, houses, neighborhoods , halal houses, these student centers, student centers are very interesting. we trained 1000 of them and god willing, we will train 20000 of them this year we would like to thank ayatollah arafi and the head of the scientific fields for their great help in this regard and we had a very good cooperation with our loved ones. we even have first aid training in the armed forces by the order of my dear brother seleshgar bagheri for our soldiers and armed forces. what we do is more important than our warehouses that we created in the regions
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. we created a series of regional warehouses so that these warehouses always have goods , food, and equipment that is needed, like boats, like many things. we are now equipping ourselves with assessment drones and operational drones viz we are making most of our work smart . in fact , we have planned a smart center in the red crescent society, which, god willing, i think it will be in ardi behesht month, on the anniversary of the establishment of the red crescent society of the islamic republic of iran. it is possible to monitor and monitor all the operations of the red crescent society, whether in centers outside our country or inside our country, and we can plan and command there as if we are in the field itself, which means we have a picture of the field . we can help. these are very good things that are being done, so the lights of the area the one that we created based on the regional and territorial analysis
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, this itself showed the statistics of the damages that we had before, now we try not to have them, although whatever happens, it may have a new damage that we try to quickly. let's feel it and take action with a plan to deal with it and prevent it . one of the criminal acts that the regime has done is the cruel sanctions that have been prepared against the people and specifically does not allow medicines. for special patients to enter the country, i know in some sections of the hilal ahmad population who has done this, how is your situation now ? we raised this issue at the world red cross assembly and we always demand sanctions there, not only for our own country, for many
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other countries that are under sanctions, we in the red cross have this commitment. . he gave us that he can get any medicine and facilities we want from the same factory without profit margin and make it available to us wherever the honorable ministry of health and food and drug organization announces its readiness to say, " i want this medicine, this product, we want it." we can prepare and import immediately through the same approval we had when we entered, you saw that, for example, sma drugs were completely in the hands of america and they would not give them to us under any conditions. even the memorandum of understanding, the first writing of the memorandum is very, very harsh and turkmenchai, and we did not go under the burden , and i read the same memorandum in the assembly, and they were forced to delete those clauses . this memorandum is good and we brought 400 medicine thieves for sma patients and we brought them for free without a single rial cost. in other cases, this
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red crescent community has this capacity and readiness. he can have these aids. last year, in the same program, you said that we are moving in the same direction that the companies that are affiliated with the red crescent should be private in such a way that they do not compete with other companies. what is the status of these companies now? we are one of our companies. we put it on the stock market, which means that we have fulfilled the promise we made, the rest of our company. we expect the same. finally, it must go through the steps to be approved by the stock exchange. this is all the efforts of my colleagues in the companies. but the presence of companies in the halal population. ahmed as a in addition, as a company that collects work that has fallen on the ground
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, not what others are doing, we are not in competition with anyone at all, we are not looking for profit. to be able to create jobs , to be able to produce goods and to reduce the pain of the country and the people, is definitely a part of our constitution. the condition of our work is to be able to do our work in a popular way. it is definitely one of the places where the slogan chosen by the supreme leader this year is manifested for participation. the people of this jamiat al ahramra during the nowruz visit , mr. president told me that this slogan was manifested in the red crescent jamiat and that is really it, so we fulfilled the promise we made and we will continue, and last year was the end of the year when a congress in the case of it was held that, well, it really supports the oppressed and of course the injured and a crisis area, all three of which are crystallized
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in gaza, and it was held in palestine. what was the reception of this issue, what did you do ? provide help to the oppressed people of gaza, which we have been in for 3 weeks we have about three weeks of ramadan, but for them it is 6 months that there is no possibility of sending any food or medicine to food . for example, the programs of the world summit are determined in advance 6 months to 7 months in advance. there was a program a few months ago in vietnam where our international vice president, dr. aaliyah shondi
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, attended on my behalf. they insisted very strongly on the issue of not having gaza and allocating half a day to gaza, so this shows the greatness and originality of the islamic republic of red crescent society, to change the world letter and to allot half a day to help gaza, a good statement was issued and there were good approvals there. mrs. dr. again explained the role and position of women in the red jamiat of the islamic republic of iran . she brought up the volumes that come to us from foreigners. it was accepted and we had a very welcoming congress. 45 president of the jamiat. we invited hilal ahmad in tehran, he also had good approvals, and the head of the red cross wrote to me he wrote that, sir, i am bound to implement your approvals, in addition to that, we
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involved university professors from a scientific and research point of view , we held an international congress regarding the occupation of palestine, violation of humanitarian rights in gaza , dr. ma 90 cases. violation of humanitarian rights in gaza with latitude and longitude. and we tried to present it to the international court of justice. first , i sent it with my personal signature, then i took 86 countries with me, and they signed it as a declaration of crime, and we registered this in this congress . we invited the international community and political science to come and comment online. attendance of 96 foreign people attending in person 900 of our intellectuals in person attending 40,000 people online in this congress
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well, the honorable head of the judiciary is our speaker , his deputy is our speaker, we presented 17 best articles in 5 meetings it had a very good statement, and the rest of the article that came was evaluated and registered in international journals, which means the promise of acceptance. they promised to print it and all the material that was discussed in a congress was decided to be published in the magazine of the world red cross interestingly, two days later, the head of the international red cross made a statement and wrote a letter to me. here i am going to serve you , i am begging you , i am begging you very much . in the week of october, israel's situation in the gaza strip is deteriorating hour by hour. he says there is no safe place for people to go. the statistics
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of civilian deaths and continuous captivity of hostages are shocking and unacceptable . it suggests that the conflicts should be stopped. they are mistreating palestinian prisoners and torturing them. he says that this border between humanity is barbarism. he says again that israel, as an occupying power, must provide for the basic needs of the people . he says that international humanitarian law is a way out of the downward spiral. which we are witnessing at the moment, and he requests that you allow the sufa al-ahmad cross to create a safe situation , so that we can go and help. mr. doctor , there are currently 99,000 wounded in gaza for whom there is nothing they can do. 24,000 the baby was born that neither he nor his mother took any health measures there is no treatment for them . there are 64,000 pregnant mothers for whom
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there is no medical treatment. their hospitals have been destroyed. 17 18 people from the gaza red crescent forces have lost martyrs and regularly attack the ambulances. every one of you , the al-arish warehouse in egypt, 75% of the goods that people sent to the warehouses have been destroyed. 25 % of them have reached 15 to 20 daily. the truck is being rejected. every truck is inspected for 10 days, and i don't know how long the monitoring will take . he is using a punitive lever , but thank god, people are resisting the resistance group is fair, their resistance is unique and god almighty will help them to win. this congress proved that the thinkers , university students, university professors and university professors have their views on the violation of humanitarian rights in gaza, and that the nations are pouring into the streets , there are people in the streets of england, for the benefit of the people of gaza.
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the streets of america are revolting, the same is the case in germany , the same is the case in islamic and non-islamic countries, this is how south africa goes to complain, nicaragua goes to the complaint office, the lawyer of south africa is also present in our congress and speaks for half an hour. dr. kodkhodaei was the president of our congress. he was the president of our congress . it worked really well. thank you very much, dr. ken. i would like to donate 10,000 tons of goods, whether medicine, food, or biological items, to the red crescent, which we sent by ship . so far, this service has been unique, and it is still going on . it still has people's help. it continues and we are ready to send the injured to the hospital. let's consider the hospitals if these conditions
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are available for us. with the defeat of the sikasi regime, may the people of palestine and ghazm be free, and i thank you , dear viewers, be in the protection of god.
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4 o'clock: the fourth season of zirakhi, with more than 3 million games on tv, has been the most watched nowruz tv series. the first part of this series is the most watched tv content with 230,000 views. this tv series was aired every night at 10:00 pm on ik sima channel. the complete archive of the four seasons of this television series is on the special page of the request.


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