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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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5 o'clock dear viewers, sadat's biggest iftar in khuzestan. this iftar was held in shadgan city, 100 kilometers west of ahvaz, with the presence of 500 people. shadgan is known for its international students. as the people of this city host hundreds of thousands of travelers and tourists from all over the country every year .
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inviting neighbors, friends, acquaintances in the holy month of ramadan. from mursaleh, a special iftar is held in this city, that is, a very special and rare party in the province of khuzestan and in the entire country of the islamic republic . it is nadera abbas selah who prepares the food for this iftar. he tells me that tonight's food is a it is a traditional and famous dish of khuzestan, in the name of allah , the merciful, the most merciful. this
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is what he inherited from his father and uncle , what he used to do in public. forty people of sadad's prayers, only sayyid should wear a chaffi on his head, but i have repeated this myself. this party is for 80 for years , dear sadat has been invited to dinner in the whole province of khuzestan in sheikh adel's mazif. what
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started with the invitation of 40 syeds, this year 500 syeds from all over the province are present. during the holy month of ramadan, this feast and the guests of nawazgahs will be more blessed. farhad farhani of the shadgan radio news agency. in the first week of nowruz holidays more than 3 million people visited the museum and historical places. according to the announcement of the ministry of heritage. fars, isfahan and tehran provinces are at the top in terms of cultural tourism and handicraft industry. lifelong education for all people and all levels is one of the main functions of museums. this was announced by the international council of museums at the time of the world icom, and accordingly , this year, two topics of education and research in museums have been introduced as a global slogan. education in the direction of the same unsaid museums.
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fars has about 740,000 people, far from isfahan and then tehran and the headquarters museums in there is tehran, museums are suitable for the content of the subjects they have and they can provide education for all classes of visitors, general education and specialized education are the two missions of museums. we can talk about
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what has been with us from the past and what has been added to our culture. children and teenagers are the visitors that most museums organize programs for. this year, we tried to focus more on the presence of children and teaching children about cultural heritage. the children play with all kinds of stories and stories. please help me to better tell them what happened here and why , knowing this historical record, they can have solid plans for their future. museums are an opportunity to review the past through the lens of objects and the past. elham goran, sed and sima news agency. the director of cultural tourism and handicrafts class of sisistan baluchistan said: more than 93 thousand nowruz travelers
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visited historical and touristic attractions of the province during nowruz. according to mr. tehrani moghadam, cashew petroglyphs located in ghand palace are one of the most popular tourist destinations. there were passengers is. together with a number of tourists, we went to the cashew region. passing through the beautiful landscapes of this region, we reached a place called totrandep. maps from ancient history were displayed on the stone table. the map you see behind me shows the historical and pre-historic period of a series of petroglyphs here in the kaja river. the individual roles, collection roles, hunting roles , festive roles, and other roles that you see here are related to the historical and pre-historic period, but in general , let's count the roles that are here , the very, very beautiful roles of goats that people in it now a series of animals that
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we see in this corner, we may be biased now, for example , the two-faced camel, which we see in many places, we see the pattern of the big mountain cow , the history and civilization can be seen in these beautiful patterns. . we came from kermanshah province to baluchistan region. now we are in qasr qand city, the beautiful cashew region. we came here and encountered beautiful historical carvings, which are extremely beautiful. we request the general department of cultural heritage of the province to try to preserve them . cashew petroglyphs show the historical antiquity of this tourist area. amanullah azizi, sada and c. news agency. we are in the kajo area of ​​qasrghand city, the next part of the news at 6:
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the topic of tonight's news talk is dedicated to the growth of production and improvement of productivity and the contribution of each to the economic growth and the state of the country's economy, with the announcement that the productivity of all production factors increased by 2.8% in the 9 months of 1402, which
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was announced by the national productivity stamp organization. the productivity growth of the total factors of production in terms of the added value of the number of workers and also the capital balance in the last 9 months of the last year is estimated at 2.8 percent, which is 60% of the economic growth due to the economic growth of 4 and a half percent in this period of time. as mentioned in the conversation tonight's news feature, we want to talk about this component and also their contribution to the country's economic growth . i would like to introduce to you the guests of this program, mr. mirsaman peshwai, the head of the national bahrabi organization, along with mr. maitham farjalullah, the head of the center for macro and promotional plans. scientific vice president, according to the routine of the special news conference, every night, first we will see a report together, hear it , come back with the guests and start the discussion . unfortunately, we
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have the highest intensity of energy consumption in the world. last year in this country , at the peak of our consumption, 750 million cubic meters per day of gas we consumed, through the development of technology, we can only replace these furnaces in the country with new generation furnaces. it is predicted that 10% of the country's gas will be saved . if we want to have inclusive and sustainable economic growth. according to the experience of other countries, there is no other way but to improve productivity. but in the past years, this route has been less used. we use it in the country . the amount of capital we use. in proportion to the capital, whether it is water, electricity, time or life
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proportion of what we consume, benefit and utilization do not exist. in the last 10 years, the utilization index of the whole country, its growth, or the base growth, unfortunately , was around minus one percent . economic growth has taken place in the past two and a half years, so that we can make up for the backwardness of the 90s, we must continue this growth in the next 3 years. what we need very much in our country today, along with the many investments we have to make , is an increase in productivity, if this increase in productivity. we will grow in all areas. in the general policies of the 7th plan, the leader of the revolution
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stated that the main priority goal is economic progress combined with justice, with an emphasis on increasing productivity. in the field of management productivity, because when we talk about economic growth, there is also the issue of productivity, in this program two-eighths of the place of growth out of 8. in productivity. it is also mandated in the seventh plan of the government. provide a program to increase the participation of scientists in improving productivity. well, with this report , let us introduce the guests. let's say hello to mr. peshwai. you are very welcome. in the name of allah, the merciful. i am also a great employee. dear viewers of the program, i offer greetings and courtesy. i wish for the acceptance of obedience and worship of all the dear people of iran and also offer my condolences on the days of martyrdom of hazrat amir (peace be upon him). farajallah, you are very welcome to the studio of my unique news, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i am at your service and your colleagues
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, the honorable nation of iran . i wish to accept your prayers and prayers, and also offer my condolences on the days of martyrdom and also the difficult days that the people of gaza are facing these days. passing and begging for prayers from all the loved ones of mr. peshwai in the report that was aired, some points and there were a few issues that we will definitely answer in the coming intervals, such as the one you mentioned in one of your speeches, if you are looking for growth. we are a stable and inclusive economy. we must improve productivity. one point that the supreme leader of the islamic revolution emphasized is that we have seen little productivity compared to our capital consumption, and we must seek to solve the challenges of this issue and field. before we address and examine these issues, let's look at the performance status of productivity indicators in the 13th government and the length of the 6th development plan and see that in terms of separation of different indicators, what is our situation now? i will start with an introduction, if you allow me to see the economic growth or production growth, which
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gives almost the same meaning, a key and central issue in the current conditions of our country, if we want to , in fact, the conditions we have no other way to improve the general livelihood, except to establish a sustainable economic growth for the country, so maybe it is less of an issue that is urgent now , it is also a strategy for the country, like economic growth, which is well confirmed by the authorities and the people's concerns. it seems that this is perhaps the first issue of our country the current conditions of economic growth happen from three places. it increases either based on investment, or based on the injection of labor force and the quality of the labor force , or based on efficiency. the name of qualitative growth of the economy means the quality
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of economic growth, so what is now confirmed both in scientific literature and human experience is that there is no way for sustainable economic growth except for us to have productivity growth, and in fact, if we have productivity growth even our investments it will hit the target, otherwise, we might be wasteful there as well, and in fact, we will be wasted. the terms about the performance of the utilization and the utilization index. well , the most important index that we have in the field of productivity is this index of the productivity of all production factors. in the last 3 years, that is, from 1400 to the end of 1402 , we had about four and a half percent economic growth in the country on average, of this 4 percent, 3 and a half percent belonged to the growth of the productivity of the total factors of production, after the productivity of a growth and a significant contribution to the
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recent economic growth. in fact, it has played its part in economic growth to 70% and a little more because this share can be increased or is it always defined at the same level in all programs? from 2016 to 2019, which is practically the first years of the 6th plan, the growth of the productivity of all production factors. it was minus 6 percent , which means that not only did we not grow, but we also had a setback. what was the goal of the sixth plan? two and a half, 2, and 8 tenths of the growth will benefit from the place . in iran, it was 2/10%, which means it is close to zero
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, so this number of 3.5% is a significant number, but if the question is , how much can we increase this growth compared to the "ideal" and the capacities of our country, that is also important. keep it more stable , because the main problem of productivity in our country is its fluctuating movement, well, this is still a long way from the ideal . if we want to make up for the backwardness of the 90s, we should at least increase productivity for 4 years from today, when i am at your service. to have above 3%, if we want to make this growth sustainable, i will give a small explanation here. this is 3 the year of growth of nearly 39% is for the first time in the last 15 years that for 3 consecutive years this growth has been positive and above 3%, mr. farjalai, mr. peshwai.
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a period of time, a number and digits to indicate fruitful growth. from the optimal level of the capacity and potential of the country and its impact on the economy , what is the role and position of knowledge bases in what has been passed and what is ahead in the current situation? thank you very much for your good question, i have time to thank you before i start talking my dear friends in the national organization of productivity, which honestly, during the time that mr. dr. peshwai came, the issue of productivity has become a main and important discourse in the decision-making of various departments of the government and governance. the leadership of mr. president , the honorable head of the ministry of music , emphasizes this issue in numerous meetings and repeatedly follows up with the president's scientific advisors. this has really made
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productivity the main concern of the government. this is very useful. now we need to take 2 more steps. let's move forward in this field, one issue is that improving productivity should become the dominant discourse in the country's elite society, which is happening with the events that are being held, the various programs that the organization has in cooperation with the vice president and other institutions , and on the other hand, it should become the dominant discourse in the society. that is, in addition to having a society of scientists, we must also have a productive society, but regarding the role of scientific companies, i think that scientific companies can play a role in three areas . the first area is technological development and innovation. we are working to improve productivity in many places from fields like energy, like mining, like agriculture, sometimes we also need to develop innovative technology . now i make a difference between technology and innovation . now if you tell me, in each of which you say that you define in these three stages, tell me how
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operational it is now. looking at the future horizon, how is it ? well, i will say three things first, then i will come back and continue, so the first is the development of technology and innovation , which is a very important issue. we are in three fields of agriculture and mining. energy, which the country happens to have a relative position we did not perform well in these fields in the area of ​​productivity, which has a lot of work to do. the second point that daneshmounian companies can play as an elite society is the issue of demands. beneficial demands are a very important issue that must be formed in the elite society, and the third point is to provide governance models. if i want to give an example , for example, assume that we need decision models to improve water productivity in our agricultural sector. we have civilized people who can carry out this improvement, which i will mention in detail in the continuation of my speech. we are in the field of demanding and
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there is a reason why our knowledge companies are not very active in presenting governance models, which i will mention in the rest of my speech. but in the development of technology and diversification of our knowledge companies , we are doing very well and strongly, which means that we can definitely say that we have no problem to increase productivity in the field of technology and diversification by 80-90%. the reason why the productivity in some of our industries is low is not the development of technology, but the dissemination and absorption of technology, that is, the companies of our scientists develop technology , develop innovation, but this is not disseminated and absorbed by the industry, especially in the industries that government sectors. we have this, the industries should take action, or the foreign organization should take action, the vice president of science and technology should do a work of governance, that is, we should have our rules and regulations in such a way that our companies have no choice but to move towards profit. don't have a berry. on the other hand
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, we must have the necessary motivation for knowledge-based companies to enter this field. see the companies of scientists who are completely capable in terms of motivation and knowledge. what prevents entry? tax incentives. if we have good financial models, that's exactly it. if we have financial incentives for knowledge-based companies let's design, knowledge companies. in the field of productivity, if we want to increase the productivity in our industries, in our mines , in our agriculture, one of the main challenges is financing. give cooling, improve productivity, well, he says, i want millions of dollars to make this happen, now what should we do to make financing happen, those are the financial models i mentioned. mr. p. i want to go to the point that mr. farajlahi said, which means now the challenges that in strengthening the companies of daneshmunians , it is raised to increase productivity, and of course i will get your answer
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. mr. farjalai said one thing, for example, we have done less in mining, agriculture, and energy compared to the potentials we have. see how the different fields are according to the statistics of the last one or two years. yes, some of our sectors are experiencing good growth like this, of course, it does not mean that they are in a favorable situation. when we talk about growth, it means growth compared to the last two years. well, our oil sector has a double-digit growth. the communication and information field of the ic industry has experienced a good growth, which is also double-digit. for example, let's assume that in the field of mining , we have had good growth in recent years, and the same is true in the field of services. the corona period finally caused our service sector to have some f. now that the restriction has been lifted ,
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it has finally found a jump. let's do it and give it prosperity. maybe two events are very key. the first event it is to create motivation and the second thing is to create stability and predictability. that is, if the person who is ruling and making rules can do these two things, we will move forward. let me give a concrete example. mr. peshwai, as the head of the national behri organization , how far do you think we have gone in each of them. what are its challenges, what should we pay more attention to in our life plan?
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if i want to say one topic , it is exactly the issue of motivation. i will open it up for you with an example. you see, we have an issue in the country now called water coolers. we have 20 million water coolers in the country. we have a country where a significant part of the country's electricity is consumed by these coolers in the summer . the motors used in these coolers are obsolete motors, very traditional induction motors with very high consumption and inefficient. well, in our country, we have scientific companies right now that are building electric motors with very high efficiency, called new-generation bial dc motors, which can drastically reduce energy consumption by 1/4, 1/5, compared to what is now normal engines, but why does this not happen, that is, we are on the production side, so to speak mr. doctor, this work has been done in technology and its capabilities have been created. why is this not related to the market
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? the reason is that the rule that we have in the market , dr. farjalai, is to publish, publish, and absorb, which means that the market does not absorb this. why do you see this? the price of motors is about 6 million tomans, normal motors are about 3 million tomans, because the price of energy in iran is very, very low . in our own homes, you and i do not prefer to go and buy that 6 million toman engine and reduce energy consumption, because when i want to calculate if i make a book, i will talk like this well, for example, i give people the right, the truth is, i see the main problem is that we could not implement motivating rules in the governance system, which means that you may say that price intervention is not a good method, the vulnerable groups are actually
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the weak groups that suffer. we can do something very simple, say that a fund will do the initial financing, that is , put up support plans, but on the condition that it is based on energy saving, it will go back to that investor , if we can create this game, that is, capital the investment that comes to use and optimization plans costs an approach to it let's see that the return on his capital is guaranteed, and this is not difficult in my opinion. we were able to create that motivation and that is the time when there is no need for the government to directly enter into the issue of tenure and implementation of exploitation plans. mr. dr. farajullah, if we want to check now, now we always have one end of the story in the issue of knowledge bases and one side of the flash goes towards the increase of companies of scientists, although next to this important issue
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is the more important issue of quality, let's focus on improving productivity, which is the topic of tonight's special discussion, the quality of the services of scientists or their views on each of the topics we are talking about tonight, how effective it can be in improving the productivity of various fields. the country also has a series of elite people who are moving towards solving the problem through research. the development in the country has increased and the influence and presence of the elites in the society has increased. this has its own signs, but quality is more important than the number, that is , we are looking for the quality of the companies. scientists and their influence should increase both in the field of science and technology of the country and in the economy of scientists. well, one of the serious components of the economy of our scientists is this field of productivity, as i mentioned in my previous speech, mr. d.


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