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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

7:30 am
have it for the transportation and return of passengers . god willing, thank you very much mr. serani , i will say goodbye to you. be with us, dear viewers , as the program continues. but in this section, let's go to qom and see what programs have been prepared tonight at the holy threshold of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him, on the second night of qadr , at the same time as the night of the martyrdom of amir al-mu'minin, hazrat hojjat al-islam falahi, the director of the holy shrine of hazrat masoumeh, peace be upon him. we are established, mr. falahi, hello, good morning, hello , good morning to you too, and to you and all the dear viewers.
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please tell me what plans have been made at the holy threshold of hazrat masoom, may god bless him and grant him peace, for the second night of qadr, with the greetings again and the consolation of the days of the battle and the martyrdom of amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him. alaihi the host. it will be dear visitors, travelers and neighbors. qadr night programs from 21:00. and 30 , god willing, it will start and the ritual of reciting and reciting the sharif joshan
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kabir prayer will begin at around 11 p.m. we will meet in the holy shrine, of course, from the beginning of the program, which is at 9:00 p.m., various programs of prayers, thanksgiving, recitation of the holy quran are also planned for the dear pilgrims. different parts of the holy shrine are ready to welcome the dear pilgrims to this spiritual atmosphere. get the most out of it. god willing, thank you very much , mr. falahi, thank you for your explanation , i will say goodbye to you. be with us, dear viewers , as the program continues. pashin wabze granvim give.
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or show me how to cry. brother, when you are a contemporary, do you have another watch or series d?
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under the displacement of their thoughts, gaza is left alone, we got used to the blood cloak, as if we all became ashura.
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we stayed on the side and became spectators. after all , we became spectators at the end of hazran azran or ramadan from the branches of ghaz jawan eight night and. stay with us, in the continuation of the program, we will discuss
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international news with the presence of mrs. moazzami. we have the municipalities in turkey to elect the mayors of the cities, including the province and ankara, now this election an important election is described in terms of the position and authority of municipalities in the political structure of turkey , and also in fact that this election is very important for the parties, especially the ruling parties and the opposition parties. relying on this, in fact , the competition and advertising is going to be held today. we will communicate with mr. kameli, our correspondent in turkey, in the next few minutes, but the other issue we have is actually another news related to the news of gaza .
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today is sunday, march 31st, and in fact , it is the end of the deadline that the supreme court of the zionist regime gave to netanyahu to draft the recruitment regulations. the soldier now wants to extend this deadline. netanyahu says that he is facing a recruitment crisis. in fact, he has this claim and wants to be given more time. according to experts, this is described as a kind of excuse and a kind of propaganda by netanyahu's cabinet. in order to actually justify his failures , we will talk to the experts about this. gaza loads of attacks continue in fact, in recent hours, a large number of palestinians have been martyred and injured. we know that yesterday shujaiyeh club and shefa hospital were actually heavily bombed, and this rain continued in the past hours, and in fact, the number of martyrs has increased
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on the other hand. ceasefire negotiations are scheduled to resume today in cairo, the capital of egypt. similarly , in qatar, but hamas has announced, in fact, hossam badran, a member of the political office of hamas, said that the plan that proposes the formation of an arab or international force for peace, in other words, the administration of gaza , is rejected in terms of resistance and resistance. he will not have a representative in cairo. now, we want to talk with mr. mossadegh, an expert on west asian issues, who is with us . hello, good morning. i say hello . good morning. thank you very much, mr. mossadeghpour. please tell us what is your assessment of the developments in gaza and in fact the two sides or what seems to be the two sides of the arab countries against the zionists
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in this situation. what is netanyahu doing ? how long do you think he can continue the attacks? yes, absolutely , from the point of view of the field, well, the characteristic situation of the crime follows in the last statement published by the resistance it is not peace, but the continuation of the same brutal path that he has taken, but in connection with this plan, it means the formation of an arab or multinational force for that. so-called after gaza, meaning after the end of the war in gaza, well, this was a proposal that was first proposed by the americans themselves, and recently the zionist minister of war, gallant, visited washington
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and announced in a call with netanyahu. which has achieved good results in this connection, but most of the arab countries have so far declared their opposition to participating in this project with this american-israeli plan, especially egypt, which believes there are issues. the case and the palestinian nation itself must determine its own destiny and the palestinians have declared their resistance and declared that they will not be under the control of anyone or any foreigner, but as the palestinian nation and the palestinian resistance have been able to defend themselves well so far. if they continue on the same path , i don't think this plan will come to fruition and it is one of the scenarios that the zionist regime may want to run away from, maybe it will lay the groundwork to
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bring this issue to the arab countries and be able to make a dignified exit. provision for himself but from gaza, this is one of the possibilities. for now , the meeting is going to be held in cairo, but it was boycotted and the resistance itself did not come to participate in that meeting. therefore, i don't think it will work. thank you very much, mr. mossadeghpour, for talking to us .
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for example, there is no sadness, your father laughs, your mother's age is not short , the king is not sad, the bell of your school is not the sound of gunshots, the city is not sad, i dreamed.
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hello, are you praying? stay in the qur'an, swear by
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zakhtan, the stormy plans of the man. my life forever surah nasreen, we are the army of the imam of our time, we are the day of victory and happiness, the seeds of loving soil, this prayer is the medicine for every pain of the owner of time. hello, children of quds
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, stay for quds. hello, children of quds, stay . well, mr. kameli, my colleague from ankara, is with us for the turkish municipal elections that will be held today. mr. kameli, hello, good morning . please tell me the latest news about the election. the presidential elections of the turkish parliament, which were held in may last year, now the elections of municipalities , city council members and local councilors will be held from 8 am today local time. turkey's 81 provinces will begin and
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will continue until 18:00 without being extended, so the municipal elections in turkey. more than the election of a mayor or a local codekhoda , there is a competitive environment of political parties. 36 parties nominate candidates for the positions of municipalities, but the main competition between the two main parties in turkey is the ruling justice development party led by the president of this country, recep tayyip erdogan, and the opposition party, the largest opposition party. the government of the republican party. khalq, led by azal , who has been the successor of kamal gholish terlu for a few months , has become erdogan's staunch opponent in the presidential elections. the ruling party left the municipalities of big cities like istanbul and ankara to the rival party
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, but now it is trying to regain the municipalities of important cities like istanbul and ankara by introducing murad kurum to compete with akram imamoglu and turgut altonouk to compete with mansour yavash. i would like to point out that due to the terrorist incidents that happened in the cities of istanbul and ankara in the last few months, this period of elections is under treatment.
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yes, i apologize for the sound problems we had, god willing, in the next parts of the coming days with mr. mohammadi sani, an expert on west asian issues. we will talk with mr. mossadeghpour, we also talked about the latest developments in the field in gaza , the evaluations that can be made of the ceasefire negotiations, which hamas has now announced, and the resistance, in fact , will not have a representative in cairo because of that
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plan, in fact, the participation of the arab countries. in keeping the peace or to. half of the sea turtles kill human animals. talaq qazieh and talaq qazieh kif tekkan malaka abayd remains a pronoun
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. in the movements of tahrir and the distribution of kindness and compassion to the martyrs according to their gender and their case and case, how can they be human beings and according to the requirements. all your words are true and i will cover all the trees with the words of ab buab al-aris junb. go to the schools and don't show yourself in your clothes. you say
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that alcohol is a victim and that case and that case . i want you to be aware of the zanan of their false graves and the equals of al-matul with murder in the honor of honor and marriage, and the tyranny of the case
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, and the tyranny of the case. how to live in the vast prison of sane zina, manmar, ramadi, and tughrum, i am under the leadership of ali farakh ballat, the gathering of ashlak, tatab, and tour of the world. al-kadabah kif yasir qur'an. for me, this is the way of freedom, and this is the way of al-dababa, and you throw it away
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, but allah does not make a difference to the world. the world does not lie, and you live as a muslim, and you learn how to live and die. do n't call on the worlds because they will be disrespectful. alas, adri aterkal adlak is the case.
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we have reached the end of today's greetings reporter . i am very grateful for your companionship tonight on the second night . do not forget your good prayers until tomorrow and greetings to another reporter. god bless you. we closed together with a throw to abadie, this world is not our thing
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when we are together the language point is the first criterion of the leader of the revolution's recommendation in the ramadan meeting of poets about the deculturalization of the persian language. unfortunately, the influx of foreign languages ​​has also increased. western european languages , especially english. the influx has increased, and they consume it without hesitation. in my opinion, the photo should be taken .
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searching is not a persian class, it's not a search thing , it means that i researched a designer, found a brand that will make it for you for 20 coins in the bazaar , there is something from this brand, another brand, it means become a persian narrator, say thank you to goli khanom, brand means to say a sign it is not difficult to come instead of traffic, we are getting used to hearing the chief of police
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. there is a lot of anger on both sides. there should not be a complaint about the circulation of the high number of foreign words in the speech of the traffic police chief. the high titer of nowruz. nowrozeh yes, well , for sure, for sure, instead of cycle, you could say cycle . there is a cycle of absard papers near tehran, which is against the law of the entrance sign of the city. they wrote this greatness in english. in 1402, the minister of guidance said: that
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in these input fields they write the name of the city with latin words, this is against the law, the municipalities should fix this, the head of the council for the protection of persian language and the language of farsi, here, our archive cabinet is nowhere in the country, of course, mr. minister was aware that his record change the records that the registered installers
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are welcome. holding the second night of the night of great grace all over the country. the ceremony in tehran will be held near the shrine of the founder of the islamic republic of iran with the speech of the president. at least 20 martyrs night attacks on gaza in the air attack of the zionist regime on the popular committees, explaining the humanitarian aid.


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