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tv   [untitled]    March 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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do you think that even though this authority is transferred from the government to the asna chamber itself, the sanofs themselves should express how effective it can be. is it a better thing or is it not a good thing in your opinion? it is definitely a good thing. he has no opinion, as mentioned, we are 3 and a half million, about 3 and a half million old. we have the majority of these with clean hands , many of them are actually among our honorable people who care about this country. there is no prohibition, only the point is that if market making powers are delegated from the government , there must be some obligations, no power will be transferred unless
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there is a mandatory naming obligation behind it, you cannot transfer power to market power from it means, in fact, take the marketing from the government , in fact , take the systems from the authorities that are the government and leave it to the guilds, but there is no requirement for the guilds to implement this work in the best way . there are that if responsibility and duty it is necessary to take over this, and its obligations, god willing, are actually given to the government by the people and they are sorry for it. we do not have any negative attitude towards snaaf . thank you, mr. rostgar . anyway, as a general issue, attention should be paid to people's organizations . by the way, we have to say that the government should commit to the economy, not to the principle. to be able
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to implement a routine so that people can plan, that is , trade and economic units, and someone knows what their duties are. one of our problems in market regulation is this. we really don't know what will happen at the beginning of the year, in the middle of the year, and at the end of the year , why don't we know, because this part of me is saying that , god forbid, we want to question a certain government . in general, this theory and this method that has been shown that we could not perform well during these several years, we could not control the market, then the end of the chain, which is an explanation anyway, the explanation has the role of explaining the price, that is, in the end we will see the end of the chain. i said, so to speak, the issues that i raise now and the issues that i raise are for nothing
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the title is not my personal theory, we say the opinion of the people , by the way, if we are not the people or we should not say, then who should say that today our economy is involved in the margins and is involved in issues that, well, the ultimate victims are those people, really, if we did not have the facilities and now the issues that it's called tools , if we didn't have them, then we couldn't make a claim, but today we claim that we have all the necessary tools , we have all the necessary facilities, so let's get this authority in real form, not in the form of a slogan for the year , at the end of the year another year will pass, a slogan against the supreme leader of the revolution. determining only as much as a sample slogan we should give this authority in the real sense and according to this dear brother, we should monitor you, we should demand it, but when the supervision that is carried out
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is without authority, then this supervision cannot be very accurate , obviously the part that mr. hassan khani mentioned regarding the government's formula. determine and set a price according to that formula, do you accept it or yes, yes, why are we following, by the way, it is very good to have a clear framework for the formula to determine the price. it means that we can do it right here now, when we want to see a product , we can understand the needs of the people and we can correctly understand what it means at the end of the chain, exactly the meeting place of the people , the demand of the people , we need to know the reason for the high price. do our stock market. the stock market is a
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glass room where the transparency of supply and demand determines the price . even in our stock market, this does not happen. well , they should give an answer if they play a role in our pricing. let's have it in the middle of the road and at the end of the road where the product is supplied, there is also an explanation if it has a role we should definitely be accountable and we are accountable. thank you mr. hassan khanani. yes, i think we have no disagreement in general . mr. raskar also said that the capacity of the people of snaf is very valuable, and in fact, it is valuable. it should be used, especially in the marketing discussion, where saying this point is a correct point , there is no objection, no common sense will accept that the government charges all the components of the economy , intervenes by itself, the government has its footprints everywhere, no,
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the government should have a supervisory role. effectively small in volume he has a very small part of the economy, and it is only in the supervision department, but he enters into the details when he enters. guild by guild, in fact , we have to determine where and to what extent and to what extent the guilds can have freedom of action in raising prices , where they can actually control, in what fields, what interests of the people can be justified . to make the people aware of those people or small units that are sometimes found to be criminals , all of this should be specified in detail, in my opinion, according to the class. the guilds should now compete with the government, the ministry, and the competition council there are various issues that can be solved now, even with the support and help of the judiciary, the judicial system should make it clear case by case , put the pricing formula on paper, and
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based on that tradition, according to the words of our friend , that god willing for all guilds, use the capacity of the guild, which according to friends is the capacity of the people . this must be true for all guilds. no, no, each guild must have their own formulas with the help of the guild. yes, yes , the formula of the pricing formula is not free at all. nowhere in the world did i offer service. all over the world, the pricing formulas have been set under supervision, if there are changes in the price , it is only in the components of the pricing formula and it happens clearly, the pricing formula is not transparent in any way, all over the world in the form of the countries of the world
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. thank you, mr. rostgar, in your opinion, how many unions do we have, if we have 135 unions in tehran? that these unions are providing services in different fields, sometimes special fields of service and explanation, this is possible , i am really sorry, sometimes why the potential capacities that we have is the possibility that the situation that is known as the economic situation in our country can be seen in the world, not mr. asenkhani pointing out that everyone should sit down with the government or leave now. it is essential to have a one-on-one meeting for each guild to have a formula for pricing . in your opinion , is this possible? yes, it is possible. we currently have a commission in the snuff room, the commission for diagnosis and pricing. well, these
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commissions are exactly based on expertise. they monitor the prices, which means they approve the real price of the product. in any case, they are upstream , it is announced, i mean, now, for example, you have a commission that , for example, we have pricing. yes, we in kafasha mean that you sit the price of the shoes, for example, we give a formula. our experts express their opinion based on their expertise and the reality in the market. this can be done by sending it to the above centers to confirm the price . joint meetings may be needed for this to happen. for pricing, no so-called there is no comparison with the supervision of the parent organizations and organizations. we
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do our own expert work. we may have a comparison somewhere , which will be resolved anyway . the main role is an undeniable role. let's do this correctly. let's use it. why do we ignore these capacities? why do we want to define a new tool that is not efficient? what does this tool specifically refer to, the tools that exist, we will explain in any case, you know that one of the factors that causes the price to be adjusted in the market is the availability of a product in the market , which means that there is enough of it. when this item basically, it doesn't feel like it
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lacks to be marketed. i am saying that we have this huge network in the whole country and we have this preparation. they have permission according to the law. why do we not use this economic network well? what is used is the reason why it is expensive, sometimes the manufacturer does not know why it is expensive, that is, in this
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main and basic point, if it is in the pricing, even in the import, they should keep us informed about the whole matter. there is no so-called conflict with the governance of the public sector. we say that the sector that is for the economy, for the snafu, and for the economic mongos , we should give them a role in the real sense and ask them anyway to control the behavior of the market in pricing. have laws, mr. hassan khani , we talked about market regulation and marketing, let's go to you, we have about 10 minutes to talk about my supervision. they have a class under their hands to complete your explanation please tell me. i request you to be a little more specific about the transfer of the offer because
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you see, i did not say that they can and cannot , i said that there is a suspicion of a conflict of interest here, when it is considered a trade union from that trade union, for example, the room above the room of that trade union, for example you also mentioned the gold unit. if i want to tell you more precisely , yes, there is a suspicion of a conflict of interest and because of a suspicion of a conflict. there are benefits, it is not possible to be satisfied with the supervisory mechanisms of the guild, which of course my dear brother also confirmed, i don't think there is a problem with the supervision of guild friends. they have a government, but a division of duties is necessary because in our country, supervision occurs at different levels. however, if the supervision is at the level of supervision , there is no need for the presence of the government, and the guild itself can be responsible for this level of supervision, there is no prohibition, the guild should take care however , there should be an arbitration mechanism, there should be a mechanism to protect people's interests, so that if a person
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goes to complain about a taxi, if he finds a reference to an iranian taxi, that iranian taxi or that iranian taxi union, in fact, it should not be like that. be sure that there is actually no monitoring of the method it can and has the possibility to ignore the right of the people . in fact, this lack of feeling of security to support a trade union should not happen in the country , and government supervision, although small, should be effective. my point about supervision is this, although we the three and a half million trade unions that we have are all respectable, all of them are clean, if there is a limited complaint or dispute, it can be handled in khodaf's arbitration mechanisms, maybe 99 of them, and in the interest of the people, and you actually have an approach with it.
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the authority we are talking about is market regulation and market supervision in the area of ​​the ministry of javad agriculture, for example, you calculate that death , meat, rice and such things are supposed to be monitored by the snuff chamber. in your opinion , how correct is this division of authority? well , as you mentioned, it seems like a parallelism. yes, yes, see, my dear brother, they point out that we have information asymmetry, saying that the guild does not have information that the price will increase once , so when the guild has asymmetry, it means that the information of the government or the information of other institutions other than the guilds is more than the guilds, or they have access to more information. ok, it is possible that if the option is turned to if there is a lack of information in a bad guild, an inefficiency will be created. my opinion is that if we give the authority
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, we must increase the ability of the guilds in the field of information and in fact, in the field of performance, so that the guild can participate in supervision. both in market creation and in fact providing a market that can cover the whole chain, i heard a point of rome in our brother's orders, which i confirm, the issue is actually this capillary chain that is active in our country , this sector has a huge capacity and maybe one of the the breathing points of our country in boycotting this chicken chain , if we didn't have this chicken chain, maybe the sanctions were causing very serious damage to us that we could not prevent, so these capacities must be maintained even in the field of surveillance, despite the asymmetry of information that our dear friend said, this must be resolved and the government can provide clear and up-to-date information. put snuffs so that they can help in monitoring. thank you, mr. rostgar , we have about 4 minutes to summarize them. i
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am grateful to our dear brother who comments as an expert. what we are saying means that we have said so far , there is no negation of the government's responsibility, the serving government takes its own efforts, but our argument is that we should replace the economic policies for the benefit of the people. anyway , our goal is that our people get the best form of service and can receive the exact product at a reasonable price. what we are witnessing today are numerous interventions that are done in the field of distribution, production and sometimes special economic discussions . you see, in this field , municipalities have their own special program, which means that they are not answerable to the trade unions and unions in any way. well
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, this is against the law, according to the explanation law at every level, this so-called mission of the chamber of guilds there are unions, which law are you referring to? yes, look, now the municipalities are explaining themselves in different fields, sometimes they hold non-expert exhibitions without the presence of our supervisors. well , this is interference in the affairs of reducing the size of the unions. we must give a role to the unions. this capacity really exists in the unions, basically the unions emphasize again. they are non-profit, no business happens in unions. unions have no interest in monitoring and monitoring . snafu chambers. we are asking you to emphasize this role correctly as given to us by the law the policies of article 44 of the constitution emphasize
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that popularizing the economy means handing over the work of the people to the people. today, we can serve the government with all our capacity , we can serve the economy , we know that we can play an important role in the national gross domestic product, i hope that this role will be used well and correctly . mr. hassan khanani , i would also like to thank all the good viewers of the above program who have been watching this program until this moment. thank you may god protect you, o ali above, wherever we are today . they used to say that whenever
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you take a fish out of the water, it is fresh, what does that mean? it means that it is never too late to turn to what we have not done. such as continuing education, creating a new job, starting exercise and diet from saturday, and in general, correcting consumption habits and managing electricity consumption. now, a small part of people 's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy, they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes once, not all devices are used, that is, in the mode ready to work or in sleep mode, such as coffee maker , tea maker, microwave, charger, computer, tv , etc. these are electrical devices that
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consume electricity when they are off and must be unplugged when they are not needed. indeed , sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and toilet , but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which usually consumes much more than the lamp. if you get used to it, and unused electrical appliances . take it out of the power socket and do the utmost care when buying them, in the end you will see that not only your pocket is a big favor. we did, but we also took a big step in the direction of preserving the environment and vital resources of the country. here, qachan city is one of the provinces of khorasan-razavi province
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, as you can see, the signboard at the entrance of the city is completely in english, against the law of writing and there is no persian letters and words. minister of guidance, who is also the head of the farsi language protection council. since december 1402, he said that there is no city in the provincial center of these entries that write the name of the city with latin words in the middle of these entry fields, this is against the law, the municipality should fix this, we followed up the issue with the mayor of gochan , the construction of anman qachan with the limit persian beauty in it is currently being executed, and its installation will be done soon. travel services after the cultural maneuver
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of the minister of cultural heritage and tourism, a maneuver of iranian order and culture and ecotourism and its exceptional ecotourism, it's time for the slides of the minister of health . interior minister traffic , of course, we could not ignore the disciplinary and traffic requirements, the specialized duties of municipalities and rural districts are central in the police, which has 3 cultural words in its name. let's move on. intelligent traffic information and control center of farjast highway police, omid jalodarian, sed and sima news agency
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, salam alaikum, have mercy on the new year days of ramadan. we used to visit the family of one of the house prisoners . it was true that you were a secret, and we want to move the workshop . i like artistic work in general. the mother of the family has turned one of the rooms of the house into a small sewing workshop for some time. i tried to learn more advanced sewing. he spends 12 hours of his time every day behind this sewing machine so that the wheel of his life turns. a little i researched and found that tailoring is an art that you can earn money from a corner of the house with the least equipment. it can help you and help your family
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. his wife went to prison two years ago for possession of drugs, but he tried to create a non-father with this art of sewing. fill the family. my son is 23 years old. my daughter is in the 11th grade of tailoring. as a mother, i had to save my life. as a mother, if i were to leave , then what would happen to the children's future, so i should do something to help me both in terms of income and in terms of teaching my child an art, and of course with the help of the prisoners' support association has developed its work so that several other people can work alongside it. my intention was that if the workshop god provides, of course , i will be able to produce a workshop. first of all, i said to cover those who have problems. now empowering the prisoners' families
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is one of the priorities of the prisons organization. at the moment. about 52,000 families in need of prisoners have been covered by prisoner support associations , and we were able to find employment through the agreements we concluded with some institutions that are related to activities in the areas of vulnerable groups. we will also provide some of the families of the prisoners with a support association for the families of the prisoners. we don't have any problem with employment for both imprisoned spouses and children who are able to work. well, sometimes those who are interested come to us, like this family that we are serving today. well, they themselves are really interested. the association also created this opportunity and provided facilities for them. while we were at their service , we talked with one of our benefactors to
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add another vital wheel machine to complete their workshop . they were helping them in terms of means to learn a job, manage it and prepare a halal sustenance for the family with their own hands . it will be a lifelong charity for the charity that has done this. you can also use the account numbers of the community support for prisoners, the center supports these families . let us remember the families in need of prisoners . families who stay away from the path of deviations, problems and social harms with the development of employment . it's all up to us.
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where are arab, islamic and honorable people of the world , sisi, where are you, bring us food from the crossing , where are saudi arabia and qatar, we have no food, no water.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace be upon him. welcome to the news section at 16:00. deputy transport minister of roads and urban development asked people to manage the time of returning from nowruz trips . 1,000 airplane passengers , 1,440,000 passengers also used the train for their travel


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