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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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the president of turkey emphasized his country's commitment to follow up and implement the agreements made between the two countries , and the people of turkey went to the polls today to elect mayors and city council members. more than 61 million people are eligible to participate in this election. on the sidelines of this election , there are clashes between turkish political parties for the positions of municipalities, city councils and local councilors . turkish people went to the polls from 8 am today to elect the mayors and councilors of their places of residence, but their expectations were exceeded. from one the mayor belongs to the government and political coalitions that will be responsible for the municipalities.
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today, the armed conflict in an electoral district has made the security of the physical and cyber security of the election. however, in the morning , diyarbakır province in southern turkey left one person dead and 11 injured. the ruling party of turkey led by erdogan , who in the previous elections , handed over the municipalities of big cities to its biggest rival, the republican people's party. murad kurum, the former minister of housing and urban development, to compete with akram imamoglu in istanbul and turgud altino.
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has nominated to compete with mansour yavash in ankara. until morning tomorrow it will be known whether the ruling party of turkey can take back the municipalities of big cities like istanbul and here in the capital ankara from the rival opposition party or not. hamid kameli of ankara radio and television agency. the presence of iranian technology companies in the moscow chemical products exhibition. iranian companies with supply. scientific products cover the opinion of russian companies. we see the report from moscow. the 15th international exhibition of chemicals, polymers, peripheral machine equipment , season to polyurethane 2024 was held in moscow this year, while 3 iranian technology companies with supply knowledge-based products in the field of chemicals, polymers, glass fibers. and polyurethane were able to
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attract the opinion of many russian companies for long-term cooperation. this is the second year that we participate in this exhibition and our products are also knowledge-based and in terms of physical and chemical properties , we were able to attract the technical opinion of the russian audience in the market where we are located, our company is a general producer of polyurethane raw materials, another iranian companies also offered glass textiles. fortunately, we were able to supply about 40% of the products, which is considered one of the essential needs of the russian market last year , we exported ourselves to 18 countries in the world, including russia, which is a very suitable target market. it might be interesting for you to see that the product i am showing you is a glass, which means it is a fabric made of glass without being tarnished. pudi beseh and another iranian company
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in the field of oil and gas pipelines entered the operational stage two years ago and we use iranian technical knowledge and raw materials in the production of the final product. this is the first major international event after the terrorist attack on friday night, the third of april, in the commercial and exhibition complex of kroka city, moscow. this is an exhibition that this time in the international exhibition complex of moscow expo center.
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behkari among english teenagers and young people says that this network had an interview with a former police officer about this. if we want to see the unfortunate condition of the country, we just need to see the video where hundreds of children are rioting in a shopping mall. these children got into a fight with the security forces of the store in milton king yesterday. i am now joined by former london police officer norman brennan to discuss this. he is also the director of the law and order foundation is. welcome to this program. this video, which is related to the previous day, is the summary of the story. explain about this. its definitely true. this
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is not a day that has passed. i did not see this video on social media. these were young people who were crazy and out of control. they are present in our streets, stores, buses and trains. some of them are armed. it is not normal that there are so many of them. it is a shame to say that we are witnessing a lost generation. there were 300 of these people and among them they were seen as students in school uniforms. we have 4,000 criminals in england. 200 of them are in london. most of these young boys. and teenagers are armed and out of control. it seems that there is no parameter for their behavior and actions and what they want, no one can stand in their way and if such an event happens, they will face severe consequences. when we allow our children
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to be so unruly, they get out of control like they are now. but you are absolutely right and you should point the finger he pointed at their parents. what is your opinion regarding the duty of the police, during your time, actions were taken, but the other day, the police just stood and watched. once again, it is a shame to say that i was a police enforcer of law and order for 45 years . this force was not perfect during my time. in our time , measures were taken now. the police have lost control of the streets. there are not enough police forces. they move from one event and from demonstration to another. they cannot do their duty even in their own areas. and the end of tonight's program. the world to
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we see the narration of the picture.
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and god will make them in the cover of the sky, god will bless them, and they will have good abodes in the paradises of righteousness
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, we will announce this day with the help of god and the success of the new mine work. xabata, police. renovamos nuestros canales de atención para brindarte un mejor servicio.
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you. abbas guru, who
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was martyred on june 15, 1342, how old were you, i was 12 years old at that time, i was the only one with four sisters , the youngest of whom was one month old, who is 14 years old and the responsibility of life fell on your shoulders, i am alone. i was a man at home because my mother was only 27 years old and my father was martyred. and my mother often said, god willing, if you turn your ashes into a jewel, my mother's prayers about me had a great impact on me being able to succeed in life. what did you start doing at the age of 12 ? what did you do in the fabric market? i started, yes, it was like , for example, i used to come to work on fridays, he would work as a laborer , yes, but you started a very valuable work that
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i want to go to that topic. the needy okay, i'm sorry, i'll tell the first pilgrims who go to mashhad , who don't have the financial situation, to get a place. anyone who wants to visit imam reza should come there for free.
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again, recently, you bought another six units there, not 16 units. yes, we decided to add some units, and i ask god to help me develop this, that is, most of it now. you gave more than 20 units there, yes, it satisfies me when i see it. this passenger has arrived. but there are some who send letters, now through pilgrims or people who go to mashhad , they drop a letter inside the shrine of imam reza, who now
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do not have the financial conditions to go on pilgrimage, those letters will be sent out , and you will cover the expenses of the first ones, yes. that is, tickets will be taken for them, if they do not have any expenses during the visit to imam reza , they will be given financial assistance, then the tickets will be taken and returned , which means that you will provide transportation, food, accommodation, and everything else. i think there are 500 people so far. 500 housewives go and visit and visit and so on. i am happy and happy . we invite you to mashhad, the holy city of god. it means that we are telling the truth. tell god, tell the same imam reza. in this truth, these units that you gave in mashhad are now worth 45
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billion. well, you don't think about it now . sometimes, well, that money. if you were in the market , you would make a profit, don't you think about this? you should not think about this at all. life is a pleasure to serve. serving fellow man. this cell, if you come in the morning and sit here , you may have 15 to 20 to 10 clients had i don't know the various work of treatment , wedding expenses, dowry. raham mandazi yes, we are going to mandazi , we have a fund, the loan fund , we deposited some amount there, those who want to get married , those who, god forbid, are sick, want a son, want a wife , etc. , we will solve their problem. it's not my own hand, it means
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to walk with my head for god and it will be the result. i promise you people with this white hair that it will have a great impact in your life. we will plan, we will provide them with a device , we will sign it, he will give 50% to charity, and 50% will be given after i was introduced. 50% of my work is in the 50d system. people work in this corridor . now there are about 90 workers. each one of them has a problem. there is no door in front . for example, he says that my roof has collapsed. haji said that it costs 20 million for orphans. you can go anywhere. they want hats
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, clothes, whatever. you want i am ready to move with all my heart, a part of it is from these receipts for the money you gave for dowry and these good deeds, for example haj mohsen golro 20 million tomans yes, haj mohsen golro, 18 million tomans, 200 million tomans, yes, god willing, there will be more of these things , sir, you really have to pay this money here.
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there are so many patients who really call me sometimes and say that this man needs an operation now. they said , first, pour 50 million. i say, sir , let's count the eyes quickly. yes , yes , you will be 120 years old for this job, but saying that you bequeathed that the income of seles malton al-abad should be in good work
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. yes, it is true. also we have said this in our will , that it should not be sold in any way after our death , that it should be rented out, so this is a good thing for the pilgrims of imam reza. let's sum it up, long live, haj agha, we are very happy that you visited
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here in qachan city of khorasan province, razavi , as you can see the sign. the entrance to the city is entirely in english, contrary to the law of writing, and there is no persian letters and words. the minister of guidance, who is also the head of the council for the protection of persian language yes, in 1402, he said about this: there is no city in the center of the province, these entrances that write the name of the city in latin words between these entrance squares. this is against the law. the municipalities should fix this . we followed up the issue with the mayor of qachan. the construction of alman qachan with beautiful persian style
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is underway, and soon the installation will be done. god willing , we will send you the photos of our film. the meeting of the central headquarters of the coordination of travel services after the cultural maneuver of the minister of cultural heritage and tourism. a maneuver of iranian order and culture and ecotourism it's time for the health minister's slides. the next slide, the next slides , so far, the next slide. please show the next slide and the last slide. show my last slide. there are 3 cultural words in its name , if we ignore the police, which is mastob farhangistan
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, we can't ignore the control and traffic , the intelligent traffic information and control center of the farjast highway police, omid jolodarian of sed and sima news agency.
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many massive demonstrations around the world support for palestine has been extended from the united states to england, from japan to the countries of the region. mcdonald's and starbucks have announced a decrease in their profits due to the boycott of their products by the opponents of the zionist regime. movement here in canada the call of boycott is really a comprehensive call not just by students but by also labor for example there is labor for palestine they are very effective in term of calling for boycott israel we also see that the boycott movement uh is spreading so fast, not just in terms of the calls, the political calls for it, but also in a material way.
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and those are in the region. last november, as you know, we passed a 14.3 billion aid to israel, those resources are on. from 1948 until now, that is, since the establishment of the zionist regime , americans have used their right to veto 46 times in support of the zionist regime. from october 7 onwards, that is, after the storm operation in gaza, they also vetoed the establishment of a cease-fire in gaza, although recently they were forced to vote thanks to the pressure of public opinion, and finally the cease-fire resolution in gaza.
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zionism is not only limited to americans. let's go to england. the value of trade relations between britain and the zionist regime is about 7 billion pounds. but in addition to the extensive commercial relations that the zionist regime has with the british, extensive economic and military aid is provided by the british to the zionist regime. for example, 15 % of the f-35 fighter parts, which the zionist regime uses to bombard gaza,
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are provided by the british. 'hospitals bombed, homes bombed, ambulances bombed, churches bombed, mosques, bombed, un schools, bombed, refugee camps, bombed, factories, bombed, and the bombing continues. gaza is under siege from the air, and the f35 stealth bomber often referred to as the most lethal fighter jet in the world is being used parts.
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struggling to survive in gaza as the israelis continue waging this war of genocide against them, we see this support coming from all over the world, the...
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dear fellow countrymen acceptance theater , we arrived at 3 o'clock in the morning, the holy thresholds of the imams of the mosques and takayas in at the same time as the second night of power and the night of martyrdom of maul al-muhaddin, peace be upon him, the whole country became a place for mourners and night of celebration. at the same time as the night the martyrdom of imam (peace be upon him) harman hazrat in najaf ashraf also hosted pilgrims and mourners from iraq and other countries. the largest shab al-qadr gathering in iran was also held in the razavi shrine.


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