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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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i will continue the genocide from him. the theater accepts dear compatriots by the hour. there were mourners from iraq and other countries. the largest shab al-qadr gathering in iran was also held in the razavi shrine. 50% increase in the support of compatriots for
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eitan mohsenin in the holy month of ramadan this year, according to the deputy of the development of popular participation of the khair compatriots relief committee, during the year they have a significant presence in various jihadi campaigns to support the less fortunate, and this year due to the symmetry of the holy month of ramadan .
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they are lacking in my life. by dialing the command code of 12 square stars or sending the number 1 to the number 3003 of the imam khomeini relief committee, it was not yours at all i could not continue studying. be happy with your family. be a companion of hazrat ali. ramadan month this place is called behesht, one of the bases of the aid and charity committee who come to eshq ali in the ikram orphans and mohsenin project during the holy month of ramadan to participate in the ikram orphans and mohsenin project . then i told them that we want each of you children to choose one. take a monthly amount that will give you a good feeling. inshaallah
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there will be the remains of the children, one that i had before and one that has been added now. now those who told us about the experience of being an orphan is very good. in general, one does this and is in a good mood. now my daughter says that a child has been added to our family, so this is very good for her and for us when i do a good deed. i enjoy it a lot myself, but many supporters had chosen qadr nights for this god-pleasing work with a previous intention. imam ali himself was a supporter of orphans, and toman's son, one for me, according to my father's intention. in addition to seeing the benefactors obsessively searching among the birth certificates of itab , hearing the experience of the helpers is also rewarding. was not last year was exactly the month of ramadan, the night of qadr. a woman came to the birth certificate that she had. i saw
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her crying and filling out the form. exactly 4 months after that time, i saw the door to my room open. a woman came to my room with a box of sweets and i saw that her face was very familiar to me. she cried and said, "do you remember the month of ramadan? i came and took a child. i said yes. she said yes. i had not had a child for 7 years. that night , i took that girl with that intention and installed that if i had a child and it was a girl, she would have the exact same name." to participate in the campaign for the love of ali in the ikram itam and mohsenin project. behnaz qudsi of the radio and television news agency. continued news. specialists of a technological unit succeeded in producing liquids for the purpose of post-processing in the flocculant industry. development.
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blue is one of the goals pursued by knowledge foundations last year and led to the production of numerous products based on the needs of the industry. at a time when there is water but it is scarce, the young technologists of our country came last year to help this water scarcity with technologies aimed at the optimal use of water in industry . native clothing makers are one of these technologies that researchers from amirkabir university brought to help with dehydration. polyacrylamides molecule there are polymers. if they are added too high to any particle, this will cause the different parts of this molecule to stick to the impurities of that substance suspended in the water, making it heavy and
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making the water clear in a very short time. the ozone generator is another service of the young technologists of our country to the water industry in the country. a device from zero to 100 in iran. which only with the help of ozone gas will return the waste water of the big industry to the industrial cycle. factories, such as nesting, whose effluents have color, use ozone generator systems, in fact, this color will disappear and any micro-organisms will be in the water. the output of that water can be used for agriculture and other purposes, especially now that we have a water crisis. sometimes it actually plays a role. according to the announcement of the ministry of energy , more than four billion cubic meters of water are used annually in the country's industry. now, with the help of these technologies, 30 of these more than 4 billion cubic meters of water are not wasted by recycling industrial waste water. samiye nasser
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, sda news agency, turkish people came to the polls to elect mayors and city council members. more than 61 million people are eligible to participate in these elections. on the edge of this there have been conflicts in the elections. the competition of turkish political parties for the positions of municipalities, city councils and local councilors, turkish people went to the polls from 8 am today to elect mayors and councilors of their places of residence, one year away from the presidential elections, but their expectations are more than a mayor from the government and it is the political coalitions that will help the municipalities, we deserve to expect from the mayors, we deserve effort and honesty
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, we do not expect anything else from our country, except to serve and solve the problems of the people, political and criminal games will not solve our problem, you see, the most important thing the duty of mayors is to administer the city well and nothing else after the events. terrorism in recent months in turkish cities, this period of municipal elections is under strict security measures. the turkish ministry of interior has assigned 600,000 security officers to provide physical and cyber security for the elections. however , this morning an armed conflict in a constituency in diyarbakır province in southern turkey left one person dead and 11 injured. the ruling party of turkey led by erdoğan, who in the previous elections handed over the municipalities of big cities to its biggest rival, the republican people's party, murad karun, the former minister of housing and he nominated shahr sazi to compete with ekram imamoglu in istanbul and turgud to compete with mansour yavash in ankara. until tomorrow morning , it will be known whether the ruling party of turkey can
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take back the municipalities of big cities like istanbul and here in the capital of ankara from the rival opposition party or not. hamid kameli, sed and cima news agency. ankara , the wave of return trips for nowruz has started . traffic control and information center of the traffic police predicted heavy traffic today, so they advised to manage the time of their return trips at the same time. we hit and now we are going to go to our city as the final days are approaching. nowruz holiday, the wave of returning passengers has also started. we were in the north and we went to khansar with karaj and tehran. goodbye. your hands are empty. how was jeddah? well, you didn't get fined. no , according to the police, from the beginning of nowruz to the 12th of april, there were 453 million traffic on the country's roads.
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what do you follow when driving, recorded by khan's number plate cameras? respecting the right of way and my speed is required to wear a seat belt, which is 100. please note that we do not use mobile phones and observe the speed limit and keep a safe distance from cars i myself am a heavy truck driver every hour. i will stop, sir, you know that the passenger behind me must wear a seat belt. yes, yes, there is a law that the passenger behind me , sir, must also wear your seat belt . according to the traffic police, from the 24th of march , which is the beginning of nowruz trips, until today, the 12th of april, 698 passengers in road and urban accidents killed and 18,479 people were injured. we had 574 fatal accidents and more. our concern when the wave returns is fatigue and sleepiness. last year, in the nowruz plan
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, most of our deaths occurred on the first of april and the 13th. we had farvardin, which means tomorrow, so it is necessary that my dear compatriots must be more careful so that , god willing, they reach their destination safe and sound. unauthorized speed and overtaking, sleepiness and fatigue are important factors in nowruz accidents this year, nafise sohrabian of the news agency. i am grateful to all of you, the radio and television , for your prayers and may god protect the honorable iranian coach of iran. a telegram channel is playing with the whole country, why are you setting prices this month? your question is an interesting question. you are
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a football manager. we do n't want any kind of treatment. along with the higher program you are here in our studio, mr. rastehgar, the head of tehran chamber of guilds, is in favor of handing over the regulation of the market to snaf. in our other studio in qom, mr. hassan khani, an economic expert, is against handing over the regulation of the market and his authority to snaf. i would like to start with mr. hassan khani. and let's ask them what is the reason for their opposition to handing over the powers of market regulation to the chamber of commerce, specifically in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , mr. bozoron, as well as the honorable audience, article 17 of the trades law states that the trades must follow the rules
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of regulation and legislation and pricing. that the government determines that it must be adhered to within the framework of the governance structure, so now the issue is not whether we entrust the pricing to the snubs , entrust the monitoring to the snubs, or to the governance, this duality is not a complete duality . in a situation where the legitimate interests of trade unions are actually preserved, this is not an issue, but there is a conflict of interest here, that conflict of interest is that if you actually entrust the complaint mechanism to trade unions. for example, if someone complains about a taxi, that authority will deal with it file the complaint with the taxi drivers themselves
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, something will probably happen here that may actually destroy the rights of the people there. the point is that besides the government should not interfere , we should not deregulate the society in the name of the government's non-interference. especially in a country that, like the conditions of our country, is mainly involved in sanctions and inefficiency and involved in inflation and some corruptions, however , it may escape from this space unintentionally from the hands of governance . there is mutuality and governance on the basis of it let the law do whatever the law has determined, the path that the law has set should not be deviated from, but at the same time, according to the supreme leader, there is too much interference. from the government's point of view in the market, and in fact taking over the duties in his own hands, he
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can actually bring about bad events , as we see in some markets in some markets. my opinion is that this conflict of interest should be managed. and the conflict of interests should not occur, that the people's dignity, the people's will, in fact, the people's rights should not be lost under the pretext of non-interference of the ruling government. this should not happen, this is my first point obviously, the government should include marketing or only supervision because these powers are a little too much, which means we have also discussed in the previous programs. we talked about the regulation of the market, the market delivery, the supervision of the market, all of this is supposed to be left to me, a part has been left to me. you said that you ordered most of the monitoring aspect, but you did not say what you think, that is, now you are against the fact that the chambers of guilds themselves should monitor the market. let's see that the chamber of guilds has been supervising and
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has been supervising since long ago. no matter how many supervisory guilds there are, they still need a supervisory body. there is a clear example of mossad . anyway, some complaints from people on the part of a guild actually happen. for example, a person goes to a gold shop and complains that this man has fake gold. he sold it to me. if the source of this complaint is the gold guild , then the rights of the people cannot be served. the people cannot be given anything. in any case , there must be a governing system behind the story to make rules and supervise. this is the reason why, in fact, in history i think that on 12 may 12 last year, mr. baradaran wrote a letter to mr nodeh farahani, in fact, told the snafu that a sales invoice for gold, a questionable sales invoice must be issued from the comprehensive system of trade for gold, for every
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person who sells gold in this country, you are now a real person. actually, this experience happened to me. when he goes to the gold shop and then he gets confused, for whatever reason or anyway, for example, they sell him fake gold , where should this person complain to the guild, of course zero can't be responsible. thank you very much, mr. hassan khani, mr. rostgar. you are the government that gives you these powers you are too lazy to leave it to mr. hassan khani to point out that you are very open in the field of supervision. they do not see and do not agree that it should be in your choice , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. accept
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it, see, if we want to make a statement about snaf and unions and the chambers of asalaf , we must first know the true meaning of the position of the chambers of guilds, trade unions, and its trade units. what is defined about the union and guild chambers of non -profit organizations means that they perform legal duties and enforce non-profit laws and supervise the economic behavior of trade unions and economic bingos . basically, one of the mandates and one of the laws that require the union and inspection chambers to be monitored. if we take the supervision and inspection from the guild chambers or if we downplay their role
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, it will definitely not be beneficial for the people. they are following up on the issue of supervision and inspection. we must strengthen this inspection supervision which is entrusted to the unions according to the law. when this inspection supervision can be effective , the real support for this union and the snob chambers is what is being said today. and this dear. he is suggesting that the government's supervisory role over all organizations and bodies is all the so-called non-governmental organizations, which
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has nothing to do with the role of the government and the so-called special role of the supervisory bodies. and executive work and operational work should it must be handed over to the union and asalaf chambers. if this does not happen, we have no control over our markets. this does not contradict the role of the government and the role of sovereignty. we say that the government should do its own work. but the main supervision should be carried out by the unions themselves. because more accurate knowledge than. let's review once again, exactly a memorandum that was proposed last year, exactly what powers have been transferred from the ministry of agricultural jihad to your ministry, see the same powers that are regulatory discussions. the market of these two it was there before. now, let's see if this is going to happen. of course, some parts
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have been handed over, but in any case, inspection supervision needs its own tools. your supervision and inspection, which are in their place , tell me how much you have now in these two parts. it is in progress, but exactly the main event that we are talking about has not yet happened. what will happen, if you want to see for yourself more closely , we are basically talking about the market and only your opinion and inspection. we don't know , i said that part of marketing and regulating the market. yes, marketing and regulating the market means regulating the prices in the market. it 's about the supply and demand of goods. look at all of this. what is currently being done by the market regulation or the ministry of agriculture is being done by samud, it is true that basically
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we have no objection to government supervision and governance. he the real supply and demand that he wants if something happens in the market, we should have our role from the beginning and at the end of the supervisory discussion that we can accurately have both the beginning and the end of mr. hassan khani's work. and the pricing is also set, which means what was said last year, the memorandum of association that the chamber of guilds had with the javadi ministry of agriculture was that the regulation of the market and marketing should be in the hands of asalaf chambers. do you agree or disagree with this issue? dear mr. nsab,
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you say it right, mr. rosgari, our friend, says it actually , there shouldn't be a conflict between government supervision and trade union supervision. i don't believe in conflict, that is , as we consider the government supervision to be necessary , the supervision of trade unions and the presence of trade unions in the market. in fact , we consider it legitimate to regulate the market and support the government, and it is true that this work helps the government because the knowledge of the guilds is good about their own market, of course, it is not the case that the government has no knowledge . there is a very strong bachelor's degree and there are also very good knowledges in different guilds . there are also very good databases. it's not that the government can't have nobles anyway, but asalaf. shun is necessary in monitoring as an aid to the government, but if we hand over all the powers to the guilds, i have already said that there will be a problem regarding the conflict and interests
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. it is true that, according to our friend, the guilds are actually non-elite institutions. on paper, if you are in a guild, anyway , the person who is actually the head of that guild came from inside that guild, not from outside the guild. if people file a complaint to that branch , you will tell the chief more, before the supervision of two important departments i have already informed you about my question . i will inform you once again. now, according to the memorandum that the ministry of agriculture has with the chamber of guilds, the authority to regulate the market will be entrusted to the chambers. it can be priced. give your opinion on this matter, then let's go to the monitoring and talk more about it. look at the pricing issue. i mentioned it once again in your program
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. pricing is not actually in the hands of market agents anywhere in the world. a lot they play a special role in the pricing mechanism, mainly in developed countries , they play a prominent role. this should happen here too , there is no problem. but the price formula must be clear, what does it mean if you assume a shock to the market, a shock entered the land market , for whatever reason, we have had several experiences in recent years, and the currency market means that the price of the currency will suddenly jump anyway. this may happen in the coming years. it may not happen . this shock is an excuse that all the pillars of the market, i.e. the interests of the people, are subordinate to the interests of the guild. date this man. soot means that the benefit of the people should not be sacrificed for the benefit of the guild. the formula must be transparent . the shock share of the increase in expenses is completely
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transparent on the expenses of the guild. it should be included with supervision , with the participation of the government, with the expertise of the government, with a verification mechanism, and otherwise, the story of the motorcycle that i told you in a few meetings before, there is no rationality behind this pricing system that you see today in the field of motorcycles. the motorcycle that was actually sold in 2015 for a certain price, in fact , there was no supervision, now the price of that motorcycle has increased almost 20 times. equal to it's done from the place, just from the place, anyway , there is no strict monitoring of the method. if it seems to me that this area of ​​pricing should also monitor a clear formula and cooperate with the government, this transparency in the pricing formula would also be beneficial in my opinion. snaaf will be realized and the benefit of the people. thank you , mr. rastgar. it was supposed that the marketing of chicken, sugar and rice
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should be entrusted to snaaf on a trial basis. how well did this happen and how much do you agree with mr. hassan khani's orders in the area that you should not be the price setter? see the most important thing. the factor that we have to consider is the issue of supply and demand means that which determines the price in our market, supply and demand issue. when smaf comes and unions come, we should not look at it as a class that gathers only for benefits. in any case , we have nearly 3 million trade unions in the country, and having a significant contribution to economic growth means that it is not just profiteering , anyway, they are a group like other sections of the society, they have the right to profit, see what i am saying . the profiteers means the union and the chambers of guilds , which means that it
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makes our monitoring more accurate. we didn't come at all. take advantage of the market it is true that we came to the top with the votes of the people. we are a non-governmental, non-governmental organization like all organizations . we should not see that they are special representatives for a certain group, and that profit is seen in this way . this is a wrong view and the view of the government. when we have so many services in the country, we have so many possibilities , we have so many powers, why limit our administrations? when it comes to market regulation , how does market regulation happen? specify the price , why we do not want to implement this real supply and demand what are we worried about? in these 40 years that the government has been monitoring various economic issues, how many percent have they been able to control the price?
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that is, his last slogan is to say that the economy is popularized , the production jump is popularized, yes, with the participation of the people, the participation of the people, apart from the fact that people's institutional organizations like snaf, which have tools, expertise, and credibility , are not government, our speech is not government speech at all. we are precisely saying that you should look at article 44 of the constitution . how far are we from that principle? done, trusting the people means that the organization
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is popular. the snafu and unions should be given a price. they should be able to set the price. what kind of supply and demand mechanism is transparent? we want exactly the transparency. the entry and presence of government agencies will disrupt the market with any title. we cannot control it because it is for exactly one. some people make a renti, exactly their presence means their planning, their coordination makes a renti for a group, well, this renti makes us never succeed in controlling our market. we want to demand from the trade union , we want inflation from the trade union, we want the trade union to answer, and at the end of the work, we want the trade union's crimes to be committed .


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