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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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there are people like snafu and unions , they should be valued, they should be able to set the price, what kind of supply and balance mechanism is transparent , exactly, we want transparency. let's do it, because a rental is made exactly for a certain number of people, exactly their presence means coordination of their planning. shun will make a rent for a group, well this rent will make us never succeed in controlling our market. we want to ask the trade union for the price, we want the trade union to answer, and at the end of the work , we want the trade union's crimes to be committed. let
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's experiment, so our suggestion is that when the supply and demand is sufficient, it will be in its own conditions, no one will be able to have a special rent, not to make a special offer, well , people will definitely benefit from it , people will understand the real price, the real transparency, thank you mr. hassan khankhani. dear brother, look at us, no one is against , no one is in favor of nationalizing the economy, the general sentences are the same it doesn't matter that we don't know from the leadership's statements from the slogan of the year, from the fact that you say that the popularization of the economy is equal to the trade unionization of the economy, which we should not see. the point is that you say that, sir, everything let's leave it to snuff . if this is your interpretation , it means that we should leave the pricing to snuff. my suggestion is that there is no problem
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. let's leave the pricing to snuff, but the formula for this pricing must be clear. we cannot say mr. snuff, you are a box, a magic box. make it from that magic box at any price come on, it can be supply and demand, no, economics is not all about supply and demand. supply and demand can set the price fairly in conditions of stability, in conditions of competition, in conditions of perfect competition , it can make pricing fair. monopoly conditions in the position. supply can be pricing based on the pricing resulting from supply and demand. it can be based on the interests of the people. it can be the maximization of the people's interests . why should we project, why should we talk in general terms? the work is worth it yes, but if the trade unions take over all the components of the work , there will be no corruption, no, it is not like this.
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the control of the government, along with the control of the asalaf , should be complementary to each other. the tone you say that the government is absolute evil and wherever it enters creates trouble, this is not true . it is also not true that wherever the asalaf enters alone, it is also not true in my opinion. so that in the field of pricing and marketing, if they have the main management guilds on the side. if there is a work of government supervision, this can be complementary and in fact it should realize the benefit of the people, but if we talk like this and look at the government as a disturbing element, your statement will not be realized , it will not actually lead anywhere. i want to take into account the interests of the people. i want to give an example . look, last year, i think it was the beginning of january, the gold guild
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came, and in fact, it was to make some assumptions , to do something where the guild is against the government , the government has no choice but to do so. he has no control , he has no choice but to confront, we have to define it somehow of course, this forgiveness goes back to the government itself, we must design the path in such a way, especially in the field of basic items and agricultural items that mr. bozorrab says and is the subject of the program, we must design the game in such a way that the government will design the game in such a way that the guild is in place. he can realize his own benefit in a legitimate way, the benefit of his own beneficiaries, in fact, he can help and support, at the same time , the issue is the social benefit and the benefit of the people, which should not be taken into account. this word is an incomplete word just for the sake of the situation utopian ideal conditions eat stable conditions while when shock supply. or the demand shock
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came, the supply and demand mechanism does not achieve the welfare and social benefit as it should . i will correct your sentence, see. we have never said that the government is absolute evil. i said at the beginning of my speech that the government, as a law-based supervisor over all social affairs, including the economy, is to entrust the work of the people to the people, and the slogan of the year is to popularize what is the interpretation of it, why do we interpret it? to become popular means to leave the economic work to the people, this is false. the government does not control the economy unfortunately, you should follow up on this issue elsewhere . considering the exam that was given in different periods in
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the country in different situations, it shows that the union and trade unions have this closeness. there are those who do not want this thanks. people don't want to be able to do what they are promised. these conversations that sometimes are negated are the so-called behavior that they should have anyway. in the unions, you used gold as an example. the gold and gold sales union of the country has no opposition to the law. where the law of limitation created you may not know most of this. the systems and portals that put all these in place disrupts the business. if you want to do a normal business , you have to go through 10 systems. how much should a trade union cost to bring an expert and an employee to come? look at these obstacles. these are the same
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obstacles . which is sometimes created by some people who have a narrow view of people's organizations , we have no objection to your supervision. by the way , if supervision and transparency are two issues that we are concerned about, what we are saying should be left to the people when we we have a union with several hundreds of thousands of experts who are nobles in different ways , they have a lot to say, why did we eliminate them? they are experts in all trade union and economic issues . you are the experts who have not been able to bring one-tenth of this in different situations, but they claim that we should leave this claim aside and
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use the people. let's leave the work of the people to the people . we can do it with the number of people we have. authentication of people for that party for that self the class will not be harmed, what kind of disturbance does this create? see now a terrorist incident
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happened in shahcheragh shiraz in kerman during the ceremony of martyr soleimani. he bought a few pieces of gold from him and supported the terrorist . if this guy gets caught, you will see the answer. if he is accused of cooperating with terrorism, who is responsible for his blood? when they say authentication and identity, what kind of disturbance does this create for you? mr. mr. country of the world, it creates the authority to regulate the market. now you have a special trade . we are talking about chicken, meat, rice, sugar and such things . we have a basic goods section, we are talking about it . if you focus more, i would be grateful. we talk more about the pricing in the pricing
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of basic items . there is no question about the participation and cooperation of the trade union in the pricing, only with this that the pricing formula should be clear because the major damage we have faced in recent years from the point of view of sanctions is the shock on the supply side of currency. it has caused the price of width to increase. the suppliers of basic items, who mainly buy and import the same preferred width and sometimes do not sell at higher prices , are motivated to sell. this formula is not transparent. if the guild can do this give the commitment to help the government to come up with a clear pricing formula and help the pricing process . dear sir, you are short on theory. there are systems that interfere with the work of the market system, what kind of disturbance has it created for you, if it
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can make the supply mechanism clear , make the beginning of the chain to the end of the chain clear for you, both the consumer, the producer, and the guild itself, it can actually be made work for it. and do it very easily, why should we make the distribution chain from production to distribution non-transparent, under the pretext that the systems are disruptive, this is not the right solution in my opinion. that we deregulate under the pretext that disrupting the functioning of this work is not in the best interest of the country at all mr. hassan khani, regarding the marketing that we have seen before, well , sometimes we had an excess supply of some goods, we had a shortage of supply, sometimes we saw very bad arrangements in the market, do you think that even though this authority it should be transferred from the government to the snafu room itself , how much should they do this. it can be effective, is it a better thing or is it not a good thing from your point of view? it is definitely a good
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thing. we have no problem with handing over powers to the guilds. no one has any narrow-mindedness. as you mentioned, we have 3.5 million guilds. we have the majority of these with clean hands, many of them are actually among our honorable people who care about this country, many of them are under sanctions and under conditions. there is no prohibition for the people themselves to be the main contributors to the country, but the point is that if powers are delegated from the government to the market, the guilds must have obligations. no authority will be transferred unless there is a binding obligation behind it. you are not. you can take the marketization authority from the government, that is, from the government. systems that are from government authorities take it from them and leave it to the guilds, but
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there is no obligation for the guilds to carry out this work properly. surely, their own superiors actually agree that if they take over a responsibility and duty , they are obliged to fulfill their obligations, god willing. in fact , they give the government to the people and complain about it. we don't have any negative attitude towards snaf. thank you, mr. rostgar . in any case, look at the directions that the main economic arrest of the government is anyway as a general issue, then pay attention to people's organizations should be established. by the way, we have to say the government here make a commitment to the economy, not to the tradesmen, who can run a routine so that people can plan , that is, trade and economic units and someone who knows their duties. one of our problems in the discussion of market regulation is that we really
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do not know what will happen at the beginning of the year, in the middle of the year, and at the end of the year. however , it has been shown that we could not control the market during these several years. let's do it after the end of the chain, which is explanatory anyway there is an explainer, he has the role of explaining the price , which means that in the end we see the end of the chain, i said, so to speak, the issues that i raise now and the issues that i raise are not my personal theory in any way, we speak the opinion of the people, by the way, if we are not the people or we shouldn't say what
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we didn't have, and now the issues that are the final tools of those people, really, if we have the facilities, if we didn't have them, then we couldn't make a claim , but today we claim that we have all the necessary tools, we have all the necessary facilities, so let us have this authority. not as the slogan of the year at the end of the year, one more year will pass , to designate a slogan for the supreme leader of the revolution, only to the extent of our sample slogan, this authority has a real meaning. let us give and according to this dear brother, we should monitor and demand, but when the monitoring that is carried out is without authority, then this monitoring cannot be very accurate, especially the part that mr. hassan khani mentioned about the government setting a formula and according to that formula, your price let me tell you whether you accept it or not. yes, yes. why do we agree
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? we are committed to it. by the way, it is very good. now, when we want a product , people are in need of us, and we can correctly understand what it means at the end of the chain, exactly where people want to meet , people want to know the reason for the high price , we are completely unaware of many of the things that make it expensive. the order price can be moved. look at our stock market. well, the stock market is like a glass room where the transparency of value and demand determines the price . even in our stock market, this does not happen. well, they should give an answer if they play a role in our pricing. in the middle of the road and at the end of the road where the product is supplied, there is also an explanation if it has a role
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we should definitely be accountable and we are accountable, thank you mr. hassan khani. yes, i think we do not have any differences of opinion in general, mr. raskarem, he said that the capacity of the people of snaf is very valuable, and in fact, it is valuable . it must be passed . it must be used in the economy. it is correct to say this point , no one has any objection, no common sense accepts that the government should have a small effective supervisory role, in fact, a very small amount of the economy, and that only in the supervision sector, but in the details when we are going to enter guild by guild, in fact , we have to specify where and to what extent and to what extent
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, asalaf can have the freedom to increase the price? where can they actually control, in what areas, in what areas, can they justify the benefits of the people, let the people know about those people or small units that are violators that are sometimes found, all this should be specified in detail, in my opinion. guild by guild, now the guild chamber, the efforts that friends make, with the government itself, the ministry, the position and the competition council, and various issues that can now be done by the elements that can work, even with support and help the judicial branch of the food system, make this clear case by case , put the pricing formula on paper, and based on that tradition , according to the promise of our friend, let this tradition be able to use the capacities of its people, and use the capacity for all trades. a guild that
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will give a formula for pricing for all types of people according to the orders of male friends. no, no, individual guilds should have their own formulas for each guild , the government, with your input, with the help of the guild itself, yes , yes, the pricing formula is not free at all, anywhere in the world, i said at your service, the pricing formulas are determined under supervision, if there are changes in the price , it is only in the components of the pricing formula and it happens clearly, the pricing formula is not transparent in any way, all over the world in the form of the countries of the world, thank you. mr. rostgar, in your opinion, how much is this possible? it is possible. we currently have a commission in the snuff room , the commission for diagnosing and pricing. well, these commissions determine the prices based on their expertise
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, that is, they approve the real price of the goods. these prices, however, those observers who as to each now they are upstream, it is announced that the finished price of the goods will be checked in that commission . our experts will announce their opinion based on their expertise and the reality in the market . for the price to be set in the market, the quantity of a product in the market means that it is sufficient. if there is, when this product is sufficiently explained through the so-called mysterious economic currents that are guilds in the country, then a product will not be fundamentally lacking for it to want to be marketed. i say this we have a huge wide network in the whole country and
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this preparation is also available. they have permission according to the law. why don't we use this economic network well? self pricing. they don't understand at all why the price is expensive or some goods that can be given an example, for example , clothes, let me give you an example. the maker does not know why is it expensive, that is, in this main and basic point , if in the price. even in importation, we should be kept in the flow of all affairs. this has nothing to do with the governance of the public
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sector . in any case , we want them to behave legally in pricing and control the market. well, mr. hassan khani , we talked about market regulation and marketing. let's go to you. we have about 10 minutes to go and talk about my supervision. one of the the criticisms that you raised now were that zinfan's snafs themselves can't have supervision , you are supplementing their explanations to the class under them. i suspected a conflict of interest here.
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there are interests, and since there are suspicions of conflicts and interests, it is not possible to be satisfied with the supervisory mechanisms of the guild . asalaf's friends also have a problem with government supervision , but a division of duties is necessary, as we are with supervision it happens at different levels. anyway, if the supervision was a level of supervision that does not require the presence of the government and the guild itself can be responsible for this level of supervision, there is no prohibition , the guild should take care of it, but there must be an arbitration mechanism. in order to protect the interests of the people, if a person goes to complain about a taxi, if he finds a place in an iranian taxi, that iranian taxi or that iranian taxi union, in fact, it is not in such a way that he is sure that in fact there is no supervision and he can and
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it has the possibility of ignoring people's rights in fact, the feeling of security to support the trade union should not happen in the country, and government supervision, although small, should be effective. my point about supervision is this. although we have these 3 and a half million trade unions, they are all respectable , they are all clean, if there is a limited complaint or a dispute, it can be handled in khodaf's arbitration mechanisms, maybe 99% of it, and it is for the benefit of the people , and with that, in fact, the approach of justice is the decision. find, but this negation, especially the authorities we are talking about regulating the market and monitoring the market
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, saying that the guild does not have information that once the price. it will increase. well, when the trade of asymmetry means that the information of the government or the information of other institutions other than snaf is more than snaf or they have more access to information, it is possible that if you give authority to the trade, in spite of the lack of information, an inefficiency will be created. this is, if we give the authority , we must increase the ability of guilds in the field of information and actually performance so that the guild can have a partner both in monitoring and in market making and in fact providing the market that can cover the entire
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chain. i heard our brother's statements confirming this in fact, this capillary chain, which is active in our country, this sector has a huge capacity, and maybe one of the breathing points of our country was this chicken chain, if we didn't have this chicken chain, maybe very terrible damages would have happened to us from the sanctions. which we could not prevent , so this capacity must be maintained even in the field of supervision despite this asymmetry. as our dear friend said, this should be resolved and the government can provide clear and up-to-date information to asalaf so that they can help in monitoring. thank you, mr. rastgar, we have about four minutes. in summary, i am grateful to our dear brother for commenting as an expert what we are saying, that is, we have said so far that the responsibility of the government is not negated in any way, the serving government
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does its own work, but we are talking about economic policies anyway. we have to replace it for the benefit of the people . anyway, our goal is that our people get the best form of service , they can get the exact product at a reasonable price. what we are seeing today is the numerous interferences in the field of production distribution and sometimes special discussions of the economy. . a special program in different squares of municipalities they have their own, which means they are not answerable to trade unions and trade unions. well, this is against the law , according to the law. explain it at every level. this is the so-called mission of the chamber of trade unions and trade unions. yes, you are referring
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to the law. . basically, the unions, i emphasize again , are non-profit, no business takes place in the unions . they have the chambers of my assalaf, we request that they play this role correctly given to us by the law . we emphasize the policies of principle 44 of the law. the law of popularization of the economy means that we leave the work of the people to the people. today , we can serve the government with all our capacity . we can be at the service of the economy
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. we can be at the service of the economy. may this role be used well and correctly. thank you , mr. rastgar. thank you, mr. hasan khanim. thank you for being with us until this moment . thank you to all the good viewers of the above program who have watched this program until this moment. may god protect you, ali.
4:00 am
we hope that your prayers and worship will be accepted by god. it is 4:00 am . the book is waiting for peace be upon him. it was recently published by kitabak. gholamreza heidari abhari is the author of this book. in the last years of his life, with his blessing, the prophet, peace and blessings of god be upon him, always took steps to identify hazrat ali (peace be upon him) as his successor. the story of ghadir khoon is just one of those stories, and perhaps we can say that it is the peak of the prophet's effort to introduce him, peace be upon him, as his successor. they say: god, whoever loves him, love him , and whoever is enmity with him, make him an enemy. one of the authentic hadiths in shia books.


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