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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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it is the islamic republic of iran. in the name of god.
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bazeh, faraj, fatah, kashif, zaman , amer, or nahin, along with the second night of qadr , some iranians went to karbala to ask for the best qadr in the coming year . in addition to their own needs, the zahirs
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did not forget to pray for the liberation of the people of gaza . they came from far away from tehran . we came from suselkan in hamedan. abbas. it is very nice to be with you between the two holy nights dear most of them, this is the first time that they spend their night of qadr in karbala quran . i did not believe that i deserved to spend a night of qadr al-haramain on my first trip. the weather is very good. there
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is a common desire between them. what a difficult situation the people of gaza and palestine are in right now . i pray for the victory day of the people of gaza and the resistance of gaza, so that the people of gaza like us can have this security, this peace, this beautiful feeling that we experienced here, god willing. experience people gaza is one of the reasons why, at least, i want imam zaman to appear more. in the night of qadr, this crowd prayed for their destiny for a year with their hands facing the sky between the two temples. mehboob
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babarahim of sed and sima news agency. 50% increase in the support of compatriots. during the holy month of ramadan this year, according to the deputy of the development of popular participations of the committee for helping benevolent compatriots, during the year, the mohsenin have a significant presence in various jihadi campaigns to support the less fortunate, and this year, due to the symmetry of the holy month of ramadan and the new year, this charitable presence in ikram itam and mohsenin dazan there are more glasses.
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one of the bases of the relief committee. and the benefactors who come to eshq ali in the ikram orphans and mohsenin project in the holy month of ramadan to participate in the campaign. with my daughter and my son, i then told them that we want each of you children to choose one, take it, and pay a monthly amount that will make you feel good and that, god willing, the leftovers
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will be for the children. i already had one, and now one has been added. many benefactors were not willing to be interviewed, but it was not without grace. it was good to hear the feelings of those who told us about the experience of being an orphan. very good. no one does this at all he seems to be doing well. now that my daughter is saying that a child has been added to our family, this is very good for her and for us , i enjoy myself a lot when i do a good deed, but many supporters also spend nights of gratitude for this work with the previous intention. they had chosen god. imam ali himself is the patron of the orphan. hearing the experience of the helpers was also not without grace. last year , it was exactly the month of ramadan, the night of qadr. a woman came
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to take the birth certificate. i saw her crying and filling out the form. exactly 4 months after that time, i saw the door to my room open, and a woman came to my room with a box of sweets. and i saw the face she was very familiar to me, then she came and hugged me, and then she cried and said, "do you remember the month of ramadan?" i became a girl. the same girl's name is exactly the same. the lady welcomes your help, dear compatriots, in addition to attending the aid committee bases, you can send the number 1 to the number 30 33 33 in powi. for the love of ali, let them participate in the ikram itam and mohsenin project . behnaz qudsi of sed and sima news agency . thank you for your support, god bless you.
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the group of arab states wishes to appoint a special rapporteur to thanking him for the report, he emphasized once again in this report that it is deeply rooted. this project has led to ethnic cleansing and the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians, the destruction of palestinian towns and villages, and the denial of the palestinian people's right to return. we condemn the unjustified attack on the special rapporteur and reiterate our support for his mission
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. we also condemn the fact that the occupying power, as stated in the report , used this information and its secrecy in the form of concealing the facts for genocide and presented the palestinian people as a security threat . we also have selective delivery. israel to the rules we condemn the international humanitarian organization and its choice of terms in these laws, which are used to justify its crimes against the palestinians, and for this purpose , it refers to the palestinians as human shields and collateral casualties of these conflicts. in conclusion, once again, the decision taken means the resolution taken to prevent the genocide of the palestinian people. we support in gaza. the resolution of the security council
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is binding for everyone based on international laws, especially article 41 of the rome statute for the international court of justice. thank you. a copy of the statement made by the organization islamic cooperation supports. we from the special rapporteur for his report and findings. thank you for the human rights situation in the occupied palestinian territories . the palestinian issue is the longest unresolved issue in the united nations. the root causes of this conflict must be addressed. since 1948, the human rights situation in the occupied palestinian territories has worsened. palestinians have been deprived of their rights for 76 years. the policy and aggressive actions of the occupying power of israel
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have brought us to the situation we are witnessing now. externally, continuous aggressions by the occupying power of israel, as well as extensive policies and practices such a system strongly condemns that they lack human rights and freedom. these measures have intensified and turned from occupation to genocide. we welcome the preliminary judgment of the international court of justice and remind the parties involved of its binding nature. we call on the international community to ensure that the occupying power of israel complies with this ruling and its other obligations under the law. adhere to the un charter and all relevant un resolutions
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. a statement on his belief about the rights of the palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and solution two a country to create an independent state of palestine based on the pre-1967 borders with east jerusalem as its capital. the title of its capital is stable. thank you. we thank the special rapporteur for his efforts to document the crimes of the occupying power of israel. we strongly condemn this unjustified aggression against gaza. respecting the geneva convention, we must prevent further loss of life and escalation of tensions. we emphasize our support for the decision of the international court of justice . civilians should be protected and any words to incite people to commit genocide should be stopped
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be punished. we are concerned about the humanitarian situation in gaza and join all other zinfans to support the people of gaza and ensure their access to aid as soon as possible via a sea route. we welcome the un security council resolution calling for a ceasefire during ramadan. thank you. the residents of worn-out buildings say about the problems of living in these areas: i settled in this house, couldn't you move? the ambulance did not come to take me, i gave it to him myself, he had a problem, we called the ambulance, but the ambulance did not come. people demand for renovation of unstable buildings have. if the government gives us education, we ask
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god to give us education. we don't have money to fix this. if the government gives me enough incentives q. i will use it because of its facilities. if there are no obstacles in front of us, since the market should be so big, we are certainly eager to do this. the statistics of the iranian urban renewal company show that there are 2,700,000 unstable buildings in the country, and about 10 million people live in these areas , there are residents who live in these areas and we are responsible for them, god forbid if an accident happens. god forbid if you are in trouble. natural like an earthquake , god forbid it happens, the first place that gets damaged is the fabric, if there is an earthquake, a hundred of them will fall this year, according to the slogan of the year, the government plans to renovate the dilapidated fabric by reducing the government's responsibility with the participation of the people. the program that we saw this year, this year, even the monitoring of this work should be done by the people, that is, from monitoring
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to implementation and supervision by everyone. people, let it be done . here, the government or the municipality does not have a physical presence, but it is the people themselves, who are actually the gears of this work. past experience has shown that the direct intervention of the government has created problems for the renovation of farzodah fabric. the projects that the government or municipalities directly intervene in for years actually take a long time and hinder other processes. it takes a long time to issue a construction permit. why should a normal building permit in a city like tehran be involved in obtaining a permit for several months? one of the very good companies that can help and create more interest in the private sector. god willing, during
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the period of the 7th program, it is a maximum of 3 months it will be, that is, this is the only one. it has been legal for municipalities to make arrangements to issue permits within 3 months at most. now, unfortunately , the average issuance of permits in the country is 8 months. in tehran , the average is 6 months. the participation of banks in allocating facilities is another factor in the participation of the private sector in the renovation of worn-out infrastructure. we took action for us as well . the marketing company said go and choose your branch. each branch says that we cannot pay them this year . the bank is resisting them until the building is halfway to the building. housing of up to five units belongs to the lighting of the dilapidated fabric. in fact, some experts
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consider it necessary to build trust and increase the awareness of the residents of the dilapidated fabric about the dangers of unstable buildings for people's participation if they talk about this with the people. do it and win the people's trust, then the people will be satisfied that he will give me his land to the private sector in return for it, in a year or two , he will receive something better. it is in the form of shahid bakri's project, god willing , we will move forward this year and we have put it in the program at least a 50% growth, and god willing, we hope it will be more than this, according to the company's announcement. to be renovated in the country. according to housing experts , participation and popularization of housing production in worn-out contexts has a better capacity due to the readiness of urban infrastructure and superstructure services. hasannejad of radio and television news agency. company. government means the source
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of rent production. government company means travel abroad . government company means membership in the board of directors of a government company. it means astronomical rights. corruption, unhealthy relationships, partying, publication of financial statements is prevented. state companies in the framework of kodal glass were put on the agenda for the first time in the 13th government with the support of the budget law. we are trying to make the information of financial statements and everything related to the performance of state-owned companies and state-owned banks as transparent and observable as possible, precisely for this reason
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, we will implement the dark house that we talked about until today. they could have said that, well, we don't have any statistics about government companies, we don't know how many personnel or employees they have, this discussion is always about the budget. it is not clear how much we subsidize these companies. what do people give and at what price do they give to people? all this can be calculated from financial statements. with the beginning of this process , the financial statements of 1400, which were related to 1324 state and public companies, were published in 3 stages . another 521 of these companies' financial statements were published, which together with 63 companies that were published before the year , totals 1324 financial statements. state-controlled companies in the post of some state-owned companies with property what decisions did the people make, what
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wrong policies, and then at the end of the year, people had given their money to this state-owned company . someone basically, we made it clear so that people can be confidential, so that people can monitor you. in the next step, increasing the transparency in 1402 related financial statements. in the year 1401, it was included in the kodal system. the process of transparency of public companies, which
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started in the second month of the 13th government in mehr 1400 , ended last night, and the transparency file of public companies and the public of the country was closed last night with the registration of 2005 financial statements of state companies or under the management of the government and public institutions in the kodal system. we hope that in the next step, after the completion of the clarification process, that the stage of monitoring the financial performance will be more productive, correcting the mismanagement that still exists in some companies next year will increase the profitability of public sector companies and reduce the number of loss-making companies . 2005 published statements, 308 cases related to government companies, 369 cases related to bank subsidiaries. 36 cases related to free zones, 78 cases related to companies and institutions in the subset of public institutions, 35 cases are related to the federation and 474 cases
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are related to government-supervised companies, which have been exposed to all people. since the beginning of the zionist attack on palestine. about six months have passed, more than 32 thousand martyrs and 75 thousand injured. in the silence of many governments , the hatred of nations against the zionist regime is increasing every day. as here , supporters of free palestine can be found all over the world, as
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representatives of families and students joined the torch march in support of the palestinians in the residential area of ​​labaro. it is unacceptable that our government is doing nothing to help the palestinians and that is why we are here today. we want to express our anger in home rome. we all want the killing of palestinians in gaza to end . deutschland finanziert finanziert israel bombardiert israel.
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demonstrations that have been crossing borders for months, shab al-masri or ahrar shab al-masri or ahrara and people who use every opportunity to fulfill the cry of support for palestine. just a few days ago, here in iran and a quranic meeting, the people in this quranic meeting also condemned the crimes of the zionist regime. why are we here with the palestinian flag in our hands to show that the palestinian people are not alone? to support palestine, let us say that dear palestinians , the final victory is yours, the people of gaza and palestine
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are behind you. now what is left is public hatred in the world from the crimes of a fake regime. god willing, this year
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we will celebrate quds day for the destruction of israel.
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