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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 9:30am-10:00am IRST

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100 million euros were allocated from the development fund with the cooperation of the honorable government, the organization of the program really helped us in this case , we were able to absorb 50% of this, we gave it to the universities, it was about 1400 billion tomans. this figure of 45 million euros at the rate of riyal calculation is 1400 billion tomans , which we have allocated to the university . we hope, god willing, that the second part of the program will be allocated to us by the honorable government. we can allocate it to our university it is a very effective measure that we can equip let's update the laboratory. the ministry of science has a deficit. yes, like all other institutions, our costs are a little out of line with our resources. my reason is that we
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are not a revenue generating device that we can enjoy no matter how much money we earn, we are very dependent on the general budget of the government, well considering that we have more than 700,000 students in our universities who study for free every day. in fact, the welfare services of these are the hostels of these. in exchange for this, with this inflation and this price, in fact , the increase in price is a burden on the universities imposes well, we also insist that the prices are not free. we are working on this matter . well, the surplus that our universities have, is a deficit caused by the welfare services of students. we hope that, god willing, the government will cooperate so that we can compensate for this.
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the number of private income of the universities was one third of the number that we attracted in 1402, that is, we raised 3 times the private income in 402. the private income is one of the most important topics, in fact , the private income of the contracts with the industry. our industrialists, our producers, our holding company our economic giants, the industry sector and the production sector , put their trust in universities to meet their needs. through contracts with universities, they actually sell university research to the research application industry.
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solving the needs of the industry by mohaghegh university. this is all happening. the relationship between the university and the industry is really not comparable to the past. you see , we have launched a system in the new period of the ministry of science under the title of the bread system of the society of needs and ideas, the industrial sector of every need. he is uploading here instead of going to buy abroad product and need. system of ideas and needs, our academic department comes and says, i have this idea , i produced this product, do you want a document, come and get it, our industry department comes and says, i have these needs, we upload this to the geographical width of the country's universities , we say, if you want to be a graduate student, finish come write a letter. write the solution
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to this need. if you solve this problem, solve this need, the buyer is now available . an income neighborhood for universities will be created in this way. it will be unveiled. i hope, god willing, we can open this in the spring of this year. the members of the academic staff will have their salaries entered in one account. yes, yes . what kind of concentration does this create? look , universities have been allowed to have multiple accounts for their specialized income until now. one account should be used to own their property, one account should be their public expenses in one account. well, the honorable parliament approved and said that all accounts should be consolidated in the treasury in the new year . we would like to see the first plan that comes to fruition. find. do yes
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the employees of higher education, who we are following, this has progressed to a good place . we proposed and said that it should be 55 million tomans for the faculty members for the assistant professor. actually , it is 65 million tomans. for the professor, all 75 million tomans have been approved. let's wait for the notification that if it is notified, we will be able to pay the arrears of 402 academically and if the year 403 will be fulfilled
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, it will be fulfilled in 43. yes, you have a point. that we have and we obtained this scientific position under the conditions that i would like to say that this product is the most important feature of the advanced countries with us . i kiss the hands of all these dear ones. i hope that i can be a worthy servant for them . thank you, dear viewers of my news network. that you were with us and spent time.
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glory be to god, or there is no god but god. oh, there is no god but god, the muslims of the world, especially the people of gaza, may god help them
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to get rid of israel's usurper. al bayan oh, in the mercy and pleasure of god , i want to be silent, or asim, or qaim, i pray that everything will end well. beke, ya allah, beg, ya allah, beg, ya allah
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, we stretched out that, god willing, we will achieve our heart's desire . to muhammad, to muhammad, to muhammad , to muhammad. either i am babadi, an expert in the way, or i am also
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the all-aware of everything, or al-alam al-sar to aliya baliald.
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please introduce me first. yes, i am mohsen golro, the son of shahid abbas golro, who was martyred on june 15, 1342, how old were you at that time? i was healthy, it was just me with my four sisters , the youngest of whom was a month old, the older one is 14 years old and the responsibility of life fell on your shoulders, i am alone. i was a man at home because my mother was only 27 years old, my father was martyred, and my mother often said, "may god 's ashes be in your hands, may you become mighty." my mother's prayers about me had a great effect on me how did you start in life when you were 12 years old
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? what did you do in the fabric market? with this job , i became an apprentice fabric worker . yes, it was like that. you said something very valuable that i want to go to that topic . you bought more than 20 apartment units in mashhad and dedicated it to be distributed there. it should be at the disposal of the needy and i will forgive the first pilgrims who go to mashhad or the pilgrims who do not have financial resources to get a place . what happened? the weak , the sick, the disabled, or the orphans were placed in our three units. we decided to visit imam
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reza. anyone who wants to go can come there first . the name is free. otherwise, we said that if they don't have the money, we will take their round-trip tickets , even if they don't have anything, you can pay for them here. again, recently, a six-year-old. your other unit is there did you buy? yes, we decided to add some units and i ask god to help me develop this.
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but there are some who send letters, now through pilgrims or people who go to mashhad , they drop a letter inside the tomb of imam reza, who now do not have the financial conditions to go to visit those letters , and you cover the expenses of the first ones, yes, that is. a ticket will be taken for them , if they do not have any expenses during the pilgrimage to imam reza, they will be given financial assistance and then a ticket will be taken. it will be returned, which means that you will provide transportation, food, accommodation and everything. i think there are 500 people so far. 500 housewives go and visit and visit and they are very happy and happy about this . we invite you to mashhad, the holy city of god. it means
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that you are telling the truth. tell god, tell the same imam reza. these units that you gave in mashhad are now worth 405 billion . well, you don't think about it now. sometimes, if you used that money in the market , you would have made a profit. if you come to sit here in the morning , you might get 15 to 20 to 10 customers. i don't know, there are various things like treatment , wedding expenses, dowry
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, whatever you want, we have a fund . in another life, you have touched it well, it should be touched by a person, not by his own hand, that is , he will walk for god with his head and the result will be. we are here in the market for those who want to buy a device we plan, we secure their salaries , we sign, charity gives 50%, charity gives 50%, after i was introduced, they give me 50% , you see, from the organization, 50%, 50%, you
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get the work known. this corridor now has nearly 90 workers. every problem i have, there is no right way, there is no door in front, for example, it says that my roof has collapsed, haji said that it costs 20 million for an orphan . whatever you can, go ahead , ask for a hat, ask for clothes, whatever i want, i am ready to move with all my heart. the ones you gave for dowry and these good deeds, for example hajj.
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that is, you, as i now think, are a part. you leave a certain amount of your income in the market for this. yes, yes, you set a percentage. you don't have a percentage for yourself. whatever happens
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, you pay. then god will give me one toman. god will give me 10 tomans. i don't expect anything from him because i take the pleasure of this one toman when i want you to be 120 years old, but saying that you bequeathed that the income of salas malton al-albad should be spent in good deeds. and two other places that we have , we said this in our will, that this should not be sold in any way, that it should be rented out after our death, and that this income should go , so this is a good deed for the pilgrims of imam reza bar. first of all, the visitors who send messages through imam reza, we will try to listen to these words. let's sum it up, stay alive, haje, sir, we were very happy to visit you, thank you, god willing, you will be healthy , stay safe, stay healthy
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, stay alive. salam alaikum, during the new year days of ramadan, we visited the family of one of the prisoners of the house wheel. and we want a workshop. one of the rooms in the house has been turned into a small sewing workshop. i have a mastery of all of them, but i tried to learn more advanced sewing. he works 12 hours a day he spends his time behind this sewing machine so that the wheel of his life turns. when i looked at zamoun , i did some research and saw that tailoring is an art that you can make a corner of with minimal equipment. you can earn money, both by yourself and by the family. his wife went to prison two years ago due to possession of drugs, but she tried
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to make up for the absence of the father of the family with this art of tailoring. my son is 23 years old. my daughter is in the 11th grade. i kept it as a mother, if i left a place, then what would be the future of the children. so i am busy with something i want it to help me both in terms of income and in terms of teaching my child an art, and of course with the help of the prisoners' support association, he has developed his work so that a few more people can work with him. my intention was that if the workshop god provides, of course, i will be able to produce a workshop. i said to cover those who have problems first. empowering the families of prisoners is one of the priorities of the prisons organization. currently, about 52 thousand families in need of prisoners
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are covered by prisoner support associations due to the agreements we concluded with some institutions that are related to activities in the areas of vulnerable groups , we were able to provide employment for some of the families of the prisoners . those who are interested, like this family that we are serving today, well, they themselves are really interested, the association also created this opportunity and provided facilities for them . they are one add another vital wheel device. of course , the hard-working mother of our story
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had a word for good entrepreneurs. help them in terms of means so that they can learn to manage that work and prepare a halal sustenance for the family with their own efforts . it becomes a lifelong charity for the good person who did this. you can also do it through account numbers. support the prisoners of the center, support these families. remembering the families of prisoners in need. families that stay away from the path of deviations, problems and social damages with the development of ashtaqal. maliha pejman news agency radio does anyone have a complaint about the provincial tax system? why do we employees have to pay taxes first and later? let's say one is due to tax evasion, those who have tax evasion, but they can't find them , and the other is due to tax discrimination by a number of people.
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now they have a tax exemption , and their income is actually higher than those of us who have been working in the market for 20 years. the tax calculations for each of these are done by the tax auditor before this. there are and not more taxes are supposed to be in the tax system our country should move towards the intelligentization of mechanization. definitely, if this happens, it is a personal opinion. in the detection of the tax of the miners , it reaches its lowest level and the tax is calculated fairly based on the available information and data. in 2018, with the approval of the law on shopping terminals , the transition from the traditional tax system to the smart tax system began, but the 13th government started working at a time. said that the legal deadline for the completion of the stores and the
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warehouse system had ended. but almost no serious progress was made in this field until at the end of 1400, the first step was to connect the card reader were removed to tax files. every new device that has been given to the people and every internet portal that has been given to the people , the system must have been connected to it. bank accounts that were a headache and a problem. then they just say, sir , go to work on this number. i don't draw cards, why? due to its tax, with the preparation of the infrastructure , the maadian system was officially launched in july 401, and economic activists were gradually called to it. the companies admitted to the stock exchange and over the counter are the first group that were called. with this the call was made for all economic activists to issue all their paper bills from now on in the maadian system. one of these people and
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persons and. business owners are people whose net sales of goods and services have exceeded 18 billion tomans by the end of september 1402. maadian system, which is supposed to take the place of taste encounters and organizational conflicts with maadian. half of the year 1402 was almost completed. the provincial tax will be smart. this means that the relationship of the tax auditor will be completely cut off in the field of added value. and the tax will be calculated systematically became. so far, more than one billion electronic invoices have been issued in the maadian system. but still some business owners are not connected to this system. we hope that the winter deadline, which ends at the end of march, will help us to complete 1403 together with nowruz next year by completing the warehouse system and shopping terminals. with the law of shopping terminals, more than 3 million
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taxpayers. those who used to avoid paying taxes were added to the provincial tax system. narges meghazi of sed and sima news agency.
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in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. greetings from the news section. at 10 o'clock you also say the holy shrines of the imams the purification of mosques and mosques all over the country coincided with the second night of qadr and the night of martyrdom of maul al-mohuddin , peace be upon him, they hosted mourners and night mourners. it was subhank ya


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