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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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licenses for life and pre-kindergarten licenses for education, now you have to go to the ayr license to get an activity license. how many preschools do we have in the country ? as far as i know , there are nearly 35 thousand. the center is actually coming to apply for full license, but it may be more than 100, many are still in a state of undecided stopping. because of their financial issues, due to the legal issues of the property and many other issues that we will deal with, so there is the issue of permits and the issue of this rail change that the party had for 44 hours. we are sending a plan, which is formed based on that , he has recruited staff and is adjusting everything . we will tell you once again, mr. keshtiban, another policy has come to you on 24 hours, 25 hours, 22 hours. well, i think mr. khandhan says that this happened because we do not have a budget. it's true. there is something, in fact
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, the kindergartens with the same duties that they had before, only their license, have been transferred to the educational institution, that is , if they take care , they can do that care right now. right, mr. mohammad, you see, mr. khaleghinejad, they have not been taken care of. in fact, see now when you are registering now, go to announce the new cities and see if this city is ready for one work shift , says mazadeh. it should be done on an hourly basis, for parents who need to apply, you can register, so i work 22 hours a week in excess of that extra hour , if what happened before, i worked 44 hours a week in addition to 44 hours. also, the extra hours make a difference, whether i am a full -time employee , or whether i accept part-time jobs.
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mothers and fathers who actually enter the labor market require that limited child care centers time should be such that families can use these services. if there is such a policy, then it is wrong. if you allow me to prepare a report, my colleagues have compiled the opinions for and against in this regard . let's see this report . it has been more than 80 years since the establishment of the first kindergarten in iran. later , kindergartens came to help children's education, so that the goal is not only to keep children.
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this procedure continued until the ministry of education and cultivation became responsible for this issue. interference of tasks, tasteful education, inconsistency in farsi language teaching methods and cultural and social issues, and conflict between the education provided before elementary school were among the reasons for changing this routine, an issue that has opponents and supporters. ferishte roohfaza, member of the supreme council of women and family. welfare organization, as its name suggests, is responsible for improving life for people with special conditions. it makes things easier for them. a normal child should be in educational conditions to learn the skills and needs of a normal life. the design of educational topics and lesson plan must be completely be in accordance with the opinion of education. khadijah fozad , director of the kindergarten in sari city. joining education is a government order and there are many dissatisfactions in the way of joining. lack of education organization formation. education in the provinces
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has created many challenges for us. right now we are like an adopted child for fostering education. in general, entrusting a private sector to the government is not the right thing to do because we have serious problems with tuition and pricing issues. atiyeh shabani , the manager of shahrood kindergarten. due to the lack of specific law in cases that caused problems and necessary there was no welfare organization experts either. they acted arbitrarily and did not consider the priorities and sometimes a lot of expenses were imposed on the shoulders of the institutions . shirin tehmasabipour, manager of isfahan kindergarten. for many years, our wish was that the kindergarten and the subject of education for children under primary school age would be transferred to an independent organization. because the welfare organization has many subcategories.
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he also had no experience in the field of infant education before elementary school age. because this decision was sudden, children and families kindergarten officials are hurt. sarwar sadat adeem, director of kindergartens in mehriz city, because the knowledge of education is more than the discussion of education, so it is better that the responsibility lies with education , we should not look at kindergartens and look at the center. it is a service, but these are important educational centers . another important point is that the process of getting permission from education is much faster and easier than
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ameneh welfare organization. a series of permits must be obtained from the judiciary until the permits are updated, and this is the reason tolerance. it has cost us a lot. the education organization does not have enough knowledge of children's issues and has neglected the training of teachers. there are no related experts and the ability to control this sector is beyond the power of education. we have stated many times that if the leadership order is to be implemented correctly, we need a separate deputy. well , thank you very much for reading the report. mr. khaliq nejad. mr. mohammadian says that when he was actually in charge of the kindergarten and preschool, now the preschool, which has been formed since the beginning, but most of the kindergarten and kindergarten services he provided to the people it has been more, now the example is the same 44 hours
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. you say that the education system also wants to provide these services, but due to the lack of funds and facilities, and then now, the education system may be in charge of a part of it. it cannot be corrected, but my problem was that a large percentage of children in this country were not covered with the previous situation when the organization was biological and there were many institutions . a new space, a new perspective
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was created, an institution was created, it was born to do this do it in these three years in front of those other institutions, except the welfare kindergartens and preschools of education. only the adaptation work was done for two centers , the welfare kindergartens of the ministry of home affairs , the ministry of home affairs , they are moving from under the organization of non-governmental schools to those under the national organization. faced with all kinds of restrictions and these restrictions have actually damaged their survival, now a director of a kindergarten is worried
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about whether he will be able to walk by next month or two months, that's why mr. dr. i said that if this organization wants, with this the slow process of moving forward harms our children and puts our past achievements at risk . the participation of the non-governmental sector means that this interaction is still not well understood, the road map has not been designed yet, in a sense, it has not been implemented, so we are witnessing dissatisfaction and your dissatisfaction too. it was unsuccessful, not yet , we cannot judge yet, but this is the action that the national organization of child education and training be established , this action is actually a global experience that should be organized at the international level, this
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policy will achieve better results when it becomes a unified fabric, provided that the requirements are met , provided that 8 percent of the production the gross domestic product of this country should be invested in the pre-primary school sector, and on the condition that 160 billion tomans, just tell the head of the children's education organization to make a policy for, for example, 7 million children . . many organizations are enthusiastic dear mr. khaleghinejad, look, now you are again on this topic of jddp , you are pointing out that in the current situation , we are not even 100, but more than 90% of the centers are invested by the private sector and the costs of using the services of this the parents themselves are showing the centers what role the government has played here. unfortunately, the government's role in this regard was very weak . is it a case of these centers that have come to take the government's
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burden and want to make a profit on the side of the private sector , so that the principle is first survival, then second , it doesn't make a profit? it makes no sense to do this. what kind of support has been given to these centers , there are two issues here, one is that we should not lose these private centers, that is, the minimum quality that we have now should not be lost and failed because of the corona crisis. it has happened that due to the inflation that has been created and these centers have, in fact, some of these may be broken, that is , taking care of this existing situation, this is the minimum that we have, it is very important that the child education and training organization has this important mission on its shoulders. next , there are those children who did not have any experience before primary school in the past and continue now in fact, it is one of the ways that policymakers can adopt at the macro level so that the poor do not get poorer, and
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everyone accepts this justice-centered discussion. sir, in the form of the non-governmental sector , you should actually manage it with the maximum participation of the non-governmental sector in providing education and training services and organizing relevant affairs. this is the text of the statute. do we have such a vision? the financial policy that came in the pre-primary school charter is actually an expectation that is in itself the statute that provides complete access does not provide full coverage , which means that if the statute that was drafted and approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution is to be implemented , it requires the investment of the government , that is, even if our kindergarten centers have the same status as before, with the same process. let the growth continue, but the part that is deprived is in the intervention. if it does not happen, we will not reach the vision that has become in this statute. in 1407, you
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won't see that all iranian children get their rights in care education. therefore, a serious review of the statute itself the financial policy making department is very necessary in this interest. on the other hand, you know that the organization itself is still facing problems in the field of headquarters and lines. do we have a relevant expert specialized in this field that
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we can expect him to supervise the day after tomorrow or should we give it to non-specialist colleagues who rule the view of education ? in the policies announced in 1999, specifying the policy of guiding the system.
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for these, let's consider the organization now he himself has a problem in the cuts of his province. yes , he doesn't have the budget to support him. bring me a center and show me that the budgets are supported by this. i have previous support, none of which is actually paid, and it is not clear to which department it has been assigned. we had a lot , we had a budget to provide a warm meal, we had a budget to help provide kindergarten tuition for low-income families, and we had a budget for the development and equipping of mehda village, we had a subsidy. we had an insurance of 50,000 kindergarten teachers, which
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we used to get subsidies from the targeted organization, why should this capacity be destroyed? did something happen? he came from one organization to another organization. why does it have a capacity of 50,000 shares? why was it deleted? why couldn't we put our new coaches in the format of 50,000 shares that we had? why hasn't it been updated in four years? does anyone finally have to? should he deal with these matters or not ? yes, your criticism is that the organization itself is still involved in its own railway issues. yes, see that the structure was not ready. either they are not familiar with the amount of work, or they actually think that we will finally think about it , it will be solved somehow over time, or they think that it is the corona period, many people may still not turn back. i know, despite the fact that mr. hemtifar and his team are working hard at the headquarters, we have seen that in some provinces, in some departments, work is not progressing
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at all. in fact , i agree with you in some countries. this early childhood period is a transnational institution, that is, all the institutions of the country are managed directly under the supervision of the president. for example , in the american countries, some of these countries are in this direction . we mentioned that i accept it and i want to say again that with that process of our past a situation that will be in order and cover many children. we didn't have it, which means that this perspective was not clear for us, but let's go back, go back, in fact, it can't be very useful for the situation that our children and our families would face in the future. the organization must be able to solve these damages very quickly, and this is necessary. i think the help of most institutions, especially the organization
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, is the budget program for the national organization of childhood education of this country . thank you for the higher program until the end. we followed until we meet again . the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram . he is playing all over the country. why is he pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager. we don't want any kind
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of treatment. a state company means astronomical rights. a state company means a dark house that was supposed to be lit with a light called transparency. the more transparency, the more corruption , unhealthy relationships, party games will be prevented, and the publication of financial statements of state companies in kodal glass frames for the first time in the government. thirteenth to keshtwane the budget law was put on the agenda , we are trying to implement the information of financial statements and everything related to the performance of state-owned companies and state-owned banks to the same degree of transparency and can be monitored, exactly for this reason. which was talked about until today , they said that we don't have any statistics about
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government companies, we don't know how many personnel or employees they have, this discussion is always about the budget , the salary is not known, the general number is not known, how much we subsidize these companies what kind of service do you give to the people and at what price do they all give to the people? these are from the financial statements that can be counted. with the beginning of this process, the financial statements of the year 1400, which were related to 1324 state and public companies , were published in three stages. in the third round, which is the last round, which was today , the financial statements of 521 more of these companies were published. in total, together with 603 companies that were published before the year, there are 1124 financial statements of state-controlled companies in the post of some state-owned companies with property. what decisions did the people make
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, what wrong policies, and then at the end of the year, people gave their money to this state-owned company. they say yes, of course, our company was making losses , the costs were very high . how much are they profiting in rials, are they making losses, are they making the wrong decision , who is the board of directors, who is getting paid, and how much is the bonus ? basically, we made it clear so that the people can be confidential, so that the people can monitor. the process of transparency was also included in the kodal system. the state companies that started in the second month of the 13th government in mehr 1400 were terminated last night
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the file of transparency of state and public companies of the country was closed last night with the registration of 2005 financial statements of state companies or under the management of the government and public institutions in kodal system . monitoring the financial performance, more productivity, correcting the mismanagement that still exists in some companies , next year will increase the profitability of public sector companies and reduce the number of loss-making companies. 369 cases related to bank subsidiaries, 36 cases related to free zones 783 cases are related to companies and institutions under the category of public institutions, 35 cases are related to the federation and 474 cases are related to companies under the supervision of the government, which have been
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exposed to the public. from the prisoners of my home wheel , it's really the day for bozi series and workshop. for some time, the mother of the family has turned one of the rooms of the house into a small sewing workshop. i have a lot of them, but i tried to learn more advanced sewing. she spends 12 hours every day behind this sewing machine. his life also revolves around lemon. when i looked at it , i did a little research and saw that sewing is an art that you can do with the least amount of equipment. in a corner of the house , you can earn money, both by yourself and by the family . his wife
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went to prison two years ago for drug possession, but he tried to fill the family with this art of sewing. my son is 23 years old. my daughter is in the 11th grade. mother, i should have saved my life, as a mother, if i left a place, well, this is the future of the children. what did he want to happen, so i should be busy with something, and it would help me in terms of income as well as in terms of one i want to teach my son art, and of course , with the help of the prisoners' support association, he has developed his work so that a few more people can work with him. my intention was that if the workshop of god , of course, provides, i can produce a workshop. appointment now empowering the prisoners' families is one of the priorities of the prisons organization. currently, about 52 thousand families in need of prisoners
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are covered by prisoner support associations due to the agreements we concluded with some institutions that are related to activities in the fields of in fact, they are a vulnerable group, we were able to provide support for the families of some of the prisoners, the support association for the families of the prisoners, both the spouses of the prisoners and their children who are able to work , we do not have a problem in terms of employment. today we are at their service, well, they themselves are really interested, the association also created this opportunity and provided facilities for them, by the way, at the moment when they are in service. because we talked with one of our benefactors to add another vital wheel machine to complete their workshop. of course the industrious mother of our story
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has a word with the entrepreneurs. help them in terms of means so that they can learn a job, manage that job and prepare a halal sustenance for the family with their own hands . it will be a lifelong charity for the charity that has done this work . be the support center for these families. let us remember the families in need of the prisoners , families who, with the development of employment , have been diverted from the path of problems and social harms. they stay away from the news media of sed and radio.
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tella that danani poish for alizaman's love with shabhai the body and
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the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the news section of the palestinian ministry of health announced at 16:00 that 63 palestinians were martyred and 94 were injured in 6 crimes committed by the zionist regime in the past day and night in the gaza strip. the number of martyrs in the gaza strip since the beginning of the war against the people.


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