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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, the news section of the palestinian ministry of health at 16:00 announced that 63 palestinians were killed and 94 injured in 6 crimes committed by the zionist regime in the past day and night in the gaza strip. the number of martyrs of the gaza strip from the war against the people of this
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region has reached 32,845 people. so far, 75,392 people have been injured in the attacks of the zionist regime. the spokesperson of the gaza city defense announced that 70% of the capacities and equipment of this organization have been destroyed. holy shrines, mosques and takiyas all over the country.
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oh, there is no god but you, oh god , pray, god help them, help the children of gaza in these days, may their prayers be truly answered, o allah
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, i wish to allah, the zahidun, fatimah, fatimah, fatimah, or alam and qasim, or god's qabdwa to ali bin musa to ali.
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or the greatness of al-madi'ah, or man hadi, the worshiper of khair masir.
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it is up to them to do something on these nights , such as the night of sacrifice, the second night of qadr, the night of the 21st of ramadan , because it was my first time, i swore that i chose this night to come, this
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is my 22nd time, i come here every year. i left it with me every year on such a night, can you comment on this blood for the intention of amirul momineen. everyone came to express their health first i would be very happy to come to this house to donate tonight because of this energy and feeling that i think is different. i have come and i am donating a house , i am celebrating , i am listening . after all, hazrat ali's kindness always includes people. yes, i love him. it was a while ago and the
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people are still waiting for their comments. there is one thing , dear ones, on the night of qadr, they have an opinion to say. we also have a duty to entertain our dear people. peace be upon you, your highness. you have donated once . it should be better. they are in need. last year, i am sick myself. i cannot donate, but my wife comes every year and she donates. i also read the koran. do you agree with soltanian of the sda news agency? the foundation of the underprivileged of the islamic revolution donated 100 billion tomans to help the less fortunate orphans of the country. this foundation announced that on the 2nd of the holy month of ramadan and the anniversary of the martyrdom
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of hazrat ali, peace be upon him, 500,000 tomans were deposited into the accounts of all orphans covered by the relief committee of the welfare organization. 164,000 orphan member of the committee's family emdad and 36 thousand others are covered by the welfare organization. according to the announcement of the supreme election commission of turkey, the people's republican party won the municipal elections in 35 municipalities, including ankara and istanbul. with this victory, the people's republic party broke the ceiling of 25% of its votes for the first time after about 5 decades and achieved 37 votes , which is unprecedented since the 70s, according to the announcement of the supreme election board of turkey, the ruling justice and development party in 24 municipalities. the welfare party won again
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, which did not reach an agreement with erdogan a month ago he got out of the loss with the justice and development party and was able to win 6 votes, which includes a large city and several small cities. in this election, 61 million were eligible to vote, and more than 78 million participated in the election.
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happy new year to you, prayers will be accepted , god willing. you have supported orphans for many years . yes, this birth certificate is a part of your children . how many orphans do you support today? i think you have started a child. in the beginning , we started with 10 to 20 children, with 10 to 20 yeti children
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, an orphan child who became a guardian. yes, when he grows up , what do you want to be, a doctor? my dream is to become a teacher , an artist, a policeman. why, to get rich , help the needy? how many of your direct children are your supporters? about 20 to 200 of them are your direct children. we are paying them monthly , of which 3 million belong to 6 sick mothers
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, 50 million and food for these children. we are shopping for them now, rice, oil , or shoes, in addition to cash, yes , i will start from the first of the month to the fifth of the month, because i can't deposit more than 10 million a day , regardless of whether sponsors have given or not. i'm sorry, yes, i'll try to fill it in. thank god, your help has made us hope in our lives. may god accept you and be healthy. if it wasn't for your help , i wouldn't have been able to continue my education or rent my house. pay after god, our hope is in you, and you have some problems let's solve the house, god bless the family always. thank you for supporting us. if i didn't have a sponsor, i wouldn't
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have been able to go to school. our living conditions are very different . you are retired . yes, where did you work ? ministry of defense. well, in the theme of these years, for example , i bought a small house and i rent it. i mean, i'm not a billionaire . you gave me a 50-meter house. i'll rent it to these guys. why, why, because i want it to be true. because i want to do this, the effect is that you are paying attention to these children and in any case , you give some money from your income to them . i didn't do it, i was never in need, maybe i saw people who
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are much better off than me . not showing up means 50 tomans , you want to take it , give it to them. how many cars does he have? some don't pay. i wanted to tell you that the money you deposit for us and my mother pays the house rent and buys groceries. we there are too many of us, three of our brothers and sisters. my father was careful. happy ramadan. thank you for helping us. i wanted to go to school with my father this year, but i have this deficiency in my life. i got cancer 20 years ago, but now, just a few years ago, i got another one , and it's fine. yes, i had four surgeries , and i didn't take a single painkiller. so much so that god's voice is human. he hears beautifully, he answers so beautifully, and
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i got that child's prayer and the same children's prayer answered in this way. sometimes i talk like this, i sit down and cry. just a few days ago, i happened to sit down and cry i am grateful to the supporters who know us like their own children. i am very grateful to my dear hami for helping me to continue my education. it helps us . oh my god, help him. i thank them very much for helping us every month. thank you. maybe someone will see it now and say, sir, for example, i am an employee, i don't have much financial luck at all, or for example, if i give 100 tomans a month, what's the point of giving a child and his family 10 tomans, giving us 10,000 tomans, 13 tomans, 10 tomans, for example, it will be 40 tomans for me i can put 50 tomans, there
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is a rule, for example, 50 tomans, 100 tomans, for example, now maybe he will say, i mean, i can give 50,000 tomans , what will it do ? yes, yes, by the way, he will be a student for a car rental or not. maybe someone will be fine now. he will say, sir, i don't have a duty, which, by the way, we have a duty. they say we don't have a duty, we have a duty. now, with all this money, let's do the accounting, should we give this to reduce our things? i didn't feel much worried about their capital. maybe he will say, for example, your capital. you think that, for example, i have a house, i was finally able to collect money to take a loan, something like a small house. i will take it now that i have the rent there are all ages, you guys are all from 24 to 5 years old. yes, i am a science student. we have a student who has a rank of 200 in sharif university entrance examination . there is a difference between a boy and a girl
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. we have a lady who is a medical student. yes, you have collected for these loved ones. you could have bought another house . no, by the way, no, if i collected , i would not do anything human because god blessed him. i was not there and i am not looking for this. i don't know if you really follow many programs there are people who want to do other things . what do they want to do? what do you want to do? after all, in a few years, we will have to die. there are no more compliments. should we go, should we go full-handed or empty-handed?
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what do you wish for ? tiny because i have to turn the pages, you think i have a month to fill these, you are the dates, the roll that is deposited, the bill that is deposited, the day and time, haj khanum , we say in our program, without the most flattering words, these children are themselves. if someone thinks that this will bring something, take a child and become a sponsor, something will be missing from it, no, i think it will be added. it is a fact. now
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you can send a text message. the experts of the relief committee will call you and guide you. god bless you, at least you are a supporter of these children, and we thank the special reporter for presenting the report . after 6 months of israel's attack on gaza , the number of martyrs has reached more than 32 thousand martyrs. most of them are women and children. thousands of people have been injured in these attacks. occupying power means israel continues
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to use starvation as a tactic and prevents people from accessing humanitarian aid. we cannot be silent on this matter. the international community must rise above the double standards and put an end to the genocide perpetrated by the israeli war machine. the member states of the persian gulf cooperation council rejected any justification for continued israeli aggression. we ask the international community to take all measures to end this war and hold the perpetrators accountable for their actions. we of the efforts of the special reporter. in the documentary we appreciate the crimes and punishments committed by the occupying israeli regime. we condemn any attempt to prevent his actions
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and ask him to continue his mission. thank you. pakistan thanks the special rapporteur for the proper report and support. he emphasizes his mission. despite overwhelming challenges, the special rapporteur was able to demonstrate acceptable professional integrity in documenting the atrocities committed against the besieged palestinians. like the special rapporteur, we are also concerned about crimes that violate it is obvious that international laws are in the palestinian territories and it is associated with the masonization of the occupying forces. the events of the last few months have revealed the extent of the commitment of many countries to the so-called rule-based international order. the selective approach and partiality shown by some
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governments, while supporting israel's colonial projects, has allowed israel to continue its racist policy and commit any crimes without fear of accountability. the ominous announcements of the israeli leaders about the possible attack on rafah should be the human conscience of our society it shook and the international community should use every possibility in its power to prevent this disaster from happening. pakistan condemns the continuous violation of international law by israeli occupying forces and extremist settlers in the occupied west bank. the racist regime has unleashed terror against the defenseless palestinian people, resulting in the deaths and injuries of innocent people. we in
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the nations and pursuing a two-state solution with the aim of creating a free and safe palestinian state within the borders of 1967. we thank the special rapporteur for his tireless efforts and support his mission we emphasize. we have read the report carefully. this report alone tells the facts. perpetrators of crimes against palestinian civilians must be held accountable. impunity must end . justice must be done.
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we are looking forward to the rapid progress in the process of dealing with this issue in the international court of justice and the international criminal court, and in the meantime , we want the full implementation of the temporary measures considered by the court. resolution 27 28 of the united nations security council is a positive step, but it must be fully implemented. and especially by the occupying power. israel should be implemented. in addition, we continue to we need a permanent ceasefire to end the atrocities and pave the way for a political solution. the international community is legally, politically and morally obliged to adopt a united position for this purpose. an independent country and palestine. based on the borders of 1967 with east jerusalem as the capital , it is the only way to achieve a just and sustainable peace in the middle east. in the end, we
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reiterate that attention should be paid to the special rapporteur of the commission of inquiry and the staff of the special representative's office should have the possibility of access for the purpose of monitoring documents. and investigating all the crimes committed in palestine and have against palestinians, including the reports of torture and rape of palestinian women prisoners, which are mentioned in the statements of special reporters.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and courtesy and respect for your service, dear and respected viewers , i offer my condolences on the anniversary of the martyrdom of amirul momineen, peace be upon him, and i hope that all of your obedience and worship will be accepted, god willing , we are at your service today with a special program on the holy road. to talk about the important issue of palestine and the important issue of palestine and gaza with you, dear viewers. a little
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more and beyond the topic of the day's news let's analyze a little and deal with this important issue of these days in the world, especially in the islamic world , this weekend, which is international quds day, and god willing , we are all going to enthusiastically participate in it and declare that we are connected with the oppressed people of palestine and the oppressed people of gaza today after two weeks of hospital healing that is fully at the disposal of mahas. a completely civilian center was liberated, a medical center and a hospital, which completely turned into ruins and ruins when israel handed it over, and nothing remained of it. shafa medical complex was the main hospital in the gaza strip, whose internal departments and its surgery and all its different parts such as the laboratory and clearing, etc.
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, have been completely destroyed, and nothing remains of it. even the bodies of the martyrs who were placed there are still there, and there are many martyrs in this hospital, and the people have been removing the bodies of the martyrs since the morning when this hospital was taken over from israel and after two weeks it was handed over. they are from the hospital and there are still a large number of martyrs under the rubble because israel even set fire to the hospital when leaving the hospital. unfortunately, the hospital did not receive any medical services, and it caused the condition of many of them to become worse and the situation worsened . in fact, as i said , setting the hospital on fire when leaving the hospital and nothing else


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