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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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and there is nothing left of it, even the bodies of the martyrs who were placed in it are still there, and there are many martyrs in this hospital, and the people, since the morning when this hospital was taken over from israel, and after two weeks, the zionist regime handed it over in the morning. the bodies of the martyrs are being removed from the hospital, and a large number of martyrs are still under the rubble because israel even set fire to the hospital when they left. and it caused many of them to be in dire condition it will get worse and the situation will get worse and many will be martyred due to malnutrition and many others will be martyred due to not receiving medical services and the people will die. in fact, as i said , they set the hospital on fire when leaving the hospital and something. except for iran and the martyrs who
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are currently there, there is nothing left. we will come back to see a report together. lakm al-mashhad and surah in the first moments of the withdrawal of the israeli occupation forces and the israeli army inside al-sheba medical hospital after the fence has been in place for more than a week or maybe two weeks. and burning all the foundations of al-shifa al-tabi hospital. the building of the specialized surgery inside the hospital is completely destroyed, and the tens of martyrs and the injured are destroyed for the citizens and the martyrs inside the al-shifa medical hospital . this was formerly the area of ​​the al -shifa medical hospital to receive the wounded and the injured. kabir is completely arrested in al-shifa hospital.
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al -bayyat al - alam after a major surgery in the hospital. yes, we saw the pictures of shafa hospital in gaza, the largest medical center in gaza, which was completely destroyed after two weeks of siege by the zionist usurper regime . there is nothing left of the hospital , the largest medical center in ghazda, which was destroyed, and a large number of martyrs remained, and people are removing the bodies of the martyrs from this hospital since the morning after two weeks of complete siege. another issue that we are going to address was the goals of the regime the zionist usurper after he started his attack on gaza about 6 months ago. kurd pointed
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out to him various goals, including the complete destruction of hamas , as well as the unconditional release of the prisoners he had with hamas, and now he is talking about negotiations and says that he is ready to sit at the negotiating table and talk with hamas , and on the other hand, seek destruction. kamel was hamas , but it has not even reached this issue. on this occasion, we are having a conversation with mr. abul fatah, a respected expert on international issues, so that we can hear these points from him, mr. doctor. hello , you are very welcome. please tell me about the issue that the army one of the important goals of the zionist regime was actually the complete destruction of hamas, and it has used all its strength in the past 6 months to destroy this popular force, and now the zionist army is declaring that hamas not completely destroyed, just destroyed, and the telegraph also reported that the leaders of hamas. they are and are still
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in command of this battle and they are active, and now he is coming, in fact , he is bringing up the discussion of sitting at the negotiating table with hamas . how do you analyze this issue? i do one year before the martyrdom of hazrat amiro, the zionist regime had two or three main goals, one was to destroy hamas as a terrorist group, of course, according to the zionist regime, the united states , europe, and some western countries consider hamas a terrorist group, and this is related to the events of october 7. no , it was the same years ago, that is, before the incident. yes, it has been several decades since israel introduced hamas as a terrorist group , islamic jihad, as well as the groups that are active. for the liberation of palestine under the title of
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terrorist groups, the destruction of hamas in the first place the release of the hostages in the second degree and to prevent the recurrence of the events of the 7th of october means that israel should feel that it will never again be limited by the residents of gaza, with or without hamas . well, 6 months have passed now, maybe the first days when it was raised are too many. from the analysts, those who were observers who checked, stated that israel is not reaching its goals, maybe a little bit , for example, believability. against the palestinian resistance , let's bring hamas, islamic jihad, and other groups to paper . well, definitely israel, considering the support that
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europe and the united states are giving to it, well, it's a situation. there is an inequality, but now that the last 6 months have been completely clear, not that now, for example, among the resistance forces or, for example, the resistance front of countries like iran , activists, for example, in the area of ​​syria , iraq, they say this. they are talking about the same issue. in my opinion, the most important factor was the resistance of the resistance front, that is, israel's perception was that with a massive destruction. a complete terror, hamas will surrender, if not surrender, at least they will release the hostages, and after the bombing, destruction and bloodshed in gaza, the attacks of the resistance forces will continue. it will end against israel
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, this did not happen. the second point is the stand of the palestinian people , that is, we are once talking about hamas , the resistance forces, the fighting forces , and we are talking about the lives of the people of gaza , who are civilians, now they are attached to hamas or not. it's another discussion, but this group is the same group that, despite the bombings, this catastrophe that happened, has not stopped supporting palestine's freedom . we see many scenes, for example a pure mosque has been destroyed under the building. it has been destroyed, for example, by tearing down the rugs, well, it cannot be done with this nation, with this congregation, with this group, for example, through bombing, and for example, what do i know about killing them , for example, they are intimidated, they are not intimidated for 75 years without being intimidated , probably they will not be intimidated
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in the next 75 years. this is that the contradictions that exist within israel are between the differences that exist between the politicians, the military, some of the parties that exist inside netanyahu's cabinet, and... the contradictions that exist between, for example, the countries that support israel, the americans have a difference with the israelis. europe has differences, the important thing is public opinion . anyway, this war is happening online and live in front of people's eyes. moment by moment, despite the presence of the media, these things are happening . well, mr. abolfazl , let's talk about public opinion in more detail. just one point. you said that there will be resistance in the next 75 years. god willing, it will not come to this place at all and soon this war will end with the victory of the people of gaza, my colleagues will prepare some pictures and see together . beginning
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you did it, but i am the one who will finish it, a sentence that seems to be more useful for movie screenwriters than for real war commanders , because factors such as military operations and the reduction of international support, along with the onslaught of internal pressures, forced the regime to retreat and admit its inability to win the war. jeremy benny , the editor of the james london institute , has an interesting statement about this. he believes that the zionists do not need to end this war at all, because the end of this war will be imposed on them whether they like it or not. general mack. chenzi, the former commander of centcom, is also in the field he does not consider the international and domestic benefits of israel at all and believes that the zionists should find a way to escape from this disastrous situation as soon as possible , because according to the official statistics published by
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the ministry of finance of the zionist regime, the cost of war against the people without cannons and tanks gaza costs more than 20 billion nis, that is, 55 billion dollars for the zionists, and the budget of this regime cannot bear it. on the other hand, 265,000 zionists lost their jobs in the last month alone, and on average a day. 11 thousand jobs have been lost in general. in addition, more than 250 thousand soldiers zionists are displaced and this government is responsible for the cost of housing and food for them, so the direct and indirect costs of the war have become such that the zionist society and the economy of this regime no longer have the strength to bear it . he writes: israel has not achieved any of its goals and it is inevitable that it slowly pulls the fuse of the war and
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accepts the ceasefire. this regime is causing military and equipment losses in the north, it is wandering in gaza, and it has not even reached hamas and its own era, and most importantly, yemen , yemen, has taken its economy hostage in bab al-mandab. therefore, it seems that considering the wide dimensions of the war, the regime's inability to manage it, accepting defeat, accepting this temporary truce and exchanging prisoners, is the wisest and perhaps the most dignified way left for the zionists. well, we saw the report together about the strange numbers and figures of the war and the great damages that this war has caused to the zionist regime and the costs that are still being imposed on it, both material and spiritual, and it continues this war because it he has not achieved any of his achievements in the field, and
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now he is looking for other goals, and we have already said that the issue of the ceasefire is that even though it has not reached its goals , it is ready to sit at the negotiating table . another claim was made today, mr. doctor, which was very strange. i think this claim has shaken the whole world and started a very big wave and it can continue . be that as it may, tim wahlberg , the republican representative of the american congress, in a group of articles that was published today, was that he was giving a speech in a small group of his supporters and claimed that the story of the gaza war should be related to the chemical bombs like nagasaki and hiroshima ends the atomic bombings like nagasaki and hiroshima in fact, it should end. this is the claim of the representative of the american congress, which was raised after a big trend in the world, and then he came back and justified it and said, "well, no, i meant that this war
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should be stopped. do you think how much empathy there is?" with such an issue and such claims and who raises this issue at all , before this gentleman's speech was raised, one of the ministers of netanyahu's government, of course , i don't remember his name now, but this gentleman said that the solution is to carry out atomic bombing in the world war. second, when we wanted to destroy germany and destroy hitler, we went to dresden the city was a city in germany, and we had 25,000 people on board. it didn't matter at all. in order to win, these measures must be taken. now that
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this member of the us congress has said this, we should consider that there are unfortunately groups in america who believe that they have a faith-based view of the palestinian issue, and that is what i am saying . and when a final war will take place, now they explain the signs and examples that 400 million people must be killed in this war, and the image they present is the image of an atomic war, that is, for example, fire will fall from the sky and, for example, the mountains will be weakened. all descriptions of an atomic war and have this belief , then they believe that, for example, this prelude to the appearance of jesus christ and the end of the world means a religious justification for them. yes , justification, so this idea exists among americans.
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let's talk about the pressures, then first we will see the video of the actual talks of the representative of wahlberg's team , and then we will be at your service, god willing. ii don't think any of our aid that goes to israel to support our greatest ally arguably maybe in the world to defeat hamas and iran and russia and probably north korea is in there and china too with them and helping helping uh
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hamas. we shouldn't be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. well, we saw that a member of the american congress brazenly stands up and says that in order to end the war in gaza, there must be an atomic bombing like nagasaki and hiroshima, and now, finally , under the pressure he is under , he somehow corrects his words, but this policy in they have a stomach , but he said that for a while now. it can and can be said, mr. doctor, you were referring to the issue of public opinion and pressures, especially media pressures like these, which prevent more brutal actions by the zionist regime and its supporters, such as america, i will talk more about this issue . you see, when we talk about public opinion, it means that
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we should not be so optimistic about the gaza war. let's say that public opinion can stop israel's actions in gaza, which means, unfortunately , public opinion has not yet become strong enough, and unfortunately, supporters of israel are not influenced by public opinion to the extent that they do not support the media. powerful tools such as the media are more it's in their own hands and it manages the public opinion, of course, now is the era. the mainstream media of our past with social networks, the virtual space of the citizen journalist, these mobile phones that are in the hands of people and take videos and publish images online, it is difficult to manage the media. for example, in 1973, when there was a war , the big media could easily
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control it, no one would have known what disaster is happening, but now they can't do it so easily. my opinion is that on the one hand, we can't hope that public opinion will stop jango . take it, i said, there is a discussion inside the zionist regime killing 3,000, for example, 3,000,000 people is not an issue. the issue of the destruction of a nation, a genocide, a massacre of 2 million, 2 million, 500,000 new people in gaza, then claim that the same thing means that if israel is open-handed, it is the pressure of opinion. it should not be public, with the number of martyrs more than 30, 30,000 to 40,000, these people who are in netanyahu's cabinet, now he
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is on the side of some people who are more extreme and violent than themselves, they believe that the world should be destroyed. head of gaza he destroyed 2 million of my people who were killed and 3 million of my people were killed on the shore in the past, they massacred 5 million people, but now they can't do some things because of the pressure of public opinion. finally, the world is seeing that you went to a hospital, you bombed it first , then you brought this calamity on yourself , and now we see the pressure. inside america , inside the party, we say that there is a difference in the white house . some europeans
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are a bit optimistic that they will be able to contain israel in the first days of 2024, but in 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, the public infidels will be stronger, and they will have more powerful tools at their disposal. have and be able to push if the government brings in more, israel will definitely face more restrictions. in his thoughts, one of israel's own analysts said that we will lose the war when we become a hated country in the world. from their point of view, israel has bombs, missiles , political support, and america is behind it, but if it becomes a hated country, of course, it is the country from their own point of view. we want it to become a hated country and the world should stay away from it and not stand by its side
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. yes, it happened in the south, yes, it will be repeated for israel, because apartheid-type racial discrimination in south africa was notoriety for the near east and the west, behind the apartheid regime , this can happen to israel, no matter the violence. use it more, the more you use this literature, the more hate there is in the world, the more hate there is, and we see that even among the jews of the world, in israel itself, today we had news and images of the zionist regime's flag being burned in israel itself. once hatred is created, israel's influence on public opinion will gradually decrease, and our vulnerability is an image we are talking about what happened yesterday in canada .
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well, for about 6 months, almost the whole world has been the scene of demonstrations against the policies of the zionist regime and in defense of the oppressed people of gaza , but the governments are fighting back. the fact that zionists demonstrated in canada, mr. doctor, do you think that these
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demonstrations and support marches are actually for how long and what purpose can they pursue ? he can't let it go, what other achievements can he have, he can influence the rule of law , the rule of rule.
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under the pressure of public opinion, the chief of the joint chiefs of staff of the army says that we did not give them any weapons that they asked for, except now, for example, on the same day that this news came, they said that a large package of explosives was given, but this is due to the pressure of public opinion. he comes to say that we will not give him everything that israel wants from us, or for example, he comes to say that what you are doing is not killing, or for example, the international court of justice will issue a verdict, these things are bit by bit.
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supporters of israel are forced to support israel more cautiously, and the ultra-extremist group in israel is forced to reduce this violence under the pressure of public opinion. there is no hope that he will not commit a crime, but the hope is that these crimes will be done in a lesser form . thank you very much, mr. abolfazl , international expert. thank you very much, dear viewers . we will be at your service.
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tolt company means the source of rent production. state company means travel abroad. state company means membership on the board of directors of a state-owned company means astronomical salaries. a state-owned company is a dark corridor of a house that was supposed to be lit with a light called transparency. transparency as much as possible. corruption, unhealthy relationships, partying are avoided. the publication of financial statements of state-owned companies in the ikudal glass frame was put on the agenda for the first time in the 13th government with the support of the budget law. we try to
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make that information. finance and everything related to the performance of state-owned companies and state-owned banks can be monitored and tracked with the same transparency and degree . the house that was talked about until today, they said that, well, we don't have any statistics about government companies, we don't know how many personnel or employees they have , this discussion is always about the specific budget, they say salaries, this is not known, the general number is not known how much we give subsidies to the companies, i ask you to come here , what services do you provide to the people and at what price? in the third round, that is, the last round, which happened today, another 521 cases were made from these companies the financial statements were published, which together with 603 companies that were published before the year, are 1324
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financial statements of government-controlled companies, behind some of the government companies that had people's property, what decisions were they making, what were the wrong policies, and after the end of the year. people had given their money to this state-owned company at the end of the year. the managers were working hard and making losses. they said yes, of course , our company was making losses , and the costs were very high. how much are our profits in rials, are they losing, when are they making the wrong decision? where is the board of directors, when and how much does he get paid ? basically, we made it clear that the people would be confidential and that the people would monitor. in the next step of increasing the transparency in
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1402, the financial statements for the year 1401 were also included in the kodal system. the second month of the operation of the 13th government started in mehr 1400 and ended last night, and the transparency file of state and public companies of the country was registered last night with the registration of 2005 financial statements of state companies or under government management and public institutions in kodal system. correcting mismanagement that still exists in some companies next year will cause increasing the profitability of public sector companies and reducing the number of loss-making companies. since 2005 , 308 statements related to public sector companies and 369 related to the following companies have been published. the cases
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related to free zones are 783 cases related to companies and institutions under public institutions, 35 cases related to the federation and 474 cases related to companies under government supervision, which have been exposed to all people. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace. hello, good day . ita messengers will face disruption or interruption until 19:00 today. this messenger while apologizing to users announced in an announcement that the disruption for a few hours yesterday was due to a problem in one of the technical equipment and to prevent it.


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