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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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my dear, first of all, the defeat in gaza, according to the admission of many zionist strategic experts of israel as well as the united states, with this mass killing and genocide and the crimes committed during these more than six months in the gaza strip, they did not achieve their goals, not the resistance groups. destroyed and they were not able to free their evenings and were not able to work.
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gaza is destroyed, the resistance in gaza is under siege, and despite this, it has been able to miraculously resist for 6 months, and they are unable to resist and the negotiations that are being pursued in doh have not achieved anything, so they. to the islamic republic of iran and syria, the resistance movements and hezbollah, as well as the yemeni brothers , see these as obstacles, they see them as obstacles, and in fact , they see them as the cause of their own failure, in terms of the military, which they could not do anything to advance, and today they are witnessing a new attack on eilat. we went to a zionist military center, which the zionists themselves admitted that this was a sensitive center, and the drones actually passed through their air defenses
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, which is a dangerous issue for them . the wisdom and tact of planning based on the needs of this battle, and this issue is not an issue that is actually thoughtless, the resistance axis is actually acting with deliberation , but they are acting madly, and i believe that they will respond.
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and now the second case of tonight's election results program. local turkey in favor of the opposition party of the government in the final and unofficial results of the turkish local elections, the rival party of the government took over the largest percentage of municipalities in this country. yesterday, the people of turkey, in a completely political and security environment , went to the polls to elect mayors, city council members, and chiefs of their places of residence. most of them voted expecting service from one
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mayor to a political actor. it means social. we want an independent and popular mayor who feels responsible for the city's affairs. last night, the results of the votes were gradually announced, and with the end of the counting of the votes , the rival party of the republican people's government was able to win by winning 37 votes over the ruling justice and development party in the whole of turkey. the ruling party, which in the previous round had handed over the municipal elections of istanbul, ankara and some other big cities of turkey to the opposition republican people's party , was trying to regain these municipalities, but the result was in favor of the candidates of the rival party. with this result akram imamoglu and mansour yavash remained as mayors of the province and ankara.
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after announcing the results, turkish president recep tayyip erdogan went to his supporters and in a speech known as the balcony speech, he admitted the defeat of his party's candidates , but said: "unfortunately , we did not achieve the desired result in the local elections, but according to the people's wishes and efforts. we will compensate more in the next periods . municipal elections in turkey are completely political in nature, and it is the place of competition for prominent political parties who have a seat in the parliament. experts believe that with this result of municipal elections. year the next turkish parliament presidential election will reach the peak of bipolar competition. hamid kameli of ankara radio and television agency. now to further examine the results of the local elections in turkey.
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we have mr. ali heydari, a reporter and expert on turkish affairs. mr. heydari tell us a little more about these results, what exactly was achieved. how much has erdoğan's party failed in front of the people's republican party? yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my service to you and the respected viewers of this program, as well as the testimony of amir al-mu'minin , peace be upon him, and also the testimony of a group of advisers. i offer my condolences to the people of our military in syria. regarding the elections, i must say that after the presidential elections in june of last year , mr. erdogan, the ruling party and the government, all their efforts were to be able to win seats in the municipal elections, just like the presidential elections. to achieve and be able to achieve another victory, well , since that time, simultaneously with the reforms they have in the political and economic fields, they have been pursuing all their efforts, all their propaganda and all their focus
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, so that they can achieve their goals, especially in istanbul . ankara and izmir will find each other and think about it they thought that they would be able to get istanbul , and they had a little doubt about izmir. the situation in ankara was different. at the same time, due to the popularity of the mayor of the opposition party , the situation was a little different there, but the mayor's personal opinion in the opposition party in ankara was completely different. there was a difference, yes, the actions he had taken , the things he had done, and also the base that the people's republic party has in ankara had caused it. they didn't have much hope for ankara , but all their efforts were to get istanbul. accordingly, one of their former ministers i made the city minister a candidate in istanbul and all the ministers
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used to travel in istanbul alternately weekly and even daily and advertise for this candidate for this mayor so that they could. losing votes on the other side , or for example , losing municipal seats, municipal seats and local councils, i.e. councils , and from that side, the opposition party has about 30 to 40 percent of its votes in its own municipalities.
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he added that mr. erdoğan's idea was that considering the victory he won in the presidential election, and the disintegration of the opposition coalition and so on. the departure of several powerful parties from the people's republic party, like a good party, can easily defeat the people's republic party, and we must say that even the leaders of the people's republic party did not think that they would achieve this victory . they are happy, we can see the picture of the crowd that has come. yes, the chairman of the people's republic party, when he wanted to give a speech, shed tears of joy over this victory and thanked him because after 50 years, he was able to win as the first party with the power of the first party in turkey. well, 37, usually the ruling party is up to 25% he has a maximum of 27 popular votes in turkey, but
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in this period he won 37% of the votes, despite the fact that he was defeated in the presidential election and his allies withdrew. and justice party. they had reached a point where the competition was very close for them, they were able to win even the previous presidential election by a small margin, then in this election, they will fall behind, considering that erdogan's term is legally his last term, this is going to be a regressive process. for the party let the development justice continue like this and they will completely withdraw from the political scene. in 2002 , when mr. erdogan and his team came to power with economic progress and the issue of islamism , slogans came to him that people
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really like to fight. with the corruption of creating justice , the people became thirsty for these slogans, and during a decade, that is, the first decade, when these slogans and these actions were carried out over the power of these slogans and these actions, and turkey grew well, but after that, the situation changed, and the corruption that mr. erdoğan in the first term means the first 10 years from him. in the government and the ruling party gradually, the people saw that the government of this government is becoming the same as the previous governments, and we saw the fall of the votes of the ruling party. to deal with this issue, mr. erdogan raised the issue of dealing with terrorism and the collapse of the turkish government in the event of the defeat of the ruling party. and in every period of the elections , he mentioned the fight for survival, that if i
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am not there, the country will fall apart, and they always bring up the foreign enemy. in this way, in the second period, that is, the second decade, they were able to get a napoleonic vote and express it. above, but in the last year, the economic situation in turkey is so bad these slogans are no longer responsive, what are you saying? inflation in turkey has gotten worse, i told you for two days, i told you that inflation in turkey has officially been between 80 and 122 for 3 consecutive years, but according to independent institutions, this inflation has been announced between 20 and 250, and they say that this inflation is back-breaking . the salary increase that we had once every 6 months in every two years did not respond to this inflation and a 50% salary increase cannot be sufficient
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and respond to the inflation of 120 to 150 % . it has decreased a bit yes, but in the last two years, we have witnessed the operations of the turkish army in northern iraq and northern syria, also in the midst of events. it was happening that these issues had worried a range of turkish society, and with these events , there was also the issue of competition between the ruling party and mr. erdoğan with the western countries, which caused the country's economy to not have a clear perspective. it was that people were not optimistic about mr. erdogan and the ruling party . the presidential election fell, it was the people although being dissatisfied with the current situation, but
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not finding a suitable alternative in the opposite spectrum , that means the opposite coalition did not have a plan to manage this situation or did not provide a clear vision plan to the people , that is why the opposition coalition could not win in presidential election, but he was able to be elected in this period. this issue and another issue was to convey a message to mr. erdogan that we no longer trust you, you must change the situation , if you want your party to remain in power in the next term , you must launch a new plan and change the situation. i would like to ask this and one more year because it is turkey's issue and these days the palestinian issue is the main priority. really
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, in terms of media and news, could the policy adopted by erdogan towards the issue of palestine and the zionist regime be effective in this defeat? i remember some time ago. one of his main allies, ahmet davutoglu, who was his foreign minister, openly questioned erdogan's policy in front of the cameras and said that you can't. for example, you come in front of the cameras and give this slogan and speak so harshly against netanyahu and the zionists, but behind the scenes you make business relations even more. is this double policy that a person like dawood openly talks about him has an effect on the popular body of erdogan and the justice party. you can see that the ruling party
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won the municipal elections by 37 to 36. fateh arbakan, the leader of the party again. it was refah who was allied with him in the previous period, but in this period , due to his islamist view and his criticisms of mr. erdogan's domestic and foreign policy, one of which is the issue of gaza , this party left this coalition. election he was able to get 6 votes, which shows that if he remains in his previous coalition and if erdogan has real support for the palestinian issue, he will keep that alliance. kurd could have won this election. yes, it shows that a part of the islamist society of turkey, who used to vote for the justice and development party in this period, is disillusioned with mr. erdogan's domestic and foreign policy, the slogans he gives and to him. it doesn't work and that is why we witnessed the defeat of mr. erdogan and the ruling party after 20 years in turkey. thank you
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. it was a very good conversation. thank you for being present in today's world. did you find it, please? in the following video package, we will see the picture.
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just as i informed you during the program , a few minutes ago, the islamic revolutionary guards corps' liaison officer made a statement regarding today's terrorist attack by the zionist regime on the iranian consulate. i am reading the text of this statement published in damascus, syria. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and the improvement of those killed, in the name of allah, the dead are resurrected. imam (peace be upon him)
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informs the noble and heroic nation of iran. following the irreparable defeats of the zionist wolf regime against the palestinian resistance the standing of the people of gaza and the stubbornness against the steel will of the fighters of the islamic resistance front in the region. an hour earlier in the evening on monday, april 13, 1403 , in a new crime, the planes of this regime targeted the consulate building of the islamic republic of iran in damascus . pre-occupation commanders and the proud veterans of the holy defense and iran's senior military advisors in syria and 5 of their accompanying officers
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attained the grace of martyrdom as follows: a martyr hossein amanullah de sayed مهدی جلالتی ۳ محسن صداقت چهار علی آقا بابایی پنج سید علی صالحی روزبهانی با محکومیت شدید این جنایت و تبریک و تسلیت. martyrdom of precious martyrs in the presence of the supreme leader and supreme commander-in-chief, his highness imam khamenei madzaleh al-ali, his majesty's families and comrades, and members of the noble and noble nation of islamic iran. the plans for the transfer of legislation and the burial of the holy bodies of the martyrs will be announced later. public relations the entire revolutionary guard corps. islamic well, here we come to the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.
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305 ton multi-purpose medium cargo ship roro ya a 5,000-ton vehicle carrier and a dredger are among the vessels that are going to be built in the country this year. four ships, in fact, we have received an order. friends of the islamic republic of iran, please do this work.
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the interior of a sea ambulance was built for bomosa island. the capacity considered for this vessel, this vessel has two separate cabins , which is a cabin for patients , which has four medical beds with full facilities, and 12 seats for passengers will be installed on it. the float of this float will have 3 crew members and 4 crew members treatments will be installed on the vessel, considering
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the type of vessel body, which is a catamaran , it has more balance and stability than other vessels. also , contracts have been announced for the construction of several other vessels. well, soon, god willing, the construction work will start in the complex . we are currently in the design phase. according to the marine industry activists , the construction and repair of vessels is one of the most employment-generating industries in the country . 263 people are working in this complex. is an increase we are ready to provide more than 10,000 manpower in this complex if he entrusts us with more work. in fact , let's start working that this infrastructure exists, and we hope that in any case, with the attention that the domestic authorities in the public or semi-public sector
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will pay attention to us, this capacity will actually be fully exploited. we are almost in in the private sector , we are all actually using the available capacity for repairs. thank god , we are taking a project of bread for our wife and children. the first naval meeting was held with the presence of the president and the renewal of the naval fleet was put on the agenda for
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the development of domestic partnership investment . reza safari, radio and television news agency.
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we see violent behavior among children. children's lives have changed a lot. our life was 180 degrees different. we now live in exile . when we give pencil notebooks to children to draw and write. they don't paint anything but tanks, rockets and airplanes. we tell them to draw good things. from the life we ​​had before. we want them to cut trees. but it seems
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let them live. of course, they forgot the past , we had a life for ourselves, but today the normal conditions of children's lives have changed . i am not talking about the consequences of war, terror and displacement. how can children play in this camp ? a camp that is not suitable for life at all. but today, if you ask the children about the cannonballs and missiles, they will answer you and say that this missile was from the f-16 fighter. but if you ask them about their previous life, life before the war they forgot we are trying to get children out of the war zone. but the children forgot everything from the past and are not ready to sit down to draw because it is for the children's peace.
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there is no suitable space for water, food, sleep and life necessities. the intoxicating child falls on us. dear greetings, have a good evening . i will start tonight's magazine with the championship of italy, the italian serie a home win of bologna and 3 pictures from today's games in the rest of the week.


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