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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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it is obligatory for me to be the last citizen.
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after the end of the suez canal crisis in 1956 and turning a military defeat into a political victory for egypt, it has been more than 10 years now that nasser has become the undisputed leader of the arab world , and from the east to the west of the world, every politician who has a little bit of an independence perspective is with him. meets president sukarno. indonesia in the east to fidel
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castro and che guevara in the west, as well as african leaders , are all eager to meet and host nasser in their countries, even many heads of arab countries who do not see nasser for a thousand and one reasons are forced to because of his popularity. he even had a souvenir photo with him. in these years, nasser is busy implementing his ambitious plans in egypt and the middle east, which has strong popular support both domestically and has an important ally like the soviet union at the global level. from all-round development in egypt to involvement in the war in yemen and deployment of troops. to this country to help
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the left-wing rebellion to overthrow the monarchy. but one of the biggest preoccupations of nasser in these years was the issue of palestine. he participated in the first arab-israeli war in 1948 and because of the compromise of arab leaders such as king farouk with israel. he was forced to hand over his region to the israeli army. he decided to do something for the palestinian refugees to return to their land, and this was perhaps nasser's biggest wish in those days. on the other hand, egypt was the largest arab army in
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the neighborhood of occupied palestine, and many expected this country to face the zionist regime in the arab world. for this purpose , after the suez war in 1956, nasser, along with his friends , was trying to rebuild the egyptian army and armed forces, and during these years, his biggest partner was none other than ittihad. in the soviet union, the volume of purchases increased every day, and the entire sector egypt's army has received from the weapons needed by the ground forces such as the advanced tanks of those days , the t54, to the strengthening of the air force with the supersonic mig 21 aircraft, as well as the expansion of the air defense umbrella. the image that the egyptian media of
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this country's army presented to the arab world in these years is the image of a powerful army that is only waiting for a messenger. how to deal with the egyptian air force was the full extent of what he should have thought about before starting any war. two very important points
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were important in the egyptian air force. first, the mig 21 supersonic aircraft, which at that time played a key role for egypt and many others among the arab countries, the soviet union had an ally, and the other had a powerful air defense network that made it difficult for israeli planes to penetrate into egypt. with the help of intelligence services, the israeli army made a serious plan to infiltrate the egyptian army and obtain information about this iron dam. the israeli air force under the command of general mordechai hood sometimes provokes the enemy to fight for more information. he used to test the ability of egyptian pilots and fighters. even the united states, which was on the ground in the
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vietnam war, had given many sides against these fighters. pentagon's strengths in vietnam identified, but had never been able to. get a healthy sample of it. mossad started an operation called 207. a secret operation to capture a 21-year-old mig. the israeli intelligence agency concluded that the best chance of persuading a pilot to deliver his mig-21 to. with a lot of intelligence work in the iraqi air force, the desired target was selected. mossad forces in iraq
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identified a pilot named munir ratfa, who was a christian . he was the deputy of a mig 21 squadron. and he felt persecuted by his superiors . retva with a female agent from mossad met in europe. merir retva was offered a safe place for his family for a million dollars in exchange for a mig-21 to be delivered to israel. ratwa accepted this deal. on the morning of august 16 , 1966, retva boarded a mighe 21 aircraft for a daily patrol maneuver, but minutes later, by changing the route , he crossed the sky of jordan and flew to israel, avoiding the sight of the country's radars, and
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successfully landed the plane in an air base in the desert. israel landed. israel was able to successfully recruit agents to spy behind the enemy's borders, but the arab countries did not infiltrating israeli society was unsuccessful. israeli pilots were trained in simulated combat to fight the mig-21. israeli politicians hoped these exercises.
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he will travel to egypt and meet nasser and submit his peace proposal to him. natan in november 1999 elections. he failed, but he implemented the idea of ​​a trip to egypt. nathan flew from tel aviv on february 28, 1966. nathan's plane entered this country without any threat or interception by the egyptian air force and landed at the famous saeed airport. this move showed that egypt's air defense network is as israel imagined it is not impenetrable, especially from the side of the mediterranean sea
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. nasser refused to meet with abinatan, but the egyptian authorities treated him in a friendly manner and returned him to israel after refueling his plane. abinathan with a hand full of information about the defense system of the egyptian air force, which until then the heads of israel. he was terrified to return home. in 1967, the leaders of the soviet union desperately sought to create a tension similar to vietnam , but this time in the middle east. to inflame the situation, kat gebe published a report that israeli forces were patrolling the border the north is with syria for possible attacks. nasser, his deputy
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, but the reality was that basically there was no such threat on the ground and the soviet leaders were only looking for an increase in tension in the middle east. the soviet leaders told sadat that israel would soon respond if syria was attacked , and egypt would have to respond last year. conflicts between israel and syria had escalated last year, so the soviet warning about an early attack seemed reasonable. no one was ready for war at that time. but when the issue
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of israeli forces lining up on the syrian border came up, the soviets announced to the world that an attack was imminent. and this is how the arab world mentally prepared for war. he encouraged egypt to confront israel . now, if egypt does not make a move, its credibility with the arab world will be lost. anwar sadat assured nasser that the army was strong enough to face israel.
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the order to equip the egyptian army was immediately given. the egyptian army at this time because of its participation in the war in yemen. it was worn out and almost a third of its forces were in yemen. for this reason, the army called thousands of reservists, many of whom were from the densely populated area of ​​the nile river delta. they were mostly rural with very little education. in 14 miles, the egyptian army including 45,000 soldiers, 300
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tanks and 450 armored vehicles entered the sinai desert. the progress of the egyptians looked very glorious and it looked good on tv. by sending this amount of military forces near israel, nasser had done something that had very serious consequences for him and the region. but the egyptian leaders still thought that israel retreated from its positions on the syrian borders only with this action . and tensions are reduced. the next day , the israelis are holding their military parade in jerusalem and celebrating the 19th anniversary of its establishment they were their regime. now israeli prime minister levi eshkol was aware of the mobilization of egyptian forces. on the same
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day, general ibrahim zarqawi. he informed the commander of the un forces in the sinai desert that egypt wants the un troops to leave the region . zarqawi declared that he could not guarantee the security of the un forces in the event of a war. after meeting with nasser, united nations secretary general avot accepted egypt's request. a few days later, hafez forces. they began to evacuate the area and nothing could stop the egyptian and israeli armies from fighting. with the departure of the united nations troops the strait of tiran came under the direct control of egypt.
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nasser was tempted to try his luck and close the strait to israeli ships. the gulf of aqaba is the land of egypt, the whole of the gulf, the supply of at least three miles between the sinai coast and tiran island , the egyptian tiran island and the egyptian sinai coast, the straits of tiran, the climate of egypt, and we have applied the rights of the egyptian sovereign to it, and you can't have power. but nasser is still worried about whether the egyptian army is ready for war
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and what to do if israel attacks? general amer emphasized once again. whose soldiers are ready to carry out orders. this is a critical moment for nasser. he knows that closing the strait of tiran can easily end in war . this strait is israel's only access to the sea on the southern coast. now nasser is thinking day and night about how england, france and america will respond if he repeats the suez crisis. will give his decision is decisive for egypt. on may 22, 1967, nasser announced to a group of air force pilots that he would close the strait of tiran. it represents the climate of egypt. and it is impossible that we do not allow the israeli science to pass in the creation of the mind.
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do not be afraid of the jewish war. benqul lahm: welcome and welcome we are capable. war is going to lose it, and secondly, which i think it's very important, that nasa is still in the position, not to make war, that is to say to stand and to stand and repel the pressure coming from other countries and probably also from inside egypt, he is strong enough to resist that, israel
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tried to use the created space to show the world that it is a life and death situation and must go to war to defend itself. the image that egypt showed to the world also strengthened this mentality for everyone. 3 days later on may 25, the minister of foreign affairs israel abi aban went to america to convince washington to support a pre-emptive war. these days, when america was struggling in the swamp of vietnam, it was not possible to enter into a new conflict that could be even more difficult than vietnam. lyndon johnson advised aban: israel should not initiate the war because it might involve the soviet union in this conflict. johnson believed that nasser
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did not intend to attack israel and that these movements were more of a political show than a military show. so the situation in israel is not that dangerous and a conflict is about to start can make the situation in the region more complicated. at the same time , a team from egypt also went to moscow and... interestingly , the soviet leaders also asked egypt not to initiate the war because they might force america to intervene . it was getting wet and there seemed to be no way to stop it. in an action that surprised everyone. king hussein of jordan came to cairo on may 30 to meet nasser. he thought that in order to defend
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the west bank, he needed the support of the arabs, especially nasser , and as long as he strengthened his relations with nasser he will not have the support of the arabs. king hussein recommended to nasser that the forces be commanded by an egyptian general. now israel was facing three fronts. egypt, jordan and syria. iraq and saudi arabia also came to the field for financial and military support. israel seemed to be under siege. as pressure mounted in tel aviv, levy ashkel finally agreed to hand over military affairs. because he is the minister at the same time.
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when they entered the operation room of the air base , they were faced with targets to attack egypt. they should focus on the operation. it will take effect in a few hours they did 20 israeli planes
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flew to attack egypt. and only 12 planes remained at their base to defend against possible attacks on telavim. israeli planes flew in complete silence for 45 minutes to reach their targets. contrary to the expectations of the egyptians who were waiting for an attack from the eastern borders, they first went north on the mediterranean and then turned south and entered egypt from the west coast . to escape from air defense radars. israeli fighters were flying at a very low altitude. they are exactly at 7:45 they reached the targets and started bombing.
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egypt did not make a sound. egyptian planes
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were destroyed one after another. before noon on june 5 , israel attacked 18 airbases in egypt and destroyed nearly 80 airpower of this country. 300 fighters and military aircraft were destroyed on the ground. later fighters bombarded the airport runways and all the logistics centers of egyptian airports . all this happened in less than 3 hours. radio
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cairo broadcast the news of the war in a completely reversed and triumphant way in favor of egypt. the people of egypt and the arab world took to the streets after hearing this news they came to celebrate this great victory. due to the destruction of egypt's telecommunication network and radars , news was transmitted only through radio. therefore , syria and jordan, without knowing the real scene of the war , started their aerial attacks towards israel.
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it didn't matter, it didn't matter, it didn't matter, it didn't matter
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, it didn't matter. it didn't make a difference, it made a difference. yes, it made a difference to give light to our countrymen with optimal energy consumption. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. peace be upon you , dear viewers. at five in the morning, different countries reported the attack of the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria, in which several people were martyred. the ministry of foreign affairs of russia announced that israel's hostile actions are not acceptable in any way.


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