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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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thank you very much for your company. have a nice day . god bless you. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most respected viewers, hello, good morning, welcome to the news of the stock market . the managing director of tavanir company said that if the industry and administrative bodies cannot build the renewable power plant they need, they can purchase electricity through the green board of the stock market. according to
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the law, administrative and government agencies must supply 5% of their electricity needs from new energies this year. currently, about 1,200 megawatts of renewable energy, i.e. renewable power plants , have been allocated in the country. about 2% of the total they can provide the electricity consumption of the country. it is predicted that these will accelerate. but in what way? according to article 16 of the production law, it is predicted that 5% of the energy industry's electricity consumption for the country will be provided through renewable energies, and that will increase by 1% annually, that is, in 1402 , they will receive their own energy from renewable sources. they are repairing the year 1403, this number becomes smoke . it is also a task in the departments and organizations sector , which is also predicted to be able to provide 5% of their electricity needs from renewable energies in 1403. stock market in five days
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this year's work had a total return of more than 3%. the total capital market index reached 2 million 261 thousand units from the range of 2 million 195 thousand units on the last working day of last year with a 3% positive return on april 11. in these few days, the equal weight index had a positive return of more than 3.7 percent and increased from 742,000 units on march 28 last year to 770,000 units. the secretary of the jurisprudence committee of the stock exchange organization announced the development of financing bonds from the place of adding callability this year. mr. pire said that with these bonds , companies can finance themselves from the mechanism dealing with profit fluctuations. according to pireh, callable bonds are now used in global stock exchanges. and
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it is a new fiscal tool in iran's capital market. the secretary of the jurisprudential committee of the stock exchange organization also introduced the issuance of preemptive bonds with rights and benefits as another program of the stock exchange organization this year . according to mr. pire, by using the capacity of these bonds, companies whose products are services can be financed. the share of the capital market in financing the economy from 3% at the beginning. it arrived at the end of this decade. however , most of the financing of companies in iran is still through the banking system is done. financing of 600 thousand billion tomans in the capital market. this is the last statistic announced by the ministry of economy in this regard . a number that aims to deepen the market and contribute to the rate of capital formation in the country. our financial resources should
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be able to be influenced by the actual economic conditions. one of the places that literally reflects this effectiveness is the capital market. according to statistics, the share of the capital market from equipping financial resources and directing them to productive sectors reaches about 12%, and this means that banks are still in the forefront of providing are the liquidity of companies. you don't see the relationship between risk and return in the market, in such a way that the opportunity cost that exists for high-yielding projects exists for low-yielding projects, practically all of them have a single yield rate and that is the mandated rate announced by the central bank. in fact, it can be done, there are not few markets that had this transparency and formality can appear in the role of financing economic enterprises, but they have been neglected in this cycle. an example is the insurance industry, the sources that can.
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to be used for life and life insurance plans it is because sustainable resources are collected in these plans by insurance companies. we can do a very good matching and inject the resources of these types of funds into economic centers through debt securities. but creating proportionality in the financing of economic centers requires a model that involves all sectors of the monetary and financial markets . introduce life insurance as a financing tool, and the project with a special label under the name of project fund, not project funds. for this project fund. let's define special insurance policies and sell this tool to people it is possible not to criticize, members of the community will be attracted to the project, the project will be spent, the project will become a burden, three financial statements will come out of it, which we can hand over to the stock market, financing through the capital market is a solution for
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managing investment risk and increasing transparency in bongah, ghazal arab gol news agency. according to mr. sadeghi, the director of sed and sima, the necessary solutions for providing building materials for the national housing supply plan were presented to the following organizations through the commodity exchange , and in march of last year, 90,000 tons of rebar products were traded to provide the national housing supply. sadeghi added that all 74 cement producing companies in the country accepted in the commodity exchange and transactions. these companies are being traded weekly in the stock market. according to sadeghi, the executive order of the predecessor of the building standard has also been amended and is awaiting the approval of the board of directors of the inspection organization. 20% increase in the global price of gold in 1402. this
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price increase has happened in a situation where producers also increased the supply of gold. the chart. the world gold price increased in 1402 . what happened to gold in the global arena was that it could experience an almost 20% price increase until today. this is while the supply of gold compared to 141, it has increased by 25% . it means that the amount of demand for gold was so much higher that he was able to take the same supply and increase the price. experts increased the purchase and storage of gold. on behalf of the central bank of china and other central banks of the world , they consider it the most important reason for the increase in the demand and price of gold. the next thing is the debt of the united states, which has almost reached the limit of 33 trillion dollars. this high number and its growth has caused the dollar to weaken and
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investors turn to safe assets such as gold to preserve the value of their currency. the conservative policies of the american federal reserve are also affecting the price of gold there was no effect. investors who have money in bonds and banks decide to take their money out of bonds and banks and go to an asset for investment that is a safe asset. as experts say, the emergence of various political conflicts and events in the world also increased the demand for gold. and because we had chaos, investors all over the world decided to have a safe investment and this itself caused the price of gold to rise. saeed sarkan of the sed and sima news agency , head of the department for monitoring the issuance and registration of debt securities the stock exchange organization said that last year, the financing of manufacturing plants increased by 36% with the issuance of debt securities. mr. sheshan said: by providing liquidity
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to production units through the market, production boom, financial resource management, economic productive activities, and inflation reduction were helped. cheshan also said, last year the first time the papers. it was published in order to provide public benefit and stock exchange bonds to support the stock market. according to cheshan, this year , the recipes for the issuance of consolidated debt bonds and the backing contracts for bond issuance will be made through a pure electronic system. thank you for your companion
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, iranian coach sharaf iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings and have a good time. dear viewers , we are proud to serve you with another higher program . one of the institutions and service centers that we may directly or indirectly
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work with are kindergartens and kindergartens . as you know, kindergartens were managed by the welfare organization, but later the ministry of education also entered into this issue. he established kindergartens. later, different organizations and institutions also established kindergartens based on the necessity and services they wanted for their human forces. making this issue is pure. for this purpose , it was decided to establish a national center for child education under the ministry of education , and to entrust the administration and management of kindergartens to this national center , but this issue has supporters and opponents . experts will debate whether the management of kindergartens will be transferred to
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education. if we want to start , which one of the dignitaries would you please tell me , mr. nejad? we have them, and in your opinion, the conditions are they well and are they in a favorable condition or not? in the name of god , whose name is the comforter of hearts. dear muhammadians and viewers, i agree with the formation of the national child education and training organization for
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some reasons, but the current process and the current speed of the policies that are being implemented, in fact, i consider these to be insufficient. if this situation continues, perhaps the same achievements we were already about to lose, isn't that right, mr. mohammadian, do you think the current conditions are favorable or not, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. hello, i am serving you dear guest of arjund, mr. khaleghinejad , respected colleagues and dear viewers, you see, the formation of the organization was a process that was the result of perhaps more than 20 or 30 years of action by activists in the field of children, and i think we should discuss this issue tonight. no, and after 30 months have passed since the establishment of the national child education and training organization, the expectations, in fact
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, especially for the founders of these centers, have been much higher than their previous situation. ok please basically mr. khaliqnejad created kindergartens in the education system of children. you know it's important because they believe that for a while, i think it was a cultural issue that people who are working or for some reason cannot take care of their children themselves, sent them to daycare, but now they say even if the mother is not actually working. and there is nothing to do because of the educational discussion, he must send his child to kindergarten for a period. i think you asked a very important question, because behind this question, in fact, to answer this question. many researches have been done and in fact
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the events of these research findings show that when we invest one dollar on our pre-school children, that is zero to 7 years, some countries 8 years, 16 dollars, our investment is actually returned. the next point is that from the year 1965 studies conducted on children who live in privileged schools , such as the headstat study or the head start program in the united states, show that effective interventions in the field of healthy nutrition are actually carried out on children.
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therefore, it is very important that this field is actually looked at seriously. you since 2000 if you want to look at the international developments that are taking place, i will actually present two of the international reports, two of the international findings, which in some countries, if it is seen, the organization of my colleagues in development cooperation. economic for children aged 0 to 2 years has reached 60% in some countries. for children aged 0 to 2 years, they provide care coverage
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. countries, governments provide financial support for children aged 3 to 6 years, because in fact, educational discussions are very popular. it is possible to reach 100 in some countries, but why , what does it mean, mr. doctor, in fact, educational coverage the educational coverage of children in kindergarten centers has reached 100, that is, children from three to six years old are actually in their kindergarten centers or in fact in their pre-primary centers. the next point is about the amount of financial investment that happens in countries, for example, the economic development cooperation organization in the reports that were recently published between the years 2020 and 2023, which i was studying, now the amount of
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investment from gddp gdp to 8 it has reached 10%, which means that if we convert this to the country's gdp published by the world bank and the report i recently presented, which is close to 388 billion, in iran, we need more than 3 billion dollars in the field of our lab should invest for 0 to 6 years . how much is it now? it is 3 million dollars. it means that the situation is very far from the optimal level. the current situation is far from the optimal situation . it is less, in fact, you have 3 billion dollars, we have 3 million dollars. it was a tome, actually our rial, which in fact our general approved budget is more than 2 thousand
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, now it is 200 hemat. if we want to convert it, it will be 16 dams. the closet shows that in fact the amount of investment that happened in the pre-primary school area is due to the fact that the government was not able to invest well. it should be accepted or not, and maybe in fact the role of the policy makers and the change in this event that this decision has been made. it becomes necessary . if you allow us to go to mr. mr. doctor , do you agree with mr. halnejad's words in this regard that we did not invest as much as we should have, although it seems to me that, as i said, a part of this cost actually maybe the people themselves pay to private and non-profit kindergartens and this means the financial turnover of this industry
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. at that time, children's coverage. pre-school education by kindergartens reaches 20%, well, nearly 15 thousand kindergartens have active licenses. being part of the country's welfare organization is a challenge that we may have . many centers work in the field of children, but
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they are not kindergartens, but i actually thought that the person we wanted to use those services was also a kindergarten, maybe because of that sign. i didn't pay attention to the issue of that license to the parliament that issued it. at one point, 14 governmental institutions in the field of children, pre-primary children or preschool children entered and operated. in fact, in a way, we had a parallel work, along with other institutions, an institution in the form of talent search, an institution in the form of creativity, an institution in the form of a story, an institution in the form of a game, and finally , in a research that was conducted for the conference of preschool education at the university of welfare sciences in the decade 90 was done. this reached 22 institutions and these are also
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active in the field of childhood in our country, but those who claim to be licensed are not more than that. the welfare organization says that i am the guardian of my kindergarten. these two overlap the age group, actually 5 to 6. having four to five as the first priority and four to five as the second priority, of course, sometimes i saw that some of them have two of them at all, how are they both kindergarten and preschool? well, during the time of our prosperity , we could accept zero to six, or we used to say in some way. from bad to birth, of course, if there was no end of six months or later, the end of 9 months, we could have admission. be in the three levels of the new baby until entering the primary school. well, when the preschool education itself is entered, the preschool is mine, and
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i am the only authority for issuing the preschool license. at some point, even between welfare and education, a memorandum of understanding was actually concluded that this work should be done automatically from the beginning. providing welfare means a welfare organization , what is the relationship between raising, educating, educating, and actually entrusting the children to the kindergartens? look at this, mr. khali nejad, who can do research in this field better than me. the response of the body before the revolution, one of the programs of the iranian women's organization was actually the development of kindergartens in the welfare programs for women and families in iran. it was considered that after the revolution, according to the resolution of the revolutionary council, 16 and 17 of these organizations were claimed as institutions, and the
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welfare organization was born from these claims. one of these that was claimed was the iranian women's organization. according to the nature of the activities that he was doing, he was transferred to the newly born organization. the first mosque is actually ayn naam. that is, at that time, there was a two-page regulation for child care, in fact , it was compiled and implemented, and this continued in this way. it was closed due to the circumstances of the budget , their employment line was removed, the kindergartens were closed , but in that.
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having created a shelter in those conditions , they cared for the people's children who were needed , taught them with claws and teeth, and maintained the position after the war , after the non-governmental school organization somehow it slowly started to turn back, or let's say, after the number of children actually increased, there were changes. now, there was a period when it increased , and then there was a period in kemer schools, exactly in a way that the customers of kindergartens or the target community of kindergartens were taken away from it. it was supposed to be during the third program. development of preschool coverage in iran, until the end of the third development plan , iran should
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be provided with welfare and education. with this goal-setting , development is the middle of the work. in the 1980s, we faced a drop in children. the existing child, mr. doctor , ask me a short question, if you answer, then we will go to the service of mr. khaliqnejad, now with the situation that management and policy making are limited. leave the work to this center under the ministry of education and see if you agree or not. continuing my previous conversation , i will come to this. in fact, if you allow me, in the year say that if you agree, if not, the current situation is very far from the ideal, then you disagree with the current situation in our discussions. do you agree or disagree? i agree that this organization is actually
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a national organization. we have no evidence about the quality of our structural factors, our kindergarten teachers, our kindergarten managers, our kindergarten environment, the interactions that happened in our pre-school centers, our kindergartens, the effects of these trainings. there was no documentary, which means that we were facing a crisis of transparency. khalechi nejad, my request is this . when you are bringing it up, see, only you say it. according to the law, the kindergarten was a welfare center, but the case you mentioned includes all the activists in the field of children in this group. this.
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not working in such a way, having certain conditions, having choices , having training, that is , there was a plan for each of them, not having arrived overnight, in fact , having quality. is there any evidence that, for example , former kindergarten teachers, the well-being of the training that was offered there actually had positive effects. proposition it's okay, you have evidence that i didn't see , i'm working in the pre-primary school, but the problem is actually the organization. the problem was that the institutions that did not actually exist in this market, which was created to be a trustee to carry out the governance on a macro level , had turned into a market and different institutions of the ministry of different houses each came. they make policies for themselves. this policy is against justice because it wastes resources because we don't know what happened to the children of this country in the past.
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now the reason is that we decided to give to this organization and this organization was against education because many actors had come , it was a bit chaotic. i say, well, if one person was to be in charge, then it would be zidi. why
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was zisi opposed? why was zisi opposed? well-being is not the job of children's education at all. if you actually look at these new reports, the important part that should be seriously invested is the education of children. this is actually our pre-primary daycare centers or kindergartens or before actually kindergartens, these are their products should be mentioned in our education and another issue that is actually being discussed for me now, in addition to these issues that existed, these are disadvantaged children who do not receive pre- school education. in the past market, the poor got poorer and the rich got richer because, in fact, for the wealthy families , it was a luxury for their children to go to kindergarten
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