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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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we are entering a very serious period of prosperity. the statistics of foreign investment also confirm the indicators of economic growth, so that in 1402, the record of attracting real foreign investment in iran's economy was broken. in the last 16 years, a total of 318 foreign investment plans and projects with a value of over 5.5 billion dollars were made. announce their official registration and start real investment. the deputy representative of russia in the united nations announced that an emergency meeting of the united nations security council will be held today to investigate the zionist regime's attack on the iranian consulate in syria. following the crime of the zionist regime, the ambassador and deputy representative of iran in united nations by sending a letter to the president of the security council and the secretary general of the united nations.
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he demanded the conviction of this crime. in this letter, while requesting a meeting of the security council, it is emphasized that the security council should condemn the criminal action of the zionist regime in martyring senior military advisors and completely destroying iran's diplomatic facilities. the deputy representative of iran in the united nations has emphasized the islamic republic of iran's legitimate and inherent right based on international laws and the united nations charter to respond decisively to this type of attack. terrorist acts are protected. islamic resistance of iraq from drone attack reported to a military base in occupied palestine. iraqi islamic resistance forces targeted the zionist regime's tele nouf air base in the occupied territories with an aerial attack this morning. this group emphasized in order to complete the second phase of the anti-occupation operation and support the people of gaza and in response to the continuation of the crimes of the zionist regime.
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it will continue to crush enemy positions. in the midst of war and conflict with the occupying forces of the zionist regime, the people of gaza cling to the quran. qur'an memorization and recitation circles are held in tents and children are memorizing and reciting the qur'an next to adults are busy in the middle of rubble and destruction.
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in the ruins, they give good news to the patient by reciting verses from the word of god. they ease the hardships of injury by reciting the qur'an. in the operating room, during surgery, in the absence of anesthesia , they pray to the quran. in the name of god. this is a father on the body of his martyred son.
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also near the ruins of the mosque that has not been closed, similar to the meeting of memorizing the holy quran, where the palestinian children are reciting and memorizing surah falaq , it is the dawn of the holy month of ramadan, the sound of the quran, the prayer is echoing in the air, this is exactly the moment of breaking the fast, under the fire of bombs and rockets. ruined
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south from firing a medium-range missile from north korea the sea side reported. this ballistic missile has traveled a distance of 650 km with an altitude of 100 km. japan and america experiment. they condemned north korea's missile launch . the ballistic missile launch comes 15 days after north korean leader kim jong-un oversaw a live-fire exercise of the country's multiple rocket launchers. pyongyang has announced the reason for the expansion of its missile tests is the increase in joint exercises between south korea, the united states, and japan in the region. in the recent us-south korea exercise , the number of participating troops was doubled compared to previous years. pyongyang in he described the drills as a kind of training for an invasion of north korea. ukraine announced the installation of anti-tank barriers near the country's capital. the head
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of the military administration of kiev province said: 10,000 pieces of concrete pyramids known as dragon's teeth were installed in this province and an anti-tank ditch was also built. two years ago, at the beginning of the war, russian forces managed to advance to kiev and besiege the capital, but in the later stages, they retreated to the eastern regions of ukraine. kiev province is located in the center of ukraine and is more than 600 km away from the frontline of the battle with russia. some media cause the installation of anti-barriers the tank near the capital of ukraine is the concern of the country's authorities about the increase in russian attacks and the inability to preserve materials. some media also considered this action as part of the puzzle of the president of ukraine to receive more support from the west. three days ago, vladimir zelensky said that if the us does not support kiev, ukraine will be forced to withdraw gradually. the approval of
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ukraine's 60 billion dollar budget has been stopped for about 5 months due to internal disputes in america. and the most successful nowruz show after corona in cinemas was nowruz show movies cinemas across the country were able to attract 1,335,000 viewers and 86,670,000 tomans in sales compared to last year's nowruz , experiencing a 12% increase in audience and a 118% increase in the box office . have had the most sales. thank you very much for your support. have a nice day . god bless you. eleanor
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allahu akbar. allah is great, god is great , i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . hail ali al-falah, hail ali al-falah, hail ali khair al-alam
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, hail ali ali khair al-alam , god is great
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, o god, open for me the doors of his grace and send down upon him blessings and success. meaning in it for the sake of your diseases and dwell in it with the presence of the jinn or the answerer of the arguments of the muzatalin.
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the burden of trust is left on your shoulders , stand up, stand in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row , the first row we do. we hope that the discussion
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presented in this program will be of use to you. image that some back alleys the narrow and narrow south of the city shows, apart from the observation of worn and ineffective areas, it also brings with it a sense of sleepiness and possible dangers caused by the debris of these worn-out buildings. it is a very important issue that the government has for many years by providing incentive packages in their regeneration. in the meantime, the people welcomed the renovation incentive packages , and on the other hand, neglecting some of the incentives for worn-out structures has caused the complaints of the builders and the people. honorable deputy minister of roads and urban development, managing director city regeneration company at your service , i say hello, you are very welcome. we are at your service in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, at the service of your excellency and the listeners and viewers
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. i offer greetings and congratulations on the new year, god willing, that the year 1403 will be a year full of good and blessings for all dear ones , god willing, if you agree, mr. doctor, a report from the beginning let's see and come back. i'm going to start a conversation . look, look more. it means that the houses are worn out , there is a lack of facilities, then the alleys are narrow . it is very difficult for the family. this alley is not a car. the narrow alleys are so narrow if god doesn't, something will happen, how can we help you? we have no way to escape. when the rain comes to the old house, it hits all the walls . it doesn't have a roof because it is not an engineer. they say that if they get support, they will rebuild the house. if the government gives us education, we are from god. give me an education. we don't have the money to fix this if the government gives me enough incentives.
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in order to encourage residents to renovate dilapidated houses , it announces 19 incentive packages after announcing the package. encouraging the process of renovation in fafeteh farsoudeh is gaining momentum with the support of municipalities. fortunately, we are now in the areas of worn tissues tehran, we are witnessing a serious leap in the renovation of worn-out tissues. the builders also say about the improvement of the working conditions compared to the previous years: we had a lot of encouragement this year , i came a lot. this year, i got more than 5 or 6 projects. we were
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doing municipal work and renovation with one or two projects, despite the improvement of the conditions, but the builders demanded to accelerate the renovation in the worn fabric. the rest of the construction experts in the dilapidated context due to the existence of infrastructure services cost less to the government and people assume. safety against natural disasters and the beautification of the city's face is one of the other benefits of renovation for worn-out buildings. mohammad mastouri of sed and cima news agency. mr. dr. ayeni, honorable deputy minister
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of roads and urban development and ceo of urban market development company , we have in the country now, and how many percent of the cities in iran are in dilapidated structures, so before i present the latest statistics, we are actually dealing with 3 phenomena in the field of regeneration. we are faced with the poor and the poor. the first is poor housing, poor in the sense that the roofs that are over people's heads are shaky roofs, if god forbid. earthquake. if an extraordinary accident happens , the debris will fall on the heads of the residents, which, unfortunately , there is a significant number in the country . we are infrastructure and superstructure services, especially in informal or
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marginal settlements, and the next phenomenon is that due to the informality of some of this meaning. we have a historical context that unfortunately there are more than 2 million 700 thousand unstable buildings in these areas and nearly 24 million people live in these areas, in other words now, we are facing a 20 % area of ​​the urban area and about a third of the urban population who live in these areas, and
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the annual construction of 200,000 residential units in the urban fabric has been realized this year. we actually started a series of basic measures in the 13th government in order to make a serious change now, in spite of all the problems that exist or the lack of facilities and resources that exist, with one glance we can make a leap and this cannot be done unless we let's build the people, it means to bring the people to work, the residents themselves, the owners themselves, and so on builders who work in the private sector and the non-governmental sector, therefore, popularization was in our strategic policy, but for this to happen, a good thing that happened in this government was that the national document for empowering and organizing informal settlements reached the image of the government. which is actually a starting point for a series of new measures and a series of new views and our new approaches in the
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national document of empowerment and informal housing system with new words called urban affordability housing gradual social housing affordability which these are official in fact, find and during the program seventh, god willing, in fact, worthy actions have taken place in the implementation of this document, and god willing, soon this document will be unveiled with the presence of the president in the meeting of the national headquarters and urban development, god willing , the next basic action that happened in the direction of our popularization due to the recognition of the right that we found the people from the field in order to get the basis of work , the people are the same components that i actually mentioned, from the owners themselves to the builders and investors , because of the low income of the people of these areas and on the other hand, because of the lack of desire among there are builders and investors to be present in these areas the government made the assumption that it can be used in different ways in different ways, just as the supreme leader had actually emphasized that
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investors should participate in different ways to express the dilapidated fabric in these neighborhoods, especially in tehran, which he had said that sometimes sometimes i go to these neighborhoods in the south of tehran city, i'm visiting. really, the neighborhood is not a neighborhood, the alley is not an alley, neither a car can go , nor an ambulance can go, nor an emergency can go. the house, which is not a house, is collapsing, but it is not expedient, or there is no ability at all , for the government to intervene directly or the way for municipalities to intervene directly is to actually encourage builders and investors in various ways to build strong houses that are both accessible and in some way appropriate to the spirit and culture of the islamic iranian people . in this government , we put this in our work and entered into the incentive packages. in fact, we designed different ones in different fields, and now we had conversations with each other in our previous meetings. today , we want to present the results of this package to you. we also have an encouraging discussion in the administrative field.
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they have the right and i am saying this here that they must demand this right to benefit from the license with at least 500 discount and the municipalities are allowed to give up to 100 discount and on the other hand, fortunately , with the follow-up and in the seventh plan, it will be done quickly. it has come that now the municipalities are obliged to issue permits for a maximum of 3 months during the seventh plan , so a legal support was actually found for this, and if this is not done, it can be legally pursued in the financial field of various incentive packages. various banking studies have been seen for worn tissues in worn tissues they can use the corrections of the national ratio of housing , they can also use the special line of worn-out fabrics .
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we are in total, the record of issuing permits in dilapidated structures hit the record of the last 10 years, and it was actually able to be rejected, and until now, as
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we are talking to each other, more than 248,000 housing development permits have actually been issued in these structures. now, the honorable minister, mr. dr. bespash , i tasked us to reach 240,000 by the end of the year, which fortunately we passed this 2,400, and this is fortunately a jump in the issuance of licenses or in some way as the start of renovation operations in the fabric. out of these 248,000, about 82,000 units have been put into operation and have been sold to the housing market. 200,000 were done in 14 of us , what we saw in the program for ourselves during 4 years. the government out of a total of 4 million units that are in the heart of the nation, first of all, a good thing happened with the support of the honorable minister, mr. basbash, as well as
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the excellent housing and the president's emphasis on some kind of housing production in worn-out structures is part of the ratio program. it was placed nationally and a part of the national ratio program was realized in the form of housing production in the worn-out structures of benas , which was 150,000 per year, and it was actually predicted , that is, 600,000 over the course of 4 years, of course, the program was announced from the end of november. 1400 and so far we have achieved more than 71, that is, 250 thousand compared to about 350 thousand that we should have achieved so far and in the urban sector compared to the national alhamdulillah, we can say that the worn-out fabric is actually the leader, especially in the sector the urban housing component is actually with a higher percentage of cracks , that is, about 71% of the renovation operations
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have been completed in the form of the national program. and as i said, so far about 82,000 of my units have been put into operation and put on the market, and if we move forward at this rate, you can see how long it will take. now there is a chart that, god willing, friends can show during the last one month, that is, from february. in order to reach that plan against al-qaeda , we must issue 1250 units per month in the tissues , which means that the renovation operation in these tissues should start. very good, from the beginning of bahman to march , we actually issued 22 thousand units , that is, almost twice what we expected, on average , we are now compensating for some past delays , that is, this acceleration. as of june , parwan's statistics have been 155,000 and will reach 157,000 in july, and with the current rate of 9%
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, it shows that in fact. now, let's talk about the historical context or the discussion of the pen, the development of the public domain, and other discussions, but in this government, we have already said that what is important, john. people, this laziness of larreza should not be a disaster for the lives of our compatriots and our fellow citizens in these contexts, so we put this in the first place, that is, the main thing is to encourage us in the direction of housing renovation so that the lives of our compatriots in these limits are actually freed from danger. also, an additional housing
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is produced, which is in the form of a ratio. it should be available in the housing market. fortunately, this acceleration actually shows that next year, what we have planned for ourselves is above 150,000 , that is, the highest record we had in the 10th government was 353,000 units, which so far we have 250,000. until the 100,000 has been achieved now, it must be achieved, that record will be set, that is, among all the previous governments in the field of fabric renovation and the start of renovation of residential units, alhamdulillah, next year, maybe we will set this record.
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for example, which urban block has the highest percentage of instability, if we can actually remove and renovate our unstable building with 300,000 units , we will check it below 50% in almost these blocks of our city, that is , we will reach the ideal 1% when in an urban block if more than 50% is renovated, it means that block has actually found its own renovation path, which is critical for us we need to renovate another 300,000 units of unstable buildings in some way, and if nearly one million more units are renovated, we can be a little bit more at ease about the dangers that exist in the dilapidated structure . even though i am doing occasional service in this way in the annual plan, we have a worn-out structure at the beginning , the process is slow, but with my help, the obstacles
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will be removed, it will pick up more speed. another chart i want actually to dear ones, in fact, let me show you that it is encouraging discussions. that is, the package that has a much more serious effect than the packages, which even the research shows, this package is descriptive. in the discussion of constructive description, it says that if you arrive at the end of the installation, if you combine four to 50 meters of rizdan together. he recommends 200 meters , you will be given one incentive floor, if you translate one block together , you will be given two incentive floors, the most effective.


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