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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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we saw the report together, if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this debate , watch us on the news network, please , thank you. let me start with the question, what is the reason for your opposition to the increase in the number of free zones? in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my courtesy and respect to your colleagues, as well as the dear viewers, and my condolences on the anniversary of the passing away of the amir , peace be upon him. i wish to accept the prayers and prayers of all dear iranians and respected viewers. if the country and
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the sovereignty and governance to the requirements of the creation of free zones and the conditions for achieving success in the goals of these zones should be provided. naturally, i am one of those who succeeded in creating free zones, but considering that there is now one new free zone that was announced last year and in the last one or two years. the reason for their establishment is that we actually need the physical infrastructure of these areas in the field of infrastructure affairs, as well as the infrastructure related to transportation and access in different land, air or rail modes according to their needs or sea. create so that we can fit the businesses defined for these areas of the container. these are for
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helping to strengthen the national economy and its connection with the international and regional economy, as well as achieve the effects of creating regional development and regional balance, and until this happens , naturally, it is the responsibility of the government and the executive branch to impose it is considered a bad thing to do because i i believe that these 18 freedom zones that we currently have have been approved , and we should implement them to achieve their goals, the main goal of which is to strengthen the national economy. if there is an opportunity in other parts of the country and the requirements of the country's capacities, as well as using the
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capacity of domestic and foreign investments to create a free zone, even in a private way , naturally, the country will definitely use this legal regime. ad, there were 500 free and special economic zones in the world in 206, this number of 500 zones reached 300,500 zones in 2018. in fact, 5,400 zones have been approved to be established in the world, according to the report of one of the international consultants in the field of free zones and there are currently 4,921 economic special zones our activities and about 750 regions are under construction, and probably our 10 new regions are included in this number. the issue of using this mechanism
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is accepted by the economic development system in the world. in the countries of our region, saudi arabia has already launched 4 new free zones in 2023, and by the way , the strategy they are giving for the development of these zones is an exercise to realize the 2030 vision of saudi arabia. like the country i saw in the criticism of some experts that they say that in developed countries they do not pay attention to the issue of free or special economic zones, but right now in the country england approved 8 countries as special economic zones as one of the program strategies under the title of the british national economy promotion program , or in italy, as well as a number of their own ports as zones. declaring a special economic zone and
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seeking to make these 8 special regions a single fabric and the single management means that the good effects of this mechanism will be provided to the countries. there is no doubt about it, provided that we provide the requirements for this. if you give me a chance, i will tell you the requirements for success, what are the things that are involved for us to achieve the goals and successes of mr. kayani , why do you say that the number of free zones should increase , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most
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merciful ? iran in damascus regarding the issue. regarding the question you asked, i would like to be allowed to say that with the part of mr. abdul rahimi's speech where he said that the requirements for the establishment of free zones should be met, i agree with this matter, and with the requirements for the establishment of free zones, i agree with the increase. and approval that experience has shown in our country. it is long and if a region has the requirements to establish a free zone and wants to create a map in the national economy , it wants to develop, why
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should we take this opportunity away from it? i want to point out that our issue is not the number and quantity of these things, is it a problem , no, it is not a problem. are our regions now less than many other countries? i saw documents in turkey, i think there are 21 free regions they have our neighbors or countries like china and india have too many freedom zones. are we less than them? do we have a problem? the issue is that we should be able to identify the great goals that we have for the establishment of free zones in that geographical point of our country and give it this opportunity , taking into account the fact that, finally, in the law on how to manage the free zones of iran, article 1
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provides some goals. this is the reason that every place in the region will be freed, the civil development will be helped to complete the infrastructure there, and this is an opportunity for the so-called different places in our country. by obtaining this title and the laws that are included for them according to the region's liberation, they can actually develop their own region, and also in our national economy and, god willing, in the future, with the improvement of our international economic situation, they can also create plans in the international sphere, especially this the issue on the borders of the islamic republic of iran can have a very useful effect in the interaction with the neighboring countries . a point that is always raised is a proposition that
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is criticized for its expansion or function . instead of being a place for exports, it has become a gateway the import now is that the topic of smuggling and so on will be brought up. well, do you agree that you should see this, not every pair or just one, it needs to be explained. i think this issue of import and import gate, which we see now in the media and even in many elites , that is it brought up or is it due to ignorance of the issue, lack of knowledge about the issue, or is it god forbid that it is left that it has been decided that the free zones of iran will not succeed in the international arena, you see , if we want to talk with numbers and figures, the import free zones have a specific number, this is a share. from the country's imports, it means whether there was a free zone there or not
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imports were taking place there . what is the trade balance of the free zone? the demand trade balance has been positive in the last two years, especially in the 13th government. how much , if you allow me to read the number from the method, i am not mistaken , exports, if i am not mistaken, the number of dubai house is 972 million euros, imports. the 13th government in interacting with neighboring countries and increasing exports was actually an important step in this matter . the point that was in your question, i wanted to address it more, is that sometimes the imports of the whole country, which occurs from these sources, are
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mistakenly import of free zones , we should import free zones and what equipment it is raw materials for production in the independent free zone . let's consider my export as such, not the export of the number that we announced is the production export of the region itself . they are the gateways of the country and they can play a role in the issue of domestic production exports . now, in the next section, i will ask you about smuggling , mr. abdul rahimi , please give your opinion regarding import and export. i do not accept that i am the responsibility of one of the free zones. which is the largest free zone
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i was in charge of the country for about 3 and a half years. such a statement is not true at all . the collection of these statements must be based on facts and figures , which fortunately is not the case. the mako free zone is located and it was the main import and export gate of the country before the free zone, and traditionally, the country's imports from europe and turkey were imported from that border, which was carried to the importing country . now, it is included in the free zone. let's register or report that border under the name of free zones it is not correct, but my exports are the same, and today we have numbers of billions and tens of billions of dollars of trade exchange for the country from that border. therefore, for the free zone, if we want
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to divide, what is the purpose of the import of the free zones, the first is the raw materials of machines and parts. there is also a similar spare part that is suitable for production according to the businesses that take advantage of the geographical location of our regions. every business there needs raw material machinery that does not face external restrictions. at that time, we had 2 billion dollars in imports the production of the major share of 1 billion and 300 million dollars
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was done for production and in fact re-exporting, in contrast, there was an export of about 1 billion and 250 million dollars . do you know that the law on the use of free goods for passengers has actually been secured for our free zones and this is a strong point for the country that we think that if we develop tourism in areas that now have the capacity to do this, such as kish free zone, where the main carbines or the main business is the field of tourism is in different areas, and now ars azad area as well as anzali, these are a share of the departure of iranian tourists. they can allocate the foreign goods to themselves and how can we allow a passenger who
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went abroad to turkey, spent our currency, took currency out and came inside the country to use the exemption of the goods carried by a passenger and inside the country from the region azad kish wants to travel and bring goods with him from there, we can see a negative thing, from this point of view , the amount of imported collection that can be there seems to be no figure at all. let's say that it is an import gateway, but in the area of ​​export capacity, as one of the former secretaries of my supreme council, atghazat, also mentioned in your report, if we can meet the requirements for the success of these regions, i wanted to mention this, and it is an important issue that one one of them is macroeconomic stability and no change in the macroeconomic environment. if the conditions are met, the infrastructure of the free zones that
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we approved now will be ready for their establishment and activities, and their infrastructure and access and transportation will be provided. institutional infrastructure, regulatory laws that we have for our free zones we established in order to summon you and the viewers, especially the parliament and the honorable government. the incentives of the law of these institutional infrastructures are one of the platform builders to attract investment. this year is the year of production leap. production requires investment or development in existing investments. this is necessary. it is to create incentives in the free zones according to article 13 of the law , we have seen 20 years of tax exemption for the economic activities of the organizations of the free zones. similarly, article 14 of the law on how to administer the export and import free zones of these zones is exempted from the regulations of the territory. in accordance with article 65 of the law on permanent
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decrees of the development programs of the country for the year 2015, he has also exempted him from any customs duties. import and export, for this reason, if we follow this incentive and these things and the government does not ensure the rules of the mainland, in addition to these infrastructures , our physical infrastructures will be ready , there will be an easier business environment in the free areas, the management of this is one fabric. regions are one of the challenges and obstacles , that is, we say why our exports are not as much as they should be, and it is true, because we could not regulate these general conditions specifically. let's manage a single fabric, stable management , professional management, frequent changes in the management of organizations of free zones is due to the lack of professionalism in management, and sometimes with the change of a secretary of the supreme council, all these regions are subject to change, and
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we also have a strong coordinating structure in we don't have the level of government and sovereignty for free areas. this is also one of the requirements for success that if we provide these, the exports resulting from the production that will be obtained from foreign and domestic investments will also be numbers that the legislator's goal from the general policies of the first plan can help us. to that end, thank you mr. kayani, tell me how much you agree with the statement that there is no uniform management in free zones. all regions report or create expectations . well, when we talk about kish, the
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beautiful island of kish, it is clear that the main issue is its competitive situation there. one of our discussions is the management of a fabric. the management of a fabric is different from instability. the management of a fabric is that we created these free zones in order to improve the business environment and the ease of doing business compared to the mainland, one of
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the requirements. this is the work of the unit coordinator in the regions and the free zone is what i mean in the old days, article 27 of the law on how to administer free zones is actually one of the amendments to the law on how to administer free zones, which in 1975, after the experience of creating free zones , 3 years after the law, it was felt that we need this management coordination and article 27 , article 35 of the law of the fourth plan , clause a, emphasized the integrity of management . and he emphasized the transfer of duties, responsibilities and powers of all executive bodies to the regional managers, which was stated again in the law of the permanent sentence program. development plans. article 65 of which states, however , the various national institutions must actually comply with this legal obligation and
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allow the requirements of the standards related to the various institutions to be determined by the free zone organization itself . you may want to give an example in the field of the ministry of interior for the selection of governors. it is done without the coordination of the managers of the free zones, if in the same article 65 we say that the highest official of the government at the level of the free zone is the ceo of the zone, will the highest official be informed of a governorship election in whether it is a free zone or other organizations , the environmental organization is now applying its own powers , other organizations have their own standards, in fact, they apply only. if these tasks are transferred to the organizations of the free zones and under the coordination of the regional managers, this is a discrepancy. we
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are committed to fulfilling the standards, the requirements and regulations of the national institutions . the person who is committed to take care of compliance with these standards, the legislator said that the managing director of the free zone organization. go intercept them the integrity of the management is that the business environment is suitable for the investor, he comes to us, gets permission from us, wants to use the employment facilities, they go, and the national body that allocates the facilities to him says that you have to go and get your license from a certain national body. it causes a more unfavorable business environment, and in this direction, we should try to address this article 65. let's be serious, mr. president, i have emphasized this several times , but the various institutions must believe that aghazaman is the free zone of ars, that is, the ministry
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of agricultural jihad in the geographical area of ​​71,000 hectare there in other areas , see mr. kiyani, how many issues are there in the discussion of the issue of fragmentation, if it is a recent issue, which i stated correctly, i agree, this is a problem, and my problem is not from the last one or two years , it has been this since the establishment of the free zones. the discussion of the fragmentation of management in free zones, which is mentioned in paragraph a of article 27 of the law on how to administer free zones , it is also mentioned in paragraph a of article 65 of the permanent decrees of the development of the country. this is one of the old problems of free zones and it still exists, but i want this. let me tell you that we are going to tell you what our problems are we are going to check them in the free zones . you can look at the issue from another angle and
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what opportunities do we have for our work . in the past year and a half, instead of emphasizing on these issues, which sometimes even the government itself has differences, we have come to synergize and cooperate with our city managers, until we have a governor in a region . it is your person who communicates with the management there with your relations and these however, the requirement for the success of what we call the jebel ali free zone has become the jebel ali free zone, one person, one organization there. the place manages and is accountable to our government . these legal requirements must be met in connection with the management issue
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. it is the same in relation to the regulations of the free zones . today, the tax exemption of the free zones of our country is based on the 20-year law that permits the free areas of our neighboring countries are much higher than ours, however, we are now in charge of the field. our tax bill in the slave government to the parliament to amend the article of direct taxes, article 140 says that sir this 20 years since the establishment of the free zone means that if the currency free zone was established in 1982, it was established in 1983 , 10 years have passed today, if in jebel ali , someone who visits today, despite the fact that it has been 35 years since its establishment , he will be given a 50-year tax exemption. . turkey has a lifetime tax exemption for production, export-oriented logistics activities, we are exempt from value added tax in free zones based on article 52. to
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the limits of the free zones due to the restrictions on the country's international trade . what does the monotony of management in the field of other functions of free zones create obstacles in the way of opportunities that we should not miss now? right, mr. doctor, i agree, and despite all these problems , did we use them? i say no, the answer is no, why last year's performance. free zones are my words
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, all these problems were all these problems that you mentioned, according to mr. dr. abdul maliki, 180 blows have been made to this law, that this law, whether in the form of regulations or in the form of the laws of the parliament, the law of free zones has been hit, but with all these events we believe that it is possible to work in the areas and there are opportunities that we have not yet paid attention to . and that was the request of the government, the honorable president asked the secretary of the supreme council and it was defined in the form of the investment leap headquarters, and in fact the goal of investment was correctly chosen as a productive goal, and this is in addition to the correct portrayal of free zones. there was a need in the national and international arena, we took steps, it was broadcast, and alhamdulillah
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, we can report the results at the end of the year now, and i will share the numbers with you. the demand for investment in all free zones in 1402 reached a number of 656 hemats, which was a significant number compared to the previous periods, when more than 380 hemats were actually approved in all free zones. we had an estimate and out of this number, about 70 were approved, and now i have the numbers . i will continue to say that there may be a question as to how many of these have been realized. yes, in the previous period , for example, we checked 96 to 400
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. the establishment means that which actually came and was agreed upon. it was 17 efforts during the period of the 13th government, which started from 1400 until today. the number has reached 88 hemats in what has been realized in the previous 4-year period, it was 10 hemats , until today, less than three years after the wedding, it has reached 18. of course, these numbers are nominal. and we should talk about them and ask the honorable representatives of the parliament and actually the subordinate officials in the government to remove these obstacles, but the point is that we are facing the same obstacles and the same problems that we had in the free zones and the same problems that we had in the free zones.
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we are successful in investment discussions in the international arena. these wandering funds or funds that many of them were leaving the country and sometimes they go to different fields in the economy of the country and they become problematic. the decree of the year and the slogan of the year and in the discussion of the production jump , he said that we actually built the foundation and foundation of this production jump in the previous years 401 4002 as well as in the previous years and we hope that god willing we will be able to create a plan in the field of production and production jump in the free zones, thank you very much sir abdulrahimi you had that requirements.


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