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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers of the 16 o'clock news channel , together with my colleagues in the evening news group , we inform you that china called the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria a crossing of the red line. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of china also condemned yesterday's attack by the zionist regime, which led to the martyrdom of several military advisors of our country , and stressed: "the security of diplomatic places should not be compromised."
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be violated the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of jordan called the attack of the zionist regime a dangerous violation of international laws and said: according to the vienna agreement they have diplomatic responsibility. the russian foreign ministry also announced: israel's hostile actions are not acceptable in any way and must be stopped. egypt, venezuela, cuba, pakistan, iraq, qatar, oman, afghanistan, uae, saudi arabia. yemen and kuwait also considered this terrorist attack to be a violation of syrian sovereignty and incomplete stability and security in the region, as well as in clear contradiction with international laws and diplomatic standards. lebanon's hezbollah , yemen's ansarullah, iraq's hezbollah battalions, and the palestinian resistance groups in separate statements called the zionist regime's terrorist attack an attempt by this regime. to spread militancy and avoid defeat in the battle of justice. they knew and asked the international organizations
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to stop such actions of the zionists as soon as possible . the country's foreign trade of import and export totaled 153 billion and 170 million dollars in 1402. according to the head of customs, this amount has increased by 2.6% compared to 1401. in 1402 , we had about one billion dollar export of technical engineering services and about 300 million dollar export from luggage trade, which is a 90% growth compared to the previous year, so the total export of the country, including the export of 35 and 9 billion dollars worth of oil reaches 86 and 9 billion dollars, the import of the country during the same period actually. 64
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billion dollars of import of all goods and spare parts of basic goods to the country was 9 tenths of a billion dollars, we imported standard gold bullion last year, which brings the total import in the country to 66 billion dollars, according to mr. rezwanifer, china and the uae are one of the partners. they were the main commercial center of iran in 1402. our biggest trade destinations in 1402 were china with 13 and 9 billion dollars, iraq with 9 and uae with 6 and 6 tenths , turkey with 4 tenths of billions and india with 2 tenths. billion dollars, these five countries were the first export destinations of the country in terms of imported materials and our trading partners for importing uae with 28 billion dollars, china with 18 and a half billion.
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assigning the order of the first to fifth ranks to themselves. the start of the third phase of fajraneh electronic paper product project from the 18th of farvardin. at this stage , the beneficiaries of the plan can buy 11 items of basic goods at a total discount of 220 thousand tomans from fajraneh . in addition to 22,000 stores across the country, the services related to the product-on-electronic plan are also provided through two online stores. the first to seventh deciles of income are subject to the use of electronic goods plan. the third stage of electronic goods, which is in fajrran, and starts from the 18th of april, is the double subsidy of 220,000 tomans, which is given to households per person. discount on 11 caps. there are 11
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items of basic goods that people can get credit for each item by purchasing that item. the resources of this project have been provided for 3 months and we are on april 18. no, at the moment it is not clear whether the government will be able to provide its resources and we can continue this stage or whether it will be a new model, deputy center the statistics and information technology of the health insurance organization says that the prescription of metformin increased by 30% in 1402 compared to the same period . according to mr. habibi , the most expensive prescription drug last year was pen insulin , for which the health insurance paid an amount of 440 billion tomans. spent in general health policies, the implementation of
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clinical guidelines can prevent induced demand and reduce the costs of the health system . the meteorological organization predicted scattered rain for the areas from the south and northeast of the country , as well as strong winds in the areas from the east. the country will raise dust. hello , dear compatriots , we have rains in some areas of the country today in the coming hours. including in the areas of the center of kerman province, the northern parts of hormozgan, as well as parts of fart province and the northern areas of khorasan-razavi, where rain showers and sometimes strong winds are present in these areas. also, for the next two days , we will have an increase in wind speed in parts of the east and south-east of the country, which strong wind can lead to upheaval and landslides for tomorrow , wednesday, in parts of hamadan provinces. central lorestan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, which is abai rahmat
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, parts of isfahan province, parts of fars province , parts of kerman province, and central alborz highlands. we are expecting a barrage. the commander of the environmental protection unit announced the notification to all the municipalities and villages of the country to determine specific places for the release of red fish. mr. mohabbatekhani added that this issue was done to prevent the damage of red fish to the water habitats of the country. red fish comes from china and japan and has been on iranian nowruz table for years. if you scratched the place, you knew that the eid fish has a disease, not the red fish, then you knew that it was a fish eid, the little fish will eat you, no, after the new year is over, what will you do with your red moon? well, if you have already
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taken them, leave them in the wild. yes, why do you buy them? are you satisfied with the fact that, for example, our ecosystem will be damaged or a disease will bring disease? no, you know , something has settled, that is, it is a goldfish, yes , it should not be on the table. goldfish or goldfish are from the carp family, and the ability to withstand the harshest environmental conditions is it means cold and polluted water. red fish by occupying the biological space, the effects of sui you put bio-mites on our own water resources and on our native species, three of these species. by carrying viruses and bacteria, this fish can contaminate the water, it can feed on zooplankton , animal frankton, and it can increase the load of algae , the excellent material of the dam, and the water will smell bad , which also affects drinking water, it grows quickly and
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its reproduction rate is high, so that one female fish can produce 30,000 to 400,000 other female fish . to all rural districts, districts, governorates, municipalities should determine places on nature day or after nature day, dear people will call these red fishes, finally release them , release them in those places and finally collect these red fishes under the supervision of mahiz. ahmad
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aminfard, sed and sima news agency. thank you for your attention. we thank the special rapporteur and the israeli authorities' action in front. we condemn his presence in the occupied palestinian territories. the report before us today is very important. this report documents the genocidal crimes and severe aggressions of israel against the palestinian people in more than seven decades the past shows. these actions are an integral part of the settler colonial project in palestine. the invasion of gaza since october 7th and the use of lethal weapons, the deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure and the killing of civilians, especially
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women or children, starving and displacing people , arresting and torturing them, is a continuation of the settlement project of the occupying authorities and their genocidal crimes. we call on the international community to accept its responsibility and advance the peace process to ensure that the palestinian people enjoy all their legal rights and an independent state in accordance with the border situation of june 1967 should be established and at the same time the perpetrators of these actions should be held accountable for their actions. thank you. we accompany the announcements of the groups we are members of. we thank and commend the special rapporteur for the report, references and conclusions and recommendations presented in this report. we are concerned. we express our concern for the disastrous human consequences of the actions of the occupying power of israel against the palestinian people
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, which have resulted in the deaths of more than 30,000 palestinians, 13,000 of whom are children. a thousand palestinians were also injured in these clashes all these actions are against international humanitarian laws. this war has led to the displacement of half a million people, and these refugees are afraid of israeli attacks on their homes . they are facing another humanitarian crisis. in the last five months, the world witnessed the first war with genocide, which is broadcast live and 24 hours a day. we ask the un security council and the international community to fulfill their moral and legal responsibilities regarding this aggression. we ask the special reporter what are the obstacles from his actions to monitor the human rights situation.
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allowing israel's aggression against innocent civilians in gaza to work so that the palestinian people can exercise their rights and have an irreversible path towards the formation of an independent palestinian state with east jerusalem as its capital based on the 1967 borders and international resolutions. innocent palestinian civilians in gaza suffer the most . we ask the international community to protect them . the salman center for humanitarian support
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is considering 40 million dollars to support the palestinian brothers in political and humanitarian fields. has taken.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the news of the stock market. the economic spokesman of the government said: the will of the government is to reduce the tenure and hand over the management to the private sector. according to mr. khandozi, the role of the privatization organization in this field is changing and they are moving towards the management of surplus government property. the share of the capital market in financing the economy
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increased from 3% at the beginning of the 90s to 12% at the end of this decade. yet still. this is the latest amaris that the ministry of economy has announced in this regard, a number whose purpose is to deepen the market and help the rate of capital formation in the country. the sources of our wealth should be from the conditions the so-called real economy can be so-called effective. one of the places that literally reflects this effectiveness is the capital market. according to the statistics, the share of the capital market from equipping financial resources and directing it to productive sectors reaches about 19%, and this means that banks are still ahead. bongahs provide liquidity.
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you don't see the relationship between risk and profit in the market in such a way that the opportunity cost for full projects. there are returns for low-cost projects , practically all of them have a single rate of return and that is the rate ordered by the central bank. it is announced that in fact action is being taken, there are not few markets that had this transparency and formality can appear in the role of financing economic enterprises, but they have been neglected in this cycle. an example is the insurance industry. resources that can be used are insurance. there are life and life insurance plans, because sustainable resources are collected in these plans by insurance companies, we can do a very good matching. but to create proportionality in the financing of shelters an economy needs a model that involves all sectors of the monetary financial markets
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. we will introduce life insurance as a financing tool and a project with a special label. under the title of project fund , not project funds , let's define special insurance policies for this project fund , let's sell it to people, this tool can be used, don't take criticism , community members will be attracted to the project, the project will be spent, the project will become a burden, 3 financial statements will come out of it, so that we can let's leave the stock market financing through the capital market, a solution for managing investment risk and increasing transparency in ghazal arab gol news agency sedavasima, the head of the capital market health monitoring department of the stock exchange organization , announced the payment of 307 million tomans bonus to the reporters of stock market violations last year. mr. hosseinipour said that last year, 1,500 reports were received through the official system of this department, of which
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350 reports had abnormal conditions. according to hosseinpour , 65 million tomans were paid as a bonus to the reporter of the case in one of the cases of violations in the field of publishers . the head of the capital market health monitoring department of the stock exchange organization added the prediction the incentive program for abnormality reports and the development of the capital market health watch system is one of the programs of this department for the year . today's capital market indicators were decreasing. at the end of trading , about a quarter of the symbols were in the positive range. the computer group also recorded the highest inflow of real money. hello, on tuesday , april 14, the total capital market index
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had a negative return of 7 percent and decreased by 15,700 points to 2,24,500. the weighted index had a negative return of 135 percent and decreased by 1,300 points to 8,900. the total value of retail transactions was 5,330 billion tomans. and the sale of 61 billion tomans by real people shows the outflow of money from stocks and mutual funds . it started, but gradually we had positive movements, especially in the automobile group, and at the end of the market, about a quarter of the symbols reached the positive range, and the automobile and metal group
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actually had the most transactions, the set of purchase orders reached 355 billion tomans and 410 a billion tomans was the collection of sell orders on the board at the end of the market, as well as 53 symbols per page. purchases arrived while 63 icons were in the end of the transactions were on the sales page, the average purchase of real people was 23 million tomans and the average sale was 28 million tomans, which shows the relative strength of the sellers, the most of all the computer group had 12 billion tomans, the extraction of metal ores was 11 billion and cement group also registered 4 billion tomans inflow of money against outflow of money. haghigi was more than automobile groups with 122 billion basic assumptions of 94 and the chemical products group which
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recorded 77 billion tomans of money outflow and finally two property funds, the first and the refining fund have a final price of 3 and 4. tithing and refinement were also 3 percent negative. the stock market passed tuesday trading with a downward trend , the expert said. the most important reason for the decline in stock market indicators is considered to be political developments in the region, but after the stock offering in the first minutes of the market, with the subsidence of the emotional behavior of some symbols , they returned to a positive circuit, according to the trend of global prices and also the price of foreign exchange in the open market and distance
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according to mr. naqbi, in the year of witnessing transactions, he made a profit of more than 2 thousand billion with the dollar of the system of half 50 dollars. we will be new tools such as emission bonds and the carbon market. the electricity that the tv uses, and the lamps that i just turned on for you , can be used from my power plant. this guy gets his electricity by installing a solar panel on the roof of his house. he says: using this solar panel annually, more than 85. investing in this field is better than investing in the bank, in addition to helping the environment. it has been about a year that
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renewable energy has reached the industry in the hot seasons of the year. 1% of the country's electricity by renewal forces in fact, it is produced and supplied according to the instructions for the development of electricity exchanges in the energy exchange of those in the electricity hall. they were not included in the consumption management programs in the summer season. most of the industries used to lose 7 to 10 billion tomans annually before using renewable energy to supply electricity. in 1401, about 10 billion dollars of losses were incurred in various industries, in 147 billion dollars and in 2099. billion dollars , but with the obligation to purchase 1% of their electricity consumption from the green electricity hall of the energy exchange, the losses were replaced by profits. most of these companies
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the companies active in the field of mining and steel of the country , who bought, according to the announcement of the buying companies , received benefits of up to 2500 billion tomans from the power outage that did not actually stop their production lines. according to the managing director of the energy exchange in 1402, more than 248 kilowatt hours of renewable electricity was traded in the energy exchange, maryam fadhi of the sed and sima news agency .
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they think that we would have been tired by me. ali, ali, the sound , ali, fan, eight, five, sifenstani sex.
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ahlna amrabia, jordanian, palestinian, jordanian palestinian, jordanian , palestinian, palestinian, nabik, or palestine, labik, or ibnsir , it is a shariah duty, it makes no difference, as if our loved ones are brothers and sisters who are under fire, we must defend ourselves, god willing, on friday we will show that the oppressed people of palestine are not alone, humanity dictates that we wherever we see the oppressed , we see where oppression is happening, we should defend it . it is the duty of every muslim to defend his religious brother
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. we should help the people of gaza. let's kill it, it can actually be a march happy holy day , we will definitely participate in this march to support the oppressed people of gaza, as we
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are and we know our duty.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful.


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