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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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and we also strengthened its international aspect. this year , i said that we had guests from 28 countries, including quranic institutions from islamic countries, such as malaysia , bahrain, qatar, kuwait, even saudi arabia , even france, and non-islamic countries. we had guests from institutions that operate in these countries. performing quranic activities, coming and presenting the activities of quranic activities, very good meetings were held, and the most important meeting, i said , was the tehran quranic meeting, which was held with the theme of the role of the holy quran, islamic resistance in establishing islamic identity, and the issue of palestine and gaza in particular this section is full of these meetings, the doctor was more specialized , what is your specific approach in these meetings? you see, we are pursuing several goals
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, one is to connect the quranic institutions of the islamic world with the inside of iran, with the quranic activities that are being carried out inside iran, and with the quranic institutions that are present inside iran, this interaction will help us a lot and one in fact, the issues are the content that we actually care about, which should be addressed, see the issue. palestine and gaza today are the actual realization of quranic verses. well, we happened to be in the gaza strip. well, we saw it on television. we found that they even sat on the ruins of mosques during the holy month of ramadan and read quran and broke their fast .
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and in the shelters, at the time of the explosion in the ruins , they give good news to the patient by reciting verses from the word of god. they ease the hardships of injury by reciting the qur'an. in the operating room, during surgery, in the absence of anesthesia, they pray to the quran.
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but on a pile of dirt, the same ruins of the congregational prayer mosque are standing. the qur'an reading gathering near the ruins of the mosque has not been closed. similar to the memorization sessions of the holy quran. where the palestinian children read surah falaq read and memorize. dawn is the holy month of ramadan. recitation of the quran.
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most people do not know. farzaneh azarfam, sed and sima news agency. well, there are very, very sad pictures that we are witnessing that the zionist regime destroys mosques and martyrs people in an obvious crime. but the palestinian people are those who still have a memory.
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they cling to the koran and read the koran, especially in the holy month of ramadan this year, when the conditions are very difficult for the people of gaza. it was serious, why does this happen in gaza and palestine, despite the very difficult conditions they have, from your words, who is sokandar, the deputy of the qur'an and it is the ministry of culture and islamic guidance. please see that quran creates a soft power. we are without soft power. it will not work for us to have a lot of hard power. quran is one of the main pillars of creating soft power in a nation. the qur'an instills the spirit of hope in people even in the most difficult situations.
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he says: aqum wa yabshar al-mu'minin. yebshar al-mu'minin. the quran is a hopeful people. it works, the quran teaches people that the god who took joseph to the well is the same god who can make joseph dear to egypt and joseph who went to prison, the quran actually gives people the hope that the god whom moses salam inspired musa's mother to throw him into the nile river. musa who was brought up in the house of pharaoh, the same musa can tear down pharaoh's palace and pharaoh's system . the qur'an, according to the leader of the revolution, who repeats this verse repeatedly they used it and it has become known that religion
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breaks deadlocks. this is the spirit of people who are familiar with the quran. when they find this spirit , they no longer feel deadlocked. quran increases social resilience. quran creates inner strength for a nation. yastab allah is firm in his words. quran is the source of fixed saying. a nation that is in contact with the source of the fixed promise and is familiar with it will be stabilized, their resistance will increase, and in fact, one of our strategies for choosing slogans is the same. if people are familiar with the quran, they will have hope. if people are familiar with the verses of the quran, their hope, their social and individual ties will increase. their spirit of resistance increased. the qur'an is not this
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new view or people's view of science. dear doctor, a way to convey concepts, such as the resistance of the qur'anic resistance to visitors and thoughts. general you considered yes yes we offered in the exhibition basically his philosophy is that we can actually instill these sublime quranic concepts, such as hope, resistance, and patience, to people with artistic tools and promote and increase the spirit of hope in them. we did this in different ways, and
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the soft power actually got people and their will became strong, their spirit became strong. this is the function of the enemy's media now, and we in the department of knowing the enemy paid attention to this, and the problem is actually the work of the media that the enemy is doing. there was a time when you had prepared the "karfa" of the enemy of knowledge. my colleagues prepared this report. yes
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, the square meters of this "karfa" one of its sections says that it will happen from one era to the age of the islamic revolution. 5. hasht came and said about a historical mistake: the mistake made by all muslims, especially the arab nations and governments, was that they gave israel a deadline. these words started the coming of people from the last friday of the month of ramadan. the enemy's pavilion has illustrated the knowledge of history . i can say that it is like an intensive class to give clients a very good knowledge in the field of enmity
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the crimes committed by the jews throughout history, many of which have not reached our ears and are lost, are enlightening us here. the crimes that the market of genocides these days in gaza is hot from the business of the same minority and selling its products to the world. these are international companies that generate capital for them , after all, they need capital. we buy that they are not even directly or indirectly related to zionist companies. the outcome of palestine is a big pain for us and tonight i took some pictures of what i saw
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in english. i want to make it famous and i like it. that the whole world wakes up. the children of this booth said that since they started their work in 1980 , they were influenced by the movements of imam khomeini in those days until today to speed up the end of the minority that has been living in europe and america every day of the week since october 7th. palestine was also called. fatemeh abdulvand, sed and sima news agency. usually , wherever an event is related to the developments of the day, its reception will be wider. one of these debates was actually the enemy of knowledge, which is due to its connection with current issues. among the crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza it seems that it was busy
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. what is your assessment of this qorba? the section on the enemy of knowledge was one of our most contented sections and was very well received by both the people and the authorities. in addition to actually introducing zionism and the crimes of zionism and the promises of the zionist media, we are there. in the ruling world , we introduced the quranic verses in this field to the dear people and explained that one of the points that we should pay attention to is that the quran is basically an important part of the quranic verses related to knowing the enemy and the leader. my revolution is to pay attention to this issue many times, in fact , i mentioned this in several interviews
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the qur'an exhibition is a clear example of the jihad of interpretation , that is, we in one of the areas where we carried out the natural jihad, this was the part, literally , the natural jihad was carried out with artistic tools and posters with beautiful content, and our people should know and understand. what are the beasts and criminals facing in the world ? they are facing people with whom it is impossible to sit down and negotiate with them. indeed, he understands power . our people must understand who their enemy is and what their characteristics are and we know the enemy in the sector. we paid special attention to this issue, the qur'an exhibition is not secular, the qur'an exhibition
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is not indifferent to the happenings in the country and in the world, it is concerned, and for this reason, people have a very good relationship with these types of sections, basically, one another. from the parts that i saw in the images that were broadcasted live on television channels. which was welcomed by children and teenagers. what are the most topics in these sections to children and. young people, who are naturally a special class, yes, see the issue of children adolescents are one of the most important and strategic issues in our country, no matter how much we invest in this field , and in fact we have an infrastructure
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we are preparing. we should instill soft power in them, find a sense of dignity , make their will strong, instill hope in them, and in our child and adolescent section, our main approach has been to instill quranic concepts in our adolescent section through play and play. there was one difference and that was this year. we had so-called equipment, that is dear ones, in fact, some animations were prepared in the tent of qasim bin al-hassan, which was set up in the youth section, and in fact, our dear teenagers along with their families, with pictures of the ahl al-bayt, peace be
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upon them, from the life of the ahl al-bayt, from events such as the events of ashura. with the verses of the quran in those pictures , it was actually clear that they would enter there and actually listen to a video prayer. we taught our teenagers about processions in the youth department, and our dear teenagers are the managers of the department themselves , and there is a lot of variety in fact. it had a lot of artistic and programming variations, especially these two parts to. considering that you said that about 3 million people visited the exhibition and these quranic concepts are concepts that should be continuously available to the public , do you not think that you should extend this for some time, although, well, because for example
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, eid al-fitr prayers should be prepared for eid al-fitr . well, of course, they should have some time . have you thought of any plan in this regard? they request the extension of the exhibition they request that in the coming years, god willing, the exhibition will be held in a more time frame. as soon as it is held , we are investigating this, that is, we will immediately , god willing, in the meetings that we will hold after the exhibition, in our own internal meetings, in the criticism and evaluation meetings in the event of the quran exhibition , we will certainly take this issue into consideration . of course, there are limitations. similar to
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the cases that you said that we should actually make a plan in those meetings, god willing, if it is possible , we will increase the time of the exhibition even a little bit more for next year. god willing we will. usually, every event that is held or happens has a series of weaknesses, a series of strengths and creates a series of opportunities for your employees as someone who has been involved in the event since the beginning. what were the weak points this year, and in order to fix these, please strengthen the strong point, what is for the next year, i think we
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should improve some parts in the coming years. let's add to the actual sections of our exhibition , of course, we started in virtual space , quranic activists in the virtual space of the quranic camp of musk. we started it in the vice-chancellor of the qur'an and in fact we organized training courses so that the activists of the qur'an can actually have virtual actions in the virtual space and we started this work based on the events of the day, but this should be reflected in the exhibition , we should address the issue of media literacy. inshaallah, we will see the virtual in the exhibition in next year's exhibitions, in fact, and this is one of the things that we unfortunately did not have the opportunity to
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address this year, and it is one of the main things that must be addressed in the next year, god willing, because the virtual space today is practically virtual space is not space it is real and everyone is dealing with it , it is dealing with people's lives, it is determining people's lifestyle , and we cannot compare to anything. let's not be indifferent, this was one of the things that, in my opinion, we paid a little less attention to this year. let's pay more attention, god willing, we will pay attention to this issue in our plans for next year, of course we did this year. this year we are in many parts of the exhibition as an example , one of the distinguishing features of this exhibition compared to
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previous years is that we addressed the issue of governance in this year's exhibition, and we had a section under the title of quranic governance of the hayat quranic think tank, which dealt with the issue of quranic governance. that part the policy documents and meetings that were actually held were presented there under the title of quranic governance, and the visitors could use the contents . cultural what are quranic strategies? we discussed this in his exhibition. we held meetings , prepared policy documents and presented them to the audience. this was part of our content and research in the nahj
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al-balagha section. also, in the nahj al-balagheh section of our government book , we addressed the issue of governance and research issues in the nahj al-balagheh area. we had research departments, but in my opinion, one part that has been neglected and should be given more attention is the issue of human sciences. dear doctor , we have a minute to think about the issue related to your management position, namely the quran and its fragrance what do you think we should do to start memorizing the qur'an and interpreting the qur'an in the country? very good question . the issue of memorizing is one of the first issues. in fact , both the ministry of culture and islamic guidance and the vice-chancellor of the qur'an have launched a campaign this year in the exhibition called "save hafiz
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" . the last 14 surahs of the qur'an . we started the hafez club so that we don't lose contact with these children and teenagers. let's continue this, god willing. let's move forward, surah by surah, verse by verse, let's move forward and start a movement to memorize the qur'an, god willing . of course, the works related to memorization are not stopped in this issue. animations are being produced . interesting works of art in the field of memorization are being produced , which, god willing, are actually being produced in in the future, you will see that , god willing, we will do our best so that copper against the preservation of a summary will take a new life in
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the country, god willing, which is also the demand of the leader of the revolution. we do from you be safe, dear viewers.
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to the number 3003 of the imam khomeini relief committee, if it wasn't for your help, i wouldn't have been able to finish my studies. may you be happy with your family. may you be with hazrat ali. may you have a blessed month of ramadan. happy eid. thank you for what we have. with the help of hope, a broken heart is the key to the closed doors of this ruin. it is hard to find a healthy building in which it was part of shafa hospital before the war. a palestinian who reached the building next to the hospital area and is taking pictures, says that it has been several hours since the zionist soldiers destroyed the ruins they built.
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they retreated by leaving. the soldiers of the palestinian regime rush into the hospital . some people are looking for their friends. for two weeks, the occupiers cut off food and water to the prisoners and tortured them. some of them are busy moving the wounded and the others turned on the flashlights of their mobile phones to find the bodies left on the ground of the hospital. government information office in bar. az mei says: in two weeks of occupation of shafa hospital, regime soldiers martyred 400 people, mostly women and children. among the two martyrs there are palestinians who were executed with their hands tied in the hospital grounds. many buildings of this hospital, including the specialized surgery department and the laboratory, were severely damaged. the zionist army destroyed more than a thousand houses around the hospital.
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shafa was destroyed and set on fire, and all the graves around the hospital were destroyed with a bulldozer and the bodies were pulled out from under the ground. eyewitnesses who survived say that the zionists arrested dozens of displaced people, the sick, the wounded and the medical staff and took them to an unknown place. about the fate of 17 patients hospitalized in this hospital at the time. israel one a medical center with a history of 78 years was destroyed. this palestinian woman, who walked through the ruins of shafa hospital, prepared the bodies of her martyred friends and saw all these crimes , invites the younger ones to be patient and persevere, and say, o god, open your eyes .
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help us, god, with your power, your angels, your soldiers of heaven and earth, make their planes tremble, stop their tanks, give us victory over them. mohammadan nikmin, sed and sima news agency.
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dear viewer, welcome to the news at 11:00 p.m., the spokesman of the afghanistan caretaker government condemned the crimes against humanity committed by the zionist regime and the united states in palestine. zabihullah mujahid said that america and its western partners always intervene in other countries under the pretext of violating human rights , but they themselves are supporters and partners.


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