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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. the condolence message of the leader of the revolution after the martyrdom of major general of guards. we will regret this crime. the continuation of domestic and international reactions to the terrorist attack by the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus .
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the third night of appreciation and another opportunity to understand this full night. the virtue of preparing the holy shrine of razavi and other holy thresholds of mosques and takiyas to host millions of night -dwellers and localize the technical know-how to produce light-resistant foam granules after 4 years of knowledge -based and applied product research in the automotive and packaging industries and the building of its mechanical strength compared to its competitor, such as police tiren, or bismillah
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, rahman, rahiman, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate. supreme leader of the islamic revolution khamenei, in a message on the occasion of the martyrdom of sardar rashid islam, major general mohammad reza zahedi and a group of his comrades at the hands of the usurping and hateful zionist regime, emphasized that they will regret this crime like that, according to the divine power of the leader's message. islamic revolution as described it is in the name of allah, the most merciful and the most merciful. islam guards major general mohammad reza zahedi
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along with his honorable comrade sardar mohammad hadi haj rahimi were martyred by the crime of the usurping and hateful zionist regime. peace and mercy of god and his parents on them and other martyrs of this incident and curse on the leaders of the cruel and aggressor regime. our martyrs are a sign of acceptance of mujahidat from the merciful god. they received their long term and now they are blessed with god's blessings in the company of saints and peace. sardar zahedi was waiting for martyrdom in the fields of danger and struggle since the 60s. they have nothing to lose and reward they have received themselves, but the grief of their loss is heavy for the iranian nation, especially for those who knew them. the evil regime will be punished by the brave hands of our men. became.
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we will make them regret this crime and similar ones, by god's will and peace and ali abdollah al-salehin seyyed ali khamenei, 14 farvardin 1403, president, speaker of the parliament, chairman of the judiciary and chairman of the expediency recognition forum, also attacked the regime in separate messages. zionist to the consulate of our country's embassy in syria was condemned . outside china, the attack by the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria was passed he read the red line. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs of china condemned yesterday's attack by the zionist regime, which led to the martyrdom of several military advisors of our country, and emphasized
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that the security of diplomatic places should not be violated. the spokesman of the jordanian foreign ministry also called the attack by the zionist regime a dangerous violation of international laws and said: according to the vienna agreement, diplomatic places have immunity. egypt, venezuela, cuba, pakistan, iraq, qatar, oman, afghanistan, uae, saudi arabia, yemen and kuwait considered this terrorist attack a violation of syria's sovereignty and incomplete stability and security of the region, as well as a direct conflict with international laws and diplomatic standards. lebanon's hezbollah, yemen's sanratullah, iraq's hezbollah battalions and... the palestinian resistance groups in separate statements considered the zionist regime's terrorist attack to be an attempt by this regime to spread militancy and escape defeat in the gaza strip, and from the gatherings between the international community wanted to stop such actions of the zionists as soon as possible
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. secretary general of the united nations, the attack of the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus condemned antonio guterres. he said: the principle of keeping diplomatic and consular premises and staff safe should be observed according to international laws. earlier , the un reporter in the occupied territories announced that the zionist regime had crossed all red lines by attacking the iranian embassy and called for sanctions and punishment of this regime. security council of the organization. the united nations is going to hold a meeting tonight about the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. we are discussing this with our colleague in new york, mr. rajabi. hello, please, about tonight's meeting of the security council and the reactions to this attack.
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please explain to our viewers. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time after the terrorist attack of the zionist regime on the building of the consular section of the embassy. the islamic republic of iran in the syrian capital of damascus , the permanent representative of the islamic republic of iran to the united nations , wrote two separate official letters to the secretary general of the united nations, antonia guterres, as well as the interim president of the security council, and in it requested that the criminal act of the zionist regime be condemned in the strongest possible way. yes, and secondly, the security council to deal with this action of the zionist regime, which is a clear violation of all international treaties. diplomatic an urgent meeting and. after this letter and the official request of the islamic republic of iran, russia , as one of the five permanent members of the security council , made an official request to the president of the security council to
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hold an urgent and emergency meeting to deal with this criminal act of the zionist regime against a diplomatic building of the islamic republic of iran. in fact, in russia's official request to the security council, this action of the zionist regime is mentioned as an action that endangers international peace and security , so the meeting that is supposed to be held by the security council will be held with the same title and theme. it will mean a threat to international peace and security . the meeting is supposed to start at 22:30 tehran time . un secretary general antonio guterres, as you mentioned in part of his statement , gave a message and made a statement and strongly condemned this action. a clear violation of international treaties by the zionist regime. the united nations has emphasized in this statement that this action of the zionist regime will cause more and more conflicts in the west asian region and will have devastating consequences . thank you very much, mr. rajabi, our colleague from new york. to review
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the budget tables of 1403 were reviewed and approved in this session of the executive regulations related to the current year's budget. in this meeting, while condoling the martyrdom of several commanders and military advisers in the recent terrorist crime of the zionist regime in syria, the president said: the perpetrators and supporters of this great crime will be punished by the mujahideen of islam and as punishment for their shameful act. will arrive these loved ones who were martyred, according to the wise leadership of the islamic revolution, received their own reward in receiving the martyrdom medal. the zionist regime in the rest of the world today knows none of the human principles.
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basic rights, international covenants, contracts are not binding at all. almighty god to the mujahideen of the path of god. help them to punish the perpetrators of this crime and the supporters of this crime in relation to this crime and the many crimes committed by the zionist regime. we have to express our condolences to the honorable family of these martyrs , and we ask god almighty to raise the ranks of these great martyrs. mr. raisi while recommending the authorities to use the fair criticisms of scholars and experts to develop a community plan for the jump in production by complying with the financial and legal requirements. became a suitor in this meeting, the minister of culture and guidance. islami also
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presented a report on the international quran exhibition and people's reception of cinemas during nowruz. palestinians mourned the body of another martyr of the zionist regime's attack on the vehicle of an aid organization in the center of the gaza strip. 7 people lost their lives in this attack. who were mostly non-palestinians. australia warned the ambassador of the zionist regime due to the death of one of its citizens in this attack. the deputy secretary general of the united nations , expressing his anger at this killing, said: the perpetrators cannot be defended. the zionist regime today it targeted different areas of the gaza strip. in the bombing of a mosque in deir al-bala. in the center of this area , one child was martyred and 20 people were injured.
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six people, including two children, were martyred in an attack on a house in rafah, south of the gaza strip. the zionist regime bombed and blew up several houses in khan yunus. at the same time as the hunger crisis in the gaza strip, the world organization save the children announced that 346,000 children under the age of five are at risk. they are at the highest risk of malnutrition. 3,299 people have been martyred and 75,494 people have been injured in the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip. united nations high commissioner for human rights tamedeh reported that the violence of the zionist settlers against the palestinians of the west bank has reached an unprecedented level after the al-aqsa storm operation. volker turk said that the expansion of reputation-building means the expulsion
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of palestinians from their land and homes, and this is considered a war crime. abdullah is awake at night until morning. always on standby. the zionists may attack his house and farmland at any moment. nights in hawareh region are like nightmares. organized crime groups carry out their attacks mostly at night. they may attack at 12:00 p.m., 3:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. abdullah's house is like an operation room. he with his children they take turns guarding. even 10-year-old elias does a guard duty. i am closed alone. since i fall asleep early at night, i try to stay awake for two hours at night.
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the settlers broke the doors of the showroom and set fire to all the cars. the minister of internal security of the zionist regime explained thousands of weapons among the settlers after the operation of the wulqsa storm with the aim of forcing the west bank palestinians to leave their homes and leaving their hands free to commit more crimes. yes, the zionist regime still prevents aid convoys from entering gaza.
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this is a week since the ceasefire resolution the two weeks of the united nations are passing. as you heard in the news, 346 children in gaza are in the greatest danger of starvation, and the only martyr of the bombing of a mosque in the center of the gaza strip was a child. 6 people , including two children, were martyred in the attack on southern gaza. we are discussing the developments in this area with my colleague in the gaza strip , mr. mohammad al-hamad. hello, please inform us of the latest news in this area. greetings to you
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. gaza strip. were injured in addition, a mosque in the city dionnes targeted, as a result of which four people were martyred. moreover, attacks continued in the north of the gaza strip and gaza city, and the number of martyrs reached more than 3290 people. the crime committed by the zionist regime in connection with the forces of an international relief convoy, as a result of which seven members of this organization's forces were killed, these attacks and
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crimes continue, the crimes that continue against international institutions and international organizations, which are one some of them had british citizenship and some others had citizenship of european countries. in addition to these aggressions, regime fighters the zionists targeted one of the cars of this international organization and then another jeep and in fact the convoy of this international aid organization was targeted one by one and as a result the rescue forces were unable to save. their lives were put into action and as a result they were killed or you were injured, but in connection with this aggression, it should be said that israel's aggressions in different areas and this attack, in particular , had widespread reactions at the international level and the zionist regime he claimed that
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he did these attacks unintentionally, but anyway these attacks from international institutions. has been condemned. we thank mr. mohammad al-hamz, our reporter from deir al-balah in the center of the gaza strip and we are going to the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. hezbollah has reported targeting the gathering and bases of the zionist forces in the north of the occupied territories. to know the details of this news , we will go with my colleague who is stationed at the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. hello mr. azimzadeh. hizbullah today, what kind of soldiers. mrs. hosseinzadeh , dear viewers, hello, good night, hizbollah lebanon has issued five statements since this morning, and in these statements , it has announced that two gatherings of zionist soldiers in
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the malikiya base in the northwest has targeted the lands at a distance of 4 hours and 20 minutes twice with both its own mortars and its own guided missiles. in these two statements, hezbollah announced that a number of zionist soldiers were killed and wounded. from a local source in the southwest of lebanon , the sound of the helicopters of the zionist regime landed in that area to transfer the dead and wounded to the zionist hospitals . this evening, the lebanese hezbollah attacked the samagheh base in the heights of the occupied shibaa shrine and the occupied kufrshu tanks with its own guided missiles. he also announced in his statement that the biggest zionist military base was directly hit in the heights of the occupied shiba'a tomb , the occupied kufrs and roysat ali base
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. another target of hezbollah's offensive operation today was also saat. hizbollah has previously targeted the military town of qashtihazio with dozens of katyusha missiles in the northwest of the occupied territories. in its statement, hizbollah announced that this operation was in response to the attack of the zionist regime's armed drone on the town of yarin in the south of lebanon and wounded. a lebanese citizen woman was also involved in the media of the zionist regime stop firing 30 rockets from southern lebanon towards the northwest of the occupied territories . the internet of this newspaper also announced that several rockets hit the military and zionist settlement of margaliot, and the sirens
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sounded in six military and zionist settlements in the west galilee in the northwest of the occupied territories . the border areas of lebanon have been attacked by the zionist regime's artillery on two areas in the south of lebanon today . the day before world quds day people are preparing to participate in this march and condemn the crimes of the zionist regime. the world quds day march will start on friday, april 17, at 10:00 across the country. this ceremony will be held in tehran from imam hossein square towards tehran university. it is necessary to participate in the quds day march this year more conscientiously than in the past and
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to declare our support for the oppressed people of palestine and gaza. our company and all the people are participating in this movement as a sign of condemning the brutal israeli regime. i have been participating in the pole day march for years. we are at the feet of the people of gaza. this is how we always went. let's continue to show that we are behind the people of palestine. we
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will definitely participate in the march to defend the people of gaza and support the people of gaza. this action is actually a sign of the regime. zionist with the crushing response of the noble people of iran on quds day, god willing, we will make the crimes of the zionist usurper regime, death to israel, death to israel, simultaneously with
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the third night of qadr, the holy thresholds of imams athar, peace be upon them, in mosques and takayas all over our country tonight.
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they defend our articles. we should also follow that be their way. priority is given to palestine and the situation in gaza and palestine, and we all witness it. may oppression be rooted out everywhere in the world. god willing, the whole world, all the people of the world, especially the dear people of gaza, who are really under pressure now, god willing, may everyone rest in peace . support, especially in the discussion of the media, which is now helping a lot in this matter, is also closing the world. regarding the issue of palestine, many arab countries who are of their own kind and unfortunately see the oppression and keep silent or even support it, it is really a pity
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, god willing. sir, he is the imam of the time israel will be destroyed this very night. i hope that this unity will be preserved in the same way that the people, especially the people of iran, are mourning under the shadow of amirul momineen's vilayat. there are a few hours left until the end of the last night , and people's prayers for positive changes in the world continue. only ali bin abi talib is the teacher. are in need of financial and spiritual support from compatriots who are members of families of orphans and orphans .
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order a 12-square star or send the number 1 to the number 3003 of the imam khomeini relief committee. may your family be happy, may you be the companion of hazrat ali, and may you have a blessed month of ramadan, and a happy eid. thank you for helping us. four years ago, my mother
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passed away due to a gas attack. and this is the beginning of the hardships that they will face. our father did not have money to rent a house. that's why we had to live in the house of sridar of a hosseinieh on the outskirts of the city . even though their grandparents took them to the village to take them under their wings. but it was difficult for them to provide for these two children. we are not going to school because of the corona virus. we don't even have a phone to write on it. era one the spiritual father is coming. these days , your kind hands are a refuge for a glimmer of hope for difficult moments . according to the officials of the relief committee , more than 500,000 cases have been identified in the country. 512 thousand children of orphans and orphans are covered, of which 163 thousand are orphans and the rest are children of orphans. this year, ikram itam project in the format.
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he considered the holy month of ramadan to be the best opportunity to transform the tradition of kindness, charity and honoring orphans . mr. raisi said that social responsibility regarding orphans is a moral and human duty in the society that all people should do.
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achieving their dreams requires the support of the government you are a student. you are a software student . what is your software? i am in the clothing business and in the field of business management. today, we announce that all our children have scholarships and we are at their service to support them from undergraduate to post-doctorate and they will study in this space for free. and of course, the need for people's support can be said if a series. the situation of the absence of some people, maybe i wasn't here now, some, for example, we wanted to go to the competition, then, for example, my mother, for example, her card was broken, after i used the card that i had as a sponsor, there was money in it, did you go and become my hero? no, i became my hero. i am the hero of tehran. i am going to be a hero. what kind of phone are you really talking about?


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