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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am IRST

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our educational system was affected by the flood. some 2,200 classrooms were damaged, and on the other hand, 62,000 students were affected. that we are subject to a specific time, that is , whenever an incident happens, we must prepare for it in the shortest possible time, in fact , fortunately, this incident was put on the agenda by using the capacity of jihadi groups after the flood of the evaluation groups. in the shortest possible time from the center of the province to be sent to the flooded areas the special representative of mr. minister in the region , the presence of the head of the country's school renovation organization on the first 6 days of nowruz.
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to do is to try to restore and improve the educational spaces and bring these spaces to the fourteenth of april when our dear students wanted to attend school. fortunately, the major repairs of these spaces were done . the educational spaces were actually entered into the side spaces, which fortunately were provided with the cooperation of jihadist groups the resources that had been carried out, this work was followed in the right way and our dear students are currently using these spaces. the last incident that happened in the field of supporting the damaged spaces from garlic happened in two stages of the equipment convoy to replace the damaged equipment. in the province of sistan baluchistan, it was planned that on the fifth of april in the month of barzash, about 13 billion tomans of this equipment was purchased and in the area damaged by the flood , this equipment was destroyed and replaced so that the
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students could use this area in the best way. your explanation this year's slogan has a very important part, and that is the issue of people's participation in the production sector , but if we consider this part of people's participation, it is a part that is always of interest in the activities of the school renovation organization, and it can be said that all activities organizations. sorting with the people's participation is a special contribution of benefactors, which reaches its end. tell me what you have done and what you will do more specifically this year according to the slogan of the year. see the naming of the year 143 and the use of the capacity of people's contributions. in the field of school renovation organization as a it is considered a special opportunity and there is a place for effective participation.
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i would like to express my thanks and gratitude to the donors of the school building in the field of construction and development of the educational space . you see, last year we donated more than 54 of these spaces out of the total number of educational spaces that were produced in the country . this number is a very large number of donors last year. something around 10 thousand billion tomans, in fact, a financial commitment in the area. in addition to financial resources, this commitment to the construction of educational spaces has actually been realized in the field of equipment, the construction of additional spaces and issues of this kind , therefore, it is the dominant and obvious aspect of the construction of educational spaces in the country. the participation of school-building benefactors is important, and we hope that this year, with the naming of this year by the supreme leader, we can use this capacity in the best way, well, the government is also bound. which
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is proportional to the amount of commitment that benefactors have , to provide resources in the budget. last year, something around 460 billion tomans was provided and paid by the government to do this. the parliament is in the process of equating the income of the government with the contribution of benefactors and be able to use this huge capacity of benefactors in the field of construction of educational space. let's use it more optimally. well, let me mention this point as well . apart from benefactors, jihadist groups also play a very important role. in the flood of sistan baluchistan, with the participation of about 650 jihadi groups , we were able to manage most of these issues and damages related to the field of educational space. this capacity is used in places where we have special problems. in any case, people, by using the collective system that we have
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, we plan to have an effective participation in the field of school building and we hope that we can also establish a bed. let's provide that this capacity is more desirable and normal. opening horizons regarding the use of capacity, in fact, knowledge bases are on the agenda. the field of materials technologies is in the construction of educational spaces, such as visualization of energy and fuel consumption, and discussions of this kind in the field of school equipment, where this second part is more dominant, which we hope is based on the identification of knowledge-based companies. so that we can
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use this capacity in the year 143 , please tell me in about 30 seconds how many schools for mehr 143 , according to the programs you explained, to the list. schools will be added. you see, in accordance with the plans that have been made and the 800 projects that i mentioned with about 7 million square meters of cumin are under implementation in the country. and we will be able to do sports, god willing, in the month of this year , you will present the education system and the songbook. yes, yes, this lack of closure is actually the process related to carrying out the issue in nowruz. also
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, in the international section of today's program , we are going to have a look at the latest developments in gaza. the eve of the world holy day. let's see if it opens today, we are with you. resistance in the west and asia is a fundamental issue that the world has realized. the palestinian issue can be looked at from several angles. first of all, the cases of gaza showed what oppression and darkness prevails in the world. more than 30,000 people are massacred, from babies to teenagers to young people to the old , men, women, and the sick . a thousand people are massacred. within a short period of time, 30,000 of these people are destroyed. the civilized world is watching, not only
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it doesn't prevent it, it helps, it looks at it from a different angle, this case showed. the legitimacy of the formation of the resistance front was shown, and the presence of the resistance front in this region is one of the most vital issues. this resistance front should be strengthened day by day. looking at this issue from another angle, we can see that in the last few months , the resistance front revealed its real situation. the americans in this region are trying to gain sovereignty over all the conditions of this region . the strength of the resistance of this messed up calculation showed that such a thing is not possible and the americans cannot stay in this area. they have to
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colonize the area. another angle to see this the problem is that the situation of the zionist regime became clear to everyone, it became clear that the zionist regime is not only in a crisis in protecting itself, but also in a crisis in getting out of the crisis . defeated , do not come out, defeated, but america. america chose the worst possible situation in the gaza region , did something that was hated in the whole world, everywhere in this region, in yemen, in iraq, in syria, in lebanon , by the fighting and brave forces of resistance, every action
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is taken. iran attributing this wrong calculation will definitely bring america to its knees. this miscalculation will definitely bring america to its knees. we believe that a great injustice is being done in the region. by the presence of anyone who enters into this great jihad, human jihad, islamic jihad, conscientious jihad, we support him, we support him, we help him, and we are also dependent on god's success, god's power, and our own purpose. we will be ourselves. stay with us
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, let's take a look at the international news with the latest developments in palestine with the presence of ms. moazzami hello, good morning. hello, good morning . dear viewers, i say hello and good morning. well , as you know, the meeting of the security council to investigate the aggressive attack of the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus, syria, was held in the last hour and the news indicates that most of the representatives of the countries condemned this attack. for more news , we want to talk with my colleague mr. rajabi, who is with us from new york . hello, mr. rajabi, have a good time. mr. rajabi , you have my voice. yes, i am at your service. mr. rajabi , tell us about the latest news security council meeting that held and its margins. yes, this security council meeting that you mentioned
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lasted about an hour and a half and was held as an international threat. in this meeting, the ambassador of the permanent representative of the islamic republic of iran explained to the members of the security council the various aspects of the crimes committed by the zionist regime in firing seven rockets from the golan heights towards the building, actually the consular section of the embassy of the islamic republic of iran, and asked the security council to take decisive action against these reckless violations of the zionist regime. he stated that iran seeks to spread tension and conflict in the region it was not and is not, and that is why it has always exercised restraint, but iran's patience will not be limited and the zionist regime must accept the consequences of this crime and its other crimes. he also emphasized that the islamic republic of iran has its inherent right to respond decisively to this mahfouz knows the crime of the zionist regime. in this meeting of the
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security council, the permanent representative of russia strongly condemned this action of the zionist regime in attacking the embassy of the islamic republic of iran and asked the international community to stand against these actions of the zionist regime's mobile phone. besides, the ambassador and permanent representative of russia announced about the attack of the regime. zionist, in fact, the diplomatic center of the islamic republic of iran will also present a draft resolution to the security council. the representative of china also strongly condemned this action of the zionist regime , describing it as a clear violation of the 1968 vienna convention, and asked the international community to unite against this rupture and similar action, which in fact violates the security of diplomatic centers. everyone strongly condemned this action and demanded decisive action by the
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security council, of course, everyone except the united states, england, and france well, in their speeches, these three permanent members of the security council, without condemning and criticizing the zionist regime for this action, which is a clear violation of international laws , actually criticized iran in their speech, this approach. the duality of these western countries was met with the sharp reaction of the representative of russia and also the reaction of the representative of iran in this meeting. yes, thank you very much, mr. rajabi , for talking to us. in this case, thank you, i will say goodbye to you, but mr mohammadi, an expert on west asian issues, is also with us , and we want to talk to him about this. mr. mohammadi, hello, good morning. hello, good morning , thank you very much, mr. mohammadi
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. how do you evaluate the reaction to the aggressive attack by the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus, syria? seriously in the west asia region is the islamic republic. iran, as a first-class actor in the developments of west asia, can play a decisive role in the fate of the zionist regime what we see is that the countries supporting the zionist regime in europe and even some arab political currents are seeking to prevent the expansion of the circle of wars by calming the atmosphere, the circle of war between the islamic republic of iran and the zionist terrorist regime
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. until this moment, the islamic republic of iran has protected itself against the destructive actions of the zionists, such as the assassination of the bombers and the actions that we have recently witnessed, the martyrdom of our military advisers. continuity and even the implementation of some zionist projects was to take over the square, and perhaps one of the main reasons why the zionists are angry and have no solution is that the management of the square is in the hands of the resistance forces and we in gaza have witnessed the victory of the number some of the resistance forces
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against some zionists are supported by the west and arab countries, right sir. mohammadi, now the news from gaza and the west bank indicates the attack of the zionist military and of course the palestinian fighters and youth are involved with these soldiers. we have various news in this regard, but the importance of supporting to the palestinian people , how do you evaluate the importance of supporting the palestinian people in these six months, as today is the 18th day and 6 months since these attacks have continued without interruption? we were talking on the same platform , it was a tribal issue. what defeated the zionists in the first stage today is the lineage of the resistance forces and the failure of the zionists to achieve their goals. one of their main goals
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was to dismantle the underground tunnels, but it was not achieved. the assassination of the resistance leaders was not realized. yes, on the other hand, the control of public opinion in the occupied territories it was not realized. even during this 188 years, we witnessed the biggest blow to the human resources of the zionists, the displacement of a significant part of the armed terrorist settlers in the territory of the occupation regime, and on the other hand, simultaneously with the pressure of the honorable people of lebanon on the zionists in the north, we witnessed resistance. the palestinian nation was in the south, now the zionists aim to make achievements , they kill advisors and assassinate them. quds day in the profession and the promise of the leader
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moazez and moazem of the revolution , we will definitely give the zionists money. if the issue is negative, the entry of the islamic republic of iran into the reaction field will be a victorious entry, as we saw in ain al-asoud square. and the americans have been hit hard. my point is, yes, let me complete my discussion and that in this game, the reaction of the islamic republic of iran will definitely be a reaction that the circle it will also include the interests of the americans. thank you mr. mohammadi, an expert on west asian issues . we talked with him about the issues of the region, as well as
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the importance of quds day and the march and support for the palestinian people. mr. hosseini, thank you very much for your service. as the program continues. a complete siege on the city of gaza. we are fighting for human life. lahaf bahri kills human animals, that's the case and that's it. the cases of how to be white, then a pronoun , half of a pronoun, the half of the freedom movements and the half of the freedom movements
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, and the distribution of affection and kindness to the slain, according to gender , and that case, and that case, how to be a decent human being. and according to the requirements of all your words, wear clothes when you are surrounded by all the trees, saying, ``ab bawab al-aaris, the side of the schools , but if you stop it, you want to wear clothes when the alcohol is sacrificed, and
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the case is returned, and the case is correct . umm batki znan alshan matt in al-beds ja'an and equal to al-matul by killing with honor and marriage and singleness and taluk case and taluk case shaif ana muqir al -ain. it is forbidden to place prostration of the ears and the buried family in the houses to the extent that it is covered with cold, and the earth above them
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is not subject to the earth's furnace, and that is a question. how do you live in the vast prison of women, men, women and men , and my tribe, under the influence of shale faram elaati, the gathering how is the law of the forest going? this is the way of freedom, and this is the way
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of al-dabbaba, and you throw it away, because you throw it away, but allah, you do not throw it in the world, and you do not live in a muslim . god bless you until tomorrow and the next program.
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may your family be happy. may you be with hazrat ali . may you have a blessed month of ramadan. happy eid. thank you for helping us. if your heart is broken
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, keep your doors closed . it is a religious duty. disposal the duty of every muslim is to defend his religious brother, oh the difference in the support of anyone who hears the call for help of an oppressed muslim and
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it is not given to him. he is not a muslim. it is obligatory for all of us muslims to rush to the aid of the oppressed people of gaza. let's all come on quds day and show our expectations towards this tyrannical regime. we can help the people of gaza by participating more passionately than in previous years in the al-quds day celebrations. if we want to prove our companionship and sympathy with the people of gaza and flaunt it, it can actually be a quds day march. we participate in the march to support the oppressed people of gaza because we are muslims and we know our duty.
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welcome to the 8 am news. the president, in a phone call with the president of syria, the punishment of the zionist regime is certain. the pure bodies of the martyrs of the zionist attack were buried near the sacred shrine of hazrat ruqiya peace be upon him in damascus. the attack of the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus was condemned in last night's meeting of the united nations security council.


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