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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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yes, it made a difference , let's give light to our countrymen with the optimal use of energy , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning, and welcome to the capital market news. the economic spokesman of the government said: "the will of the government is to reduce employment and transfer management to the private sector." according to mr. khandozi, the role of the privatization organization in this field is changing and moving towards the management of surplus government property. in the field of government companies, as i said , there is justice. handing over the management of justice shares to
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the centers of popular justice shares and provincial investment companies is on the government's serious agenda. in the case of places where there is no equity, the government itself has a share, which plays the role of management and administration . the serious will of mr. president is that we should assign tasks in this government and leave the management to the capable private sector. glass hall indicators were bearish during trading on tuesday. with these situations, especially the indicators had positive movements. stock market indices were down on tuesday. transactions of the glass hall on this day recorded the most chastity during the trading days of the new year. the total index on this day is in the negative direction oscillating range stepped and efficient. the unit
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was placed. the homouz index, which represents the state of small and medium stocks in the market , was at the level of 759 units with a drop of 1,381 units, so that it experienced a greater fall than the overall index with a negative return of 1.35 percent . net change of legal ownership to real market on this day. it was negative and more than 660 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market. on this day, about 580 billion tomans of real money was withdrawn from fixed income funds. the glass hall saw more than 10 billion and 160 million change hands in tuesday's transactions in 465,000 times, stocks and financial bonds were valued at 5,360 billion tomans. the symbols of shepna steel, beh mellat and shasta had the most negative impact on the stock market index, and in contrast, the symbols of omid nouri
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system and three water one prevented the total index from further decreasing . during tuesday's transactions, the largest inflow of real money was allocated to the metal ore and cement mining computer groups, while the largest outflow of real money was made from the automobile, basic metal parts, and chemical products groups. the status of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that there were 184 positive symbols and 599 negative symbols compared to the hall. 77 of the symbols of the market have become negative. in addition, 53 symbols were on the buying page and 65 symbols were on the selling page. the total value of the buying pages was 68 billion tomans. the total value of the selling queues was 180 billion tomans. ghazal arab gol of sed and sima news agency, the stock market on tuesday passed with a downward trend. experts believe that the reason for this issue is the emotional behavior of shareholders , considering the trend of global prices. similarly, the price
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of foreign currency in the open market and the distance between it and the saman nima dollar is 50%. i think that with the wisdom of the central bank and the ministry of economy and reducing this the distance between the nima dollar and the free market, the capital market has the potential to provide returns to its investors as a productive and transparent market. energy said that in 1402 , the industries that bought green electricity in the energy exchange made a profit of more than 2 thousand billion. according to mr. naqvi, in 1403 , we will witness the trading of new tools such as emission bonds and caravan market. the electricity that the tv uses and the lamps that i just turned on for you can come from my power plant. to use
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this gentleman consumes electricity by installing a screen they prepare a sun on the roof of his house. he says: "using this solar panel every year is better than investing in this field than investing in the bank, in addition to helping the environment, there is also about a year that renewable energy provides industry in the seasons. 1% of the country's electricity is actually produced and supplied by renewable energy sources , based on the instructions for the development of electricity exchanges in the energy exchange, those who bought electricity in the green electricity hall of ores energy of iran are included in the consumption management programs. it was not summer. most industries used to lose 7 to 10 billion tomans annually to supply electricity before using renewable energy. in 1401, about 10
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billion dollars in losses to various industries, in 1407 billion dollars. 6 billion dollars in 99, but with the obligation to purchase 1% of their electricity consumption from the green electricity hall of the energy exchange, the losses were replaced by profits. most of these companies are companies active in the field of mining and steel in the country , and according to the announcement of the buying companies, they purchased profits of up to 2500 billion tomans from the power outages, which actually stopped their production lines. had not according to the managing director of the energy exchange, in 1402, more than 248 kilowatt hours of renewable electricity
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was traded in the energy exchange. maryam fadehi of the sed and sima news agency. according to the report of the kine edition website , bitcoins have decreased in price in the last 24 hours, which led to a feeling of sleepiness and the withdrawal of some funds in the cryptocurrency market. according to this report, binance was the largest exchange with 213 million dollars of capital withdrawal. experts believe that investors in the cryptocurrency market without capital and risk management can be associated with risks, and that the value of derivatives transactions on iran's over-the-counter exchange increased by 249 last year, among the 8 active markets in
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the over-the-counter exchange, the highest growth in the value of transactions was attributed to the derivatives market. it had a value of 2,000 billion tomans. also, the year 1400 was a part of fund transactions, which recorded a value of 5,472 billion tomans. the value of stock transactions during this period was 61 thousand billion tomans, which increased by 53%. at last year, 26 ipos worth 163,000 billion tomans were made in otc. the end of khodange capital market news.
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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager . we do not want to treat any kind of person. to serve a dear and respected viewer of the higher program , we are at your service with another debate on whether the number of free zones will increase or not
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. we have had free zones for years. i will comment on the number of different experts , there are pros and cons, its development or lack of development, the nature and quality of the activity. free zones, whether they are a breeding ground for smuggling or not, or whether they are helping to boost the economy, are all topics that have been discussed so far. in this program , we are going to have a debate on this topic, and i invite you to accompany us until the end. . you are with the above program. here in our studio, mr. kiani , the ceo of ars free zone, is present as a supporter of increasing the number of free zones, as well as mr. abdul rahimi, the former ceo of mako free zone. there are other guests of our program that i am here as an opponent, against the slight increase in the number of free zones and about the quality of which we will discuss together, but before we start our discussion with the guests of the program, my colleagues in the macroeconomic group of seda sima news agency. . i looked at the opinions of other experts in this field regarding the issue i presented to you, and i invite
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you to see it together, let's go back and start the debate. what do investors say in free zones? they are working, so what are these 100,000 doing in the free zones? they say that the free zones have not developed at all, so how come there are so many economic activities in the free zones, mr. shaghaghi. an economic expert, increasing free zones is a waste of resources and opportunities. in developed countries, one to two free zones are usually established and then tax and customs exemptions are established by providing suitable infrastructure so that the performance of these zones leads to export growth and technological advancement. the uneven growth of syrian companies is an example of numerous corruptions in these areas. mr. nasiri, the former secretary of the supreme council of regions. free and economic characteristics in iran , there is 10 times more investment capacity in free zones than now, with
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the provision of infrastructure, the increase of free zones can help attract foreign investment and increase the role of these zones in iran. mr. karimi , an economic expert on free zone policies for the past 3 decades, shows that there has been no comprehensive and specific plan for the establishment of free zones in almost any area, and we are still not ready to return from our mistakes. we must first place our free zones on the economic map let's determine the country, then let's find out if we need to establish new free zones today or not? mr. dehghani firouzabadi, the former managing director of the anzali free zone of the government , has taken the bill to increase the free zones to the parliament , with the support of the research center of the parliament , and passed the bill. we have to accept that the strongest body of experts worked on this bill. if we can use the existing capacity and incentives to remove deprivation in the free zones
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, the increase of these zones is definitely a positive thing. mr. mohammad, former secretary of the supreme council of free and special zones economic. the creation of seven new free zones announced this year was a big mistake. because the capacity of the current free zones has not yet been exploited and the desire to create free zones harms the country. well, with your permission, let me start with mr. abdul rahimi and the question of what is the reason for your opposition to the increase in the number of free zones. acceptance of obedience and worship of all dear iranians and respected viewers, of course, i disagree with. the number of areas is free and if that the country and its sovereignty and governance
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meet the requirements for the creation of free zones and the conditions for achieving success in the goals of these zones. naturally, i am one of the supporters of the creation of free zones. in the last one or two years , they have been approved to launch. it requires that we actually improve the physical infrastructure of these areas in the field of infrastructure, as well as the infrastructure related to transportation and access in different land, air, or rail modes. we can create them according to necessity or sea we can
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find the capacities of these areas to help strengthen the national economy, its connection with the international and regional economy, as well as the effects of creating regional development and regional balance, according to the businesses defined for these regions , and until this did not happen, of course , it is the responsibility of the government and the executive branch to impose a duty , because i believe that the 18 freedom zones that we currently have have been approved to implement them according to their goals. whose main goal is to strengthen the national economy, even if it is relative later, after we have reached a certain level of maturity in these areas, if there is an opportunity in other parts of the country and the requirements of the country's resources, as well as taking advantage of the capacity of
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domestic and foreign investments to create a free zone , even in the form of private naturally, the country must use this legal regime. in the year 95 ad , there were 500 free and special economic zones in the world. in 2006 , this number of 500 regions reached 3500 regions. in 2018, 5,400 regions were actually approved to be established in the world. which is now based on one report from the international consultants in the field of free and special economic zones, 4921 zones are active and about 750 zones are under construction, which are probably our 10 new zones within this number of 75. the issue
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of using this mechanism is an acceptable thing for the economic development system in the world. in the countries of our own region, saudi arabia has already launched 4 new free zones in 2023, and by the way, the strategy they are giving for the development of these zones is an exercise to realize the vision of 203 countries in saudi arabia. similarly , i saw in the criticism of some experts that developed countries say that in developed countries more attention to the issue of free or special economic zones. it is possible, but right now, in the uk, 8 ports have been approved as special economic zones as one of the program strategies under the title of the british national economy promotion program, or in italy, they have also declared a number of their ports as special economic zones and they are looking to
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make these eight special regions into one fabric and the unified management means that there is no doubt that many of the effects of this mechanism are available for the countries, provided that we provide the requirements for this, if you give me an opportunity. let me tell you the requirements of success, what are the things that are involved for us to achieve our goals and successes . thank you mr. kayani, why do you say that the number of free zones should be increased in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful ? the program of my dear friend, mr. dr. abdul rahimi, and i would like to offer my condolences on the days of the martyrdom of amir al-mu'minin, as well as the martyrdom of sardar zahedi and sardar haj rahimi and a group of dear soldiers in the attack of the zionist regime on the consulate of the islamic republic
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of iran in damascus regarding the subject of your question. i would like to say that with the part of mr. abdur rahimi's speech that said the requirements for the establishment of free zones should be met, i agree with this matter, with the requirements for the establishment of free zones being met, i agree with the increase. and the approval of that experience has shown in our country that it is a bit long, and if a region has the requirements for the establishment of a free zone and wants to create a plan in the national economy, it wants to develop , why should we take this opportunity away from it by complying with those requirements and considering the conditions the geography of that
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area, we can take this opportunity to other areas i want to point out that our issue is not the number and quantity of these things, is it a problem, no, it is not a problem. are our regions now less than many other countries? they say that our neighbors or countries like china and india have too many free zones, sir. we are less than them, we have problems, not the issue is that we can achieve the great goals we have of establishing free zones and identify them in that geographical point of our country. and let's give him this opportunity with consideration the point is that finally, in the law on how to manage iran's free zones, in its article one, goals
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are foreseen, which means that every place in the free zone will help in civil development and complete the infrastructure there, and this is an opportunity for the so-called different places. our country, who can acquire this title and the laws that are included for them according to the liberation of the region, can actually develop their own region, and also in our national economy and, god willing, in the future, with the improvement of our international economic situation, they can also create a plan in the international sphere. especially this issue in the borders the islamic republic of iran can be very useful and effective in interacting with neighboring countries. a point that is always raised is a proposition that in
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criticism of manata's development, its increase or its function is that they say that instead of being a place for export , it has become a gateway for import. do you have this, not every pair or just one? you see , it needs an explanation. i think this issue of import and import gate, which we see now in the media and even among many elites, is brought up , or it is due to ignorance about the issue and lack of knowledge about the issue. is there or is it god forbid that it is an incident that has been decided that iran's free zones will not succeed in the international arena, you see, we can talk with numbers and figures if we want.
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2 million euros, the import was 778 million euros, which has a balance of about 190 positive, and alhamdulillah , i think the statistics for the year 402 are also at the end of december. with the neighbor and the increase in exports , it was actually an important step in this case, the point in the question. it was you, i wanted to pay more attention to the fact that sometimes the whole country imports from this what is happening is being mistakenly considered as imports from free zones. we should
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consider the imports of free zones and what is the equipment and raw materials for production in the independent free zone. my export is the same type of export, not the export of the number that we announced as the region's own production export. is. on the other hand, we believe that free zones are the gateways of the country and they can play a role in smuggling in the issue of domestic production exports. imports of the country are in a negative sense no titles are accepted. i myself was responsible for one of the free zones, which had the largest free zone in the country
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, for about three and a half years. once you assume the border of the merchant, which is located in the mako free zone, and the main gate. the import and export of the country was before the free zone, and traditionally, the country's imports from europe and turkey were imported from that border, which was carried out to the importing country, now in the free zone complex. it is decided that we should register or report all the imports from that border under the name of free zones . it is not right, but my exports are the same and today we have numbers. billions and tens of billions of dollars of trade exchange is happening for the country from that border. mr. kiyani, how much do you agree with the statement that
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there is no one-size-fits-all management in free zones? all regions report or create expectations . well, when we talk about kish, the beautiful island of kish, it is clear that there is a competitive situation there. the main topic is tourism. industrial and agricultural capacities that are on the edge of the orest river in the free zone ares is not comparable to kish free zone , as well as our other free zones, qashq, chabahar, the capacity of the port in chabahar, or in anzali and other free zones, we have to measure each of these zones according to their own capacity.
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the frequent changes of the managing director of the free zones are managerial . we also have a discussion about the management of a fabric . the management of a fabric is different from that of instability . let's upgrade to the mainland. one of the requirements of this work is the unit coordinator in the regions it is and the area is free. this is what i mean in the old article 27 of the law on how to administer free zones, one of the amendments to the law on how to administer free zones, which in 1975, after the experience of creating free zones , 3 years after the law, it was felt that we needed this management coordination and we made an article 27 article 35 of the law of the fourth plan, clause a , emphasized the integrity of management. article 112 of the law
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of the fifth plan, clause a , emphasized the integrity of management and the transfer of the duties, responsibilities and powers of all executive bodies to the regional managers, which was clarified again in the law of the program of permanent sentences. the development programs that article 65 is amended , however, the different national institutions must actually comply with this legal obligation and allow the requirements of the standards related to the various institutions to be self-made. if we say in the same article 65 that the highest government official at the level of the azad region is the ceo of the region, can the highest official know about an
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election? it should not be free to the governor in the region or other agencies, the environmental organization is now exercising its own powers, other organizations have their own standards, in fact , they are failing to perform their legal duties if these duties are the organizations of the free zones and under the coordination of the managers of the transferred zones, we are committed to fulfilling the standards, the requirements and regulations of the national standards. environmental, it doesn't matter whether it is tabriz or jolfa city, both places , but whoever is committed to take care of compliance with these standards, the legislator said that the managing director of the free zone organization should go and track them . and the suitable job , the investor applies, gets a permit from us , wants to use the employment facility, they go to the national agency that allocates the facility to him. says
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you have to get your permission from some national agency . this lack of uniformity will cause a more unfavorable business environment, and in this direction, we must try to make this article 65 operational . ars free zone means the ministry of agricultural jihad in the geographical area of ​​71 thousand hectares there. the law of how.


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