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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 10:00am-10:30am IRST

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good morning, dear compatriots, at 10 o'clock, another part of the news, the bodies of the seven iranian military advisors who were martyred in the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus will be laid to rest today in the sacred shrine of hazrat zainab, peace be upon her. the bodies of these martyrs were interred last night in the holy shrine of hazrat ruqiya, peace be upon them. the participants of this ceremony continued the path of martyrs of quds until the end.
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the time is celebrated with quds day. in a message, ayatollah nouri hamadani invited all people to participate in the quds day procession. it is necessary that this year, the last friday of the muslim month of ramadan, with more intensity expression field this regime killed the child, which is still
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working on plans for the people of gaza , and until, god willing , they will be able to eradicate the zionist regime with more strength and take steps. this time it reached about 33 thousand people, more than 13 thousand of them are children. during this time, nearly 76 thousand people were injured and several thousand people were missing. the ministry of education of palestine has also given statistics that 650 students were martyred in the 6 months of the zionist regime's attacks on the gaza strip, and nearly 1300 others. injured and 408 schools were completely or partially destroyed. about 30 people so far.
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they also died in hospitals in the north of the gaza strip due to starvation. the latest un report shows that 72 % of buildings in gaza have been destroyed or damaged. also, the zionist army has destroyed 150 health and treatment centers and bombed 32 hospitals and completely put them out of service. according to the world bank report, the damage to gaza's infrastructure has been estimated at 18.5 billion dollars. grand mufti of muslims is preparing preparations for the celebration of quds day in russia russia called quds day a historical memory and initiative of imam khomeini. on the eve of quds day, the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in russia is hosting political and religious personalities of the islamic world. iftar feasts in jerusalem and gaza.
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that imam khomeini named the last friday of the holy month of ramadan as the world quds day , held this ceremony and declared their solidarity with the palestinian people. this year, considering the special conditions of palestine and the inhumane crimes of the zionist regime , it is obligatory for all muslims and free people of the world to express their full solidarity with the palestinian nation. this sunni cleric spread islam
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if islam is alive in russia today, one of the important reasons is the message of imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, and mikhail guchev. imam khomeini, with that prophetic prediction, which was fully realized , had a significant impact on the revival of religion and spirituality in our society, and by god's grace, today islam in russia is growing day by day. the day is expanding. on another night , a banquet was held in memory of quds mikhail bagdanov, assistant to the president of russia for muslim affairs and deputy minister of foreign affairs, as well as ambassadors of islamic countries, including palestine, syria, lebanon, iraq, algeria, sudan,
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bangladesh, head of the afghan embassy in russia and the deputy ambassador of the republic of azerbaijan consulted about palestine. seyyed ali chaina, sada and...sima moscow news agency warned the israeli ambassador to london after the killing of three englishmen in an attack by the zionist regime on the car of an international aid organization in the gaza strip. the british foreign ministry called for a quick and transparent investigation about this incident and to avoid such tragedies. civil activists, referring to the support of the british government to the zionist regime , reduced london's act of pretending. previously, australia reacted to the death of one of its citizens in this attack, the ambassador of the regime he had mentioned zionism. the european union and france also condemned this attack. aid workers
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from australia, america, canada, palestine, poland and england died in the attack on the car of an international charity organization. her name is zoe francom. cooperation. it reaches 5 years with relief and humanitarian organizations. two weeks ago , he announced his trip to gaza online. to deliver food to people. zoe and the members of the aid group who were with him in gaza under the name of global central kitchen died in the israeli air attack on deir al-balah in the center of the gaza strip. may we know that these workers worked with the global central kitchen, which were palestinian, english, polish and australian. the body of one of them cannot be identified due to the severity of the attack. what is being questioned is how they were attacked? while
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they are international humanitarian forces, it is terrible to enter gaza and attack them with the coordination of israel. australia demands full accountability from the zionist regime regarding the killing of amdad. australia expects full answers about the deaths of aid workers , an act of terror that is completely unacceptable providing and explaining food to palestinian civilians who needed this help. the six -month attacks of the zionist regime on gaza have so far claimed the lives of more than 380 aid workers. the latest statistics also indicate the martyrdom of 130 people from gaza, except the aid workers and reporters in the warehouses. food, unrwa centers, and humanitarian aid trucks are not safe from zionist attacks. trucks that
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are either left behind closed doors or if they reach gaza are targeted for attack. in these 6 months of war, the zionist regime has committed a high number of war crimes in the face of others nizamian registered in his record. this is a human disaster. according to human rights, israel does not have the right to attack humanitarian aid workers and aid workers, and according to international law , attacking aid workers is a war crime. news of sed and sima news agency. the images that were released from the shafa medical complex in gaza after two weeks of siege. it shows the level of crime committed by the zionist regime in this region. according to al-mayadeen network , during the siege and occupation of shafa medical complex, the occupying regime destroyed all the buildings of this complex. these are pictures of the medical complex of shafa
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has turned the zionist regime into a pile of dirt and a burnt area. a complex that was the largest hospital in the gaza strip. and served more than 2 million people. you can see the building of specialized surgeries in the picture, which was destroyed and set on fire. it means that you will be welcomed and you will not be left. here is the hospital's reception building, of which nothing remains. hundreds of martyrs were found in this complex . now we enter one of the buildings. as you can see, the inside of the building has been destroyed and set on fire. however, the thousands of sick and injured and displaced. were present in these buildings. there is no safe place left inside the building. this is the specialty surgery building.
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it is very difficult to walk in the building. in these pictures, you can see the amount of destruction. zionist fighter jets heavily bombarded these buildings. dozens of bodies have been removed from the rubble. with this situation, the only way to rebuild the medical complex is to completely destroy it, remove the rubble and rebuild it. it is clear that his intention was the complete destruction of this area. this complex had different departments that served two million people. this is the third the largest and oldest hospital in palestine. terin is the largest hospital in the food court. the zionist regime had attacked this medical complex many times, but
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this time the scale of damage is unprecedented. the united nations high commissioner for human rights has reported that the violence of zionist settlers against west bank palestinians has reached an unprecedented level after the al-aqsa storm operation, and volker turk said that the expansion of settlements means expulsion. it is from their land and houses and this crime is considered a war crime. abdullah is awake at night until morning. always on standby. zionists may go home at any moment and attack his farmland. nights in hawareh region are like nightmares. organized crime groups carry out their attacks mostly at night . it may be at 12.
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he explained and left their hands free to commit more crimes. some hebrew language sources report the occurrence of a massive explosion in the occupied territories of palestine . it is said that this explosion is nearby. one of the power transmission lines of the occupying regime has been damaged near korone bakhtiri , and alarm bells have sounded in some zionist settlements, including kisofim. hebrew sources have reported a missile attack on this town. in the anti-zionist operation in one four zionist policemen were injured in the town near gluqiliyeh in the north of the west bank. two of the injured have been declared serious. in this operation, a young man. a series of shootings
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were reported at the zionist regime soldiers in al-fara'a camp in the south of tubas in the west bank. another news from korone bakhtiri is that the zionist army raided the cities of nablus, bethlehem and ramallah and arrested a large number of palestinian youths. the zionist media report on the deliberate killing of the people of gaza. gaza wrote to the lies of the leaders of this regime about the targeting of palestinians, which have been proven to be intentional . they have been killed. on monday night, the israeli army
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targeted the car of a seven-member group belonging to an international charity that was responsible for distributing humanitarian aid in the gaza strip , and arrested and paid an american who had supported the popular resistance of hamas in a demonstration in england. a fine was imposed. newspaper the independent wrote: this 77-year-old retired soldier , who participated in a demonstration in favor of palestine to hamas in front of the famous english municipality, along with about 500 other people 6 months ago, has to pay a fine of 2,300 pounds. condemned, this former us army pilot was holding a placard at an anti-zionist demonstration in london that read: stand with hamas, destroy israel , palestine must be freed, the council on american-islamic relations announced in a report that discrimination and attacks against muslims in america
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has reached its highest level in the last 30 years with an increase of 56%. according to this report, 861 complaints were filed last year about the attack on muslims in america , it has been registered, which shows a growth of 56 compared to the previous year. the most complaints were registered in the fields of employment discrimination, hate crimes and educational discrimination against muslims. according to the report of the council on american-islamic relations, an average of 500 attacks per month were reported from january to the end of september last year. but after the beginning of the gaza war, it reached 1,200 cases per month. arab muslim and american personalities refused the us president's iftar. according to al jazeera, last night, biden invited some of these personalities to an iftar party at the white house had invited, but they
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left the party in protest of america's support for the crimes of the zionist regime in palestine. these figures said they could not attend such a ceremony while people were being killed in gaza. they asked biden to stop the zionist regime's crimes against palestinians, especially in gaza, as soon as possible. the taiwan earthquake left at least four dead and more than 700 injured. the 7.5 richter earthquake in taiwan in the eastern part of the island caused the collapse of several buildings. the knowledge of the earth was in several areas. the earthquake also caused widespread damage cars and public facilities were without power and internet in large parts of taiwan. taiwanese officials say this is the strongest earthquake in the island in the last 25 years. the earthquake also triggered a tsunami warning in taiwan and nearby countries including japan and the philippines.
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airplane flights were suspended in okinawa, japan. thank you for your attention. god bless you and have a good time . dear viewers of the khabar network, we are currently witnessing a calm atmosphere and a clear to slightly cloudy sky in the regions of our country, but we expect in the afternoon in parts of the slopes of the zagros. let's see increased and scattered rains. therefore, in the next hour, in parts of the central provinces
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of lorestan, areas of chaharmahal bakhtiari provinces , which smell of your mercy. fars province, south of isfahan province , parts of yazd and kerman provinces will sometimes have rain, lightning and wind during the afternoon and early night. due to these rains , our warning has a yellow level. there is a possibility of flowing water in parts of these provinces. for thursday, we expect the rains to be weak and scattered in parts of yazd, kerman, areas of sistan baluchistan province to rainfall is expected in the form of scattered lightning and wind. gradually, with the departure of this system from the eastern borders. from friday to saturday , we have almost calm and stable weather in the country. we expect that until friday in the
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eastern parts of the persian gulf, the strait of hormuz and the sea of ​​oman, the sea will be rough and we will have waves because we have an increase in the height of the waves and the sea is rough. we request that marine activities be carried out with restrictions, but from saturday after zar and at night , a new rainfall system will again affect our country from the north-west side, the rains from the the provinces of ardabil, east azarbaijan , west azarbaijan, zanjan, and kurdistan will begin. for tehran , we are currently witnessing cloudy skies. for the next few hours , we expect wind and sometimes cloudy skies. and god may your friend take care of you.
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we have served you. i thank you for attending on time and under the circumstances and announcing the programs of the world palace day with the motivation of you, journalists and members of the media. let's remember imam rahel, the great architect of the islamic revolution , for naming the world quds day and the system's strategy
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holy islamic republic regarding the support of the oppressed people of palestine and efforts to help the people of palestine that land. between them , it is occupied by the zionist occupation regime. we offer our courtesy and greetings to the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, who has always considered the issue of palestine as one of the main issues of the islamic ummah , and his majesty has always emphasized the help and efforts to empower the palestinian people to confront the zionist regime and achieve their rights. and yes, we in islamic iran
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have the second march and field presence of our people on the world quds day every year for 4 or 5 years. our people, on the international quds day, which is held at the end of the holy month of ramadan and in the days of the night of qadr, and it has a high spirituality , we have always celebrated the quds day in all the conditions that have been in our country during the past 45 years, and we thank god that
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we did not allow five years of constant resistance and insistence to explain the zionist crime in occupying jerusalem and the palestinian land to forget the palestinian issue, which was the zionist strategy, and 45 years of holding the international quds day every year has provided an opportunity for this case to be overturned. bukhore and new generations with crime meet the zionists. this year, with the al-aqsa storm operation, the issue of palestine became global. and the public opinion of the world praised the way and strategy of the islamic republic and why.
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they found out the name of the world quds day. in fact, international quds day is the day when the racist and occupying nature of the zionist regime is explained to the public opinion, and on the other hand, the oppression that has been committed against the palestinian nation during these 745 years is explained to the new generations . it is not allowed that the zionist media empire forget the issue. we thank god that the discourse of the islamic revolution and the strategy of the republic islam regarding the issue of palestine today
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has been approved, respected, and accompanied by public opinion all over this planet. today, you are witnessing the presence of millions of people in countries that the zionists did not expect, where slogans will be raised against them and their cruelty will be condemned. we were there who shouted the cry of the oppressed people of palestine and asked their rulers to reconsider their support for the zionist regime. the same situation continues in america in other parts of the world in different cities
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had and it is and among islamic countries, well, in the first way, this issue has been of interest. what the imam and supreme leader of the revolution pointed out during these years has been noticed and acknowledged by the public opinion of the world today. we can proudly announce that this year is the day. al-quds world is truly a global day thanks to the perseverance, bravery and resourcefulness of the fighters present in the fight against zionism, especially the fighters of hamas and islamic jihad who bravely stand for the cause.
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palestine stood up and marked the storming of al-aqsa . in the name of the lord who creates beauty and loves beauty may god be merciful and merciful , i say hello to the respected viewers of the news channel. may your theater and prayers be accepted by god almighty . at 10:30 , we present the special news section of the media to you. the beginning of this section is short news with news from shabestan , an animation series of young men and two movies. this news section begins with a movie. hanas movie and snow association movie.


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