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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 am in the city of tehran, i am your host. god is our coercion. we will defeat all enemies. the iron message of the murder of the leadership, bergam morshg.
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in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, we offer you greetings , may your prayers and prayers be accepted, god willing , the traffic arrangements for quds day have been announced in tehran. these restrictions will continue from the beginning and until the end of this ceremony. the restriction of the first circle will be 100% from 8:00 am, from the north side of keshavarz boulevard to the inside, from the east side of valias ajlellullah farez street to the inside and kargar street from the west side and shahid nazari on the south side of the street. the revolution is 100% inward. in
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this mahdah, we will carry out mahdits of haraq olmono, and based on the traffic conditions in the second ring of mahdit traffic from the north of dr. fatemi street , from the east side of sepahbod qurani street, or ferdowsi square, from the south side of jumhori street and from west side of azadi gharib or zare merit intersection. we will do it inwards to lighten the traffic load . the new york times wrote in a report that the government should ask the us congress to approve an 18 billion dollar package for the sale of warplanes to the regime. zionist put pressure. in addition to the f-35 aircraft, this package also includes ammunition, training and support.
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the use of atomic bombs. now the new package of american aid is on its way , including 25 fighters and more than 1,800 one-ton bombs , which are enough to raze a city to the ground.
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since the beginning of the war, the us has been supplying israel with new weapons every week, weapons that have been used not only to kill thousands of civilians, but also hundreds of international aid workers. in the latest of these attacks, seven foreign aid workers of the world kitchen charity were killed. only an hour later since they reached the gaza strip. not only aid convoys, but even hospitals. and doctors are not safe from such attacks. they executed 10 people, including dr. ahmed makhlati, in shafa hospital by shooting directly at the heads of many of our colleagues, and we have no news about them. according to the world health organization, the war in gaza has claimed the lives of nearly 700 workers and at least 180 aid workers. the report of hearts newspaper shows that the zionist regime's regional army.
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considered in gaza as a death zone. any participant who crosses the ungrazed borders of these areas slow down, his life is at his feet. azadeh taheri, sada news agency. the islamic world demanded the zionist regime's crimes.
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i have come here to read this prayer , we brought our children to learn that they can participate in this ceremony, it is a kind of purification, a kind of purification of the soul, you can communicate with god more. i want all the sick people to be healed , god willing, the needs of all those who ask for
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help, may god answer the prayers of the people, remember the palestinian people and pray for them. we are heartbroken for them, what should we do for the children, we can't get anywhere, we can only pray , i asked god to
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write this in their destiny. mehdi anari, radio and television news agency. from the beginning of the holy month of ramadan until today, 93 thousand benefactors of our country have supported eitan mohsenin in the campaign for love of ali. according to the deputy of the development of popular partnerships of the relief committee , 27 million simple iftars and hot meals were served in more than 7,000 cooks during this period. mahdavi's house has been explained to cook all over the country and among the less privileged people. in the last night of qadr when our fate is determined, some they did not forget about the people. i am considering
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5 to 6 children now. what do you want to do? we help them in any way. as long as we live. i feel myself with i was not dragged here by my own feet, rozef must have been amir al- mu'minin, he reaches them, he goes to his houses , gives him food, takes him to them, you also do the same thing as me, yes, but we have learned from hazrat ali, we are doing this work , who was your role model for choosing hazrat because they have all yasima under their leadership, we follow their example , but i think more than one person now. how many do you think i should choose? i don't know, no matter how much i can do, now i'm maybe 4 to 5. i'm sorry, how are you feeling? it's great if someone can help, i'll be the first to go around you. i don't have it, i
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'm a patrolman myself, but i love this job , it has a good feeling. you have to experience it to know what they are saying , it cannot be put into words, the world passes like lightning, no, it has no value, this work is also rewarding in the end. all the other rewards you felt in your life are terrible from this moment it starts from the moment i hold this in my hands , i will see its blessings and the life in my life will be blessed for the next generations. i want god to give us this ability, according to statistics, there are about 51 thousand orphans and orphans. the use of personal fuel card according to
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the announcement of the ministry of oil, with the aim of managing fuel consumption in the new year, the refueling operation of all cars will be carried out only with a personal fuel card . of course, we will still have a limited number of emergency cards at the stations for those who have not received their cards or who may have problems accessing the card , but this requirement is 90-95 legal, we must comply with this as well. now we are informing the people to refer to the supply channels themselves and transfer them. take this oven in order to
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produce the fuel card within a week and deliver it to the dear people. the head of the country's prisons organization announced a 53% increase in the employment of prisoners last year. according to mr. mohammadi, more than 42,000 prisoners are currently working in the country's prisons . production will increase with people's participation in the new year. we have employment in three sectors in prisons. the first part is a workshop inside the prison, the second part is sent to work in public and private employment centers outside the prison, and the third part is sedentary work that is done inside prisons and prisons. currently, we have about 98 production units across the country in 200 fields of economic activity, including the agricultural service industry and animal husbandry in
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14 occupational groups with more than 5,000 diverse products. the production produced by the applicants of sistan baluchistan province became a phenomenon of tourism this year, the minister of cultural heritage, tourism and historical sites and cultural heritage buildings said that 6 million people will be there until april 13. sistan baluchistan with 14% growth in traffic and 128% growth in accommodation, while the number of road casualties has decreased by 40 %
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, is truly an outstanding province. we went further and increased the final number of passengers and tourists at the end of the holy month according to those three days of speed especially regarding eid al-fitr , our latest statistics on visiting historical sites and cultural heritage buildings were 6 million people until the end of april 13. while saying goodbye, we invite you to watch the news of the area.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and greetings to you, dear viewers , have a good night and accept your obedience . we are at your service with the news of the hozah. at the same time as the holy month of ramadan, two special series of answers to quranic doubts and doubts related to the resistance and palestine to the title of elimination and resolution by. it was published from studies and answers to doubts. these two collections as an appendix to the specialized scientific quarterly presented to the readers. in some numbers. appendix no. 33, which is related to the spring of 1403, is two of the published collections of rebuttals and reproofs . the first collection consists of 38 questions and answers in the field of
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quranic sciences and quranic education. the second set has 21 questions and answers about the issue of palestine and resistance, which are addressed in these two sets from different dimensions. those who are interested can refer to the (m)ir website to receive the contents of the collection of disposal and fixing. representative of the jurist in matters of hajj and pilgrimage. during the trip to thailand with shaykh al-islam and amir al-haj of this country met and talked. hojjatul islam muslimin nawab congratulated mohammad jalaluddin hussain on his election as the sheikh of thailand and appreciated his role as the axis of the unity of the muslims of this country. the representative of wali faqih in matters of hajj and pilgrimage suggested that nahj al-balagha in
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thai language be available to the muslims of this country. shaykh al-islam of thailand also mentioned the long-standing relations between the two countries and by stating that the shaykhs of thailand are up to 14th shia and 15th to 19th are sunni, he emphasized that there has always been a peaceful life between shias and sunnis. it has existed in this country, and at present , permission has been issued for several mosques of the shia institute . in a ritual in the field.
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it was unveiled as an intangible cultural heritage document for the promotion of preservation for the first time in west azarbaijan at the khoi seminary, god bless ali mohammad and ajl farajah, in december last year, in the 18th session of the intergovernmental committee for the protection of intangible cultural heritage. iftar ceremony and its related cultural and social traditions have been registered in the first world intangible cultural heritage under the leadership of the islamic republic of iran and jointly with the countries of turkey, uzbekistan and azerbaijan. iftar ceremony
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and social traditions are inseparable elements of the religion of islam, which is recorded in the intangible list. the world has preserved this favorite tradition forever. iftar tradition is one of the original islamic traditions. since the time of the messenger of allah and on the advice of that noble , the tradition of breaking the fast has become popular among muslims. we have very good narrations about the virtue of breaking the fast , that the reward of breaking the fast for one person is equal to the expiation of the sins of one year of adam. iran has received 21 works so far. it has been registered in the list of intangible heritage and is currently in the fifth place in the list of intangible world heritage. thank you for your support, dear viewers, have a good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, hello to you, good night. well, the presence of rain showers in the central and southern slopes of zagroz fata, even in the south of our country, in the last picture. a report from the meteorological satellite indicates that there will be rain in these areas for tonight and tomorrow , we are likely to have rain in these areas . we have a yellow alert in areas of the province such as chaharhoul bakhtiari, kokilo, rahmat bakshi in the south of isfahan province , as well as in the north of fars province, in some areas of kerman province. we have a barrage of strong wind, tomorrow
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the amount and intensity of the rains will decrease, that is, the day on thursday, it will be concentrated in parts of the southeast of our country, provinces such as sistan baluchistan, kerman and fars will have the last rains of this rain system , it will gradually leave the eastern and southeastern borders of the country. it seems that friday will be a relatively calm day. . okay, and in most regions of our country, the weather is relatively calm and stable, and especially in the northern half of our country, a relative increase in temperature is expected. we observe the phenomenon of wind blowing in parts of the eastern half of the southern parts of our country , which we predict in the eastern regions of the persian gulf, sange hormuz, and parts of the oman sea. the speed and humidity can lead to an increase in turbulence as well as an increase in the wave height in these areas. in the east and southeast regions of our country, it can also be accompanied by the rise of dust and dirt. until saturday afternoon , with the arrival of a fully active and extensive rainy season for sunday and monday
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, we will have rains in most areas of our country, first in the western half, then in large areas of the northern half of the center of our country. until the end of next week, the rainy season will be active. he continues that it seems better to talk in more detail in the next reports. have a good time and god bless you. a tsunami is worse than the indonesian tsunami. god is enough for us. he is the best helper. i say to netanyahu and the arab nation to settle this place.
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they were displaced and officially announced the establishment of the fake israeli regime. since then
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, there have been people in the position of president or prime minister of this regime whose ancestral home was not palestine and they came to this land from the four corners of the world.
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receive a gift for every purchase from the great iranian house. a gift for every iranian at baran sarai irani gift until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. maxi in gando's guarantee, service for ladies and gentlemen now now it's time to go to the city to buy household goods. okay , okay, okay, i don't have a check. goodbye, everyone. goodbye. no, the lady doesn't want a check. will you be my guarantor? my guarantor wants an advance payment.
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home appliances city does not ask for advance payment. a special purchase for dear social security retirees from appliance city. city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. we have brought you the pure gold from morocco. argan shampoo, a new product from perez. we should say hello to nature again.
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stand in the first line for justice, the burden of trust is left on your shoulders, stand in the first line, the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity your stronghold is your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, there are martyrs in your eyes, in the name of god


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