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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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this shows that the farmer has a model of cultivation. anyway , the ministry of agriculture has compiled the model. if we look for it, it definitely needs strong incentives so that we can get rid of the heresies of the past. or the cultivations of the crops that i mentioned have been established as an established model , we should change them anyway, incentives should be given so that i can tell you the new cultivation model that suits us , now as yes, we will follow them we know that the program organization and the central bank, hoping to god, have already set the agenda for the next crop year.
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we are going to start raining with the help of our own farmers and producers according to the proportion that was provided . without a doubt, our country is located in a hot and dry region in terms of climate and there is a lack of rain, but it seems to be the same. it also happens sometimes in the past years or the past few years . not used. in the last months of last year, we saw heavy rains in sistan baluchistan in terms of watershed management. what did we do with the aquifer or keep these, or what does the ministry of agriculture want to do in the new year so that it can make the most of these resources in the field of agriculture. in fact, do
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it, i thank the most high. in any case, you are still in the mind of hazrat ali and you raised this question. it is a very important issue, mr. abedini. anyway, let me tell you that watershed management is the true meaning of water production. hectare something close to 5 to 6 million. we need to spend money to stabilize one hectare of our land in one year , at least 500 cubic meters of water per hectare of land. it produces and keeps it inside itself, so you see that watershed is the production of water, watershed causes control.
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it floods and stops the flood. watershed management is a serious activity to prevent the erosion of the valuable agricultural soil in the country . the ministry of agriculture has taken measures so far. i would like to say to hazrat ari and the noble nation of iran that we have studied something close to 20 million hectares, mr. abedini, now. 20 million hectares are ready for implementation, something close to 90 million hectares, the country has the talent for this activity, it was 130 million, we have allocated 90 another million hectares of the country's talent for service activities, i would like to tell you that there is a watershed that we can do watershed work, and i seriously said that as an important priority in the ministry's agenda, we
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had a negotiation program with our colleagues in the organization, god willing. soon, before closing the 43rd budget , we have a meeting to negotiate again so that, god willing, we will be able to get the appropriate funds for watershed and watershed projects and flood control. this activity has become more important than any other. now a native is a native knowledge in the affairs of the country, because i am also in i was in the city too i served in the service center as well as in the province, in different areas of the ministry, i saw this and implemented it myself that the people do not need me to serve you, now a powerful engineering company should come as a consultant and want to enter and find machinery. let's mobilize sangili for implementation and get a contractor to do this anyway. abkhizari is one of those
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places where people themselves can participate and do this work. we have applicants in particular parts of the country. perhaps one of the most important people's participation on a wide level, both financially and from they think that there is work in the area of ​​watershed management, which can be very effective, and as a serious matter, we are looking for the support of the government and various institutions and to complete the important work in order to stabilize the water production. let it be done, minister. last year, we discussed the planting of one million and one billion trees . after all, the world is going in a direction where trees are the lungs of a society or the lungs of a country, because the climate is healthy, and this
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is a great step of the ministry. jad khazuri to realize this issue, which is very important from the people's point of view people's participation both in terms of the system, in fact, the land that the whole country actually prevents soil erosion , and in terms of providing water in a way that takes care of water in many countries, on the contrary , some people believe that planting trees is planting trees for water. abundance is needed. trees suitable for that particular climate and geography can help . what has the ministry of agriculture done and what does it want to do in the current agricultural year or rather in 1403? yes, this is a very big mission and responsibility. one
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billion trees to in any case, it is a very big work and it deserves attention. and i emphasize that we are based on the schedule to do this in 4 years or 5 years was supposed to plant one billion trees for 4 years in a 4-year period. in the first year in 402 , about 300 million saplings
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it used to be held before me and during my time, my colleagues regularly held meetings from different institutions, and there was a coordination of empathy and a companionship in the meetings. now let's create a culture so that our students understand the importance of the subject and produce seedlings he should receive training, learn and participate in the planting of saplings . i am here to thank the ministry of education , mr. sardar bagheri's armed forces , on the 15th of march, a special ceremony was held with
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the presence of all the armed forces, especially the basij, and their emphasis was that they should this should be done as a public work. we in the industry are also involved in this work. my emphasis is that we should go to places where this is possible in the field of natural resources. that we carry out wood cultivation under this wood cultivation let's cover the provinces of the provinces that have talent, for example, we have considered the species in wood cultivation, one of them is eucalyptus in the south of the country, especially in khuzestan province, it is in a very good condition and it has been done well
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there. good investors are also working, and i would like to tell you that we are planning to do cypress trees for wood cultivation areas in the same project, and we recommend that we dedicate a part to positive trees. in any case, it is still in the plan that we will do this, god willing, and last year it was done . we plan to cultivate at least 250 to 300 million plants annually . the 13th government put one of its main strategies on the basis of a smart government, which cuts the intermediaries between producers. consumer or between licenses , especially in the field of issuing licenses, because some corruptions
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were created, some golden signatures appeared , these and more happened more and more, here the government came and followed this work seriously. we have a report about issuing licenses. we will see later about issuing licenses in the field. the ministry of jihad agriculture , we talk together, get inquiries from the departments various departments are not coordinated with each other, many things are still done traditionally and manually, many departmental systems are not connected to each other and this makes this process time-consuming. it sometimes takes a few years to delay. it can involve a rancher for up to 2 years. the ministry of agricultural jihad
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issues 16 business licenses, but the issuance of most of these licenses is delayed. the officials of this ministry attributed some of these delays to the applicant and some to inter-institutional inquiries in this ministry they know home. sometimes the esteemed applicants do not make the necessary arrangements with the licensing authorities for these experts to visit and carry out an investigation . the time of issuance of the approved license and placed on the portal is not a suitable time for expert reviews to be carried out. in addition to the delay of the ministry of agricultural jihad in issuing licenses, some of the licenses of this ministry have not yet been connected to the national portal. there are licenses whose worksheets are in the queue for hearing in the sound regulation board. well, this is part of it. some of our licenses are now issued on the portal. those related to extension and development
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are issued by the order and coordination of our business center through our specialized systems based on the image law of issuing licenses. don't connect your devices to the port, those licenses must be issued automatically. we started issuing automatic based on a schedule and planning from the beginning of november 1402 to the device in the first stage. we gave an alarm that you should do your homework yourself, and we started issuing the so-called low-risk, low-risk licenses automatically. the national portal of licenses has automatically issued only one title of the licenses of this ministry of home affairs. farozen ahsanpour of the radio and television news agency. well, the ministry of agriculture. in the context of connecting to the single window that
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provides the issuance of permits , i would like to tell you that we are related to the permits, if you allow me to give a preliminary explanation. activity. let there be no restrictions and we, while observing the law, try to provide the conditions in such a way that the law is implemented in such a way that don't worry, we work in various fields , including fisheries, food industries, greenhouses, and medicinal plants. and in the field of animal husbandry , we have a very good background and talent for
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investment. personally, i believe that if we want to achieve self-sufficiency in animal husbandry and export, we should develop investment and not create restrictions, considering the conditions that exist in the countries around us, where there is an opportunity for export. you are about to enter the field of greenhouses . that's right. i said that we have limited water resources. well, greenhouses are one of those places that seek to save water, per meter. we harvest an average of 38 to 40 kilograms per cubic meter of water. this is much less in the open air , it is less than 10 kilograms, and we have greenhouses that are an indicator
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. we have 58 kg of product per cubic meter of water. this is equal to the international standards and it is a very big job. anyway, let me tell you that all my efforts and my colleagues are to put the problems in front of the people for investment and someone is waiting for the license of the sample that i have today. with i'm talking about you, maybe many viewers will be offended by this, but as a basic strategy, we have been following up since we came here to remove these restrictions and leave the affairs to the provinces, which in the provinces themselves permits should be given and there is no need for them to go to the headquarters of the ministry of home affairs in tehran, and in fact, permits should be obtained in their own provincial areas
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and they should go and do the work anyway , we are in this area anyway. i give this promise and this assurance that if there are problems anywhere , we will solve these problems anyway, god willing. your path is in the same direction. one of the issues that the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran, in his mission to his highness in the ministry of agriculture, brought up governance is actually agriculture based on data. considering the amount of data that exists in the field of agriculture and thank god, what plan did you think of in this field? i would like to tell you that we have formed a headquarters in the ministry of home affairs and established a dispatch center before
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the ministry of home affairs. to one of the best and most refined experts in the agricultural sector, and we are going in the direction that, god willing, a ruler has given in the agricultural sector, which is a lot of talk and hadith in the past and today. let's do the statistical information work of the agricultural sector in a timely manner, and that means both in a planned and location -oriented manner. yes, yes, now i say, god willing, we have a plan, hoping to god, that by the end of june, july, the rice harvest will be completed in other countries. in the same way
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, we worked hard in some fields there are less deviations, they are the next priority and we are seriously pursuing this to do the work, god willing, and at least not embarrass the people and mr. president, to do the issue of data governance in the field of agriculture properly, and one of the issues what is relevant in the world is the use of extraterritorial cultivation due to the different climates that countries have. does the islamic republic of iran have a plan in this regard or not? in relation to extra-territorial cultivation, it was one of the discussions that has been followed in the past in the ministry of agriculture, and a number of works have been carried out in foreign countries to do both the discussion of agriculture
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, animal husbandry and industry, a series of things have happened . we have already appointed an executive in the ministry of agriculture as the person in charge of overseas cultivation . first of all , let's collect the statistics of the activists who are working in this field in foreign countries and review in which countries and in which fields the goal is to work. our decision is that we have good conditions in africa and neighboring countries and we are evaluating this and holding meetings. we have invited those who have capital and are interested in working in the field of extraterritorial cultivation. the ministry of foreign affairs, especially
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the economic vice president, and the ambassadors are cooperating very well , god willing. we will have a very good jump in the field of extraterrestrial cultivation, hoping to god. god willing , i would like to raise the last question that we had problems in the export of agricultural products in some years, perhaps due to the lack of necessary supervision of the export of agricultural products. what is the plan of the ministry of agriculture in this regard? i would like to mention
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that in 402, about 1 million tons of agricultural products were exported, which shows a growth of 23% in terms of weight, and in terms of value, something close to 6 million billion dollars. both in the field of dairy products and products. fisheries and especially aquatic feed, which we used to import not long ago, two years ago, today, as i am speaking to you, we export aquatic feed to 10 countries in the world, including shrimp feed , warm fish feed, and fish food we are breeding fish in cages, all kinds of export work is being done. vegetables and saffron are among the products that we exported, and there are very good conditions for exporting these products
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. open greenhouse products are among the products that are being exported anyway, so that we don't face the problem that you mentioned . you said that the offer is that we definitely have a plan for it. we really did not have any problems this year until now that we are at your service. before the export was done, we had the help of the plant protection organization and the animal medicine organization. the food safety office monitors the production of the products , products that are exported and products that are needed for domestic consumption . we are responsible for health. to provide food and health to the society , as much as we are sensitive to domestic production and domestic supply and the health of domestic food
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, we are equally sensitive to the export of products so that we don't lose the share we get from the market anyway. let's develop our own share in the global markets, both high-quality products, healthy products , and competitively priced products. in any case, another strategy that we had in mind is to support the agricultural organizations. if the organizations of the agricultural sector pay attention to my words, we should express them in the field and we should have support policies that we will definitely do this, the production will be done more easily. both marketing and removal of middlemen will be done, and export and marketing work will be done better. with what
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is happening now, i am very grateful and thank you, dear viewers .
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from 900 valid airlines in fly today khanma gentlemen, now it's time to go to the city of household appliances. well, well, well, i don't have a check . goodbye, everyone. goodbye, no, lady , i don't want a check. will you be my guarantor ? dear retirees , social security from the city of household appliances. the city of household appliances is a specialized reference for household appliances.
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maxider, with gando's guarantee , opened a well-equipped and specialized digital store in an area of ​​over 5,000 square meters in irani sarai, qom . all kinds of mobile phones, personal computers, tablets, gaming devices and other digital accessories with price.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, salam shabtun. no, we are at your service with some news at 20:30. about 43,000 iranian passengers and foreign nationals crossed the official border of two laws from march 25 to april 13. according to the head of taibad cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts department , 4146 passengers entered iran and afghanistan . nizamuddin kargarzar added annually


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