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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21. the leader of the revolution in his ramadan meeting with the officials of the system, instead of the people, the expectation is that the economic decisions of the officials will be tangible in their lives. this expectation should be fulfilled. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, the downfall of the zionist regime is certain. those falling into a trap
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by themselves, falling into a trap from which there is no way to save them, and day by day, the regime will become weaker and closer to language and dismemberment, god willing. 2000 points of the country in condemning the crimes of the zionists for 6 months friday prayer squares are marching. the bodies of martyrs of the quds road were placed on the hands of the marchers in the capital. the funeral ceremony will start at 10:00 am at the same time as the international quds day commemoration , and in tehran, the ceremony will start from ferdowsi square. intensification of the attacks of the zionist regime on the
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gaza strip: the number of martyrs in gaza exceeded 33 thousand people. the broad response of the resistance, from 36 operations by palestinian fighters to hezbollah rockets hitting several bases where zionist soldiers gather in the north of the occupied territories, to the iraqi resistance's drone attack on haifa airport. in a special conversation. tonight's news we examine where the muslim countries stand in this arena in the 180 days since the genocide in gaza. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. good night , dear and respected viewers of obedience and worship.
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god willing, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution this evening in a meeting with the leaders of the system, a group of officials and agents of the system and social, political and cultural figures , called the natural and human capacities of the country to fulfill the expectations of the people, and called it necessary to form a group of elites. thought to identify ways to involve all people in any endeavor for the welfare of the people and the progress of the country, work is for god. ayatollah khamenei also pointed to the two defeats of the zionist criminal regime in the al-aqsa storm and the realization of the goals of the attack on gaza, and emphasized that quds day this year, god willing, with the brilliance of the iranian nation and the presence of muslim and freedom-loving nations, will lead to an international outcry against the qasim regime. they
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called ramadan a holy month in the full and true sense of the word, which develops the spiritual and inner capabilities of man in various aspects and methods, such as fasting, reciting the qur'an, supplications, and nights of greatness , and as a result, improves the society. hazrat ayat allah khamenei considered ramadan as a social month in the light of kindness and charity and helping others and ramadan is a great opportunity to repair the wounds that are inflicted on the soul and soul by sins throughout the year. repentance is possible. he listed repentance as an individual and social concept and added that the true meaning of repentance is returning from guilt and error and correcting its effects and consequences. therefore, any person, for any reason, including negligence, laziness, or
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indifference, has caused a problem in social, political, cultural, and other fields. if it occurs, it must be accompanied by forgiveness. and repentance compensates for the effects of that problem and heals that wound. the leader of the revolution considered the impact of the mistakes of the officials more than the common people and emphasized that if a problem and error is created in the country and in the society due to the behavior, speech, decisions and positions of us officials, we must recognize the error, accept the responsibility and bear the consequences. and compensate for its consequences. in the main part of his speech, he addressed the issue of the slogan of the year and referring to the good words of the president at the beginning of this meeting and the efforts and efforts of the government to solve the problems, he said, of course, there are more expectations and the knots must be untied with extra effort, which this
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government can do, god willing. referring to the bitter and sweet economic realities of the country, the leader of the revolution added that high prices, instability with the market, depreciation of the national currency and class gap are among the bitter economic realities. he added that on the other hand, there are many important issues, such as large infrastructures , the establishment of a significant number of partially closed or closed stations, the activity of thousands of young, motivated and hopeful groups in knowledge- based companies and the formation of capable companies. and efficient. it is among them in the private and public sector. hazrat ayat allah khamenei, in retelling an important expectation from the officials, instead of the people, said that the people expect the works and efforts of the officials
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to have a tangible effect in their lives, that they should move and make efforts in order to fulfill this expectation. he called the expectations of the people for the improvement of the economic situation to be realized due to the extraordinary capacities of the country and added: having about 7 natural resources of the world with 64 important minerals, even though iran has about one of the world's population, the capacity and it is a very good opportunity. having about 37 million hectares of arable land, the possibility of water management for full use of this very important agricultural capacity. and iran's presence in the top ranks of global production of products such as steel and cement was one of iran's other natural capacities that the leader of the revolution pointed out. he called human capacities more important than natural capacities and added:
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the iranian nation has talent and intelligence above the world average, 36 million young people, 14 million, with higher education, 3 million. more than 100,000 students, faculty and more than 150,000 doctors are among iran's unique human capacities. ayatollah khamenei also referring to the situation geographical importance and high climatic diversity said that all these capacities show that the economic expectations of the people and the leadership can be achieved. in describing the external and internal obstacles to the improvement of the economic situation, he said that threats: sanctions and continuous disruptions are the most important external obstacles to iran's access to the necessary facilities. it can also be an opportunity creator.
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ayatollah khamenei added: inaction, laziness, indolence, trying to gain popularity and thinking of being superior are among the internal obstacles that make the correct use of capacity and opportunity. it causes interruptions and disruptions in the country. in an important part of his speech, the leader of the islamic revolution called working for the people, the welfare of the people, and the effort for the country's progress to be used by god and emphasized that the effort to untie the knot from the work of the people means having a divine intention and the lord will surely bless and reward this effort. this year, i put the issue of people's participation in the slogan of the year, so that more attention is paid to the possibilities of people's participation in economic matters, which literally
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means people's power, financial power, intellectual and mental power, innovative power of people's initiatives. enter the field. we profit. the leader of the revolution in explaining what should be done. the necessity of realizing the slogan of production jump with the participation of the people , referring to government and governmental interventions, emphasizing on reducing these interventions, said that bringing the people's intellectual financial power and initiatives to the field has many benefits for the country. he called the idea of ​​some people about closing the hands of the government in the event of people entering the economy and taking over the administrations wrong, and added that the people and the government each have duties that should be distinguished between these administrative and
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practical duties of the government in matters a headquarters such as amish land of monitoring and preventing violations fulfills its duties slow and people to undertake the practical aspects of the work . ayatollah khamenei considered people's role-playing participation in the economy to be the cause of iran's strength and economic stability and added: the policies of article 44, which were established and promulgated using the constitution itself, should be implemented, as there were many weaknesses in this field in the past. had. he considered the realization of 8% economic growth in the 7th plan as possible from the point of view of experts and its continuation will create a favorable opening in people's lives and said: of course, economic growth alone is necessary for transformation in the lives and livelihoods of people and classes. weak is not enough rather, other components such as fair and
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equal opportunities are also necessary to achieve facilities at different levels, and in this context, the role of youth skill training is key, and senior managers must plan for it. showing the ways of people's participation with small capitals in production and economy was another point that the leader of the islamic revolution emphasized and called the government of the parliament to form a group of intelligent and intelligent people to think about this matter in another recommendation to the authorities. they considered it necessary to pay attention to the seventh program and said that according to the reports, the implementation of the previous six programs is average it is about 35%, which is a loss for the country and the current government, which fortunately is an active government of intellectuals and workers. must try to make the seventh plan operational. ayatollah khamenei
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, emphasizing the importance of time as a valuable asset and avoiding postponing today's work to tomorrow , told the officials that time passes quickly, so set a schedule for approved works and programs and complete them on time. follow up regularly . he called the role of diplomacy and foreign policy very important and influential in the economy and added that we have many neighbors and in some we share the global agreements that we should use these opportunities in the field of economy with extraordinary diplomatic activity. in another part of his speech, referring to the issue of the hijab, the leader of the revolution said that the issue of the hijab, which has now become an imposed challenge, did not exist before and people planned to
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make it an imposed issue. he considered the issue of hijab worthy of attention from the aspects of legal jurisprudence and side considerations and added: from the point of view of shariah, hijab is an absolute ruling of shariah and covering the body for women except for the face and two palms is a shariah obligation and cannot be dispensed with. it is an opinion and our men and women who are bound and devout muslims must observe this sharia rule . hazrat ayatollah khamenei has called hijab as a legal ruling from the point of view of the law, and he emphasized that the observance of the law is obligatory for all, whether believers in sharia or non-believers . the media was clear, of course, some people helped them inside, but the principle of guidance and design
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to oppose the hijab was done from outside the country, which our wise and understanding women should pay attention to this fact. he is referring to reliable reports they added that they stopped hiring people to break the norms in society with the aim of destroying the sanctity of the hijab . we see the alien in a case , we have to adjust our positions according to this fact . the leader of the revolution designed to remove women's hijab first. they wanted to know and said that their ultimate goal is to gradually return the situation of the country to the era of scandalous taghut, in which the situation of women was very scandalous in terms of education and social norms, unlike today. i am confident
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that the women of our country, even those who are a little in the field of hijab. they are negligent. these are attached to islam, attached to the system. we have said this many times. our women should be looked at in this way. but they should respect this matter of hijab . everyone must comply. i believe that there is responsibility in the government, in the judiciary, in different departments in this field, they should fulfill their legal and religious responsibilities, our women themselves are the most responsible in this field and observe the islamic hijab aspect of the leader of the revolution in the sector. the end of their speech by emphasizing that
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the important issue of gaza should not be allowed to become the priority of the world's public opinion let the crimes of the zionist regime be removed like generation. mass killings and attacks on women, children , patients and hospitals were unprecedented in the history of recent periods and said that the crimes are so great that even people raised in western culture and in europe and america have raised a cry of protest. in a kind of summation of the 6 months of war, they considered the zionist regime to have failed in two aspects and said that their first "failure" was on the 15th of mehr and the al-aqsa storm, when the regime claiming intelligence and military dominance suffered a huge intelligence failure from a resistance group with the possibilities are limited and this defeat and dishonor the zionist regime will never be restored. ayatollah khamenei
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called the second failure of the zionists a failure in achieving the declared goals in the attack on gaza, and by referring to the zionists' withdrawal of all-round financial and political military support from the americans, including the veto of the resolution and a pure lie , he called the resolution non-binding. the latter added that despite all these supports, the zionists could not even achieve one of their declared goals . the leader of the islamic revolution added that they wanted to destroy the resistance and specifically the hamas group. get stuck while hamas today and the islamic jihad and the gaza resistance group are hitting the qasib regime by enduring the problems. they considered the massacre and killing of innocent women and children as a result of the zionists' inability to resist the resistance fighters and said: the defeat of
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the zionists will definitely continue. the deliberate efforts, like the one they committed in syria , which of course will be slapped, takbeer is allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar . man against israel, these things will not help them and will not solve their problem they have fallen into a trap by themselves , they have fallen into a trap from which
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there is no way to save them, and the regime will become weaker day by day, and it will be closer to annihilation, god willing, and we hope that our youth today will see that day. the holy quds sharif is in the possession of muslims and they will pray there and be able to celebrate the destruction of israel, god willing. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that there is no possibility of rescuing the zionists from the trap they have fallen into and added: the zionist regime is getting weaker day by day and it will be closer to decay and dismemberment. we hope that our youth will see the day when the holy holy place is in the hands of muslims and they pray in it . the islamic world
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celebrates the destruction of the qasab regime. he considered the establishment of the islamic republic of iran as a great opportunity for the islamic world , emphasizing the strength of the islamic system and the weakness of its enemies , and said: regional calculations and the situation of the resistance front and the front against it have changed after the storm and will change even more in the future. the enemies of islam and the resistance and the islamic republic of iran will change , while it is inevitable to adapt to these changes they should know that they cannot rule in this region in the islamic society. at the end of this meeting, maghrib and isha prayers were performed under the leadership of the leader of the islamic revolution. he is between the two prayers, pointing out that the day of the world is ahead. quds said: this year's quds day
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will be an international outcry against the special zionist regime. this means that this year, if in the previous years, quds day was celebrated only in islamic countries , this year it is very likely. in non- islamic countries, quds day will be celebrated with greatness, god willing. we hope, god willing, that the nation of iran will shine on this day as in all other cases. at at the beginning of this meeting, the president gave a report on the government's activities and plans, and said that it is the responsibility of the government to improve the economic and livelihood situation day by day with cooperation and coordination . mr. raisi, allocating 45 billion dollars to the production sector and achieving
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economic growth of more than 6%, achieving a balanced budget, reducing liquidity growth to less than 25%. management of the banking system and liquidation of non-performing financial institutions, the realization of goals in the field of employment creation, the growth of the export of the knowledge -based sector and the continuation of the construction of more than 2 million coppers. he listed it as one of the important actions of the government in 1402 and said: although annual and monthly inflation decreased last year , the government continues its efforts to satisfy the people and achieve the desired inflation rate. proportionality of wages, increasing production of electricity, oil, gas and petrochemical products, realization of water supply to villages, development of communication infrastructure, basic measures: health insurance and targeted support for low income deciles were other important measures of the government last year, which mr. raisi he mentioned them in his report
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. in the end, the president also expressed his condolences for the martyrdom of the iranian commanders and officers in the terrorist attack in damascus and emphasized: the future belongs to those people. palestine and the front of resistance and destruction. in a message , he invited all people to participate in the quds day procession. it is necessary that this year, on the last friday of the month of ramadan, the muslims should protest
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this child-killing regime, which is still busy with plans for the people of gaza, against this slogan, and until god almighty drives it with more force. to be able to root out the zionist regime . ayatollah makarem shirazi also invited all islamic scholars in a message. with the unity of the word and in the shadow of the broad support of the islamic ummah and other governments , force the zionist regime to attack end the brutality and siege of the people of gaza and provide the conditions for the return of the oppressed refugees. the president
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called the international quds day a reminder of the nearness of the final victory of the palestinian people over the aggressors and a symbol of the unity and unity of the islamic ummah to solve the palestinian issue. mr. raisi said that this regime resorted to every barbaric and inhumane act to cover up its internal weaknesses. unfortunately, the false claimants of human rights in the west kept a shameful silence and not only do they not try to stop the killing machine of the zionist regime, but they openly and covertly participate in these crimes, centered on america. without any doubt, america is a definite accomplice in the crime of the zionist regime in gaza. international quds day is an inspiring and unifying movement in defense of keeping alive the cause of the palestinian nation, strengthening the front of resistance and unity. the president
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described the al-aqsa storm operation as a reaction to the brutality of the zionist regime and a message to the indifference and silence of human rights groups and circles in front of the crimes of this regime and said: the process of the palestinian battle is divided into before and after this operation, and the world and the region and the conditions will not return to before this operation. mr raisi considered the zionist regime's terrorist attack on a part of the iranian consulate in damascus as the peak of frustration and helplessness of this regime and said: this regime will not stop at anything to cover up its failures in crimes against humanity. violating all humanitarian principles and international regulations , including the terrorist attack of this regime on the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in damascus,
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will not go unanswered. but it shows the height of frustration and helplessness of this regime. around the divine power of the zionist usurper regime, the courageous men of the resistance front will be punished for this crime and the like. they will regret it. al jazeera's investigation shows that the love regime attack. as for the aid convoy in gaza, it was intentional and not accidental and a mistake as they claim. the guardian newspaper also wrote that doctors in palestine say that the war in gaza is not a normal war because israeli snipers are targeting palestinian children. at the same time, the gaza ministry of health announced that 59 palestinians were martyred and 83 others
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were injured in the past 24 hours. it became one of these. da was a few months old baby who was martyred along with his mother. 180 days have passed since the zionist regime invaded gaza about 33 thousand people were martyred, more than 13 thousand of them are children. but now we are going to gaza and we will learn about the latest developments in this area through our reporter mr. mohammad al-hamz . hello , i would like to tell you, viewers of the news network, that the israeli regime's attacks on different areas of the gaza strip are still continuing . in the past hours, more than 59 people were martyred in different areas of the gaza strip, and these attacks are still continuing and they do not pay attention to the ceasefire resolution of the security council, and thousands of people
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are missing as well. gaza is out of business and they really can't treat the wounded. the wounded should be taken out of ghazda strip, which is not possible for them. relief forces are targeted by the zionist regime. since the beginning of the war, more than 176 androa employees have been martyred by the zionist regime in the gaza strip .


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