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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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relativity means not the one who won has completely lost the will to fight, the indicator of victory in this new model is the achievement of the goals, the resistance has achieved its goals, the zionist regime has not succeeded in realizing its goals, so the main loser of the zionist regime is if let's look better. we can see the 33-day war of 206 in the winograd report. this winograd report of the zionist regime was compiled by 70 political specialists, international relations, sociologists, psychologists, i don't know, strategic sciences. ask them to answer the questions one by one. israel is superior yes, but it failed, why? this is why in this
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79-page report, which was titled the winograd report, he says that we still have the superiority, but we don't have a goal. there are planes, missiles are the best , and the americans are the best, but there is no goal, because the axis of resistance has invented a new form of war and has used all its resources. land is not a goal for us to hit now and then. this society was left, but in 2011 , the us was forced to withdraw from iraq, nearly 1 million people were killed, and 300,000 people were killed in afghanistan. there should be no mistake
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now, the first part is that the zionist regime is facing a special situation. it has fought for 180 days and has not achieved any goal. that is why it is trying to disrupt this situation and this equation. be equalized and in the end the existing conditions for a complete bombast for israel to get out of this impasse, see in science. we have two strategies
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, an offensive strategy that relies on military superiority , a defensive strategy that relies on deterrent weapons, iran's second strategy, by the way, is defensive. what happened now can be defined in the framework of deterrence. it is higher than what happened a few years ago in the assassination of martyr soleimani in baghdad. the assassination was carried out there . it is one crime. now it is two crimes. one assassination is two attacks on iranian soil . according to the vienna agreement, the territory of the embassy and censorship is a part of iranian territory, so two crimes have happened. the answer
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is yes, definitely, iran should play in a framework that does not help the enemy's scenario, mr. mahdian , one of the axes that the supreme leader of the islamic revolution mentioned and his highness also mentioned is the international uproar. against the crimes of the regime zionism is on quds day and this requires that a stream and a media atmosphere be established among muslim countries, not only all countries and freedom fighters in the whole world, and we will witness it if we come and review after the al-aqsaar storm. many countries that are not even muslim, in the heart of america, in many cities, in england, in germany, we saw continuous demonstrations.
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let's talk about whether this media atmosphere and this trend is established so that we can witness this international uproar on friday. today, the leadership had a quote from some of the media and politicians, and as they say, activists who comment in the international field, and emphasized that although many of them do not get the right information, you can see that there are clear positions against the crimes of the regime. having zionism even in the west itself and among americans. the fact of the matter is that what happened, the unjustly spilled blood of women and children in gaza, the most important thing is that it broke this media monopoly and this media boycott, and the message of the oppression of the people and the message of
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the zionist regime was really it reached everyone's ears the fact of the matter is that the mask of the zionists was hidden. their work and their cover-up became clear after this incident, well, this is the main reason for this change in the calculation system that the leadership said also happened in the region. if you look at the zionist regime or even in your region, you will see that the countries of the region cannot behave as they did in the past because this is the main demand of their people. even the westerners can no longer provide weapons and support to the israelis like in the past have the past. all of these together can be said to be the result of the enlightenment that was created with the blood of the people of gaza, and this may be said
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to be the most important media work that has been done, even if it is incomplete, even if it can be said completely that even these are in the publishing of news. trying to create space, they are able to really try with a psychological war that they are creating so that the news and information do not reach the people, but finally you see with this information leak that has happened, i can even say this thanks to the blessings of social networks, the information related to this the attacks of male dajuan have reached the ears of the people and we really expect that there will be an international uproar in the world just as the leader said , but this has happened. i just want to point out that following the points i have made, the reality is that we need a
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comprehensive analysis of the war that has taken place. he wants to analyze the field from the blood and the dead, mainly in different situations, he gets wrong analysis , that is, if we analyze in the last 6 months, if we want to analyze , in any situation, those who based on appearances analyzing the soft war means not being a leader , that the war we are in is a kind of soft war, when you don't understand this war, you basically can't analyze what happened from a macro perspective and stop at the language. i just want to make a point . in the discussions that follow, it will probably be in your questions. i just want to point out that some people seem to think that iran is outside this field and is doing its own thing . now suppose that the israelis attack our embassy and now here, for example, iran must have a confrontation, while we do not
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at first, we were involved in the issue, but in the form of a soft war , in the form of a strategic war, we were also effective, and this effect was brought up by the westerners themselves, and the westerners themselves said that in order to cover up what was said recently, how much some of this iranian media he has supported the region and the resistance because of this cover-up that the zionists have, they are trying to have this self-mutilation, these confessions that the western media have, so if it was between you now, i would like to mention in the future that the dimensions what does this soft war look like and what is iran's role?
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in fact, the confrontation of muslim countries and the islamic ummah with the crimes of the zionist regime in such a way as in conspiracy. take the war out of other dimensions or enter it. see, now we support flesti in the main cases. or national citizenship, this is a part of our constitution
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, and in the constitution, the defense of the nation and the oppressed, this is a part of the constitution, the presence of an institution like the quds force, for this reason, no mission was established within the geographical borders. iran does not follow the defense of the nation. my reason is the issue of citizenship of the nation. that we are an iranian citizen, we are a muslim citizen. we can't compare to be indifferent to the muslim community to which we belong. for this reason, quds day was declared to defend palestine. palestine became the priority of our foreign policy because of politics. from the beginning of the revolution until now, the nation definitely
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believes that it is the duty of the islamic communities to do their duty. more or less , the islamic communities also believe in declaring their connection with gaza in all islamic countries, and this belief is the result of 4 decades of work. on the day of quds, people like him have succeeded in creating this culture , the one who cannot ignore the gaza issue in indonesia and say, "i am in the framework of the nation's government." i am indonesian, i am indonesian, but at the level of the governments, unfortunately, it must be said minus the axis of resistance and a few countries like algeria, supposedly most of the islamic countries are unfortunately not doing their duty and
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this is a big problem that needs to be solved through the societies . societies should put pressure on the governments until the governments move in the direction of the people's will and not apart from the people or sometimes against the people. the yemeni people should now close bab al-mandab to zionist ships, that a land route should be established from some countries in the region. this is a betrayal of helping palestine. there is no betrayal of palestine. at the regional level, therefore, the duty of the communities is completely clear in my opinion. clarified these issues. about western societies. you see, the west
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considers itself a global model. mr. dr. rover, would you like to see a report about this part of your speech , let's go back and then check the western answer, and of course , the very important point of mr. mahdian is that soft war and the point that the leadership always mentions in their speeches is jihad tabeen. one of the axes is the issue of palestine and the issue of crimes committed by the zionist regime for many years. see a report. let's come back , we will continue the special news conversation with you. 3 years later this port was established in 1948 after the occupation of the palestinian territories. the arabs called it umm al-rash rash and later it was called eilat port. this port is the connection bridge of the zionist regime from the red sea to east asia, that is, the key economic axis of this regime, which has been destroyed by the resistance forces for about 180 days. it was broken and
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caused 3 billion dollars in damage to the zionist regime. now the freight costs have increased by 173% , which is thanks to yemen. also , insurance costs for ships carrying goods have increased 10 times , and the time for transporting goods by sea is about two months more all this is the result of yemenis standing up. from the fall of 38 starbucks shares to the decline in the value of the figure. the withdrawal of global investors from the stock market of the zionist regime is an example of the economic collapse of this regime , which, although it has a noticeable effect on the economy of the zionists, has not yet been able to stop their car carrying ships in gaza . you don't approve them, what is that? cut the vital arteries to the zionist regime , cut off the political and economic connection. the coincidence and unity of the countries that own the main oil and gas reserves in the world
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once the zionists were pushed to the breaking point of this regime. right after egypt and syria failed to take back the lands that the zionist regime usurped in the 6-day war, with the support of the opec member countries , they imposed an oil embargo on the united states and the zionist regime, which resulted in a quadrupling of oil prices and the disintegration of the supporters' economy. it has been exactly 6 months since the beginning of the genocide in this mediterranean coastal strip that the zionist regime has passed, the number of official martyrs has exceeded 33,000 people, and gaza remains a ruin where its displaced people are trying to live, but still this it is political considerations and economic interests that favor the arab rulers instead of suing. in the islamic world, it is their duty to create a public demand among the people that their governments will have to
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deal a decisive blow to the zionist regime. political considerations, economic interests, the reason for the lack of cooperation of some countries and governments in the issue of palestine, and now pointing to the point of western countries. it was moving in the direction of destroying and disintegrating the family changed the world. western societies, which are the closest societies to the western systems themselves, instead of
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being influenced by these propaganda piles and these civilizational models they went to defend gaza, this shows that it is true that the cost is very heavy in gaza, but the world is changing, the priorities of the world are changing, the people of the west, instead of looking for these things that the governments are inducing , you want to look for justice, look for the defense of mazloum sought to stop the genocidal crimes committed by the zionist regime. these demonstrations that happened in the last 6 months in western countries, especially in london in washington shows a kind of natural awakening , conscience awakening, human awakening in the west, which
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has largely overshadowed the priorities of the west. this is one of the axes. there is the issue of palestine and the issue of the crimes of the zionist regime, but dr. roibran pointed out one thing: the response of the islamic republic of iran, the resistance axis countries, to the crimes of the zionist regime, in such a way that the necessary precautions are taken in order to enter the games that they are looking for. first of all, i would like to point out that jihad tabain is different from the soft war that was said, not a soft war, in the sense that it is basically what determines the final task in the field. there are no tools , there is no number of dead people, in this sense you can see the soft war , the reality is that basically what can be said that the final word and the final power is, first of all , public opinion, and then a deeper layer than public opinion, that is the power of people's faith, that is the power that today you see in gaza that they are both patient
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and resisting, who are really role models even for our own people, role models for the republic. islamic models of the people of gaza. today, we see what effects and benefits this has had, and it is a layer of public opinion that this enlightenment that has been created today is really thanks to social networks. take hold of these and the monopoly of the media that for years they were able to convey the news to the audience in a completely channelized way has been broken today and this enlightenment has been created that can unite the powers. you saw that he said that there are people who can try and they can create the demand that the governments change the type of conflict and the type of confrontation . therefore, the reality is that the soft war should be analyzed, and therefore, see the leadership regarding the victory of the field in gaza , saying that
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they have 3 goals of israel in mind one was the departure of the people, which did not materialize, and the other was the grounding of hamas, which today you see, the heads of hamas, jihad, and these inside iran , even go back and forth between our people, so it is clear that there is some kind of interaction and relations, and then there is the grounding axis. it was resistance and really they did not achieve any of their own successes in this area, if we do not analyze this from the point of view of the story and the war, we will not be able to see the scene properly, and then it is possible that even the kind of demands we make from our own officials , from our own military officials , may not be exact demands. let me briefly explain this, assuming that this mistake caused by this type of appearance orientation has shown itself, where? you see, from the very first day, those who saw the level of the war as just a hard war, initially thought that this storm was mainly the work of the islamic republic, and you saw
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this happen in cyberspace, that everyone said that, well, now iran has entered and the leadership explained that the first person who explained that no, this is the resistance, and they themselves decide, the initiative is their own effect. he really corrected the issue . let them think that now these deaths mean that the oppression and defeat of the people of qadz is the result of the leadership again reminding the people of gaza that this is the oppression of the people of gaza so that only their oppression is seen and their conquests are not seen, and this again caused the path to change. the third view that existed was that some people put forward that is why the islamic republic does not enter directly , that is, their view was that the entry of the islamic republic also supports the resistant axis. it means that he wanted to enter directly and he basically did not see the plan that was laid out, the strategic support that was provided, and the environment that was created. well
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, this was another mistake that was made after this even when the ones that israel has attacked, for example, to our military authorities, this demand , suppose that i said that it is as if there was no war at all between us and israel, and now they have come to attack us, and now we have to go and respond. while their behavior was completely reactive. this means that the operation that was created was completely against the zionist regime and that it should remove itself from this space, and i do not understand this reaction to this story, and in the end, this is the numbness that may be created, which the leadership constantly emphasized in various speeches. they say that we should pay attention and be careful not to forget these crimes that have taken place, and that appearance-oriented view may cause the news and media to forget the issues that i want. which has taken place that is , to have this strategic view of the story and to know that the final winner
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is to see what happens in the public opinion. very well , let's see parts of the speeches of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, let's hear and come back to the discussion . will find this failure will continue these bad efforts. gohaneh, like what they did in syria , which of course they will be slapped, takbeer is allahu akbar, allahu akbar, allahu akbar, the leader of the muslim province of america. these things do not help them and do not cure them their problem is that they fall into a trap of
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their own hands. and it will be closer to decay and annihilation, god willing, and we hope that our youth today will see the day when the holy holy place is in the hands of muslims and they will pray there, and they will be able to celebrate the destruction of israel, god willing. god willing quds day is approaching this year and considering the potential and capacities of the resistance axis in palestine and what we
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witnessed in the al-akhsa storm in these 6 months, it seems that the holy day do you see it differently all over the world? yes, it is. the saga that happened in gaza in the last 6 months is very important in my opinion. it has the capacity to mobilize the islamic societies and free societies of the world in the best way on quds day and bring it to the field. he announced that 76 years have passed so far. in these 76 years, the zionist regime never had a war that lasted 6 months out of 6 months. the wars between the zionist regime and the arab governments in 1948, 1956 , 1967, and 1973 were mostly in the main war, and then
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mutual destruction operations took place. fallen when the palestine liberation organization was formed. the biggest battle that it is very proud of is the battle of dignity in 1968. it didn't take more than a day for the resistance to record the resistance's standing record . this is one of the biggest indicators of victory. the fact that the islamic solution is a creation alongside this hamas, alongside all these resistances, in my opinion, their presence can give depth to these resistance fighters and will shape the victory in gaza in the best and most glorious way. mr. mahdian
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, the last two minutes of quds day this year are different. with the past years and of course the points that the leadership about the destruction of the regime zionists point out that it is certain, in my opinion , the most important point is both broad and deep, that is , this year's quds day is also different, saying that we will witness an international uproar in our lifetime . on the day of qutb, the middle of the march of this series , you can really say that you are very angry with one anger. it was very magnificent because we really
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recognized the manifestation and characteristics of american terrorism in this series. the complete depravity and demonization of your regime will be seen everywhere in the world, including in the islamic republic and among our own people. the depth of this hatred and this anger and this consciousness will definitely increase. thank you very much mr. mahdian, mr. dr. roibran. thank you very much for accompanying each and every one of you dear compatriots with tonight's program. have a good night and god bless you.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan and i am with you today. on the 18th day of the war against gaza , we will start the program with the latest pictures from palestine.


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