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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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hormozgan, the obstacles to the completion of the persian gulf bridge were examined in the presence of mr. raisi. this bridge connects khathir island to khamer port, 60 km from bandar bas. it is about 12 years ago. well, it is true that a part of the work started and the work was closed, that is, the dry part of the case and the work was stopped in front of the eyes of the people for 12 years, a work that has many lasting effects for the region. for the development of the region, for economic development, commercial development, trade, trade and the tourism sector, the tourism sector, well, the infrastructure is needed here in the special follow-up meeting of hormozgan province, as well as the deposition of goods in the ports of hormozgan province. urban inefficiency and establishment of production and service industrial units in the makran coast were investigated. in a ceremony attended by the president, 28 of
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the 1st to 3rd place winners of the international science olympiads in the fields of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science , astronomy and physics were honored. his excellency mr. arvin rasulzadeh, the gold medalist of the world astronomy olympiad, mr. seyyed amir hossein mousavi, the silver medalist of the world astronomy olympiad, and... the world astronomy olympiad , on the sixth day of the blessed decade of fajr , danesh banyan drug products and drug production lines were unveiled. the raw material for the production of a new generation of control drugs fat is one of these products that have fewer side effects. compared to the previous examples. production of
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a raw material for patients with high blood lipids. it will soon replace atervastatin. rosuvastatin is a new generation of the previous drug that has fewer side effects and is localized in a scientific company using domestic raw materials. of course, the side effects of this are less than the side effects of atrocin and are proportional to the actual diseases. purification is the most important step in the production of raw material of medicine. impurities that are allowed to exist in these drugs are greatly reduced found we are using the latest pharmaceuticals in the world and this drug can be used as an ipi in the world. technology is not only in this raw material. several other medicinal products have also been localized. inhalation solution that is produced for the treatment of asthma control in fact oil tightness. in
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addition to these products, iranian technologists made the synthesis of kerton drug products to increase the production capacity. its production will increase by 70%, and for this reason , we will almost meet the country's need for these products in the field of raw materials. in addition to setting up product synthesis equipment. at in tehran, another project was opened in four other cities in golestan and khuzestan provinces . the distribution capacity was limited there. in tehran , mazandaran, we launched new drug lines . in total, we saved 24 and a half billion tomans in these four centers and with raw materials. the new one we are producing is about 25 million dollars. the minister
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of labor says that in the companies under the ministry , the production of raw materials has increased by 30% compared to last year, which is due to knowledge-based thinking. 100 % of the power of knowledge bases has been used in these collections and the will of the collection is to increase the capacity and employment of young people is not capable and capable of scientific thinking. in the final ceremony of the book of the year award, 19 works were selected as selected works and 53 works were selected as meritorious works. 70 scientific groups consisting of university professors and leading authors in various fields announced the winners of the book of the year award. the book of the year award in the eleven topics of the field of religious titles. it is defined from literary to scientific and social, and
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it has an external section that deals with books in the field of iranian and islamic studies. the review of iranian books of this period showed books authored by there are more translated works. books that are the result of the efforts of researchers and writers who have worked hard for years. i am vision ahmadi kakavandi. member of the academic staff of shahid beheshti university. dr. hossein mazdarani, professor of medical sciences faculty of tarbiat modares university. each of the selected works. and now the book of the year as an indicator award in the field of books does not represent the titles that each of them are in the service of human knowledge. in fact, the main point in this book is that it teaches analysis through its history
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, that is, as it really happened. this book is one of the first works in persian language in the field of statistics bioscientific approach in the field of biological or bio-friendly dosimetry. which was compiled with the standards of more than a thousand scientific references. the foreign part of the book of the year award, which is known as the world award, has received various works in the scientific, economic and religious fields from all over the world this year. iranology and islamology centers seem to be more active. the book of the year award had two acknowledgments in the thanks section. appreciation for the memory of karim mojtahedi , the late professor of philosophy, i am happy that the philosophy of a scholar opens up to a person, which is a pity that he did not feel this in this period of his life, and gratitude to seyyed mahmoud marashi najafi to manage the library of marashi
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najafi, 20 television channels for the march 11 elections were officially opened in a ceremony attended by the president. mr. raisi emphasized that a fair platform has been provided for advertising and said: with the atmosphere created in the national media, ideas and programs now compete with each other. the president said that this measure is an easy, comprehensive, cheap and fair platform for advertising candidates for the parliamentary elections. the twelfth elections of the islamic council will be held on friday march 11, at the same time as the elections of the sixth term of the assembly of leadership experts. hello to you. opening of 20 tv channels for election campaigns by order of the president. in the name of. by the grace of the holy prophet of islam and the dawn of the islamic revolution
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, we begin the exploitation of this comprehensive network, with the blessing of blessings on muhammad and the family of muhammad. oh my god in this ceremony, the president emphasized on the use of all capacities for the best choice by the people: all capacities should be used so that the people can choose well, choose the best and be able to form a strong parliament, a strong parliament and a strong government. it can make a strong iranian. mr. raisi, the role of the national media in building trust he described it as important and fundamental in people. this is why you and... we all know very well that the destruction of social cohesion or the erosion of public trust is a serious strategic error. all efforts are made to increase
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public trust, public satisfaction, and public participation. in the other media center, mr. president's words were about this initiative that radio and television has started and this is the first step in this regard in these years that we have had this platform and this capacity is easy, cheap, comprehensive and fair to the number of constituencies now the television election channel has presented a report on the activities of various radio and television departments in line with the upcoming elections. the design of launching 200 election channels
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was done a few months ago with the night and day efforts of our colleagues in the organization. this action of the national media is a very big step in the direction of holding elections based on religious democracy. considering that the national media and the country's election headquarters are trying to ensure that as many honorable candidates can use this possibility , it was reduced very seriously and it was a maximum of 40 million tomans for the city of tehran and the cities of the general areas. the election was decided between 5 and 10 million tomans. this was done on the day when the entire radio and television appeared with all its capacity for the election. from today , the debates between candidates began. the elections of the islamic council are starting, from places where
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we have one constituency in the province like qom to places where we have 15 or 16 constituencies in the provinces. the minister of interior also said that these 200 tv channels can solve the concerns of the candidates and the people in the elections. it was also a difficult task. in this short distance, the size of 200 channels technically. it was a very valuable work, and it is a very valuable initiative on the sidelines of the ceremony as well a number of the deputies of the radio and television had an intimate conversation with the president and of course some of them also gave a short report. the egyptian foreign ministry warned the zionist regime about the seriousness of any ground operation in rafah. sameh shokri said that the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip
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does not show more destruction and killing and the situation in this area is absolutely critical. the minister of foreign affairs of jordan also expressed concern about the attack on rafah from the security council the united nations wanted to fulfill its responsibility. saudi arabia and the european union have warned or expressed concern about a ground attack on rafah . the mayor of rafah said: about one and a half million people are in rifa and the attack on this city will cause a blood bath. however, the prime minister of the zionist regime asked the military to present a plan to attack rafah. rafah is the southernmost region of the gaza strip bordering egypt. some say, the zionists want to flee the palestinians into egypt . iranians today in cities and villages across the country, the beginning of the 4th year of the revolution. their islamic in tehran, the streets leading to azadi square witnessed the presence of
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hundreds of thousands of compatriots who came to the street for the march on 22 bahman 1402 before 9 am. these streets are between the beginning and the end of the ceremony 2. news sources report a terrorist attack on several military headquarters in sistan baluchistan. i am talking about this with mr. marhamati, deputy security and law enforcement governor of sistan baluchistan, mr. marhamati, salaam alaikum, i am at your service, mr. marhamati , in which cities were the attacks and which centers were targeted? that's about it. it was 10 o'clock when terrorist groups
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attacked several military shrines in rast city, and in chabahar city, with the preparedness of our military and law enforcement forces , the attackers were dealt with and some of them were killed and some were injured. unfortunately, in these attacks, 3 of our forces were martyred . udad is now under control. or has a group taken responsibility for these attacks? yes, the group that has taken responsibility for this is a group of violence and oppression, which is actually targeting israel and the zionists. they are executing their agents, where are you, mr. do you want to come, mr. merhamati, thank you , thank you, goodbye, your time.
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now you are in the blindest village, you go, everyone is doing this, we didn't have a single missile and we were under pressure from iraqi forces, get medical equipment , we had nothing, now we are giving it ourselves. we are issuing orders to determine the general policies of the country abroad and to be dictated to the authorities. when an american sergeant comes here
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, he would have the right to be brutal. make an asphalt road where two cars can pass side by side go to the province, we will reach the place where the limit of your belief is , you will see the dream that you once had in your head , higher than any dream, higher.
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in the year of the birthday of imam hossein (peace be upon him) and the day of the revolutionary guard corps. the islamic revolution guards corps unveiled ballistic missile launcher systems from the shahid mahdavi ship and the new emad liquid fuel missiles . these missiles successfully destroyed their defined targets from sea and land at a distance of 1700 km. the commander-in-chief of the islamic revolutionary guard corps said that the combat capability of the islamic revolutionary guard corps deters against threats has increased against the land of iran. this is the oman sea, and irgc's shahid mahdavi ship stationed in this area is armed with two ballistic missiles from the fateh family, aimed somewhere in the central desert of iran, allahu akbar . for the first time, irgc naval vessels are equipped with ballistic missiles with a range of at least
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1,700 km with launchers. a container in which the missile is hidden and not detected until the moment it is launched. our ocean liners can appear anywhere in the oceans. there is no safe place for a power that wants to create insecurity for us. after firing the missiles, these two targets with sides they are hit about two meters like this. but at the same time, in two other parts of iran , the irgc's new missiles are being prepared to attack this target. these missiles, like imad and qat, have increased the range and accuracy of their hits by changing the body and the structure of the warhead. if we do not make ourselves strong, as we have seen around us, different countries will trample them. sinus diet is very weak today. in these situations, you have to be careful and we are doing this necessary care. the target
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of these missiles is the simulator of the palmachim air base, the main location of the fighters. that just some time ago, netanyahu again used the word attack on iran at this base and said, "who said we will not attack iran ? palmachim base is about 15 km long and between 5 and 6 km of land, but the target of irgc missiles is a third of this scale. and the fighter hangar and now, in less than 7 minutes, the simulator of the largest air base of the zionist regime in the occupied lands will be under the rain of the irgc's point missiles. in this operation, emad missiles
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reach targets with an accuracy of less than four meters, with reinforced explosive warheads, and this is the situation from what the irgc it can carry out a combined sea and land operation against any target in case of violation of iranian territory. the commanders of the irgc say that the cost of these missiles is to protect these people so that no more missiles will hit them like 36 years ago. red alert. no one can take a left look at us anymore because of the zealous and zealous iranian youths , we see rockets that, by the grace of god , are fired from our land from the farthest part of iran to a place where they themselves wonder how these rockets were made . ministry of defense and armed forces support of
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arman and azarakhsh anti-ballistic missile systems unveiled these systems are the latest anti-electronic warfare missile systems and can operate from any surface in tough war conditions, even weather. more details of these unveilings. in the colleague's report. unveiling of two iranian achievements for a safer sky. one of them is shahid arman's long-range defense system with 360-degree coverage of the operation area and simultaneous engagement with six targets. this system, together with other long-range defense systems that we have,
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provides a reliable cover for the defense of the country's space. aim targets up to a depth of 180 it detects kilometers and tracks up to 160 kilometers. arman system can be operational in less than 3 minutes with the help of rockets. to destroy the memory of all types of fighters and bombers of the day. arman can also engage with hidden targets, cruise missiles, short-range ballistics and anti-radar missiles. azarakhsh was another system that was unveiled for low-altitude operations. implementation of operations day and night. using an advanced radar system. next, the optical search and the advanced seekers installed on it are very agile
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, as well as the lightning, the ability to destroy all kinds of balloons and it has manned and unmanned birds. systems that are now going to be mass produced and enter the defense belt of a country. digital authentication system. iranian has unveiled a system that increases work security and personal privacy by facilitating the process of identifying and saving money and time for fellow citizens. at the same time, the smart birth certificate issuance system for babies was also unveiled. this is the civil registry building of the country where hada was born. the digital identity system of iranians is actually one of the pillars of protecting people's privacy. the task of this system is to maintain the privacy of users in cyber space deleting copies of documents
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is a faster access to government services and prevents impersonation. it can be accompanied by photos and images, which increases the accuracy of the work. the information of all iranians is supposed to be stored securely in the heda system. those who receive this service can be assured that their identity will be protected. damaged or god forbid , it will not be used, although other than the birth of god , there is another birth certificate for babies. they choose and confirm their child. by doing this, the physical certificates are removed and birth certificate forgery
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is prevented. give it goes without saying that without the presence of parents, apart from the birth certificates of babies, the issuance of birth certificates of other compatriots is also concentrated in the main printing houses. this can also reduce the errors, sometimes the violations that have already existed, this can completely reduce, save time , increase the speed, and also reduce the costs. reduces who were moved to the land of palestine since the beginning of the 20th century , officially announced the establishment of the fake israeli regime
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. they have realized that their ancestral homeland was not palestine and they came to this land from four corners of the world.
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this. now get 60% of gilna publishing resources as a gift by sending five to 3085. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. simultaneous terrorist attack on two military police headquarters in chabahar and rask. a few minutes ago, in a conversation with the khabar network, the deputy security officer of sistan baluchistan province added: 3 people from the military and law enforcement forces were martyred in these attacks at 22:00 last night. according to marhamati, in these attacks, a number of terrorists affiliated with the jaish wazalam group affiliated with


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