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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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execution by a direct shot to the head in shafa hospital. many of our colleagues have been arrested and we have no news about them. according to the world health organization , the war in gaza has claimed the lives of nearly 700 workers and at least 180 aid workers. the report of haaret newspaper shows that the israeli army has considered areas in gaza as death zones. any participant who crosses the impassable borders of these areas will die. he is azadeh taheri of sima allah news agency
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. the leaders of the resistance front at the minbar al-quds conference emphasized the support of the nation and the palestinian resistance . the international quds day was held. the secretary general of the hezbollah movement said that the al-aqsa storm operation has put the zionist regime on the edge of the abyss and lebanon's support for the people of gaza continues. ziad al-nakhleh, the secretary general of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, is also involved.
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the simultaneous terrorist attack on two military police units in chabahar and rask, the deputy security officer of sistan baluchistan province, in a conversation with khabar channel, added that in these attacks at 10:00 pm last night , 3 people from the military and police forces were martyred, according to moharmati, in these attacks, a number of people were killed. from the terrorist group of jaish wazalam
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ostad, so that the essence of the matter can be understood well i have to give a short introduction , my servants, with the arrest of abdul malik in 2008 , it became clear that the group of your service, abdul malik , had a serious organizational relationship with the mossad. it's been decades since the group.
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giving these seditions, they use the same way that , for example, in 2008, abdul malik's group made a statement and announced its support for the sabah movement, or in the same year last year, when the issue of women's lives of abuse took place , the oppression had serious support. the third function that was specific to israelis was that they are from several years before, they had this request from the crime group that when iran is in the region. this is that, at the same time as the events that happened in syria a decade ago, polk increased his anger and cruelty in the south. in the recent events, when the discussion of the al-aqsal storm happened, if you observe the graph of their efforts for insecurity in iran, you will realize that there is a serious increase. found, therefore, the most important
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function of these for the zionist regime and the mossad is when iran has success in the region, or mainly in this period of time, i.e. in these few days, mainly these are their operations or complementary to the external operations of the zionist regime or when the zionist regime is in trouble , these operations are carried out . there is a direct connection between the events that happened recently in iran's kontorgari and the events that happened tonight in chabar and rast areas. my direct connection is that if the tehrani regime tried to take iran's authority outside of iran in the resistance axis areas under the year, it would do so in addition to
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oppression. he is preparing to slap them again this account has also supported this failed operation . see, there are two issues here. one is that supporting means confirming that this operation is in line with israel's interests. or
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formed in line with the operations of mossat's sub-group, but why they openly support it is a serious debate that they have been trying for a long time to convey this message even in public opinion that separatist or takfiri groups are somehow complementary the zionist regime acts and conveys this message if iran puts pressure on the zionist regime, they will seek to show that they can activate these groups against iran, which is now the same issue as isis in a larger dimension and in a smaller dimension. these taksiiri groups are active in the southeast area. mr. jahantighi, thank you for your time.
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they also want to cancel all agreements between jordan and the regime. they became zionists. now, to further investigate the protest gatherings in jordan, i want to talk to mr. mustafa moslehzadeh, the former ambassador of our country in jordan. hello mr. mastezadeh. adam says hello to serve you and dear viewers. in the past days, we had the most prominent gatherings in jordan, every night jordanian activists. they gather in front of the israeli embassy in this arab country. what do you know about the origin of the increase in protests in jordan in recent days? in the name of god . i will complete your sentence . you see, it is not only in these days that
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jordan, the people of jordan have become the scouts of all arab countries. people of the countries. this goes back to a social balance in jordan that does not exist in any arab country. firstly, the palestinian population in jordan is about 50% of the jordanian population. second, the king jordan. always paying attention to the fact that half of the population of his country is palestinian by origin, of course, we say that the population that came to jordan from palestine in 1948 and the population that came to jordan in 1967 is a
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very large population, that is, in fact, the only country in the arab world where half of the population is palestinian by origin, and always the government jordan intends to pay attention to the wishes of this population. the muslim brotherhood in jordan is mainly palestinian and the most free activity of the brotherhood during the 90s of the first decade of the 21st century . having the brotherhood in jordan means that in egypt the brotherhood is under pressure and many of them are imprisoned, while the brotherhood in jordan, when we say the brotherhood , note that these are palestinian in origin, mainly , they have a large number of representatives in the parliament in different periods and even a minister. being in the cabinet means the jordanian government, that's why i always pay attention to this social balance or
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demographic balance in jordan, where the palestinian minister has been in the cabinet many times and a large number of representatives, for example, see the representatives of the jordanian parliament in 2003 2019 , as once in 2003, the brotherhood called for the cancellation of the wadi araba agreement, which is a peace agreement between jordan and israel it was special, it was canceled by the islamic action front, which is actually the political branch of the muslim brotherhood, but the jordanian parliament approved it in 2019, and very strangely , there was not a single dissenting vote in the jordanian parliament. it means
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that there should be a complete reform in the theme, because you know that the agreements started from the beginning in 200 and 1994 , under which we are talking to mr. mirrahmadi, the deputy security minister of the interior, to get more information. thank you mr. mirhamdi aya the terrorist attack in rask has ended, the terrorist attack in the right is still going on, the clashes are surrounding the terrorists. and the conflicts continue , what is the situation like in chabahar? in chabahar
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, at the same time as the irgc headquarters was attacked on the right, the irgc headquarters and admiralty were attacked. the aim of the terrorists was to seize these regulations. both in rask and chabahar, he did not succeed in capturing the irgc headquarters. and in the complete siege in chabahar, they managed to enter the internal environment of the admiralty, but the courage of the admiralty men with fierce resistance pinned them to the ground. now the people who entered the admiralty headquarters being injured and reports of killing. it has been reported that the terrorists who
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are under complete siege in the headquarters of admiralty are being investigated. in some buildings around these headquarters, elements of terrorism are stationed and they are shooting blindly . the army and the security forces and all the security forces are bravely confronting them and, god willing , they will either kill them or take them captive . according to reports, apart from chabahar and rask, in several other areas of sistan in balochistan, the sound of gunfire was heard, mr. you confirm that no, except in rask and chabahar, we did not have another terrorist attack
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and you know about the latest statistics, preliminary statistics , which of course are not definitive statistics. degree. according to the reports, the martyrdom of the irgc's loved ones and the police and a number of terrorist pineapples were also killed. i was wounded twice . thank you very much for your time, mr. mirahmadi .
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israel has not had an ambassador in jordan for a long time, and sometimes israel has not had an ambassador in jordan because of these protests. i said that the people of dughale are building the embassy. this is the first time. this is not the first protest, people of jordan. basically , there was a time before these events in gaza, in the same decade that we call it the islamic awakening, and the arabs call it rabi arabi, people died at that time. jordan weekly gatherings near the embassy, ​​of course, now it is a little closer to the embassy, ​​then it was a little further. it is very interesting to have rallies against israel on a weekly basis, that is, we did not have this in any arab country , but we had this in urdu, and even in one of jordan's squares, people gather and the police do nothing. it did not create a ban, i say that the paradoxical policy shows itself right here, that is, the government never created a prohibition against the gatherings against israel
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, the police did not take any action against the gatherings , israeli goods were set on fire in the square, and the government did not take any action, but the police watched , even in the same demonstration related to the arab rabi era and islamic awakening, there were also people chanting slogans against israel, chanting slogans for reforms in the jordanian government, of course, the only government . council on american-islamic relations a report announced that discrimination against american muslims and attacks on them has increased by 56% to the highest level in the last 30 years. according to this report , in 2023, 861 complaints about attacks on muslims
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were registered in this country. in belgium, the iftar table was spread 2 kilometers long. hundreds of muslims and christians attended this iftar ceremony. the taiwan earthquake left at least one dead and more than 50 injured. taiwan's 7.5/10 earthquake caused the collapse of several buildings and landslides in several areas. the earthquake also caused extensive damage to cars and public facilities electricity and it shut down the internet in large parts of taiwan. taiwanese authorities say this was the strongest earthquake in the last 25 years. at least 12 people were killed and 30 others were injured in an aerial attack on the city of atbara in eastern sudan. this attack
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took place on the base of the bera militia group, which is a supporter of the sudanese army. the perpetrator of the attack and the identity of the dead have not been announced. the sudanese army and the moslem militia forces have been fighting each other since about a year ago, and this civil war has resulted in the death of thousands of people and the displacement of more than 8.5 million people. after two the recent shooting in chicago, a number of people in this city held a protest rally. according to cbs news , at least 4 people were killed and dozens were injured in the recent tyranny. only in asti region. there were two mass shootings. the house armed services committee is investigating the role of artificial intelligence in future wars. the chief digital and artificial intelligence officer of the defense information systems director and the director of the intelligence office of the us department of defense were present at the hearing meeting of this committee. access of ministry of defense employees to
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safe software and limiting the use of people artificial intelligence to avoid the line. scientists say that the brains of new human generations have become bigger. according to researchers from the university of california, the study of the brain volume of people born between 1930 and 1970 shows. the average increase in the brain volume of people is 6.6 tenths, which may be considered as a sign of improved brain growth and health and reduced risk of dementia. and the final file of tonight's program is dedicated to some riots and conflicts in turkey that happened after the local elections in this country. first, we want to see pictures of these conflicts.
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about turkish events. i want to talk to mr. ebrahim farahani, an expert on the issues of this country , mr. farahani, hello, hello, to you and all the dear viewers, in recent days
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we have seen conflicts in some areas of turkey, specifically in the city of van , tell us the root of these conflicts , see how the riots flared up. in the cities where the municipalities were controlled by the party. one of those cities is the city of van , where the representative of the supreme election council did not sign and approve this municipal paper , while mr. abdullah zidan, who was a candidate from this party, was able to win 56% of the votes. and rival he, who is a supporter of mr. erdoğan and the justice and development party, only got 27 votes, and somehow they wanted to interfere in this city, of course, in
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other cities too, and this interference caused a lot of protests, considering the twice the number of votes that mr. abdullah received. zidane had brought strong protests , as well as from the jahpe party and mr. akram aaglu from the municipality. stanbel and also mr. demir tash, the former leader of hadepa, who are in prison, were scheduled to hold a rally and protest , and these protests became a bit more widespread . the 2019 municipal elections, many municipalities were won by the kurds and with the pressure of the justice party. the development was taken from the kurds and it can be considered that today it is due to the pressure of public opinion and the protests that were formed, mr.
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abdullah zidan signed the decree of his municipality and this can be a new background for the pressure of public opinion and also the municipalities of kurds that in it was already taken from the kurds, and the justice party advises you not to pressurize like before and change the mayorship and bring those mayors who are affiliated with the justice and development party to work, mr. farahani. you know that the elections have other aftershocks for the ruling justice and development party, see this election for the first time for the people's republic of rights party or jahap. he was able to get 37 votes and break a taboo because usually the japheh party usually gets 1/4 of the votes, that is 25.
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the next point is that this victory in 15 of the 32 metropolitan cities, which are very important cities, was won by the jae party, which is the main opposition party that is the rival of the development justice party, because in 2019 , it had a coalition with kurdish parties and other parties, but it was able to win these votes independently. earn this much importance. and another important point is that a new party , the new welfare party, which is the son of the late erbakan, and which had formed an alliance with mr. erdoğan in last year's presidential election, separated and managed to get 6% of the votes independently, and we can say that other than the jahp party has worked very well, the main rival of the new refah party, the fateh
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arbakan party. to win some of the votes of the social body of the justice party, i.e. the islamic conservatives . one of the reasons can be inflation, but one of the important things that has shaped new developments is mr. arabkan's support for the oppressed people of palestine and i have a conversation with mr. ebrahim farahani, an expert. turkish issues.
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empezosa así hace unos meses y posiblemente vaya en aumento.
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結至中午前已经就出了11名大人和一名孩子, 幸好人都没有大爱,不过收救任务还在。 35.8
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well, we are reaching the end of the world today. good night, god bless you.


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