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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am IRST

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we went to shows, we watched, we listened to music, we did everything. along with trade and culture, a dynamic political movement also grew. during the ottoman era, palestine was represented in the house of representatives, or the ottoman lower house. but with the beginning of british rule. the palestinian national movement was gradually formed in quds, which sought the independence of palestine. in 1919, the local muslim and christian groups held the first palestinian conference. the 30 people present at this meeting rejected british guardianship and demanded that the various groups present in the form of a single association. unite the majority
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big businessmen joined the political movement in palestine , most of them are well-known businessmen and became members of the independence party, the national defense party and other parties that are close to the hosseini family . the economy was very good, very good. as a result, people had more facilities than their basic needs. in 1931, quds hosted an exceptional event that was never seen before even in the 20th century. i mean the islamic world congress, which has more than 150 people out of 25. arab and islamic countries of the world
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participated in this meeting. this summit for the duration it continued for 10 days in quds. several committee meetings were held and several decisions were made, including some important political decisions. it was said that political issues will not be discussed in this summit because of the fear of british guardianship, but it turned out the other way around. they talked about political issues and took a stand against colonialism. they criticized french colonialism in morocco, italian colonialism and their crimes in jebel al-akhdar and libya. they also criticized the french colonialism in syria and lebanon and the british protectorate itself. making several decisions , especially about palestine, in the field of cultural enrichment and the establishment of al-aqsa mosque university, but unfortunately, this plan was not successful for many reasons.
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the whole world is talking about this summit. i am still reading materials about that conference of foreign writers who wrote about that book even now. but all the decisions that were made in these summits were heavily overshadowed by a growing phenomenon in the 1920s and 1930s. this was the migration phenomenon. the zionist movement had grown in europe at the end of the 19th century and was discussing the creation of a land for the jews. the pressure that this movement puts on the british government kurds led to the publication of an important declaration in november 1917. it was called the balfour declaration, which was named after arthur balfour, the british foreign minister at the time. this announcement was a letter that he wrote to the leader of one of the british jewish communities.
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in this letter, it was said that his majesty's government looks positively at the establishment of a national homeland for the jewish people in palestine and will make every effort to make this goal possible. of course, it should be clearly understood that something should never be done that goes against and to the detriment of the civil and religious rights of the resident non-jewish groups be palestine the final effect of the balfour declaration was to encourage european jews to immigrate to palestine, but by 1920, this motivation was not very strong. i can say that the implementation of the zionist colonial project in palestine was a complete failure until 1919 or 1920. arabs. being palestinians who
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play the main role in the revival of its economy. the zionist project was mainly in and around jaffa because jaffa is more important. the city was in palestine , the palestinians did not see them as a strategic threat because their project had failed. statistics confirm this. between 1882 and 1919 the number of jews in yayaf and the general northeast of yayaf was only 2000 people. most of the jewish immigrants who come to the country cannot. as a result, they migrated from here to other places. actually , in the first 40 years, i can say that the zionist project
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was a complete failure and they could not do anything at all, but the situation changed when the victorious powers in the allied front. that is, britain, france, italy and japan discussed the division of the ottoman empire. in the conference of april 1920 in the city of sanremo located in the north of italy, palestine was granted to britain. the league of nations accepted this plan in july 1922, but there was a fundamental contradiction within the trusteeship structure. members of the zionist movement including herbert sam. british politicians were involved in the sanremo conference and the balfour declaration became part of the structure of british colonialism. britain had a dual obligation to both govern and
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implement policies on behalf of jews and arabs in palestine. but in fact, the sanremo conference changed the balance significantly in favor of one side. this event was a very important turning point for the zionist movement. when the sanremo conference was held in 1920, this meeting was held. based on the promise of the balfour declaration in the form of a great victory, the zionists tried hard to include the contents of the balfour declaration into the text of the guardianship itself . this event was extremely important for them. arabs are comparable. about 100 years ago, and to
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be more precise, in 1920, the british trusteeship officially became the first british high commissioner. the department of palestinian affairs attributed it. his name was herbert samuel. he was a zionist and jew and one of the supporters of zionist actions. his appointment made it work zionist movement to establish its foundations and control over the palestinian land and the economic interests of palestine . herbert samuel was one of the representatives of the zionist movement at the sanremo conference. he then in july 1920 as high commissioner.
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you construct your land and teach you the economics in a good, harmless way. our country has enough qualified and willing people to properly invest in our land and elevate our state's affairs without the intervention of the jews. but if the jews came to your country, they build the unplanted lands, which are an access to yours people's needs. there are no unplanted lands in our country, except for some small areas that are... on fit for agriculture, we will definitely have to plant and invest in them in the future, because our people reproduce in big numbers, thank god, each one of us has an average of seven children, we must prepare lands for them, we have heard that you are
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one of the founding zionist leaders, i'm not one of the zionists, we know that you're one of the key zionist leaders , you've organized the... finances, now that you've seen ours situation and heard our wishes, you must have realized that our land does not fit other people, and that we won't let the zionist in as long as we live. in the arab world, france was the protectorate, british protectorate was also present in iraq, although it was not 100% clear, but the situation in palestine was different, the palestinian people were fighting against this protectorate, and now they had to fight with the zionists, as a result, they did not have enough time and power to do so. who like to work for economic growth and prosperity of their agriculture. they used to create obstacles for them. rising tensions between arabs
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and the zionist jews boiled over when they clashed in jerusalem in august 1929. that event is called qiyam baraq. the most powerful country in the world. at that time , he promised to create a national homeland for judea. all the progress that the palestinians had during the ottoman and british protectorate was overshadowed by political issues. for example, jaffa was the largest metropolis in palestine where muslims and jews lived. this city is in the door.
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a very strong local culture prevailed there, but all these dimensions were strongly influenced by the challenging political situation at that time, the challenge was that britain was the conqueror and had promised that there would be a national homeland, yes , a homeland. to change the nation for another nation. jewish immigration became the main concern of the british protectorate. most of the jews of eastern europe used to want to go to america or western europe, but until 1925, the situation became such that the number of jews going to palestine was more than america , because america
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had placed restrictions on jewish immigration. 1935, which was the peak of jewish immigration during the british protectorate , in just one year, the number of immigrants reached 65,000 someone arrived. the most important thing is british guardianship of jewish immigrants. it allowed him to become a palestinian citizen. palestinians were never asked about these issues. after 1920 , their general strategy was to establish a national homeland for the jews in palestine. this strategy was formalized in the british protectorate. this happened in 1923 and jewish immigrants were given palestinian citizenship. they actually
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give passports or palestinian citizenship to immigrants. tens of thousands of jewish immigrants entered palestine illegally. ships brought them and disembarked them in different places on the coast of palestine, and then the zionist movement he identified groups to bring them inside. zionist jewish employees who are in controlled offices. britain used to work for them by arranging identification papers, that is , they got papers for them with a kind of party game. the british knew that these events were going on, and in this way, a large number of jews were given palestinian passports and passports without having the right to obtain palestinian citizenship.
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the non-jewish christian zionist movement 200 years ago, and even before the jewish zionists themselves , made the false claim that palestine is a land without a nation and a mass of uncivilized bedouins and farmers there. live. they claimed that there is nothing of value in palestine. even whatever he used to say the same thing. in december 1947, britain announced that its guardianship responsibility. in palestine , it will be over in 50 months. this issue caused an increase in the violent actions of jewish zionist armed groups. on may 14, 1948, just one day before the end of the british protectorate over palestine, david ben-gurion, the leader of the jewish agency, announced the establishment of israel. this
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new country is 78% of the territories. who had taken palestine as his territory under the guardianship. forcing more than 700,000 palestinians to leave their homes and become refugees in neighboring countries. their movement was calculated. palestine was not free. it is a superstition to say that palestine was barhut. palestine had its own nation. it is a prosperous, active, intelligent, thoughtful and creative nation. they built an infrastructure, not only in haifa, but also in jaffa, acre, sefe tabrian , besan al-nasra, barrasbeh, lad, ramla, quds, and other palestinian cities. all these institutions were built by the palestinians themselves, and they built their country's economy and the zionist movement
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took all of this into account. it was when they carried out ethnic cleansing and expelled the palestinians institutions and buildings remain for the use of jewish settlers and immigrants who came from all over the world . for example, when in 1948 and 1949 ethnic box building was carried out in the main cities , legions of jewish immigrants immediately came to palestine by plane and ship from different parts of the world. they were immediately settled in palestinian homes. if these issues had not been accounted for in advance, the zionist movement would have faced many challenges. if they didn't think , where would they want to accommodate tens of thousands of jewish immigrants? they are occupying buildings in the whole school it was the cities and villages of palestine. they use these places to serve the zionist project.
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what happened in 1948 is more terrible than it can be talked about. it is indescribable. i am saying things that i saw with my own eyes, not what i heard . i saw with my own eyes. i saw many things in 1948. you can imagine that only 30% of palestinian families are left in jaffa. jaffa , my dear homeland, my safe house.
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palestinian zionism project. he forced them out of their homeland and forcibly inherited farms, houses, factories, cars, household items, gardens, documents, cinemas, theaters and banks. everything, even taking over cemeteries, holy places, mosques and churches, they took everything and took it under their control. they drew a new border and decided to destroy our country. completely separating from the arab world, forbidding people to be able to communicate with the arab world, because they say that they are hostile countries
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, everything was planned in advance, they planned their thefts to give legitimacy .
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as human beings, they have the right to go to another place and seek shelter. they could not even return to their homes that day, so this was not just theft, it was also theft and legitimization. and legalizing their work was therefore a kind of double theft. you know how my father died in 1965. when my father saw the tractors uprooting the trees. he cried like a little child and fell on the ground. he was 90 years old at that time. we took him to the hospital but he died. he could not bear this ablution, i told my father that their father took our land, he said that our trees
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are still there, but when the trees are uprooted , he has gone crazy, enough is enough, i am tired, please. it is a shariah duty, it doesn't make any difference, for example.
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we must listen to the oppressed and do not give to him. he is not a muslim. it is obligatory on all of us muslims to give to him the oppressors of gaza, hurry up. let's all come on quds day and it shows our expectation towards this cruel and child-killing regime. we can help the people of gaza by participating enthusiastically in the quds day marches compared to previous years, if we want to prove our companionship and sympathy with the people of gaza. let's go ahead and
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flaunt this, it can actually be a protest on the quds day. we will definitely participate in this march to support the oppressed people of gaza because we are muslims and we know our duty. in 1948 , zionist immigrants who had moved to palestine since the beginning of the 20th century established a fake regime israel was officially announced. since then , there have been people who have been in the position of president or prime minister of this regime,
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the tsunami. a tsunami has happened here, a tsunami worse than the tsunami in indonesia. god is enough for us. he is the best helper. i say to netanyahu and the arab nation, we will prosper here . our women and girls are giving birth to thousands of people, replacing one person . our women are giving birth to children here again. we will build and develop our land , we will free them to do whatever they want.
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the big house. irani started with exceptional conditions. private sale without advance payment without guarantor in a large iranian mansion until 2:00 am in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you , dear viewers, welcome to the sports news.


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