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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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now, based on what he has announced and in his slogan , he is pursuing an apocalyptic battle with a religious color , but on the other hand, many experts believe that the other goal is to go beyond those religious ideals. and the political debate you mentioned is that the zionist regime is the american base in the region. how much do you want these two goals? you see, wars basically have a geographical basis, fueling other factors , justifying war are secondary factors, using feelings , using beliefs, using emotions. territorial
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, these are secondary factors as triggers that or war be justified, or the war will continue, or if the failure is not won, the defeat will be justified, so discussions such as the end of the world and the justification of this issue, the justification of this war crime, this genocide, are only in the direction of projecting the escape forward and the deviation of public opinion, so most of you are the political role of the goals military and geographical. i said that all wars throughout history have a geographical cause. sometime after the 1973 war with some arab countries, including egypt, israel proposed the doctrine from the nile to the euphrates. an ambitious idea that can actually make its own geographical mark in wide parts of the country expand and transform the west asian region. to
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absolute power without a rival and a book, the west asian region, which is the area of ​​civilization, after all, it is the area of ​​the center of the world's religions and the center of the world's civilization , take it from mianrodam to the civilization of india, the bed of which is the mesopotamian civilization and other religions. jews were emerging in this region. israel wanted to follow that ideal or an ambitious false goal . now this doctrine has been reversed from the euphrates to the nile , which has also been heard in european countries. he is practically dead, what has been replaced by the doctrine that relies on short-term tactics to protect the security of jewish citizens? see, even maintaining the security of a territory under its own rule
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does not mean that the zionist regime says that it protects the security of jewish citizens. do this regime all this , the world charter that was formed for their benefit , all in addition to being in a passive state , a significant part of the support due to the stabilization of the situation. it has also disappeared in the region, which means that the zionist regime is now at the starting point of the crisis arc in the region the middle east is located where this arc of crisis describes the annoying scenario of the fragile belt for this regime, because they see the sense of geopolitical encirclement completely above their heads. on
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the thirty-seventh or thirty-eighth day of the war , on october 7, a reporter asked them if the signs of the end of israel in your region have arrived. . what does this mean that they actually realizing that the continuation of life is survival. and it is no longer possible for the zionist regime to continue living in the region with these methods, either they should collect it and settle it somewhere else, or it should focus on the formation of an independent palestinian state with all the rights that the palestinians have in this land. the fixed foundations of the national security doctrine of the zionist regime are: creating crisis and war for survival. it has not changed to this day
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. it has not changed to this day. the dangerous point of this case is that the zionist regime may go crazy , one of the crazy things is to drag the war beyond the borders. occupied lands and dragging the war to distant geographies, which actions it is taking against iran's military forces in syria, is a kind of provocation and the smart approach of the us, the smart approach of iran, by the way, has made them very angry . the blow that should have been given to the zionist regime in the al-aqsa storm, all these measures taken by them to escape from that failure are proud of that false iron dome that they have built for themselves right now, if it were not for the american f-35 and f-16, hamas would have these empty hands
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will squeeze the throat of this zionist regime and suffocate it kurds , after 73 years, this geopolitical tyrant has become another insanity on the head of the zionist regime. there is a possibility of using atomic warheads , which, of course, from the point of view of the concepts of war and the situation of war , the use of these weapons is not possible due to the limited space of these atomic weapons in the occupied land, because the classes themselves will be ignorant under the rule of this regime. there is no possibility that this threat will be made wider to the palestinian allies of hamas. it is not far from his mind that he wants to threaten the resistance forces with it, although both options are operational it is not possible without the support and direct intervention of the united states and nato forces. well, considering that you are referring to the support of the united states, i
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would like to point out a news that is the latest survey by the american gallup institute, which shows that 36 americans are against this war. they agree and about 70 are against. 82 the democrats are also against the attacks of the zionist regime and the killing of the people of gaza, and let me also say that this number has increased by 10% in the last one or two months, so even with this internal situation in the united states, there is a possibility that they will choose those options that you mentioned because without america's support is not possible, it will be low , it seems completely correct, but you should note the point that opinion polls in the united states are mainly based on deception, until the gallup institute and those who spin it. the second point is that basically, if the united states decides to take any action you don't care at all about the public opinion, the second persian gulf war and the occupation of iraq by the american army, more than 75%
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of the american people, even more than 80%, are against this war , but the american policy was for this war to happen and the occupation of iraq, this is 2 points we must keep in mind that the more fundamental point is that american israel. it is in the region, the child of an embryonic country, america is in this region, and it will not leave it , it will not leave it unless it comes to the conclusion that this embryo is no longer useful, give it a hard time and go somewhere else . yes, definitely, if you see now, why the geo-strategic conflict between america and china has reached its peak and america is trying china. make him more angry than ever because america knows that part of the world power will definitely be transferred to the pacific area and here too china the axis is now in the south china sea, using taiwan, hong kong
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, to create a second persian gulf there and involve china there. it is possible that america will create a small israel in china's geopolitical and geostrategic sphere, so the goals he does not let himself go. yes , you can see the picture of a soldier fetus before birth, printed on an advertisement in the maternity ward of one of the zionist hospitals. a child after birth. it should be armed like this young american kid. a process that is carried out along with brainwashing children. according to hoda viterbo, associate professor at queen mary university of london. according to this researcher's research, here in the
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occupied territories, children go to the army at a young age, for example, 3 years old. at the age of 11, they wear military uniforms and pick up guns and shoot . hatred of palestinians is taught in a special way. in the textbooks, the occupying regime is described as a sheep and all arabs are described as wolves. in these books, palestinians are presented as a dangerous problem. it is very strange that you never see a doctor, a teacher or a palestinian child in zionist books. israel only palestinians. introducing us as terrorists and shows it as a problem and threat.
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in his research, this researcher mentions several educational cases in zionist schools. for example, an example: children can be exempted from punishment by harming palestinians. in this educational system, the principle is the military use of children. they get used to the weapon and grow up. to attack gaza, the gun magazine with the same child's head. the conversation with the experts continues in this program
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. i want to ask mr. tagbinia, an expert on west asian issues, that since the zionist regime started this crime, one of its excuses was that it was fighting with hamas and the military forces in gaza. they are supposed to confront, but during these six months, the crimes that were committed, the least proof that military forces were in gaza, in hospitals, in mosques and public gatherings, was not confirmed. another excuse was that they wanted to release the prisoners, but during these 6 months , there was no will to release the prisoners of the zionist regime, and it seems that they are looking for other things, there are other goals that have become clear to the public opinion. . with the invalidation of these excuses, in your opinion, how long can the zionist regime continue this war and will it come up with new excuses? you see, the point i have to make is that the zionist regime has come to the conclusion that as long as the people are present in the gaza strip
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, the threat to the southern borders of the zionist regime will not disappear. what does this mean that hamas is not an isolated movement, hamas is a rising movement ? it is the will of the palestinian people who live in the gaza strip and chose the option of resistance. as long as the people are present in this group, then the resistance will continue and the zionists will not feel safe. it is possible that another october week will be repeated at any moment. this first point goes back to the second point. the fact that the zionist regime has failed in its goals means that israel really sought to destroy the military power of hamas, and it is, but if it achieves its goals , it was and is in pursuit of freeing the prisoners, but it has not been able
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to free the prisoners, and as a result, it intends to erase the issue. at all, come from the basis of the people and give egypt a forced alley so that gaza is empty of inhabitants. another point that i have to say is that netanyahu is the prime minister and those who are in power today. in the zionist regime, in terms of public opinion , they are in the minority. 30% of the israeli society at most, but they won because of the lack of widespread participation of the seculars, and the point i mentioned is the battle of the hereafter, when your esteemed guest questioned it to some extent , they said correctly, but a part of
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netanyahu's society lives its life in the continuation of this. the may war the point i wanted to make is that mr. done, if the war stops today, it is natural that netanyahu should step down from power due to his inability to foresee the october 7 incident. mentality in the management of the case and the failure in the battle of gaza due to the court case he has, so what should mr. netanyahu do to come up with these new excuses? produce create he should do it so that he can continue this war and reach the month of november in one way, maybe mr. trump will win in america and the position of the extreme rightists of zionism and zionism will be strengthened in israel, so i can analyze in this aspect, i can analyze in this framework, i can make excuses. new israel, thank you very much, mr.
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tagbinia, for you, mr. yazd panah , i will correct yazdan panah. pointing out that the zionist regime should continue this war, you also said in your conversation that creating a crisis is not necessary for the continuation of life, but there is a question here. how much will the military, the zionist regime, the residents of the zionist regime and its supporters, america and the west, believe? anyway, this war , which will not last forever , will definitely end at some point, but the current trend seems to be that the zionist regime they were forced to buy time and flee forward. they thought that within two months they would gather all the forces of hamas, but you see, hamas is not just a movement or a militant group, hamas is a movement in this land, now this is the battle of the patriots. with the
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patriots, hamas is the natural homeland for orientation to his homeland. at all, if we weren't in the 8-year war, every palestinian person would have sacrificed his life to defend his homeland. this is natural , especially since we live in a region that is culturally zealous. let's move on. and both their religions and their languages ​​have declined, apart from yemen, we are witnessing the death of arab zeal in other arab countries, but it is a fact that he fights for his land. the opposing force is fighting for repatriation. there is no place to fight for the choice of the homeland with force and tools and that it is only supported. so therefore war can be justified to some extent. but all in all, the dangerous security policies of the zionist regime must be curbed somewhere. these policies are extremely costly for the region. and
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it is the resistance of the area that determines this. in my opinion, a force beyond resistance should be formed . if the big countries of the region were to be divided, 6 big countries of the region would be divided, for example , israel was included among the big countries, iran , turkey, saudi arabia, iraq, egypt, in iraq, trying this scenario failed, it was not divided. despite the fact that there are all kinds of pressures on iraq for 30 years therefore, when this policy fails, the sixth side, which is israel, must be gathered. this is a point that, beyond all the emotional analysis of the prevailing field conditions, as a strategic depth, at least the countries of the region must have a common understanding of this concern and according to the words of the imam
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, this ratio will reach this cancerous level so that this issue will be settled once and for all in our region. from uniting the countries of the region together and reaching a common understanding, maybe we need a common understanding, a common understanding will bring them to unity . thank you very much, mr. yazdanpanah, professor university of tehran and an expert on international issues , as well as mr. taghbinia, an expert on west asian issues, who were guests of this special program, i would like to inform you that after the special news segments, the world quds day program will continue on khabar network. please stand with israel.
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oh! they visit you are looking in amazement, as if they are angels who have fallen into darkness and silence from the volume of all your pleasure. you who are pressing the corner of your life to your chest, as if the liver of the throne is being set on fire, you who
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are defeated but still standing on the ruins of your house, as if a person has asked for the sanctity of your steps, you are the oppressed, the same as the sigh of the base.
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what we need to do is ignore our racial differences and unite for gaza , unite for our brothers, sisters and children in palestine and have one voice. we want nothing more than an immediate ceasefire and a just, peaceful and permanent solution to gaza. it should be a logical conclusion that the international court of justice and criminal proceedings against the zionist regime. we want an ambassador. expel america, egypt, uae, england and saudi arabia, because they facilitate the actions of the zionist regime.
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i feel guilty that i am at home with our children in peace we live. when we have dinner , i think about what the people of gaza are going to eat, and i feel ashamed when i see videos of them eating grass soups. this makes me think that god, what will happen to them and we can't even help them. although the. there are many muslim countries that don't even support them, even copper is sweet with them, but no one can give them food, shelter and water. in my opinion, if the united nations security council cannot implement the ceasefire , we will be certain that this organization cannot play any role, in my opinion there is no need at all. not the united nations. at one point a million of hunger. a great deal is happening in gaza and the supplies in the hospitals
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have been destroyed, especially in the shafa hospital or any other hospital. patients die, simply die. children die every day. islamic countries should unite and establish a ceasefire immediately. their flag is also fake. like their identity. their wish is that for the jews, between the two.
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whoever hears the call for help of an oppressed muslim and does not respond to his call is not a muslim.
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it is obligatory on all of us muslims. that we hasten to help the oppressors of gaza. let's all come on holy day and wait for this the regime of qasa and its child kash shows that we can help the people of gaza by being enthusiastic about the years of al-qods, if we want to share our sympathy with the people of gaza. let's prove it and make it happen. it can actually be a quds day march. we will definitely participate in this march to support the oppressed people of gaza because we are muslims and we know it is our duty to join the world in supporting the oppressed people of palestine. narrator of our pictures in all cities, villages and nomadic areas.
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send yes soroush and rubika in the internal media message of ita so that it will be broadcast on the news network.
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digital accessories at unbelievable prices , long-term specials of a digital equipped house in the large irani qom house. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, we offer our greetings to you, the esteemed viewers of khabar news at 16:00, together with my colleagues in the evening news group. human rights watch called the israeli attack on a residential building in the gaza strip a war crime a few months ago. in the first month of the zionist invasion of gaza, a residential building


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