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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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we got some of these with the close and close cooperation that we had with the permanent secretariat for the support of the oppressed people of palestine. in fact , we are moving forward with this work. the legal part and the inter-center legal part are doing it. my friends are helping. well, this is a good work. in fact, we created a global consensus of lawyers , we sent invitations to 120 countries, and many of them accepted, and in fact , in the very, very near future, god willing, we will have a gathering of international lawyers and jurists in tehran, especially islamic countries, we should, of course , have a question. that islamic governments do special things not doing it, unfortunately, by the way, i wanted to ask a question. unfortunately, we have to separate the public opinion of the islamic countries, especially the lawyers , from the governments. now, in addition to the government, lawyers and lawyers of the islamic countries, how much role can you play?
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by the way, i was dealing with the same issue . lawyers from iraq, lebanon, palestine will definitely come. will come and it happened in the same way and in fact a consensus was created, an exchange of views was made with our lawyers and colleagues in iraq , in lebanon, in palestine and in syria. it has been created internationally and at the world level, god willing, we hope it will come to fruition. we are obliged to
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do our historical, legal and shari'ah duty and our humanity . use the maximum capacities that exist. yes , we will use all the capacities. i thank the lawyers of our country for doing their duty at this point. mr. abdullahianpour , i still want to have a conversation with you about the legal aspects, but let's see a shortcut , we will return to this special program. together, with clenched fists , they shout a hidden grudge. death to israel in the first years when the last friday of the holy month of ramadan was named after the first qibla of muslims. we fight, we fight. the importance of the impact of this day
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could be understood from the speeches of the founder of the islamic revolution in different periods of time. it is the day of islam. day quds must be kept alive by muslims. over the years, the number of participants in these marches increased. they became the voice of palestine on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan.
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every place in the world is oppressed. in my opinion , if he is oppressed, if he is wronged, if he is wronged, if he is wronged, he should be defended. i pray that the poor people will not blame anyone. if a tyrant wants to oppress, the people of iran directly condemn it. it's another international day, and everyone knows that sada vasima news agency's magic is over. less than 14 hours until the world quds day march in iran remains and we are with you with the special program of palestinian developments on khabar network
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. south africa came up. in the hague court, the whole world was delighted that this brave act , a rare or unprecedented act, happened, but maybe now the question is what is the ultimate feature that this complaint can have, that is, the most optimistic thing that can happen as a result of this if a complaint occurs, what will it be and in what time frame can we expect it to happen? i need to mention that the supreme leader said today that he said yesterday that in the gathering of the officials that quds day is not really related to the life of islam anymore , which means that the public opinion of the whole world
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will come out on quds day. it's smart, you can tell tabiyeh that in the last 6 months we have had quds day almost every day in some part of the world to be exact. well, we can generalize this to the public and legal opinions of the world, in any case, lawyers as activists are the most important activists. the social arena definitely takes a position in such situations and the position of lawyers is visible, so your statement that what will happen now is that this happened anyway. and this international legal agreement has been made among lawyers and all lawyers consider themselves obligated , that is, they know that it is a human duty that they must show a reaction, it is a very big task. we
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recently had a gathering of lawyers in palestine square. palestine happened for the first time when jurists made a consensus and gathered in palestine square declaring readiness so that they can do a joint legal work. well, this international and global public opinion will make the disgraced regime and its zionist child to be alone. this is what it is doing now. this is what is expected from the public opinion, which puts the zionist regime under pressure. mr. hossein ajarlo, an expert on international issues , is also with us in a video. greetings to you, mr. ajarlo. in your opinion , what is the difference between this year's quds day procession and what is its importance? i am at your service and
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also, dear viewers, i would like to inform you that quds day has always had a special importance and every year that this issue is repeated, its importance increases, especially this year, especially because of the events that are happening in the gaza strip after the victorious operation on the 7th of october. the situation has become a more general situation and in a way , we had a quds day for almost six months, and this day can be a day. let it be the turning point of these last six months , in a situation where even the people of iran have a special view on quds day, that just a few days ago we witnessed a crime against some of our countrymen.
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we were in syria, which added to the importance of quds day for the people of iran, as well as an issue that might double its importance. there is an issue called the unity of the arenas that is taking shape between the resistance forces. we have been holding a meeting in the qudsah pulpit for the past few days. the resistance leaders are participating in this unity. there is a need for a general unity between the islamic world and all the people of the world in order to create a situation where the people can support the resistance leaders and take more fundamental steps for the palestinian resistance than we can. let us witness the liberation of the holy holy place as soon as possible, mr. ajulo, one of the things that is brought up, in fact, the expectations that exist is that now
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the muslim nations are playing the first role in order to have demands from their own statesmen, because in any case, around these six the movement that should have happened in order for the leaders of some muslim countries to take action did not happen. i want to know that this world holy day, which we are on the threshold of, could be an opportunity for this demand and this pressure of the nation on the government in some of islamic countries have an effect that ultimately the fate or the end of this war will also be effective. the developments of the last 6 months almost prove one thing, and that is that it basically showed that not only the people of the islamic world, the arab world, and the people of all parts of the world are ahead of their own governments in issues such as defending the oppressed and supporting the rights of a nation. that is, we almost showed
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the governments, especially the islamic governments , that unfortunately, we witnessed that, except for some statements and apparent sympathies, practically no steps were taken to help the palestinian people. this issue was a shame for the governments. people in this case of us being the leader of a big march in most countries. we had islam, now in some countries it has even become an issue that they are getting involved with their own governments over this issue , it is bringing about changes and it seems that quds day is here to tell you, basically, quds day is not supposed to be a government with the people and with the opposing governments want to warn their own governments that a very important event is happening in the western region. it is in asia, it is in the islamic world, it is happening in the world, which
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is a historical injustice to humanity, and genocide is happening, and this it seems to me that the political authorities and these things are reminding me, although the governments, with regard to political relations, with regard to some interests, unfortunately, the personal interests that they have in some of their relations even with the zionists, maybe a little short. but the people's march on quds day can convey this message to the governments that it is a special public to deal with this kind of cancerous aggression that we see their crimes in different dimensions. for example , in the last few days, how many crimes have you internationalized , attack on aid workers, attack on hospital, attack on embassy means almost all the values ​​that in a way, there are values ​​that people respect everyone. the regime has broken them and
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this is a continuation of various crimes. in my opinion, people here should be able to empathize with unifying slogans and in a way by encouraging politicians to be more with the oppressed people of palestine. take a serious step and help these oppressed people, and also the issue that maybe we should pay attention to here is that, basically, confronting the palestinian regime is not only for the palestinian people, if the political regime gains power in the region, it will not be known as a whole. the region is enough, we emphasized this almost many times the case and the only international case that is still resolved in the international arena after the second world war and is one of the areas of instability and the destroyer of peace and stability at the regional level, this
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is the case of palestine and the expansionism of the zionist regime. it will reach the west asian region, until the issue of the expansionism of the zionist regime is not resolved and this issue is not resolved in a fair manner, we will witness the spread of instability and insecurity at the regional level and even at the global level. thank you, mr. hossein ajarlou, an expert on international issues, for being with us. god, what are you doing? sardari harki
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, we are with you with the special program of developments in palestine and international quds day, and mr. abdullianpour, the head of the center for lawyers of the judiciary, is with us . to make it effective, i first of all invite all the dear people of our beloved nation to participate in this march as usual, and this year we will have a special holy day, both because of the events that occurred after the al-aqsab storm, and also because of the attack
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that it was sent to the iranian embassy in damascus and tomorrow that our beloved martyrs will be described, our beloved nation will be the same as it has been and they will appear on the scene . i invite the legal community and those who know the law to come. we have a special task tomorrow . international ic with exactly the same shape and image is at the crossroads, but we are holding the court with exactly the same lawyers who are going to go and defend in the layer in the near future. it should be interesting, and i invite our dear people to express it and see it closely, and if there are any issues, they should mention it to us, because we will definitely we welcome these cases. on holy day
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last year, we held a symbolic court in the street, which was very impressive. it was interesting that it was covered more by the remaining networks, because it was effective. i said that your service is very visible. in any case, the reaction of lawyers is very visible in the world. also, we launched a campaign that collected 6 million signatures to defend the palestinian people and the dear people of gaza. and also our physical signatures on quds day last year, several million physical signatures. gathering one that today is the support of the people and public opinion of our country and the freedom seekers of the world you give us this mission, it gives us the ability to fight against this child regime in a special way, in terms of international law, and follow the work that , god willing, we will reach a conclusion, god willing. thank you very much
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. . in your opinion, after the international quds day and the end of the month of ramadan, which was generally considered as an important period , what direction do you think the war will go with the end of those developments? you know , considering the approach taken by the zionist regime in the recent developments and in a way, it is intended that daman. expand the war well, before, maybe before this , it was thought that the sahanist regime might go towards a ceasefire under some pressure, but it seems that the regime is looking to expand the scope of the war in the north of occupied palestine, on the borders with lebanon, and there are serious movements in the gaza strip itself
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is making serious moves towards its elimination, and also this crazy action it took against the islamic republic of iran's consulate in damascus shows that the zionist regime seems to be looking for this adventure, especially since it is contrary to some of these international resolutions. some of the international statements of western countries, especially the united states of america , have a supporting role for the zionist regime, and they are actually strengthening weapons and strengthening this regime politically , according to that country. the europeans are also doing this, and with this political support , it seems that the c regime is still looking for adventure. now, the reason for this is that we can mention a few factors , one of which is actually in the bar of justice. i haven't reached any of my own minimum goals, that is, the issue of freeing the prisoners, the destruction of hamas, the assassination of the resistance leaders, and practically deactivating the pran ino missile.
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this could not be achieved in lebanon's hezbollah in the north, a serious deterrence has been achieved in the north , and it has actually been able to seriously influence israel's situation both domestically and internationally. within the zionist regime , differences between the parties have greatly increased , netanyahu is seeking to expand the war for his own survival and is a new adventurer, and this shows that the zionist regime, considering this the set of these developments will lead to the expansion of war, but the problem that exists is that there is resistance against it he has the necessary preparation for the confrontation, that is, they imagine that if the war goes on for a long time, we will witness, for example, the surrender of hamas, hezbollah in lebanon
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withdrawing due to internal conditions, or the islamic republic of iran ceasing support, but it seems that the resistance of my resistance in yemen is ansarullah. don't continue anymore , but it shows that practically the pillars of resistance are on the way. the unity of the hours or the unity of the fields somehow have the necessary preparation to confront the zionist regime, and almost the capacities of resistance are still invisible, which means that the capacity that has come into action is a limited capacity of this capacity. even in the gaza strip, in the north, in the south of lebanon , in yemen, in iraq, and in other areas where there is resistance, this shows that considering that the zionist regime's security and military rule is military superiority and increasing
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its deterrence role. it is basically to continue the war now, either in the form of all-out wars, which are less likely, or intermittent wars, or even special operations, so that the few factors i mentioned can be done, whether at the international level , at the peripheral level, or at the domestic level. but in general, what we can emphasize about the political regime is that it is practically a regime the science that was known for years that a crisis management at least in the domestic arena and the crisis management area has a minimum crisis management seems to be challenged in that crisis management, especially the action taken against the consulate of the islamic republic of iran. it seems this challenge in the crisis management of the site regime has greatly increased. now news is coming in the occupied territories that the zionist people are going to
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buy electric motors, buy food , collect supplies, which means that they are embarking on an adventure that is even their own. they are not ready for it it seems that the crisis management that the heads of the regime always emphasize is facing challenges.
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join the world in supporting the oppressed people of palestine . be the narrator of our pictures in all the cities, villages and nomadic areas of the country. for this, it is enough to send your pictures of the quds day procession in the form of a horizontal video to the mobile phone number 0912 148 71 in the message of the media. submit internal ita, yes, soroush and rubika to be aired on the news network.
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anti-shedding properties. did in the name of god. hello , dear viewer, with news at 2.3 o'clock on the khabar network. we are at your service. on the eve of world quds day , tofan al-ahrar conference was held in the courtyard of motahar razavi shrine. in this conference, foreign nationals from different countries of the world were present with the aim of supporting the resistance front and world quds day. the director of non-iranian pilgrims of the razavi shrine said in this ceremony: "today, the free people of the world stood by the palestinian people as a message."


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