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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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choose your house and design, we are going to mahd farsh, iran mahd farsh is tonight's program of mahd farsh stores all over iran. in the name of god, rahman rahman, peace be upon him, the head of the judiciary , while attending the house of martyred sardar mohammad hadi haji hasso rahimi, one of the martyrs of the zionist attack on our country's consulate in syria, said that these martyrs will definitely be avenged. subordinate god willing, they will heal the hearts of all
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believers, not only the family. we hope that these criminals will be tortured in this world by the hands of pious and revolutionary people they will be punished and on the day of resurrection, god willing, these criminals will be punished by god. mr. mohseniyeh. also, he expressed the crimes of the zionists in gaza and their actions in the region, not out of power, but out of helplessness. today, this hatred of the dictator regime found in all countries in the world is unprecedented, that is , there has been no such thing in the past seventy years, and it is these holy houses that have finally created this global movement. intifaz headquarters and
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world quds day islamic propaganda coordination council in an announcement of the people for a magnificent presence in he invited the world quds day march. it is stated in this announcement that the international quds day is coming while the zionist regime, helpless from the strong slap of the palestinian fighters in the al-aqsa storm operation , is seeking to project and escape from the irreparable consequences of this blow. coordination council. islamic propaganda always invites the people in the stage of islamic iran to condemn the crimes of the zionists with their conscious and epic presence in the world quds day march while declaring their solidarity and support for the resistant gaza. following the crimes of the zionists in gaza , anger and disgust of public opinion in iran and other countries has increased variously. the people of iran support the people of gaza on the participation of all muslims in the quds day ceremony.
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of the poor people don't hide from anyone the scenes he sees from gaza, well, his heart really hurts and from all the crimes these zionists are committing , what should be done to support the palestinian people, let's join hands for any benefit we can help them, whether it's a march on friday, for example, through finances, or through prayers. in this way, we will not forget the people of gaza , the oppressed people of gaza. and those children who
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are innocently killed in other countries who are not muslim they are supporting them, many countries are acting on their own, even though their rulers are supporting the oppressor of israel, their own people are supporting the people by participating in the quds day march and hating israel and the enemies of the people of gaza on the last friday of the month. happy ramadan , my imam said, we must participate so that the voice of the oppressed is heard, all the enemies see that they are the people, and the people of gaza are our support. let's be gaza, god willing, they will all
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be freed from this predicament that israel is cursed with he brought, god willing, that israel will be destroyed, what hazrat agha said. faster than saying that these things should be destroyed and disappear from the earth is a zafar with the muslims, just as the almighty god promised in the qur'an , except allah al-sisi, god of god. the ceasefire is related to the cessation of aggression of the invaders, the withdrawal from gaza is the return of the refugees, osama hamedan is sitting. the aggression against gaza will end in a manner worthy of the martyrs and patience of the palestinian people. osama hamedan holds america responsible for the crimes of the invaders he knew and demanded the pressure of the international community on the zionist regime and america. osama hamedan
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also condemned the attack of the zionist occupation regime on the consular section of our country's embassy in damascus and appreciated the efforts and stances taken to help the palestinian nation. this year, a 32% increase in the acceptance of cucumbers for the ikram itam plan and mohsenin, the vice president of the development of popular partnerships of the relief committee, said that since the beginning of ramadan , 112 thousand supporters have registered in the campaign for love of ali. mahdavi cooks all over the country and among few people it has been explained that there is a win. and the people were also in line for good deeds, from buying food made by homeless women to taking care
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of orphans, a large number of 25,000 orphans under the age of ten with the support of charitable volunteers. in the morning, they begged their mother to wake up again, an iranian mother has become a mother, to make arrangements. some people now want to go and have children, but they can't. now the generations have changed, although the tradition of humanity that doesn't change is the birth of a student, and during the semester, he passes the orphan care course. done. during one year as a student, i was able to cooperate with my dear friends and students at gombad kaos and universities at the level of kurdistan province, 600 sponsors for 600 orphans and benefactors under the cover of the relief committee
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, let's find sponsors. god, for his part , has the air of the children of varamin, and people have always been grateful to him for helping etan. from the explanation of food packages and cash amounts to helping the education and treatment of these loved ones, ahmad reza, who has seen his father's death himself, has an opinion. i am very happy to be with etan's children and every year we train 30 to 40 people here for free. the supporter of 700 children in the south of the country is a mother who has promised that her good work will never be published in the media. ball and issues and supplies and so on. it started until now , it has come, for example, in the past few days, until now, nearly 400 million dollars, all of these are drops from the sea of ​​love of people whose iftar table is still wide and their dowries are still standing
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. the wall shined. west of al-aqsa mosque.
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i also know that i've come to israel on the eve of the sacred holiday, the celebration of passover, and that is where i would like to start today. just a few days from now, jews here in israel and around the world will sit with family and friends at the savior table and celebrate with songs, wine and symbolic food. at the center of passover that makes this time of year so powerful, it's a story
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of centuries of slavery, in years of wandering in the desert, and faith in god and the tora, and for the jewish people, this story is central to who you've become, but it's also a story that holds within it the universal human experience with all of its suffering, but also all of its salvation. let's come. enjoy the beautiful scenery, i got to help this flag a little bit here,
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that's right, that's right, this is some of my arab neighbors down there, and uh, this, this is the temple mount, over the last 65 years, when israel has been its best... brafu al-oudah
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al-arz al-ajjad lal haso al-adaaa ho man awael al-asatir al-mastisa lafakra al-daulah al-shayoniyyah most of me, the first time, ya'qub, when he went to egypt in response to yusuf's call to egypt, then they refused to return to egypt, despite the call of the prophet of god, musa, to them, then they fought and went out of babylonian captivity, then they fought with the help of the persian emperor karsh, then they went out of it. christianity then came al-fath al-islami, but the people of this land, the canaanites
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and the yabosians, did not go out and did not leave their land . after that, there was another jewish revolution in the year 1000, 35 ad, but it ended, and with that, the jewish existence in palestine ended since that time, that is, 135 ad, the number of jews in palestine was a small number then these people came from the land of iqsa with the claim of going back to the land of their ancestors , where they had been passing through since the time of our ancestors
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until abraham. these days, and therefore our life in this land is a short life compared to the long history, so there is no historical document, human document, or religious document. always people want to kill us.
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danny, you talked a great deal in part one about the narrative and the rights and all being about rights. by what right? because i look at you and you don't meet the classic stereotype in the west of settler with a skull cap and a machine gun in the arm and tourer in the other. don't eat that. you're a secular man i believe. on what grounds then do you say you have a right to be in the west bank when the international community says you have no right to be there. as i said, it is my homeland. you're from argentina. yes, yes, but as a zionist, i believe that every jew should, of course is entitled, but should live in the land of israel, that day they came at 10:00, i was in the school, my grandmother was making coffee , one of the settlers came inside and knocked at the
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door and asked her, this furniture for whom? "uncomfortable, guilty, even when you see that in order to return, lots of other people had to leave against their will, some of whom are living in refugee camps, well i am not sure they had to live, they left, the fact that there is another ethnic group there and national group that feels dispossessed because of that, it's tragic. i don't feel
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any, you know, remorse or or burden on my conscience, i hate them." the israeli occupation daily destroys palestinian houses under different names, some call them the lands of the absent , and they sell these houses under the name of the lands of the absent, and others under the name of the terrorists , the destroyers of those who have destroyed their dignity , their honor and their satisfaction, today they are called in
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the israeli term. the palestinian consciousness is the idea of ​​who the palestinian consciousness is. this idea must be re-read psychologically . the israeli occupation wants to say to the palestinians that today is a threat to your future and your present memories, to commit to humility, and the fact that the israeli occupation has not been able to coerce the people so far. you come to my village, you buy houses, you bring your
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security guards, the cooks that the cooks make with your donkey to ride on it, are you from israel, you in israel, palestine so in this? area here, are there a lot of israelis and palestinians living together, palestinians living together? first of all, you are talking about the palestinian area, you are in the palestinian area here, this here, here you are in palestinian area, it's for me, it's like you know when you come from the state, just you see that is is hero, for us he is a criminal, yeah, and if he's going to protect the jews, he needs to protect you, no, no, he doesn't protect me, he's a criminal, he's a criminal for a criminal, you do you want the same rights?
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the part that was not occupied in 1948 was occupied in 1967 and after the six-day war with three arab countries they did 20 years after its initial attack, israel was able to win and reach the strategic areas that it should have reached according to its own zionist project. of course, according to international laws. occupying the west bank was and still is illegal, but in order to facilitate their aggression in these areas, the israelis
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faced many difficulties with the presence of palestinians and tried to limit the presence of palestinians and build jewish settlements with long walls and extensive checkpoints. simplify the sitting. since then, more than 300,000 israelis, specifically in the west bank bakhti was settled. in fact, regarding the occupied west bank. the west bank is a prison surrounded by the sea and a wall, but the west bank is an overlapping prison. first of all
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, it is a larger geographical area than the gaza strip and the topography is different. it means that the israeli occupation can control the lives of the people of the west bank and prevent them from resisting. erect dog fences. the barrier and the barrier between the last barrier, so even the prayer from al-quds to hebron, these few kilometers, all you need to spend long hours at the barriers, inspecting and checking the theology, and some pass, some are arrested, and some do not pass. but the city of quds or jerusalem, having holy places such as the dome of the rock, which is considered the most well-known symbol of this city. also, al-aqsa mosque , as the first mosque of muslims in the world , was and is one of the most challenging parts of the israeli-palestinian conflict. of course, the practice of monotheism in al-quds medina
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, especially since the year 2000 , is taking place in a fast, separate and accelerated manner. the valley of bait al-maqdis al-aqsa mosque, when you enter the al-aqsa mosque, you will feel a strong relief, you will feel the relief and the bow is not like that, it is the way of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him the holy place of the prophets, the holiest place in palestine is al-aqsa mosque.
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it is desirable for us to know the area of ​​the al-aqsa mosque , but it is desirable for us not to know about the al-aqsa mosque, because the occupation and the jews today, the municipality of the occupation is talking to the workers .
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and since i have been in the excavations surrounding the al-aqsa mosque, during the attack on the al-aqsa mosque every day and for the good, so there is a big plan towards the al-aqsa mosque, it is clear that it is the policy of the occupation since 65 years ago, since the establishment of the occupation state, and we dream, we dream, we dream in a big way, we dream. in the construction of the temple with the plans of these actions, we do not want to worship the al-quds first thing. the palestinian residents are not allowed to build, they are not allowed to build, they are not allowed to build, they are not allowed to build, they are not allowed
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to repair the houses in the old town. tahweed al-quds after us, the tawheed al-quds will be completed, the theme of al-islaa on the al-aqsa mosque , the palestinians are also willing to help this need, but the problem is that we do not have the possibilities available to the palestinians to face this game. he wanted to disconnect the jews from jerusalem, from the temple mount. i represented the connection between the people of israel and the temple mount. from the moment he attacked me, the activity has grown and much momentum and we're just growing and growing and the interest in temple mount by jews has been increasing daily.
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this is rachel kori street, martyr rachel kori street, there are pedestrians of a street named after a woman , the name is strange to their ears, you know her, not a story, the name of this street goes back to a city several thousand kilometers away. on the other side


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