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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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if the resistance or the axis of the resistance had been able to destroy isis in syria in the form of several groups led by haj qassem soleimani, this war would actually result in the unity of the members of the resistance front, followed by the stabilization of the leadership and command of the islamic republic of iran in this framework and establishing balance. and a new balance of power in the region. i am very grateful to you, mr. salman razavi, an expert in political issues, who was with us, but i will return to the conversation with mr. abdulyanpour about legal issues and what can be done by lawyers. i want to continue our conversation . it does not have its own characteristics, even south africa's complaint against the zionist regime as a generation. which
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was brought up in laha was more of a media and public opinion issue and it has not yet come to fruition from a legal point of view , i want to know that considering these conditions, why do you lawyers and jurists all over the world continue to file this complaint, do you believe this? which will eventually leave its mark somewhere, of course, i would like to tell you that the south african government's complaint discussion happened for the first time in history, that this government was able to use a number of single lawyers, international lawyers of the team. a very strong lawyer should pursue this work and actually doing the work and giving the other lawyers the courage to do this is a great job in breaking the queue, it is actually unprecedented and it is really worthy of praise and thanks. . condemn these crimes for the first time
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and get a temporary order. now, maybe the outcome that should have happened in terms of international law has not happened, because the resolutions that are issued in the security council do not pay attention to its child regime , israel. he does not adhere to any laws at all , which means that if he is condemned in laha as the cause of a genocide, he may still not be able to act. to be effective, in order to stop it , there is reliable information that the zionist regime emphasized to all its embassies and all its agents in other countries that we should not be convicted in any court , so this has an impact on international public opinion.
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well, one thing that we actually started now, and god willing, i hope it will come to fruition, is that we started this work against the criminals of the zionist authorities, the soldiers of the zionist regime, especially people who have dual citizenship, in countries that have second citizenships, there in different countries, in different and numerous courts. we made a plan, we started this, we hope let's conclude that we took that issue of the court of law seriously.
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which happened recently, we invited a number of prisoners and legal persons and lawyers from gaza, palestine, lebanon to come to tehran and we documented a media video documentary. these are people who were actually released during the exchange of prisoners with gladshalit. being imprisoned by the zionist regime for about 30 years. for palestine, yes
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, they were freed from iran, they came to iran, we made a documentary, we even contracted a power of attorney from them , that is, we got a power of attorney from them , we prepared a video and media documentary. their written and physical documents we got it, so where will this documentary be used ? yes , we are now following up on the same document that we are presenting, god willing. this was actually one of the tasks that we are doing, that is , what did the zionist regime do with the prisoners. did you document it? yes , we documented it. we took a number of them in close cooperation with the permanent secretariat to support the oppressed people of palestine . in fact, we are doing this work , the legal part and the legal part of our center are doing it, friends are also helping, so this it has been a good job, we have now created a global assembly of lawyers, in fact we have sent invitations to 120 countries and many of them have accepted and in fact
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in the very near future, god willing, we will have a gathering of international lawyers and jurists in tehran , especially for islam, we must of course one question that is raised is that the islamic governments did not do anything special. unfortunately, by the way, i wanted to ask a question. yes, unfortunately, we have to separate the public opinion of the islamic countries, especially the lawyers , from their governments . well done. by the way, i was dealing with the same issue. we are a consensus of lawyers from islamic countries. these friends are actually freedom-loving lawyers who came to tehran, who are known as the army of 200,000 lawyers without borders and free and freedom-loving supporters of the oppressed people of palestine and gaza. they told us that if you come
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, lawyers from iraq, lebanon, palestine will definitely come and so and in fact a consensus was created and an exchange of views was made. with our lawyers and our colleagues in iraq, in lebanon, in palestine, in syria, and these will also come, god willing, we will join this group of lawyers and jurists and have a legal consensus. a world has been created at the level of international law and at the level of the world, god willing, we hope that it will come to fruition . to reach a conclusion, if we do not reach a conclusion , yes, we will use all our capacities, we hope that the history will be recorded that the lawyers of our country
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are doing their duty at this point. let's see in the middle of the program , we will return to this special program with hezbollah on the side. also with knotted fists kurds shout their pent-up hatred against israel in the first years when the last friday of the holy month of ramadan was named after the first qibla of muslims. different intervals of time are known as the day of islam. quds day must be kept alive by muslims. over the years
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, the number of participants in these marches increased . on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, the voice of palestine became. after the passing of the year and especially after the al-aqsa storm , the naked face of the zionist regime and its allies are more visible it came to the eyes of the world, and now every day the oppression of quds is shouted everywhere in the world
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, everywhere in the world , people are oppressed. in my opinion, if they are oppressed, they should be treated badly. they do not show mercy to a tyrant who wants to do injustice. the people
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of iran directly condemn it. there is also widespread support, which is not only held in our country. quds day is another international day. everyone knows that it is the magic of contentment. sedavasim news agency, less than 14 hours until the world quds day march is held. remaining in iran and us. with special program of palestinian developments we are with you from khabar network . i will continue the conversation with mr. hassan abdolyanpour, the head of the judiciary center. he was ecstatic that this was a brave act. it happened a few times before, but maybe now the question is
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, what is the ultimate feature that this complaint can have, that is , what will be the most optimistic thing that can happen as a result of this complaint, and in what time frame will this happen? let's wait for it to happen. i must mention that the supreme leader said today what he said yesterday. that in the gathering of the authorities, the quds day is no longer really related to the life of islam, which means that the public opinion of the whole world will come out on the quds day, it seems that it is really a smart thing to say . in some part of the world, we had quds day, that's right, we can assure the public and legal opinions of the world , anyway, lawyers. as activists, the most important activists in the social arena, definitely in times like this
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they take a position and the position of the jurists is visible, so your statement that what will happen now is that this has happened anyway and this international legal agreement has been made between the jurists and all the jurists consider themselves obligated, that is an obligation. humans know that it is a very big thing to show a reaction. we recently had a gathering of lawyers in palestine square. all the lawyers gathered in palestine square for the first time. it happened for the first time that lawyers made a consensus and gathered in palestine square and announced their readiness. to make a legal work common well, this international and global public opinion will cause the ostracized regime and
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its child zionist to be alone, this is what it is doing now . put pressure on mr. hossein ajurlo, an expert on international issues , they are also with us in a video, mr. ajarlo, greetings to you. in your opinion , what is the difference between this year's quds day procession and what is its significance? it is true that quds day has always had a special importance, and every year that this issue is repeated , its importance increases, especially this year. especially because of the events that are happening in the gaza strip
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after the victorious operation of the 7th of october, this situation has become a more general situation, and in a way , we had a quds day for almost six months, and this day can be a turning point in these last six months. in a situation where even the people of iran have a special view on quds day, just a few days ago we witnessed a crime against some of our compatriots in syria, which is also important. al-quds day for the people of iran, he added, and also an issue that perhaps makes it even more important is the discussion of an issue called the unity of the fields that is being formed between the resistance forces. the unification of these areas requires a general unity between the islamic world and all
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the people of the world in order to establish a situation. it is important that the people can support the resistance leaders and take more fundamental steps for the palestinian resistance so that we can witness the liberation of quds sharif as soon as possible. let's be mr. ajolo, one of the issues that is raised , in fact, the expectations that exist is that salman's nations are now playing the first role in order to make demands from their own statesmen, because in any case, in these six months, the movement that should be it used to happen until the leaders of some muslim countries took action. i want to know that this world holy day, which we are on the threshold of, can be an opportunity for this demand and this pressure of the nation on the government
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to be effective in some islamic countries . effective on the fate or end of this war be true the developments of the last 6 months almost prove one thing, and that is that it basically showed that not only the people of the islamic world , the arab world, and the people of all parts of the world are ahead of their own governments in issues such as defending the oppressed and supporting the rights of a nation. . that is, we almost showed the governments of the government. especially from the islamic governments, which unfortunately we witnessed that , except for some statements and apparent sympathies, practically no steps were taken to help the palestinian people. this issue was a shame for the governments, but the people were the leaders in this matter. hi we had greatness in most of the islamic countries, now in
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some countries it has even become an issue where they are involved with their own governments over this issue. it marks changes and it seems that quds day is here to serve you. basically, quds day is not supposed to confront the government with the people and with the government . they want to warn their own governments that a very important event is happening in the region. it is in west asia, it is in the islamic world, it is happening in the world, which is an injustice. it is a history of humanity and genocide is happening and political authorities are reminding us of this and this seems to me, although the governments , considering the political relations, considering some of the interests , unfortunately, the personal interests that they have in some of their own relations, even with the zionists, may be a little short, but the day of the popular march on
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quds day can be to this message to the government. let it be known that it is common to deal with the aggression of this cancerous gland, which we see their crimes in different dimensions, for example, in the last few days, you have committed several international crimes, attacking aid workers , attacking the hospital, attacking the embassy, ​​which means almost all the values ​​that some kind of values it is that people respect everyone , their political regime is broken and this is the extension. various crimes, the people here should, in my opinion, be able to take a step and a serious help to these oppressed people by empathizing with unifying slogans and in some way by encouraging politicians to be more with the oppressed people of palestine, and also another issue that maybe we have to pay attention to it here. the issue
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is that basically, confronting the sinai regime is not only for the palestinian people. if he gains power at the regional level, he will make a name for himself in the entire region . we have emphasized this many times. the international issue that is still resolved in the international arena after the second world war and is one of the areas of instability and destroys peace and stability in the region, this is the case of palestine and development. it seems that the zionist regime wants the west asian region until the issue of the zionist regime's expansionism is not resolved and this issue is not resolved in a fair way . we will even be at the global level. thank you very much , mr. hossein ajarlou, an expert on international issues
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, for being with us. mr. abdulyanpour, head of the center the lawyers of the judiciary are with us. mr. abdullianpour, in your opinion, the international quds day and this national gathering that is happening. how much can it affect the legal legitimacy of the palestinian people? first of all, i invite all the dear people from all our beloved nation to definitely participate in this march and this year we will really have a special quds day because of the events that happened after the al-aqsab storm. he came and attacked. which took place at the iranian embassy in damascus, and tomorrow when our beloved martyrs will be dissected, our beloved nation will certainly be the same as it has been so far and is present on the scene
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i invite the legal and legal community to come. we have a special task tomorrow . in the same lawyers who are going to go and defend in the near future and file lawsuits and complaints, they will find members, the same lawyers with the same clothes, the same shape and image, so i think it is attractive and i invite our dear people to speak and they should see this closely and if there are any cases, they should mention it to us because we will definitely we welcome these things we did on holy day last year. we organized a symbolic court in the street, which was very effective, and interestingly , it was covered more by mand networks because
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it was effective. we have done until now to defend the palestinian people and the dear people of gaza. as well as physical signatures, on quds day last year , we collected several million physical signatures, which today serve as the support of the people and public opinion of our country and the freedom seekers of the world. it gives us this mission, it gives us the ability to fight against this child-cultivation regime in a special way in terms of international law, and to follow the work that we will achieve results, god willing. thank you, mr. ajarlo, an expert on international issues , is with us in a video. mr. ajarlo, in your opinion, after the international quds day and the end of ramadan, which was generally considered an important period
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, do you think that ramadan has an impact on this conflict? with the end of those developments , what direction will the war go? well, as we know , according to the approach that the zionist regime has found. in the recent developments, and in a way, it is trying to expand the scope of the war. well, before this, it was thought that the sahvinist regime might go to a ceasefire under some pressure, but it seems that the regime is looking to expand the scope of the war. in the north of occupied palestine , there are serious movements on the border with lebanon . and also this crazy action that he did against the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in damascus shows that the scientific regime seems to be looking for this adventure, especially that contrary to
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some of these international resolutions, some of the international statements of the western countries, especially the united states of america, have a supporting role for the zionist regime, and it is actually strengthening the weapons and strengthening the political power of this regime. accordingly , european countries are also doing this , and with this support, it seems political. the 3rd regime is still looking for adventure. the reason for this is that we can mention a few factors, one of which is that it has not achieved any of its goals in the gaza strip, that is, the issue of freeing prisoners, the destruction of hamas, the assassination of resistance leaders, and the practical deactivation of ballistic missiles. he could not do this or that a serious deterrence has been achieved and
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practically succeeded in lebanon's hezbollah in the north. israel's situation, both domestically and internationally, in the political sphere and in public opinion , has been severely damaged, and within the zionist regime , differences between the parties have increased sharply. there is a war and a new adventurer, and these show that the zionist regime, according to this set of developments, is moving towards expansion. the war will go on, but the problem is that there is resistance against it it has the necessary preparation for confrontation, that is, they imagine that if the war goes on for a long time, we will witness, for example, the surrender of hamas, hezbollah in lebanon withdrawing due to internal conditions, or the islamic republic of iran ceasing support, but it seems that the resistance of ansarullah in yemen will continue. it does not
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, but it shows that practically, the elements of the resistance in line with the strategy of the unity of the hours or the unity of the fields are in some way prepared to confront the zionist regime, and almost the capacities of the resistance are still invisible, that is, the capacity that has come into action is a limited capacity of this capacity. what in even in the gaza strip, in the north, in the south of lebanon , in yemen, in iraq, or in other areas where there is resistance, this shows that the zionist regime, considering that the basis and rule of security and military of the zionist regime is military superiority and increasing the role his deterrence is basically the continuation of the war, whether it be in the form of widespread wars, which are less likely, or sporadic wars, or even special operations, so that he can continue as many as possible. the factor that
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i said, whether at the international level, at the peripheral level , or at the domestic level, can reach an order, but our whole thing is what about the scientific regime. we can emphasize that the scientific regime, which was known for years to have a crisis management at least in the domestic arena and the crisis management area, seems to be challenged in that crisis management. regarding the action taken by the islamic republic of iran against the consulate of the islamic republic of iran, it seems that this is a challenge in the regime's crisis management , which has increased greatly. now the news is coming in the occupied territories that the zionist people are going to buy electric motors and food. when they collect food, it even means that they are entering one
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it seems that they are becoming an adventure that even they themselves are not ready for, and the crisis management that the heads of the regime always emphasize has been challenged and they are actually taking new adventurous measures, but in my opinion , they want the war to continue. i am grateful to mr. hossein ajarlou, an expert on international issues, and mr. hassan abdolyanpour, the head of the judiciary lawyers center, who are guests of this special program . i also say goodbye to you, dear viewers.
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bismillah rahman raheem salam after the attack of the zionist regime on the building of the consular section of the embassy. iran in damascus, which was witnessed by seven of the generals and iran's military advisers led in syria, the secretaries of the national security council of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization in a meeting attended by the secretary of the supreme national security council of our country condemned the attack on iran's diplomatic building in syria . all members unanimously declared this attack as an act against international laws and conventions . general secretary of the organization.


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