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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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in such an unbelievable way, standing empty-handed, they are resisting the economic embargo, the drug embargo , the food embargo, which means a completely exceptional situation, in this case, the mother holding her little child is saying she is a sacrifice for palestine, and in fact she is sending a message to the whole world, remember, we stood. and it is natural to expect this. they should be aware of the public opinion, especially islamic countries, of course , i think islamic nations know their duty well, mr. dr. kanane, pointing out that their presence is always a serious presence, but there is a serious criticism of some islamic countries claiming to support them. it means that the minimum expectation is that they are economic relations.
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we witnessed, so it seems that no matter how much this global wave is created in the world , they will be more encouraged and stand stronger . they do, and of course we actually put serious pressure on the group of islamic countries, both in the united nations and in the organization of islamic cooperation , and other countries that, for example , have revolutionary positions in latin america, mr. doctor, tell us what potentials there are, how much now it is active in the conviction of crime, where should it be strengthened , the level of their activity to nothing. the minimum payment is possible
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it is not acceptable, in any case, these countries are all members of the united nations, so at least they can hold an extraordinary summit of the countries that support palestine , the countries that are in favor of palestine in the political arena and against them, put pressure on the americans to name the american ambassador as the main supporter of the zionists. let's do a lot of this now that we don't have a relationship with america, and the countries that have it can put serious pressure both through public opinion and through the governments, which means at least political pressure, and i expect that they will actually provoke their economic relationship in the economic aspect and this for example, the situation in some of the countries in our region, they are helping to give oil to israel, it is not acceptable at all and their people naturally protest, so i think.
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i say that in fact, a more serious movement in the field of countries by the group of countries that support palestine and their supporters is a serious necessity, dr. dr. berjardi should take the discussion towards the tasks that should be done in front of condemning the crimes of the zionist regime, in addition to the movement of nations and governments. let's check what has been done and what hasn't been done, see what has been done in these 6, what level is acceptable, what potentials we have that we should activate more, especially in muslim countries, before the storm of al-aqsa , we were involved in a hybrid and combined war against the iranian nation and the resistance by america and zionism , but since the storm of al-aqsa, we entered into a hybrid offensive operation against the zionist regime. your excellency. and the voice and television
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are the messengers of the oppression of the palestinian nation. in my opinion, the most important part is the psychological war against zionism, which has now caused a wave of reverse margaret to happen inside the occupied territories. this is not a small task. i believe that on quds day, now tomorrow this is our march we must pass the stage of chanting , we must go beyond just chanting, and our people must contribute with all their strength, spiritually, media, and financially. if we don't wait and delay, they may not accept this excuse from us anymore, and we ask our government, especially our own government, to open the way
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and remove the obstacles if our people want to help. there are more possibilities to fight if we can. let's reach out to the palestinian people the government should provide this help. we should try to provide all kinds of help in this situation, which is very sensitive now. in this world and in the hereafter, this issue also requires people's pressure on their governments in different countries to at least close their embassies, cut ties with them , make economic boycotts, arab countries cut off their economic ties with the zionist regime, what the yemenis are doing and shahreg the economic vital of the zionists and the united states, england and france
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it seems to me that getting involved is a very important and valuable task. we must enter the action scene . that our second step on quds day is to pass the stage of slogans and go to the stage of action, mr. dr. bojardi, the cries that people will make very loud tomorrow in condemning the crimes of the zionist regime, whether in the islamic republic of iran or in other countries or in the days that we are in and the demonstrations that have been held, do you think that the governments that you mentioned, now if we are the western governments of america, france , england. let's separate the countries of the region that support the zionist regime, not indirectly maybe indirectly, behind their goals and accompaniments, you think how long these governments can endure these voices, these cries, these clenched fists, the pressure of the people is definitely
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effective . any amount which is actually the popular demand of the people that i am presenting. well, finally, in the countries that have elections, they have parliaments, they can at least in one move make requests to all the presidents of the islamic and international parliaments. in fact, organizations that for example, there are non-governmental organizations that have the capacity to be effective, because in any case, especially countries that have elections
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, they need people to vote for them. they are not willing to actually help the effect of the statement and i also believe in the point mentioned by mr. dr. kanani that we must have some operational moves . see also the small green for, for example, registration for example, to go to the region or for any other work , they are the applicants themselves, but in my opinion , we must expand the scope of the palestinian issue from the arab world to the islamic world and the entire world, just as the imam did, and we must provide this to the rest of the countries. islamic and this is actually
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finally becoming a significant level, it means that this work can actually be implemented in different ways and there is also an expectation that finally we have our own parliament that now we are finally a parliament in a sense and we have to go to the next period as well. it should be said that your presence will establish a continuous relationship with the leaders assemblies, because you look at them, unlike governments, assemblies are more open than them, that is, a summit to support palestine, for example, from the heads of islamic countries in asia , the region, even the arab countries of the persian gulf region . our dear ones in gaza and it is part of our revolutionary duty
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. it is really karbala and we are also under the threat of uprising abba abdullah al-hussein, just as we support the ideals and thoughts of the imam , who has a great position of leadership , we must take concrete steps to help the palestinian people. thank you very much , mr. dr. kanan moghadam. tomorrow's special news interview in the hope of a large presence of all of you in the procession of the quds day.
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we had a procession, sir, we didn't play for the anthem , we didn't send it to you, so go turn on your system , now i'm sending it to you guys, come, reza amir yusuf, iran, our soil is in love, our commander is god's soldier , our lord is god's door.
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o zainab, mention of the lips from qasim, i am a school itself, the morning of fatah qadh is also close, which is the secret of hajj qasim's night, i swear by god's promise, you are a commander , whoever asks. the first answer of fatah qudseh, fatah qudseh, the heart
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of the office servant, the story of what you are in the army, whoever asks , the first answer is tahh qasr. he went until he came back with his army of martyrs , he came back behind god's proof, he came back behind god's proof, the man knows that his photo is a map of iran, one of the defenders of the quran.
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you will cleanse israel, the heart of god's unity , the great palace and the chieftainship of whoever asks, the first answer is conquest of the holy place . the first answer is victory. we stand with israel.
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there are many children being massacred . really, every believing person or every real person really cares. those children are our own children. it doesn't matter if we
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are surrounded by the famous saying and they want any crime, not the possibility of help. it is being reported that they are being subjected to great injustice. be silent in front of this oppression that has been done to gaza. on friday, i will participate in the quds day march with my family and i invite all people to participate in this march to defend the oppressed people of palestine. the people of mabati, the last collective fast , the last collective fast, the tabakn company's march must show that muslims are not separate, they must
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be together, considering the situation this year and the crime of the zionist regime in gaza, i invite all the dignitaries who, god willing, in this on this great day , participate in this huge march. this year , the fabric of the islamic nation is stronger. let us all declare our disgust with the slogan of death to israel, death to zionism, death to america. let us show that we are all united against the criminal israel and its supporters. we are standing before the quds day we have that, god willing, all people will gather on this holy day. and they will create a big global coalition against israel killing children . they will definitely participate in the march to support palestinian children and women especially because of this recent incident.
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al-quds and akka, we are in jaffa in gaza, and we are in the heart of jinin al-wahed, from us, yizhar al-afa, lan, tazbal, fina, tin leaf. we are true to you and don't be afraid of our return. faith and certainty
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. la nasket lan nestlasm la la la la la la la nahfik lanhia, or palestine, palestine is a country, don't hurt it , spell it, la, la, la, la, la, you will stay in it, the day of palestine, or itina, the country, who will shine. you are our
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best friend, we are your children . let's not stay in it today the religion of palestine, la nas sala, nasti, live, or
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palestine, palestine, do not carry the wounds, he spelled, la, la, la, la , nabq fiha, the day of the birth of palestine. their flag is fake as well as their identity. their wish is to build a homeland for jews between two rivers. this is the meaning of the star of david between two continuous blue lines. their flag is fake as well as their identity. and sohyoun has shed blood in palestine to give meaning to this distant illusion. from the nile to the euphrates , they consider it their divine heritage, and they have forgotten that we are the servants of god, who
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entrusted the guarding of our borders even to himself. our lips are the remorse of the muslims, and we are the servants of a dear god, and dear means invincible.
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we experienced all these conditions and these are the least things we saw. in 1948, the zionist immigrants who had moved to palestine since the beginning of the 20th century. establishment of the fake regime. israel was officially declared. since then , there have been people in the position of president or prime minister of this regime
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whose ancestral home was not palestine and they came to this land from the four corners of the world.
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together with the world in support of the oppressed people of palestine. you are the narrator of our pictures in all cities. villages and nomadic areas of the country. for this, it is enough to send your pictures of the quds day procession in the form of a horizontal film to the mobile phone number 0912 148, 71 69 in the message of the internal media of ita, yes, soroush and rubika to broadcast the news network.
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there is no god except allah. i testify that there is no god but god. an enduring narrative.
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our agreement, peel's message, independence, freedom, the role of our lives, complex martyrs, in the ear of time, farid, maniande mani and jabadan, the islamic republic and this.
6:00 am
by inviting people to participate in the quds day march, the zionist regime described this day as a symbol of the world's solidarity with the palestinian people. he said: this solidarity will cause the destruction of the zionist regime and the freedom of the oppressed people of gaza. i have no doubt that this year's holy day is different from all the holy days of the past years because


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